Chapter 28

Living A Double Life
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It has been a week since you knew the existence of Im Hyunae. You had not hung out around B.A.P too even though you would always chat with them on the phone. They had been busy as well, following the plans of Minhyun so you were unable to meet them. To be honest, living the life of only Lee Saemi was refreshing and because Infinite was with you all the time in school, no one dares to bully you. It was like you were reborn. No fighting, no bullying. Just Infinite, B.A.P, Minhyun and L.

But you were bored. Fighting has always been your stress reliever and now you could not fight. Therefore, you had special permission from Minhyun that you could still join B.A.P in fights but you were not allowed to go on missions which involved the real deal.

“They are going to be so surprised when they see me.” You whistled to yourself when you got onto your bike. You put your hood down so you could wear the helmet and sped down to B.A.P’s house. On the way there, you passed by the usual park and saw a group of people fighting. Your mind immediately went to Sungjong and hoped it was not those people again and you felt relieved when it really was not them.

However, you realized that you had spoken too soon when you saw B.A.P there instead. The opponents were not the same people Sungjong fought but there were at least 25 of them while there were only 7 people in B.A.P. Needless to say, B.A.P was not losing as well. Yongguk easily took on 3 people at the same time while Daehyun did the same. The rest took on 2 people each while Hyunae was fighting with 1. You noticed she really does look like you with the hoodie and the mask.

Hopping off your bike, you walked nearer to the fight and saw an abandoned baseball bat beside the trash bin. You could have opted for a better weapon but beggars can’t be choosers. Everyone was so busy fighting that nobody noticed you. Looking at the situation, you realized that Hyunae was the one who needs help the most. She was in intel for so long and only moved to B.A.P for a month. There was no way she could come out of this situation unharmed. Hyunae was the first to notice you followed by the enemy.

“Duck.” You instructed and she immediately squatted down. Before the men could register why there were 2 masked member of B.A.P, you had already swung the bat and hit the man that was behind Hyunae. Without hesitation, you grabbed the bat with your right hand and swung it at the person beside you. He fell to the ground and you went to the next person. “It’s either you fight like you are going to die or get out. Fighting is not for weaklings.” You told her and went for another guy.

Hyunae clenched her fists tightly. She knows you were trying to be kind by giving her some advice but she had just started to join in fights. She is not a genius in fighting too. People can’t just expect her to start fighting like a pro. “Yes, sunbae.” She said before going after a guy.

You saw how hard working she was and smiled. *If it’s her then she would be an excellent replacement.* Like you told Minhyun, you would not oppose him so if he decided that she would be your replacement then so be it. But you have all rights to make sure that she would be the perfect replacement. The reputation of B.A.P could not go down to the drain just because of a third rate replacement.

You noticed a guy sneaking behind her and you punched the guy you were handling before going towards Hyunae. She did not even realize that there was someone there as she was too focused on the guy in front of her. You grabbed onto the guy’s shoulder and kicked the back of his knee, making him fall to the ground. Before you could hit him, someone hit your back and you felt pain shock through your body and you kneeled down due to the impact. “Sunbae!” Hyunae screamed in shock. She had her fair share of hits but she had never witness someone getting hit just to protect her.

You quickly got up on your feet and kicked the guy who dared hit you. Grabbing onto the baseball bat, you started whacking him with it until he was unconscious. You attacked the next person, ignoring the pain that was on your back. You have to quickly finish everyone because prolonging it will only make your injury worse. Hyunae looked at you in worry before running towards the nearest B.A.P member for help. She managed to get Youngjae but when the both of them reached where you were, the enemies were all on the floor while you were just standing there, the baseball bat resting on your shoulder. “Yo Youngjae.” You gav

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Any chance that this story will continue or idk to rewrite it? Because it is damn good and it would be a shame for it not to continue... :(
Chapter 1: guessing this is discontinued?
ChrisChen #3
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE :)
matoki-fan #4
Chapter 43: Please continue writing this story or I'll die !!!!!
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE!!! I really love this.
Chapter 43: I would like it if you update bcs THIS STORY IS AWESOMEEEEEEEE \>o</ I just read it Today and.. Finish it today also ㅋㅋㅋ that's how awesome it is^^
firzanaaina #7
Chapter 43: Yay, nxt update pls❤️❤️