Special Chapter 1- Baekhyun's worries

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(A/N) Hey guys! Yes, your eyes aren't tricking you. I actually updated even though the story is finished! Thanks to  beloved_yulvhie's great suggestion of writing special chapters instead of writing a sequel, I decided to take that suggestion to please you guys~ I mean you guys are really amazing. 239 subbies AND 30 upvotes? Wow, I'm really touched, but I kind of wished i had the same love for my new fics too. Haha, but seriously thanks a lot you guys, i really appreaciate it ^^


So there will probably 2-3 more special chapters, telling little stories of the SuBaek couple. I really at special chapters so please bear with me ^^~



Baekhyun’s POV


Su Kyung.


That’s the name of the girl I love. There’s not a day where I don’t think of her and there’s not a day that I do not fall in love with her weird personality all over again. Personally I think we’re perfect for each other. Ok ok sure, we do get into fights a lot but they’re only minor and trivial matters like how come she doesn’t get to drive my baby (my car) and why I always get defensive when she says my hair looks like bacon.


Nothing big.


Su Kyung is still attending the Music branch of the school and I’m still in the business so we don’t see each other during school hours, but after school is a different story. Like a loyal boyfriend, every week day, I wait outside her school and we would hang out from there whether it’s going to the library to study together, get some ice cream, go to the park, etc. We don’t waste a second of our time together and each second is filled with humor and love. That’s what I love about her. She isn’t as clingy as the other girls and she understands me.


As you readers know, my mom absolutely adores Su Kyung. She probably even prefers her over me. Yeah, great parently love right? So whenever she hears that I’m hanging out with my girlfriend, she insists that I bring her over for dinner. And since Su Kyung has her own family including her brother, they also have to sometimes come over to our house. I’ve met her parents. They’re normal unlike mine. But the only thing that bothers me is the looks that Sehun sometimes gives me when I’m too close to his sister. Yep, that’s the overprotective brother right there.


The woman and I still manage to work the kinks and flaws out of our relationship never less. We can’t really stay mad at each other forever, you know. We’re just that perfect. It’s hard to believe that we got together despite our different and clashing personalities. When I first saw her, I would’ve never thought that she would be the person I would fall in love with. If I hadn’t met Su Kyung, I would still be madly infatuated with Ji Eun.


We get along pretty well for a couple actually. Personally I don’t think we’re like those mushy mushy couples that always tease and flirt with each other but according to Chanyeol and the guys, apparently we are. Su Kyung even admitted it, but it didn’t seem like such a big deal for her. Honestly for me, it kind of bugs me. I’ve always detested cheesy and gushy couples so wasn’t this the same thing that I hated?


Chanyeol said that I was being ridiculous when I talked to him about this. He said that I was overthinking it and that Su Kyung and I were fine. He even said that Ji Eun and him acted the same way as well. Though it was meant to calm myself, I still was a bit unsure, but I decided to shrug it off. As long as Su Kyung and I were happy, there’s nothing that I should worry about.


Well then something did happen.


Su Kyung has been acting strangely lately. She seems worried and always asks me weird questions. No, she was not on her period. I think I would know when she was having her period. I take note of when she gets her period so I can expect it. Don’t judge me. It’s for my own safely. But anyways, she’s been acting weird and she seems a bit angry or irritated when she’s with me. I think I did something wrong again.



“Really Bacon? You don’t know how to answer this question?” She laughed, teasing me while I just sat there like a fool, scowling. I wanted to scold her but I had to be quiet. Currently, she was still tutoring me in math which is my worst subject, but ever since she started to tutor me, I’ve been slowly getting better and better.


“No, I don’t know how to answer this question.” I mimicked her voice. “Geez just teach me so we can get this over with already.” I whined and she just patted my head like a puppy.


“Fine, fine. We’ll do it your way.” She patted my Bacon hair and began to work out the problem. I tried to focus, I really did. But it’s not easy to do so when your girlfriend is the one teaching. If it was Suho or any of the guys, I would’ve just stayed focused and not minded anything. But with Su Kyung, I do have to mind everything especially since my girl is so beautiful.


I stared at her eyes. They were flickering across the paper as she continued to teach, unaware that I wasn’t really paying attention. That’s another reason why I love Su Kyung. She’s so natural and not fake. I like her best when she doesn’t wear makeup like right now. Her eyelashes are really long so they make her eyes look even bigger. She has these cute little aegyo bags under her eyes which makes her eyes smiles even more perfect.


Then my eyes trailed down to her nose. I think that’s the cutest thing about her: her nose. I mean it’s so small and cute and perfect. It fit her face just perfectly. Then I looked even further down to . They were moving at an incredible speed as she was probably spitting out some weird mathematical terms that I had no idea what they meant. But her lips were so plump and pink. It took me all my willpower not to just kiss her and stop her from tutoring. I’m just too obsessed with Su Kyung. She’s just like my drug.


“Bacon, can you please stop staring at me and listen to me for once?”


I snapped out of my trance and found her slightly glaring at me with an irritated expression. I awkwardly laughed upon being caught and smiled.


“But you’re so pretty~” I tried to smooth talk my way out of this, but I knew it wouldn’t work on her.


“Thank you but you need to focus. How can you ace your final if you don’t even pay attention to a word I say and stare at me instead?” She continued to lecture me and I rolled my eyes.


“Come on babe. It’s almost our last year in college. Just cut loose a bit.”


Bad choice of words. This seemed to make her even more aggravated. “Fine! Don’t listen to me! Just know when it comes to the final, you’re probably gonna struggle with your algebra portion all because you didn’t listen to me! So be it, Bacon. Hmph!” With that, she grabbed her bag and stood up, leaving.


“W-Wait!” I struggled to stuff all my book and papers in my bag and ran off after her, ignoring the librarian’s hushes as well as the other people in there. I finally spotted her walking off not too far from the entrance of the library.


“Su Kyung! Hold on!” I finally caught up to her and pulled gently on her arm. She refused to face me. “Babe, what wrong? Why are you so upset?”


When she finally did face me, she sighed, looking stressed and worried. “It’s nothing Baekhyun. I’ve just felt a little bit stressed and tired since finals are coming up soon. I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier. I think I’m just a bit too pressured about school lately.


Her words made me soften as I patted her hair. “I’m sorry too for not paying attention and focusing. I know you’re doing your best to try to tutor me and I appreciate it. I really do. I’m just let’s say… a bit too love sick when you’re around.”


My words seemed to do the trick as she finally cracked a smile and hugged me. I didn’t waste a second to hug her back. “Thanks Bacon. You always know the right words to say, you smooth talker.” I laughed a bit at her words and waited until we broke the hug.


“Now how about some ice cream to turn that frown upside down?” I offered and held out my hand. It seemed that she was debating a bit in her mind before she finally took my hand and nodded, saying that she would love to.


The walk to our ice cream shop was s

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Chapter 49: Wow this story is amazing. i love it
Chapter 44: I really thought it's Baekhyun and Su Kyung's wedding. Hahaha......... ^_^
Chapter 27: I really don't believe in love at first sight. I find Woohyun's feelings here ridiculous. OOppppsss!.... Sorry. It's just that it's too soon for him. Hahaha..... Gonna finish this.
dinochenni #4
Chapter 37: I love it when sehun and baek have the "talk"hahahaha they should've include GD too...finally I'm so happy for subaek!!
Chapter 48: It's really cute and sweet and awesome ughh i love it!! I'm happy too if they're happy. But, ah, i wanna know the baby, it would be nice if they have twins baby, a girl and a boy :D
shinnqqq #6
Chapter 48: Jjang jjang jjang. A few errors, but nah the story is good enough to cover them. BACON and PUPPY will forever be remembered.
Chapter 8: If Su Kyung is born 2/14, older than both Sehun and Kai and even Tao but Chanyeol is her oppa... That would make her birthdate 2/14/93?
Chapter 48: Ouhmee~ this story is so good! I really like it. Kyaaaa~
Chapter 23: Brb going to punch a wall for a while. Heol..Why the heck is there such a thing as a love triangle?! But i guess it'll be boring as if there isn't..
New reader here!!
Chapter 48: I love this story so much...♡♡♡