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Su Kyung’s POV (First time in her POV, guys :D)


“Yeoboseyo?” the other voice answered, voice a bit groggy.


“Bacon!” I chirped, holding the phone close to my ear.


“W-Who is this?” Baekhyun mumbled. Oh, I must’ve woken him up from his nap.


“It’s the woman, pabo.” I rolled my eyes while smiling at how cute he sounded.


“AH!” he screamed so loud that I had to pull the phone away from my ear. “H-Hang on.” There was a pause and some shuffling could be heard. “Uh what did you want?”


My smile grew bigger. “Well I wanted to check if Mr. Shin left us any homework. I wasn’t really paying attention in class today.” I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck even if he couldn’t see me.


“Ah… I don’t think so. He said something about bringing our notes tomorrow and maybe there will be a pop quiz in the upcoming week.”


“Jinja? Is that really all? Well… thanks for the info.” I replied and it became silent with awkwardness hanging around the line.


“So… what are you doing now?” he asked and I snapped out of my thoughts.


“I just got out of the shower and remembered that I still had my homework but I wasn’t sure. That’s why I called you.” I said, drying my hair with the towel. It was silent for a while and I started to get worried.


“Bacon, you still there?”




“Are you ok?”


“Y-yeah. I’m fine.”


“Are you sure? You seem a bit weird.”


“Aish, I’m not upset ok! So just stop butting in my business. Never mind. I’ll see you later.”


And with that sudden outburst, he hung up on me. That was weird. Why did he suddenly get so angry? I was just asking him what was wrong. Hmph, he’s really bipolar.


“He didn’t have to get all grumpy on me…” I muttered, making my way to the laptop.


“Who was grumpy?”


My eyes widened at that familiar voice. Could it be? No way.


“Yes way Su Kyung. You better know it.” That voice came again and I mentally spazzed.


“Luhan oppa!”


“Annyeong Su Kyung, I missed you too” he chuckled and waved through the webcam. Aigoo, it’s been so long since I last chatted with him.


“Oppa, why didn’t you video call earlier? I was beginning to think you forgot about me,” I pouted. It’s been almost two months since the last video chatted me. In fact, it was actually a week he left. That was the last time, but even if we didn’t video chat, we still emailed each other and messaged each other on KakaoTalk.


“Mianhe. I just got so busy with the transferring and the wedding preparations that I couldn’t really have any time. But I’m here now!” he smiled with that innocent expression that got me every time.  How long has it been since I last saw that smile? Oh yeah, like two and a half months ago.


“Wait… Did you just say wedding?! Omo! When is it? Where is it going to be held? What kind of setting will it be? Where’s Sun Ye? I have to talk with her!” I started to squeal like an excited fan girl. I just can’t believe they were getting married already! I can’t wait either. Those two just match each other so well.


Actually I met Sun Ye once, of course through video chatting. It was during that one time where Luhan actually video chatted me. It was around the time that they were starting to know each other better for their arranged marriage. She just happened to be at his house at that time.


Sun Ye was beautiful, absolutely sweet and nice. If I had more time to know her, we definitely would’ve become best friends. But now, they’re actually getting married?! This is great news. No, this is fantastic news.


“Calm down Su Kyung ah.” Luhan laughed and he called for someone.


“OH MY GODESS, ARE YOU TALKING TO SU KYUNG?! GET OUT OF THE WAY LUHAN GE, I NEED TO TALK TO MY SWEETIE!” Sun Ye ran up shoved Luhan out of the way while I laughed heartily. Now this is why I love Wang Sun Ye. She’s so blunt and natural that she’s almost perfect.


“Omo! Is that you, Sun Ye?! I almost didn’t recognize you! And you’ve cut your hair! WAE?! I didn’t say you could cut your hair without my permission, missie!” I frowned. Her once long locks of hair were not transformed shorter to her shoulder level. I really loved her with long hair though. She looked so innocent.



Oh and did I mention that she speaks fluent Korean? She was actually born in China but because of her parents’ transfer of jobs, she lived in Korea until she was 18 where she went back to China to major in acting and modeling. I heard you can practically see her on all the posters in China. Man, Luhan really struck gold this time.


“Hi to you too babe,” Luhan mumbled while getting back up, rubbing the spot where she had pushed him.


“Oh shush, you cry baby.” She shushed him before turning back to me. “Su Kyung ah~ I missed you~”


“Me too unnie~ But why did you cut your hair short? It would’ve gone great with the wedding dress.”


She smiled and played with her hair, twirling it. “Is it that bad? I think it looked pretty well with the dress.”


My eyes widened. Did my ears just deceive me?! “Did you already pick out the dress?!” I shrieked, clasping my hands in delight.


Sun Ye gave a cheeky smile as she sat down on Luhan’s lap who was now playing with her hair, arm around her waist.


“Aish, do you guys have to be mushy around me? I feel like a loner,” I made a face upon seeing them with their intimacy. “And how was the shopping? Did you find the dresses and suits?” I grinned widely. I’m so proud of the both of them.


“Neh~ But did you get the mail today?” Luhan stopped sniffing her hair and actually looked up for once. The mail?


“No… why?”


The two of them suddenly smiled at each other. “Then go get it!”


I scrunched up my nose in confusion as I stood up to get the mail. What’s gotten into those two? It’s not like I actually get any mail that’s important. Running downstairs, I picked up the stack of letters on the counter. Doesn’t look like anything special.


One by one, I flipped through the stack, searching for anything sent from China. Junk mail. Junk mail, junk mail. I carelessly shuffled through it until my fingers met a smooth texture with gold engravings. Oh, what’s this?


To Oh Su Kyung


“Aha, I see you found it.” Luhan’s smug tone mocked me.


“Aha, yes I found it,” I mocked him, carefully opening the envelope.  Inside there was a card or an invitation of some sort.


You are invited to Wang Sun Ye and Lu Han’s wedding

When: June 1st

Where: Seoul, South Korea.


No. Freaking. Way.


“YOU GUYS ARE COMING BACK TO SEOUL?” I yelled, practically flipping my laptop over.


“See, I told you she would like it,” Sun Ye giggled and pinched his cheek. Damn right I love it. “We decided to hold it in Seoul since it was where we both grew up and besides, our best friend lives there~”


I held back a smile, biting my lip. ‘You know, I love you guys,” I started to coo, showering them with mini hearts.


“Yes we know, my amazing best friend I only met once. But when are you going to get yourself a man. I wanna hear wedding bells from you soon.” That girl pouted and suddenly the atmosphere became tense.


“Sun Ye ah… Go help mama with her gardening.” Luhan said, obviously noting that I was kind of uncomfortable.


“But Luhan-”


“No buts. Just go. I’ll see you later,” he kissed her goodbye and she reluctantly left, leaving just the two of us.


“Hey, you ok?” Luhan asked, tone full of worry while I could only nod my head.


“Yeah I’m fine.”


“Well… are you going to tell him anytime soon?”


I shook my head. “I can’t tell him. It’ll just make things complicated. And the last thing I need is for things to be complicated.” Plus… I can’t make him feel burdened if I confess.


“Su Kyung, it’s not healthy to keep this to yourself.”


“Oppa, I know what I’m doing.”


“No you don’t. I know you. You’re hurting. You have to get this off your best.”


“THEN WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY? OH Baekhyun by the way, I know you like Ji Eun, but I really like you more than a friend. So please give up on my best friend so you can fall for me and we can live happily ever after!” Snapping, I frowned, tears threatening to fall out of my eyes.


Yes, I like Baekhyun. Since when? It’s a little bit foggy but I think I started to like him a long time back. And I feel terrible about liking him. You know why? Because he likes my best friend. MY BEST FRIEND. JI EUN.


“Su Kyung. Don’t cry please….”  But it was already too late, the tears were streaming down my face.


“Do you know how much it hurts? How much it hurts to see your crush love your best friend? Do you know how painful it is when he sees nobody but her? You don’t know how I feel when he always goes to me for advice to court Ji Eun.” I sniffed. I know I’m being a coward. I’m trying to hide my feelings from him. I’m trying to escape the fact that Baekhyun likes my best friend and not me.


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Chapter 49: Wow this story is amazing. i love it
Chapter 44: I really thought it's Baekhyun and Su Kyung's wedding. Hahaha......... ^_^
Chapter 27: I really don't believe in love at first sight. I find Woohyun's feelings here ridiculous. OOppppsss!.... Sorry. It's just that it's too soon for him. Hahaha..... Gonna finish this.
dinochenni #4
Chapter 37: I love it when sehun and baek have the "talk"hahahaha they should've include GD too...finally I'm so happy for subaek!!
Chapter 48: It's really cute and sweet and awesome ughh i love it!! I'm happy too if they're happy. But, ah, i wanna know the baby, it would be nice if they have twins baby, a girl and a boy :D
shinnqqq #6
Chapter 48: Jjang jjang jjang. A few errors, but nah the story is good enough to cover them. BACON and PUPPY will forever be remembered.
Chapter 8: If Su Kyung is born 2/14, older than both Sehun and Kai and even Tao but Chanyeol is her oppa... That would make her birthdate 2/14/93?
Chapter 48: Ouhmee~ this story is so good! I really like it. Kyaaaa~
Chapter 23: Brb going to punch a wall for a while. Heol..Why the heck is there such a thing as a love triangle?! But i guess it'll be boring as if there isn't..
New reader here!!
Chapter 48: I love this story so much...♡♡♡