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"Oh you're here..." Minah frowned as she was concentrating on putting on her eyeliner, making sure to not make a single imperfection that would ruin her looks.


"Yeah but why are you here? Don't you ride your little red Lamborghini your daddy bought you," Woohyun mocked her tone, while sliding into the limo's seat. He was obviously not amused to see his cousin as the first thing he saw in the morning. She usually would whine to him about stuff he really didn't care for.


Minah glared his way but didn't dare move, afraid that she would poke herself in the eye with the eyeliner stick. Woohyun gladly returned the glare as he closed the car door, indicating the driver to start driving.


"But seriously, why are you here? I was planning to use the limo all to myself today," Woohyun frowned at his cousin while he lazily lied down on the black leather interior.


"I have my reasons. Plus I need to talk to you about something important." She finishing outlying one eye and moved on to the next, attention fully on it.


Woohyun raised an eyebrow at her words. She wanted to talk to him? It's not every day where you see the little Minah princess ask her cousin anything.


"Well I'm here and you're here. Spill the beans." he said, continuing to lay on the seats, texting his Infinite friends.


"You like Su Kyung right?"


That statement made Woohyun drop his phone straight on his face and fall from his seat to the limo floor.


"W-what did you just say?" he questioned, still in shock.


"You. Like. Su. Kyung." she spelled it out for him like a second grader. Not once did she look up from her portable mirror to see if he was alright or not.


"But how'd you find out?" he managed to pull himself together as he sat back up, dusting off his now wrinkled uniform.


"Please my dear cousin, let's just say you aren't exactly the best when it comes to keeping your feelings to yourself. You look like a love sick puppy following his master."


Woohyun scowled but then had a blissful smile when he heard the word 'puppy'. It automatically reminded him of Su Kyung.


Minah saw this action and wrinkled her nose in disgust. Yep, her cousin was desperately in love Su Kyung. Well then this was going to be easier than she had originally thought.


"Your girlfriend works at halmeoni's cafe right, the one you and your weird friends go to, right?"


Woohyun stared at her. "She's not my girlfriend and how do you know that? She just started a few weeks ago!"


"I have my sources." Minah shrugged. "But that’s good. Very good..." she mumbled to herself.


"Minah, stop beating around the bush. What do you really want? I know you didn’t ride to school with me just to ask if I liked Su Kyung. You’re just not that nice of a person" Woohyun sighed, lying back down on the seats.


"Well it's actually quite simple. You like Su Kyung and you should know by now that Baekhyun has turned into my new target."


"And why should I care? It's not like I'm gay for him or anything."


"Shut it. I'm not saying you're biual or anything. Let's- OW TY !" she growled when the eyeliner poked accidently poked her eye as the car hit a speed bump.


“AHJUSSI!” she yelled and the driver apologized multiple times, scared less of his master


“You want poop?” Woohyun teased, pretended to poke himself with the eyeliner like she had done, but he received a furious glare in return.


“AISH, NO YOU IDIOT! I DO NOT WANT CRAP!” She yelled, throwing her mascara container in his direction. Woohyun on the other hand was amused by his baby cousin. She was acting the complete opposite of her fake act at school. That innocent, shy yet bold girl was now replaced by an impatient and sinister devil.


“Then what do you want? You can do your makeup in class later,” Woohyun impatiently frowned at her for being weird.


“Like I said before that damn eyeliner attacked me, let’s work together Woohyun oppa,” Minah smiled, putting her makeup away.


“What did you just say?”


Minah huffed and rolled her eyes. “Let’s work together. You like Su Kyung right and I want to claim Baekhyun as mine. If we work together, we can break them off.”


“But can’t you just lure Baekhyun in like your other entire little boy toys?” Woohyun sneered, obviously displeased at her decision.


“You’re not blind Woohyun oppa. You know that Baekhyun likes Su Kyung. It’s just that he hasn’t completely realized it yet.”


He sat forward, raising an eyebrow. “You do know that Baekhyun also likes Ji Eun right? More than Su Kyung.”


This is where Minah smirked. “He doesn’t. Actually he used to. Now he’s completely hooked on Su Kyung. He has no more lingering feelings for Ji Eun whatsoever except for friendship.”


“And how do you know this?”


“A girl’s instinct. A ’s instinct.”


A ’s instinct indeed. Woohyun snorted, but he couldn’t help to be interested in her offer. He wanted Su Kyung. He liked her a lot. Plus the fact that he now realized that Baekhyun no longer had feelings for Ji Eun but now for Su Kyung made him even more anxious and nervous. Baekhyun had a better chance with Su Kyung than he did. This wasn’t good. This REALLY was not good. Once Baekhyun knew his real feelings, he would automatically go after her, leaving him totally behind in the dust.


Woohyun hi

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Chapter 49: Wow this story is amazing. i love it
Chapter 44: I really thought it's Baekhyun and Su Kyung's wedding. Hahaha......... ^_^
Chapter 27: I really don't believe in love at first sight. I find Woohyun's feelings here ridiculous. OOppppsss!.... Sorry. It's just that it's too soon for him. Hahaha..... Gonna finish this.
dinochenni #4
Chapter 37: I love it when sehun and baek have the "talk"hahahaha they should've include GD too...finally I'm so happy for subaek!!
Chapter 48: It's really cute and sweet and awesome ughh i love it!! I'm happy too if they're happy. But, ah, i wanna know the baby, it would be nice if they have twins baby, a girl and a boy :D
shinnqqq #6
Chapter 48: Jjang jjang jjang. A few errors, but nah the story is good enough to cover them. BACON and PUPPY will forever be remembered.
Chapter 8: If Su Kyung is born 2/14, older than both Sehun and Kai and even Tao but Chanyeol is her oppa... That would make her birthdate 2/14/93?
Chapter 48: Ouhmee~ this story is so good! I really like it. Kyaaaa~
Chapter 23: Brb going to punch a wall for a while. Heol..Why the heck is there such a thing as a love triangle?! But i guess it'll be boring as if there isn't..
New reader here!!
Chapter 48: I love this story so much...♡♡♡