You are mine!

Love me not ?


Sungmin's POV 
Eunhyuk kiss my cheek while I am saying.My heart beats faster and faster.."Yah!! EunHyuk!." I yelled..He doesn't care my refusion..he hold my head with his hand..and put his lips on mine..I think I am crazy ...I can't move my body ..just let him kiss sweet..he move away his lips from me, whispered to my ears "Minnie..It is too late to say NO to me, because I am so in love with you.." he said softly..
"Eh.." my heart is beating..He is so gentle when he kiss me..He makes my body hot..Why he treat me that way? He said he started love me when we were young....I can't fall in love with a guy..! I push EunHyuk away..I wipe my lips with my hand and stare at him.." Stop fooling around, Babo!!" I yelled..He fell down on the floor again..I just hate this..hate that I love him..
EunHyuk's POV
"Stop Fooling around, Babo!!" sungmin yelled at me..He really don't like that I kiss..I think I am so harsh to him..It's time to make this story into hilarious one..I just get up and giggling .."Kekeke..Yah..I just kidding.! Why are you angry.?" I started laughing at him. He stared at me..Seems he is really angry..He walked away from me..without saying anything..I feel down..I have to go home too..It is 9:30 pm.. I grab my school bag and start my steps to stairs.." HwaaaaaaHHH!"  > o < ....*BANG*........ X . X I fall down from the stairs..every steps ..I slipped and fall down like a crazy guy..! ! WHY ALL IS HAPPENING TO ME!! TT . TT
Uh...I can see something while I am lying down on the floor..It is a school ID card..I take it..and so curious why someone left this card..So I read the name..O . O " Lee Dong Hae " "Senior 2nd Year" "Room-2-D"..etc..Is it a bullies leader's name card???  Oh..well, I have to give him back later. 
I walk over the school compound..passed the school gate, then I shocked.."Omo.." It is Sungmin..He hasn't gone home yet, seems so angry, he looked at me.."Min Minnie ah, you scared me!" I yelled..He walks toward me..He walks closer to me ..we are almost touch our body..especially face.."EunHyuk ! " he called me.."Wh ..What?" I shivered.."He kiss my cheek " ~Chu~ O . O..."Eh.." I shocked..He move his body away from me and said " Eunhyuk,I was thinking about what you said..We are not friends anymore.." he yelled..My eyes are wide..and don't understand at all.."WHAT?" he walked away from me..I was left behind..I touch my cheek that he kiss me.."Aisshhii! That stupid clumsy bunny! YAHH!! " I screamed ..Wait a minute.he said.we are not friends anymore and he kiss me? That means O __ O MINNIE LOVE ME!!! "AHhaHAhahaHAH!! WOOHOO!!" I jump higher and higher. Minnie is my BOYfriend now!!
Sungmin's POV
I kissed his cheek..I love him..We were so close since childhood.I don't want to destroy our relationship. I can't live without him..He needs me and I need him..What if I give a chance to him..Yeah..That's it. "Eunhyuk..I was thinking about what you said.." he keep listening .." We are not friends anymore!" I yelled at him..I felt embarrassing.."WHAT" he screamed..I ran away from him after he ask me questions..He was left behind..I hope he would understand what I meant..I smiled..
Next morning
DongHae's POV
Urghh..I want to sleep more..Useless sun..rising already..I get up late as usual..It is 8:50 AM..I don't care that I am late for school. I just pick up my school bag and leave from my house..My cousin "KyuHyun" must be at school now..He is a silent guy,rare to hang around with him. I don't like his style. I go to school in my dad's car. I put my earphone in my ears and wondering around the city that we pass by. I arrive at school . The school gate is already close.I don't have a problem with that. I whistling while go toward the school gate.
Unfortunately, there is a school ruler sitting beside the gate house.."Well, Lee Dong Hae, You late again? As Usual?" he pranked..I hate that old man.." What makes you late for school? Watching videos at night?" he asked me.." Adjushii, I don't have time to hang around with you, Just let me pass.." I ignored what he said..He block my way.."Aishhii, What now?" I mocked. " Give me your School ID card, I have to put you on a list.." he put his hand towards me. What the hell..that old guy is annoying.." You want to get into the school ,right?" he said."What are you staring at, you moron..Hang it over!" he yelled at me.."Arrasso.." I yelled him back..I look into my school bag and find my ID card...Wha..Where is that stupid card..I can't find it..I pull out everything from my bag and there is no ID card.
"!!" I cursed. "Well? " the old man asked me..I pointed my bag and said " As you see, Adjusshii, My Id card is gone! " . That old man hit my head with his ruler.." You little moron, you are really careless and useless thing , Arraso??" he scolded me. "Adjushhii!!!" I screamed.."JUST LET ME PASS" I shouted..He looking at me ..I staring at him..I really going to kill that old man.."Ahem..I let you go this time, you better find your ID card right now or you are in big trouble!!" he cussed me.."Hah, finally" I gigglied..I got into the school and went into my classroom.
Where did I lost my ID cart anyway..Uh..Oh..
(Flash Back to last night > 9:13 PM >)
 I stole the old room's key from the school's president room..then open the locked room..behind me , it was "Jessica Jang"..I met that chick today..She looks hot.She also like my style.We were decided to make out tonight. So silence , I have never been to this old room before, of course it is forbidden room, who cares I need . We went into the room , I try to touch switches but it still dark though.
"Oppa, this place is creepy" Jessica shivered ..and hold my arms around. I gigglied " Don't worry, baby..I'll protect you.." I pad her soft long hair..We were get closer after conversation. We kissed, cuddled and touched inside the dark room. Jessica unbottoned my shirt, we were having a fun tonight.."Oppa.." she moaned..Damn cute..she closed her eyes , rubbing her hibs with my younger.I knew she want me. I took her shirt and a bra that she wore..I touch her lower softly, tried to take off her too. 
She wanted me badly, she pushed me against the wall and took off my belt on my waist. My pants are off from my body and ready to have with chick. "Oppa, take me" she moaned and gigglied..I keep teasing her with lips .I kiss around her s..I feel so hot..It's time to be a man! I was so pleased. I grabbed her tights upon my legs then start to put my younger into her.
Suddenly * DING * .." Sungmin , look, the door is opened,! " I heard someone yelling..",We can't busted . We are having a good time..but we were shock and don't know what to do..Jessica was totally scared..we put our clothes on, and try to escape from here. I wore my trousers hurriedly and then I realize I forgot to put my underpants. Aisshhi, this place is so dark and can't see anything. "oppa.." jessica whispered ..I cover my hand on . Two strangers walked toward to the bookshelf that we were hiding. 
" Kyaaaaaaaaaa" "ARGHHHH! MICE!! " the strangers screamed. "Kyaaaaa" a voice coming behind me, it was Jessica , she grabbed my arms tightly. "Aishhi, you are so annoying , let me go.." I whispered and put my arms off from her. "But, I'm scared mice!" she complained and grabbed my arms again. "Yah, I am trying to get out of here! You are not helping,!!" I whispered. I left Jessica and run to the doors. * DONT DONT DONT * , the floor is so old , it is cracking. I kept running to the door . I made it , I was outside of the room. I take my bag from my student locker, suddenly "ARGGGHHHHHH!, GHOST" someone was yelling from the room, ghost ? 0 . 0 " KYAAAA" I screamed and put my force on my legs , try to run farther from the school. 
(Flash back to the present time)
I took off my shirt while we were sharing love..OH! NO! Damn ^&*&*&$# ! What it my ID card in 
that room ?? I squeeze my hair with my hand. "AISHHI!" I angried. When I got to 3rd floor, students 
are crowded. Why are so many students gathering around? " Omo, the forbiddened door was opened. 
who open that door?" everyone bubbling. Uh.Oh, Maybe I can't involve here. I retarder my steps , 
turn around and walk away. I go downstairs and find a way to pass that crowding . 
"OPPPA!!" a girl called over me. Sounds scary. I know, I know, It's Jessic! I left her in that room and 
run for it myself. I stopped my steps and just stand there ..Jessica comes toward me and yelled " 
I don't look her in the face, looking at the floor and said " Sorry". She start beating my chest with her 
fist.."You are so cruel!!, How could you do this to me!" she cried. I catch her hands and throw her 
hands away from me "Yah! I said SORRY!" I shouted, she stared at me for a while.I ask her to break 
the silence "You weren't catch , right?" I asked. She really angry . " You know what I was really in 
trouble last night? , Yeah, I didn't catch by security but how ? How could you?" she cried loudly. I 
look around if someone is listening our talk..and I look at her and warned her " Do you want to dead? 
Keep your voice down! Arraso?" She doesn't say a word and her eyes are did she cry a lot.?
I close to her ears and whispered " I don't want you to see again, I don't want to be in trouble with 
little prob." said. Suddenly she slap me in the face, I knew it is going to happen. I make her angry 
and she won't see me anymore.
"You are so cruel and evil!" she cussed me. I smiled and said " Of course, I am a bully , Duh? What are you going to do about it?" " Study hard, girl" I warned her, and pass over her. She left behind and stood there ..
Sungmin's POV 
I had a very nice sleep last night. I am really excited to go to school. I told that I love him in other 
words. My feelings are so choas now. I am so excited to see my Hyukkie. Wha..How did I call him.. 
"Hyukkie". ....O . O.....I prepare to go to school . I put my uniforms on and grab my school bag, I 
ate a toast for breakfast. I went downstairs, leave the dorm that I live. My family stays in Busan. * 
Cling Cling Cling * I heard a bell ringing from the main door. I take a look who is there. No other than 
He is grabbing his bike and waiting for my coming . "Oh, EunHyuk ah.." I surprised. He always pick 
me up if he wakes up early..sometimes..He is a big sleeper. "Minnie ah" he comes to me. " Yah, you are really.." I mocked him.. He grab my shoulders and kiss my cheek.."CHU"~  Good, he is so happy 
..I can imagine that. " Aisshi..EunHyuk ah, stop overacting !" I blashed . " Why? I am your boyfriend now.!" he said smiely. " Are you so happy about it?" I mocked him again. " Haha.." he gigglied. " 
Yah, let's go..we will be late for school." I warned him. We go to school by bike ..I hold Hyukkie's 
waist tightly..He really like it. 
I can't tell what our relationship is going to happen. Finally, we are arrive to school. Hyukkie park his bike at parking lot. I wait for him .We walk into the school dorm , before reaching to the school 
lockers, he hold my hand into his hand. I look at him..he ask softly to me " Minnie, if it's okay how 
about we announce our relationship to other?" " mean official ? I don't know, Hyukkie..." I 
said.." What? did you call my name?" he yelled . Oops..I call him "Hyukkie"..Aisshii..It is 
embarrassing! " Eh..Umm.." I mumbled. " Hyukkie" I call him. His mouth is much wider than ever. " 
Minnie!!" he shouted and hug me tightly . Students are watching us..Aisshii..totally embarrassing..I 
don't know what to do.." Yah, let go..!" I told Hyukkie. He doesn't let me go > . < Boys and girls are 
gathering around us and suprising with O . O ?? 
Suddenly Hyukkie face to the students and announce " Everyone !! Minnie is my BOYFRIEND now!! He 
just call my name "Hyukkie!" Please take care of him !!" . " Wha.." everyone yelled.. Some are 
looking us with disgusting look, some are applausing, some are giggling to us, most are applausing. 
Hyukkie is so happy about it. But I am not, I am really embarrassing.
I try to stop Hyukkie bubbling about us..But he doesn't care.he grab me in his chest and keeping "Please take care of him, he is my boyfriend!" I just keep my head down ,so shameless. I'll kill Hyukkie later!! Not for long.."WHAT ARE U KIDS DOING ?? GO TO YOUR CLASS!!" someone shouted and hitting his ruler to the wall. Everyone are frightened and ran into their rooms..We also intend to run but " YOU TWO!" teacher yelled at us. We freeze..and standinh like a rock..don't even breathe. It's History Teacher! Aaisshi..he is so bubbling when teaching History..We are in trouble.
EunHyuk's POV
I really out of control, Minnie pitch my waist many times , it hurts though but keep bubbling ..Everyone is looking at me " with What's with those guys?" faces. "WHAT ARE U KIDS DOING? GO TO YOUR CLASS!!"  someone shouted and hitting his ruler to the wall..I was shocked. I shut my mouth quickly and try to run into our room. "YOU TWO" someone yelled at us. Blast it! It is the History teacher! He would ask many question about us. I hate history! >.< 
" Is that true?" he asked. " Ne? " we both exclaimed...He hit me with his ruler.."Tagg" "Yah! Lee EunHyuk! why are you fooling around, Huh? you never study hard ! Never pay attention to teachers' teaching..Yah, you are going to fail at did you pass 1st year? And what now? Boyfriend? Huh? Are you a gay? Why are you interruping an outstanding boy like Sungmin, Yah stop dreaming and keep study , Arraso?" he keep nagging me..>.<  I don't even open my mouth in front of him.." Hey, I am asking you questions! Why aren't you answer, huh? You little stupid.." he yelled and raise his ruler on the air ..Oh no! he is going to beat me..I close my eyes.." Teacher! No! " Minnie yelled ..O . O
"Teacher, No!" Minnie yelled and he cover my head..avoiding the ruler..That teacher really surprised.." Wha..what.." he shivered..I hiding behind Minnie's body..Minnie is good with teacher..Maybe he can handle him.." Teacher, please don't hit him..there must be misunderstanding.." he pleaded. That teacher listen Minnie's words.." Sungmin, is that true that you both are lov..lovers?"  he pointed to me with his ruler and asking Minnie. Minnie nodded his head and admitting that we are couples. "Ne..we are loving each other!" he answered back bravely. Way to go , Minnie ! ! ^ __ ^
"Wh..wha..Sungmin , why you little.." that teacher start beating Minnie.." Ah! Ah!" Minnie cried.." I thought you are a good boy and studying you are turning to the gays' environment?? Yah! If your family knew..they would cry for sure" he scolded..WHAT the Mother F***K! " TEACHER, What are you doing!!" I yelled . I cover Minnie in my hands.. " You two must beated for sure! Take that! Take that!" he keep hitting us.." Teacher!! Why are you beating the unguilty student!? Minnie is a good boy!! If you want to beat, beat me instead!! Stop beating Minnie!" I complained.." Yah! Hyukkie!! Why are you yelling to teacher??" sungmin also shouted! 
Our voice are so loud at all..all the students are looking to us from the window pane also other teachers. " What? Hyukkie? Minnie?? " teacher keep hitting.. " What's the problem with that?? We can't fall in love because both are boys?? " I keep shouting and complaing.." Taag ttanng" " Ouch.." Teacher is so stubborn..he is trying to get rid of our thoughts ..
Other teachers get out of the classroom and grab history teacher's both hands to stop beating.." Wha..Let me go..I must beat them!" keep shouting..We stand up and I yelled " Yes, that's true ..we are in love!! No one can take it away!! I love lee sungmin!! I love lee sungmin!!" I raise my both hands above my head.."Yah!! You are so dead, lee eunhyuk!!" teacher cussed me..Sungmin can't say a word anymore..he seems going to cry..I hug him agian and kiss his cheek..~ Chu~ "It's okay, minnie! You are mine!" I whispered into his ear. I don't care the atmosphere around us..I just kissing my cute bunny .. "You are mine!"
Yay!! Chapter 2 is end now :) I hope you guys like it..
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Indyie7 #1
waaaay~!! you update~!! I really like this fic *---* I hope u can update soon ^^
bonchan #2
Chapter 22: Omo sihae ^^. Donghae should give siwon a change xD. And please a cute romantic moment between hyukmin please >___<
Chapter 22: wahhhhhhhh so happy you can update,thank you
Good luck dear!!!!
ecikurcaci #4
Chapter 22: finlly our update..
thanks for update..
wish u luck for ur tutorial. ^^
Chapter 21: woahhhhhh after long time welcome back. so happy you update this again really miss this story,so i hope you will update this again soon. Gomawooo!!^^
Chapter 20: OMO i love it!! <3
can't wait for the next chapter ^^
I can't wait for next chapter...