Chapter 26

Living A Double Life
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It has been hours since you last went into Minhyun’s room and you have never stepped out of the room since then. Daehyun quietly entered the room and saw that Minhyun was still sleeping. He has never said it but he loves his father a lot. Although Minhyun hardly paid any attention to him when he was young, he still loves Minhyun because that was his father. Daehyun then noticed that you were sitting on a chair beside the bed and you were sleeping. Out of everyone in B.A.P, Daehyun was the one who knows you the best because he was your best friend even before he knew you were his sister. You always have a sharp tongue but your heart was softer than anyone’s.

Daehyun took another chair and placed it beside yours. Sitting down, he made himself comfortable before making your head lean on his shoulder so you could sleep better. He could bring you to another room but he knew you wanted to be there when Minhyun woke up. Daehyun closed his eyes to get some rest as well.

It was not for another few minutes until he heard some shuffling and he opened his eyes. “Appa!” He softly exclaimed when he saw that Minhyun finally opened his eyes. Minhyun had been sleeping ever since he fainted yesterday.

Minhyun’s head turn to his left to see who had called him. His eyes landed on Daehyun first and he gave his son a small smile. Noticing someone was lying on Daehyun’s shoulder, his eyes trailed to the owner and shock was evident on his face when he saw who it was. “Saemi.” He whispered and tried to get up. A bodyguard was immediately by his side and he helped Minhyun up. Daehyun wanted to help his father but he was afraid that his actions might wake you up.

“How are you feeling?” Daehyun asked but Minhyun’s attention was on you instead.

“How did you manage to persuade her?” He asked back. Daehyun let out a small sigh and told Minhyun that he told you that it was because he fainted, that is why you came here. “All it did was for me to faint, huh? I guess I should have done that earlier.” He joked.

“It was also she was finally able to face the truth or she would not even have answered my call.” Daehyun said and Minhyun nodded. “Appa, what exactly happened? All you did was told me was that she is my sister and I have to protect her but exactly did happened?”

Minhyun sighed and leaned on the headboard. “I will explain everything but not until Saemi’s awake. She needs to know the truth too.”

The both of them sat in silence while the doctor checked on Minhyun’s vitals. You suddenly sat up and everyone looked at you. Stifling a yawn, you stretched your body and rubbed your tired eyes, not aware that they were staring at you. Finally opening your eyes, you realized that you were the center of attraction and blushed a little. You quickly smoothed your hair down and your eyes flickered to Minhyun. “You’re awake!” You climbed onto the bed like a child and hugged him tightly.

Daehyun and the doctor chuckled at your actions and Minhyun smiled, hugging you back. He the back of your head. “Are you ready for the truth, Saemi-ah?” He asked and you pulled away. You nodded and went back to the chair. Minhyun lifted his hand and the bodyguards and doctor bowed before leaving the room.

“This story goes back to over 20 years. As all of you known, Kim Namjoon and I used to be friends. We were truly the best of friends that no one could separate. We trusted each other like brothers and had each other’s back. We even made a pact that our children would marry each other. Daehyun was the first to born and the Kims hoped for a daughter but L was born instead. Therefore Daehyun and L were sworn brothers. A year later, your mother, Sunmi, gave birth to Saemi and therefore, L and you were engaged since birth because it was a pact that we made.

However, another year later, I found out that Namjoon was actually in love with Sunmi all these while and he even wanted to kidnap Sunmi and Saemi just so he can live with them. He wanted Saemi too because you were the offspring of Sunmi. That guy was crazy and that was when I made a decision. As much as I hated to do it, I made Sunmi go into hiding. We separated and she took Saemi with her. We had to have as little contact as we could so Namjoon would not find her. Although I could not be there to protect Sunmi, I’ve always had someone watching over her so nothing will happen to he

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Any chance that this story will continue or idk to rewrite it? Because it is damn good and it would be a shame for it not to continue... :(
Chapter 1: guessing this is discontinued?
ChrisChen #3
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE :)
matoki-fan #4
Chapter 43: Please continue writing this story or I'll die !!!!!
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE!!! I really love this.
Chapter 43: I would like it if you update bcs THIS STORY IS AWESOMEEEEEEEE \>o</ I just read it Today and.. Finish it today also ㅋㅋㅋ that's how awesome it is^^
firzanaaina #7
Chapter 43: Yay, nxt update pls❤️❤️