School Date

Life is a Boredom without Some Bittersweet


Two words to described you right now are 'excited' and 'anxious'. Youngmin had called you earlier today to ask you to wait for him in your house but he never stated the reason. Min Woo is waiting with you too because he insist to not leave you alone until he is sure I am with someone safe. After so many times to ask him to leave first, you gave up because he is quite the stubborn one. You decided to eat something first since you are waiting for Youngmin. You are about to bite the toast when your doorbell rang. You abandon the toast and run to the door but your maid had already let the guest in.  

"Hello there, my sweetie." Youngmin waved.

"Okay. Let's go before I am drown with the sweetness." Min Woo exclaimed before you got to say anything to Youngmin.

Nevertheless, Youngmin still walk to you and give you a hug and a kiss on your cheek. You blush furiously. To began you already quite shy and this situation makes you even more shy.

"Hi." You said while not looking directly at him. 

You heard him chuckle. 

"You don't mind riding on motorbikes, right?" Youngmin asked.

Before your mind register anything, he pull your hand outside and hand you a helmet. You look back and forth between the helmet and him. 

"You want me to wear this?" You asked him stupidly.

"Well, we are going by my motorbike so yeah, you need to wear it." Youngmin smiled and put on the helmet for you. 

"Yah! How could you let my sister ride on a motorbike?!" Min Woo pointed his finger accusingly in Youngmin direction.

Youngmin just give him a smirk as a reply. Honestly, you felt nervous but not because you are scared, it was because you will have to hug Youngmin's waist when riding it and just the thought of body contact is making you shy. You are not use to all these yet. You never actually dated before to have this kind of experience. 

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Youngmin extended his left hand to you.

You grab his hand and climb on the motorbike. Youngmin grab both your hands and put it around his waist which makes you blush which is not visible, thanks to the helmet. 

"Don'want to fall off, right yeobo?" He said before putting on his helmet. 

You shake your head. You can hear Min Woo's protest but Youngmin already sped off. Out of reflex, you tighten your hold on Youngmin's waist. Both of you reach the school shortly. You took off your helmet and corrected your hair. 

"Yeobo, you look beautiful already." Youngmin whispered at your ear.

You jump because that really caught you off guard. You slap his arm playfully as a payback.

"Yah! Oppa, you scared me." You frowned.

He just laughed lightly and linked both of your hands together. 

"So, Min Hye-ah, what do you want to do first?" Youngmin asked.

You look left and right but you still have no idea on where you want to go and suddenly, there is a clown and someone in a bunny suit block your view and path. The bunny handed you a blue balloon but the clown pop the balloon when you grab a hold of it. You were shock by it and was staring wide-eyes at them. The clown and bunny laugh hysterically. Then, the clown handed you a piece of paper but Youngmin took the paper away. He gave a glare at them which makes the clown and bunny left quickly. 

"Aish! What's their problem?!" Youngmin cursed.

"Oppa, it's alright. After all, it is festival." You smiled. "I am more interested in what was written on the paper." You said and take the paper away from Youngmin.

'Want to be sweet with your date? Come over to the school's field.' 

It sounds interesting. Yongmin peered over shoulder to take a look at the paper. You can hear him scoffing. You turn to look at him and slightly pouted.

"Wae?" You asked.

"They could try to be more creative than this." Youngmin said while putting his hands in his pockets.

Suddenly, you heard someone yelped and followed by the familiar laugh from behind. Both you and Youngmin turn around to look at them and Youngmin ended up snickering. You find that quite mean and elbowed him lightly at the rib.

"Is it funny for you?" You asked.

"Their reaction is funny. Did you see the girl's face?" Youngmin laughed even harder.

"So just now you are trying to hide your laughter with your angry reaction..." You trailed off. 

Youngmin stopped laughing at once and put on a serious face. You are just trying to so you puffed your cheeks out to make it look like you are upset. He poked your cheeks a few times but you just ignored him intentionally. You walked away from him. He followed you like what you had assumed.

"Minnie, don't be upset. I am not like what you said." Youngmin begged.

You decided to stop playing with him because you had played enough. You stopped in your track and looked at him with a smile. You can say that he is confused by the way he is looking at you.

"Oppa, I was just playing." You grinned.

"Aish! You scared me, you know." He huffed in relief.

You laughed at him. Youngmin just growled playfully at you and grab your waist with both of his arms and pull you closer to him. You gasped and stayed still. Youngmin leaned in and you closed your eyes quickly out of reflex but nothing happened so you peeked open one eye and see that Youngmin's face is really close to you but he never do anything except staring intently at you.

"Oppa, let's stop this. People are looking at us." You whispered shyly. 

He shook his head stubbornly. 

"Kiss me first then I will let you go." Youngmin said and smirked. 

You blushed and quickly kiss him on the cheek. He lets you go but he still holds one of your hand.

"Ah! Let's go get something to eat first. You haven't eat, right?" He said while gving you a rather too happy smile.

You just nod your head while he laugh lightly. There are many choices of foods but none seems to appeal your taste. At the end, you decided to eat ice-cream.

"The ice-cream is going to melt if you are not going to eat it." Youngmin stated.

He had already finished his ice-cream. You take small bite of the ice-cream and was about to take another bite but Youngmin beat you to it.

"Yah! My ice-cream." You pouted.

"Hmm..." Youngmin hummed. "Indirect kiss." 

You stared at the ice-cream, not knowing how to react to this except blushing and avoiding eyes contact with him . Youngmin seems to like to make you blushed. He will makes sure that you blushed at least once every hour. Well, at least that what you had in mind. 

"You really not going to eat the ice-cream? It's melting." 

You faked glare at him. 

"Well, you decided to eat my ice-cream without my permission so I don't know what to do with it now." You mehronged at him.

*Smirks* "If you want me to feed you, you could had just ask. You don't need to beat around the bush." Youngmin said playfully.

Youngmin took the ice-cream away from you and hold it to your mouth. You hesitantly take a bite. Youngmin is having a silly grin on his face. You tried to grab the ice-cream back but Youngmin refused to let go so just continue eating until it is finish. The bunny and the clown before appeared beside the both of you and started to clap loudly which gain some attention from other students. Youngmin ignored them and bring you away. 

"You think you are up to ghost house now?" Youngmin asked standing in front of the school's hall.

"Erm.... s-sure." You stuttered.

Youngmin raised his eyebrows at you and chuckled lightly. He bends down to match your eye level. 

"Are you perhaps... scared?" He asked with a slight hint of concern and teasing. 

"No-No..." You continue to stutter.

"You know you don't have to be scared because I will be there with you holding your hand." Youngmin smiled at you lovingly.

"You won't leave me alone, right?" You asked unsure.

"I won't even if God forbids me to do so." He said.

You smiled back at him and braced yourself for the ghost house. Well, not really since there is quite a long queue for it. The longer you wait for your turn, the more nervous you become. Youngmin is playing with your finger while waiting. After a good five minutes of waiting, it is your turn to go in. In front of you and Youngmin there is a couple and behind, there is about four girls. You still feel a little insecure somehow but you feel way better when Youngmin holds your hand. He smile at you just before entering. That smile seems to assure you that everything is going to be alright.

"Oppa?" You whispered.

"I am here so don't need to be afraid." He said.

Everything is so dark that you cannot see but out of sudden there is a light at your right and the girls behind started to freak out but there was nothing there. Just when all of you are distracted, something was put into your hand. You didn't shriek but you sure threw the things away and it was slimy. There is no time to be disgusted with as someone started to bring us around. Youngmin squeezes your hand from time to time. Honestly, without Youngmin, you would had run around and searched for the exit. The girls behind seriously are making you feel scared too with their shrieks. 

"Minnie, stay close to me." Youngmin said. 

You nodded without saying anything even knowing he can't see you. You didn't say anything because if you were to open your mouth, instead of words, you screamed at the top of your lungs. That is how you felt. Suddenly, the girls behind you pushed their way to the front which makes Youngmin accidentally let go your hand. You wanted to yelled at the girls but they already run to somewhere else. Then, you felt someone grabbing your shoulders from behind. You  gasped and pry the hand from your shoulders and started to run too. Instead of slimy stuff on your hands now like you assumed, it was powder. 

"Min Hye?" Youngmin called out.

"Here!" You looked around for Youngmin but just to see another ghost.

This time, you closed your eyes as you make your way around. You wanted to cry so badly now as the school's hall is huge and the whole hall is the ghost house. You don't where you are wandering off with your eyes close. A hand grabbed your wrist and spun you around. You thrashed around and punched that 'ghost' accidentally.

"Min Hye. Min Hye! Is me. Youngmin! Calm down." Youngmin tried to soothe you.

You calmed down after knowing is Youngmin.

"That punch was really something." Youngmin teased.

"So-Sor-Sorry." You whispered.

"Is alright." Youngmin carressed your hair softly to soothe your nerves. "You feeling better?" He asked with a worry tone.

You just nod your head. He kissed your hair and hold your hand.

"Let's go. Our class's play is starting soon."  Youngmin said. 

You felt relief the moment both of you exited from the ghost house. It is probably the scariest ghost house you had entered. Youngmin bought you a water. You drank it without hesitation. Youngmin hold both of your hands in his hands  and gave you a apologetic look. You just looked at him confused.

"Mianhe, Min Hye. I know I promise I won't leave you alone back there but I broke it." Youngmin said sadly.

You smiled. You are not angry with him at all. He did not do it on purpose after all. You pulled your hands from his grasps. and hugs him and whispered a 'thank you' to him. 

"You are not mad at me?" Youngmin asked.

"Why should I?" You said and gave him your best smile. 

You quickly let go after hugging him a little too long. Luckily, the teachers are not around to see that. You didn't know when you become so daring but you just felt like hugging Youngmin. 

"We should get going now. We need to head over our school's pavilion. The play is going to start any time." You said and unconsciously dragged him along with you.  


A/N: So as you might guessed already... I am bad at romance... This is my first fic so i didn't get a hang of it yet (i think)... Now i feel so shy for being such a lousy author... I am better at action >< Everytime, when i have to write romance, my mind will be blank T.T 


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The new chapter is already written halfway so I will make sure that I post it before 12 midnight because I had already promised all of you.


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 27: please update^^
i really want youngmin to save her^^
lucky9606 #2
Chapter 27: poor minhye hopefully she can reunite with youngmin
minwoo's reaction tho... XD
Yendi_Heart #3
Chapter 27: Waahh! When Minwoo found out he was a vampire, it was so hilarious xD On the other way, poor Minhye, she must be very scared. Boyfriend should hurry up and save her! Awesome update :D
MichelleCheng #4
Chapter 27: O.O this is interesting~ :D hahaha.. i like d idea of prince of darkness :3 it makes me excited!!! :D gambatte!!!
bunnybre #5
Chapter 26: I really like this story! You are a great author and I'm really sorry that you have to deal with all of that stuff in your life right now. Stay strong!
MichelleCheng #6
Chapter 26: hahaha :D u r d best writer i know :3 n i practically laughed when i read Jeongmin's POV :D n d Min Hye part where she used a kendo stick!! XD haha.. n judo flip too!!! XD inspired by japan :D hahaha
lucky9606 #7
Please update soon
Im really curious to what will happen
will she find out who she really is?
MichelleCheng #8
Chapter 25: i can imagine the condition when the things froze up!! XD mayb i watched too much vampire animes :X haha.. but i am quite surprised that Min Hye is not surprised at all o.o
Yendi_Heart #9
Chapter 25: Youngmin es very cute :'3 he even cried
MichelleCheng #10
Chapter 24: Now only i read this chapter.. haha.. gomenasai!! >< it is a really good chapter o.o and u r a really really great writer!! if it's a manga, it would be my favourite!!! :D