Chapter 21

Living A Double Life
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"Are you sure you do not want to go to school today?" L asked you and you shook your head. The rest of Infinite were already on their way to school and Sungjong was patiently waiting in the living room for you. "You know Infinite would be able to protect you from B.A.P, right?" 

"I know but I really do not want to attend school today. I'll be fine. Go." You said as you packed the bed. You once told yourself that you have to go to school everyday but for now, you just want to stay here where B.A.P cannot find you. You were not ready to face the truth. At least not yet.

L wanted to know why, especially now that you are his girlfriend. He wants you to confine in him, to tell him what is on your mind because that is what a couple does. But he knows that if he were to do that, he would be pushing you and he does not want that. In the worst scenario, you might even run away because he is suffocating you.

"Alright. But please call me if anything happens to you." He squeezed your hand before heading out of the house with Sungjong. 

The moment they left the house, you changed into one of L's long sleeved shirt and wore a 3-quarter pants. You had no clothes with you and the only clothes you could borrow are from them. You could ask them to buy some for you but you did not want to bother them. And you did not trust their fashion sense, BTS included. Grabbing onto one of L's cap, you wore it and left the house.

Taehyung and J-Hope were already outside waiting for you. "Ri." J-hope gave you a side hug while Taehyung patted your head like you were younger than him when he was the younger one. "Shall we go?" He asked and you nodded.

The three of you went down to the first floor and went into J-Hope's car, speeding down to your apartment.

"Dammit." You heard Taehyung cursed and you stirred awake from your nap.
Rubbing your stiff neck with a groan, you sleepily looked at him. "What's wrong?" Looking around, you saw nothing out of the ordinary, except for a familiar looking black car that was parked opposite. Before Taehyung could reply you, you already knew why he cursed and you copied his actions.

Both men looked at you, waiting for your instructions as you let out a frustrated sigh. It was only 8am so why the hell are they not in school? "Whatever, let's just go in." You got out of the car and they followed suit. 

When you reached your apartment, you heard no movements inside so you predicated that they were either asleep or not inside at all. You wanted to sink into denial that the car did not belong to SilverFalcon because you know only the members of SilverFalcon gets to have the special bulletproof car that they themselves made. Not to mention that the car belongs to B.A.P and you knew it because of the silver masked rabbit near the door handle.

You looked at J-Hope and Taehyung and they nodded, assuring you that they are on your side even if the ones in your house happens to be in the same organization as them. If need be, they will hurt them just to protect you. You opened the door and silence greeted the three of you but you saw 2 different pairs of shoes there and you knew who was at home.
"Maybe you should just head down and we will grab your stuff." J-Hope suggested. It was not a bad idea, except that they will need to go through your bras and . Besides, you need to grab your books as well and they did not know which materials to take.

"It's fine. I'll take the books while you guys go for the clothes." You told them and the three of you went into your room. The first thing that you saw was Daehyun and Zelo on your bed, sleeping. You have no idea how long they have been staying here but you guessed that they were here ever since you found out the truth.

Your eyes softened when you saw how tired Daehyun looks. He was a little pale compared to normal and he had dark circles beneath his eyes. He was frowning in his sleep, as if he could not even have some peace while sleeping. You felt a pang of guilt and took a step closer to him. J-Hope and Taehyung let you be while they took your clothes.

"Why must our fate be like this? If only we are just friends then nothing would have happened. We would sti

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Any chance that this story will continue or idk to rewrite it? Because it is damn good and it would be a shame for it not to continue... :(
Chapter 1: guessing this is discontinued?
ChrisChen #3
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE :)
matoki-fan #4
Chapter 43: Please continue writing this story or I'll die !!!!!
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE!!! I really love this.
Chapter 43: I would like it if you update bcs THIS STORY IS AWESOMEEEEEEEE \>o</ I just read it Today and.. Finish it today also ㅋㅋㅋ that's how awesome it is^^
firzanaaina #7
Chapter 43: Yay, nxt update pls❤️❤️