Chapter 10

Living A Double Life
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"You should hang out with us after school." Dongwoo invited you and you politely rejected his invitation but he kept pestering you, saying how it is just a simple gathering with Infinite and you to get to know each other. You were a bit reluctant because you would never know what they might do to you once you are alone with them but agreed to it in the end.  


However, the moment the bell rang to indicate the end of school, you ditched all thoughts of going out with Infinite. You tried to escape by hoping no one will see you but bumped into Woohyun on the way out. "Where do you think you are going?" He smirked and you pouted. The both of you waited for the rest of Infinite to come out and L's eyes widened when he saw you there. He never expected that you would hang out with them after school because you seemed like someone who only keeps to herself. 


"Where are we going?" Sungjong asked Sunggyu. 


"How about the arcade?" Sungyeol suggested and they agreed. They happily went to the nearest arcade while you quietly tagged along. L saw you looking at your surroundings without much interest and he slowed down his pace bit by bit so no one will notice his weird actions.


Within seconds, he was walking beside you and you felt his presence. "Are you bored?" L asked you and you looked at him.


You were indeed bored because Infinite was talking among themselves but it would be rude to say so. Besides, Infinite might stop asking you to hang out with them when they realised you are bored and you could not afford that. "I'm fine."


"How's your wrist?" He nodded towards your injured hand.


"It's getting better. Thank you." You gave him a small smile. He tried not to smile back but failed when he realised he was the one who made you smile. L has been observing you since the first day of school and he realised that you hardly smiled. It was like there was nothing happy in your life for you to be smiling.


Everyone split ways when they reached the arcade, each playing their favourite game. You walked around and saw many different machines. Just then, one caught your eye. It was a game where you have to shoot zombies. You have to shoot as many zombies as possible within 2 minutes and the score consist of how many zombies you shot and how much health you have left. The more zombies you kill, the more the zombies will appear. However, you just went away and looked at something else. You tried to shoot before with B.A.P while playing paint bomb and you always win because your accuracy is really high and you usually 'kill' them with one shot. 


"Hey! Wanna challenge me with this?" Sungyeol came to you and dragged you to a 'Whack-A-Mole' machine. You shrugged and he put in the money. The moles appeared and Sungyeol tried to whack as many as possible. Sungjong, who was walking past, saw Sungyeol hitting the moles and cheered him on. After 1 minute, he saw the score and it was 121. "Woohoo! I'm so gonna own you!" Sungyeol pointed at you.


L saw the commotion and soon Infinite gathered at the machine. You wanted to pick the hammer up but L gently grabbed onto your wrist. “Are you sure? Your wrist is still injured.” Just then, everyone noticed your injury and wanted to stop you when you held the hammer in your left hand.


“It’s alright. I can play with my left hand. Besides, what’s the point of coming here if I am not going to play anything?” You shrugged your shoulders like it was nothing. Infinite reluctantly agreed. If you say you are alright then they will trust you because you know your body the best.


Sungyeol inserted the coin and the moles started appearing. You swiftly hit the moles. You actually did not want to play anything because once you do, you get carried away and will always do your best. You were afraid that Infinite might see that you are different from others. After a minute, the score showed up and Infinite looked at you in shock. "Oh my God. She got a perfect score of 200." Hoya commented. You looked at Sungyeol who was looking at you in disbelief. 


You gave him a peace sign and were about to walk off when he grabbed onto your arm. "I challenge you to another game!" He said. 


"Suit yourself." You told him. He dragged you to another machine and you saw it was the zombie game you wanted to play. 


"I'm so going to own you in this one! Girls can't shoot and are afraid of zombies!" He commented and inserted the money. 


"Sungyeol's a pro at this game. Are you sure you want to challenge him?" Sunggyu asked you. 


"He's the one who challenged me. Besides, it's just a game." You told him.


"Whatever the case is, I hope you will win. That way Sungyeol hyung will stop boasting." Sungjong crossed his arms over his chest. 


"Ah hah! Beat that!" Sungyeol shouted and you saw that his score was 1284 points. 


"Sungyeol, if I win you, you got to treat everyone to ice cream, okay?" You innocently asked and he agreed, saying you will never beat him. He inserted the money for you and you picked up the gun. You suddenly smirked and glared at the screen in front of you. The zombies came out and you shot each and everyone of them in the head. People crowded around to see you play and gossip when they saw how good a girl is at this game. 


"Yes ice cream!" Woohyun shouted in delight when they saw your score. You smiled and put the gun down. 


"No way! How the hell did you beat me? I'm a pro at this game

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Any chance that this story will continue or idk to rewrite it? Because it is damn good and it would be a shame for it not to continue... :(
Chapter 1: guessing this is discontinued?
ChrisChen #3
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE :)
matoki-fan #4
Chapter 43: Please continue writing this story or I'll die !!!!!
Chapter 43: PLEASE UPDATE!!! I really love this.
Chapter 43: I would like it if you update bcs THIS STORY IS AWESOMEEEEEEEE \>o</ I just read it Today and.. Finish it today also ㅋㅋㅋ that's how awesome it is^^
firzanaaina #7
Chapter 43: Yay, nxt update pls❤️❤️