Chapter 21: Imminent return.

You're mine. Forever and always.

Jiyeon was sitting at the corner of the classroom as usual. She bit her nails and a tear threatened to trickle down her cheeks, 'I was wrong. I thought sharing the photo would lead Daehyun to me but no. No. It worsen.'

She bury her head into her arms. *I'll let go, for now. As long as Daehyun is back to Korea, I will*

Jiyeon took out her cellphone from her skirt pocket and dialed Daehyun's number. Surprisingly, Daehyun picked up his phone, 'Yes?'

His voice was gentle as ever. That trembling tear couldn't help but cascading down. Jiyeon let out a weak smile, 'Daehyun, it's me.'

Daehyun cleared his throat, 'Who? Is it _________?'

*Still, you've got only ___________ in your mind* Jiyeon indignantly pressed her lips into a firm line and then parted it, 'No. It's Jiyeon.'

Daehyun disappointedly let out a sigh, 'Oh. Jiyeon. Okay, anything? I don't think there's any affair between us anymore ever since you separated me and __________.' *Or maybe it wasn't Jiyeon who separated us but _________. She cheated on me. If Jiyeon hadn't appeared, I wouldn't have known that*

Jiyeon nervously gulped as perspiration started covering her forehead, 'I've something to clarify about __________.'

*__________?* Daehyun asked eagerly, 'What is it?'

Jiyeon took a deep breathe and summoned her courage, '_____________ did not cheat on you. She lived in L.Joe's house because she was his personal bodyguard, nothing much.'

Daehyun felt a surge of bliss but then suspected, 'How did you know that _________ cheating on me was the main reason of our break-up?'

Jiyeon face was tinted pink as she answered, 'Didn't you know that I was so crazy over you during those days? I tailed you and that's how I know. I didn't tell you that _______ was L.Joe's personal bodyguard because I wanna own you. I'm truly sorry about that. I didn't know that you would fly to Germany just because of __________.'

'You mean I misunderstood everything? What the hell did I do to _________? I hurt her and just left.' Daehyun collapsed onto his knees, tears welling up. He hung the line without listening to what Jiyeon had got to say. *I'm sorry, _________. I didn't know the truth and still, I accused you of cheating on me behind my back. I'm sorry. I'll be back. I want you to listen to my apology personally and  I want you back, by my side*




It was lunch time now. You were sitting beside L.Joe having your lunch, unaware of those glare those queenka were shooting at you in anger because L.Joe was all you saw.

Without looking at you, L.Joe uttered while eating his sandwich, 'We just got together, as a couple.' He paused and tried to cover his cheek from you as he was blushing like mad, 'So I guess we should have our date like couples do.' He cooled his expression.

Your eyes were as big as saucers and your heart started racing, 'Date? Really?' You didn't want to sound desperate so you lower your voice, 'Oh, uhm, whatever.'

He swirled around and faced you. He frowned, 'Whatever? You don't sound serious about this.'

*Shoot. Why did I say that?* You cried, 'I am serious..'

L.Joe drawled, 'If you were serious, you wouldn't have said that.'

He stood up and left. He left you and his piece of unfinished sandwich. You lightly smack your forehead with your palm, 'Arggh. I was so dumb.'

'Serves her right.' 'She thought she could be L.Joe's girlfriend but she's wrong.' 'Bwahaha. That's probably the best show I've ever watched.' These harsh remarks were heard everywhere. You clenched for fist in embarrassment and ran to the rooftop to get some fresh air. 

Surprisingly, you saw L.Joe leaning against the wall. You walked towards him and grabbed his sleeve in a gentle manner, 'L.Joe, I'm sorry for what I've done earlier. I really wanna go on a date with you, I swear. It's just that I don't wanna sound desperate.'

You thought he would chide you or something but it did not happen. In fact, he your hair and smirked, 'You can be desperate in front of me but only ME. Well, frankly speaking, I know why  you were afraid to be genuine to me so I put on an act.'

Your mouth gaped open, 'W-What? An act? Which means what had just happened was just an act of yours?'

L.Joe poked your jaw, 'Bingo and you'd better close your mouth. Your jaw's gonna fall anytime.' He giggled.

You whacked his arm, 'I don't care if my jaw dropped. Don't you know worry I am?' You tried to squeeze a tear to pull a prank on L.Joe for what he had done earlier.

You pretended to wipe off your tears and faked your whine, 'I hate you! Let's break up.'

L.Joe felt a tinge of jittery, 'No, wait. I was just joking. I'm sorry. You can do anything you want, j-just not the break up.'

He shook your arm like a puppy. You tried to bit back your laughter but you can't. You literally burst out of laughter, 'Do you think I'll break up with you that easily? I was just joking as well.'

Usually, L.Joe would retort back but this time, he just mesmerizingly looked at you. You wanted to escape from his gaze but you couldn't. You were intensely captivated by it and you gradually stopped laughing.

An energy crackled in the air. Chemistry, you supposed. It's just that it wasn't the kind of chemistry in those science laboratory but chemistry between a couple. You know what I'm saying.

You stammered, 'W-What are you looking at?'

L.Joe tried to act as if he hadn't been fooled and had a sinister smile of his face, 'At the silly you, of course. You thought I fell for your trick but you were wrong. Even though you asked for a break-up, I wouldn't let you go. I will continue pestering you until you take back the word break-up.'

You heart was pounding quickly but you tried to hide that my pouting and crossing your arms across your chest, 'Silly me? Who do you think you're calling silly, huh?'

'You, of course.' L.Joe answered your question and ran away as you raised your fist.

You chased after him and yelled, 'Come back here, Lee Byung Hun!!!'


Hohoho. Daehyun is back! c:
What do you think would happen next?

Oh, and I just found out that someone unsubscribed my story. /cries like a baby/
Lol. Sorry that my story is sooo not that interesting to you. 
I'll try to improve. Just come baaack. ;AAA; Lol.
Jk. I don't really mind. I've moved on anyways and I wonder if Kim _________ have moved on and got over Daehyun. cx

Btw, there's supposed to be a main image for every chapter and I've decided to put L.Joe's gif from now on though it wouldn't suit the story 'cause I'm falling for him more and more each day. Bwahaha. /fangirling in a crazy way/ <3 <3 <3

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Chapter 24: wow i liked this chapter but dont you think its a little sudden? like from tickling to suddenly falling off the rooftop..? but still, nice! i like
Chapter 6: eh? i read a story wif a girl called jiyeon who befriended someone for jung daehyun too... it must be because jiyeon always acts as a ____ in their mvs and jung daehyun is so irresistable! keke~
Chapter 28: Omg!wanna going crazy! Please upfte soon i love this story dont just end it like this...
Chapter 28: IT ENDED.
Chapter 27: WHYYYY
lJoe I feel for you today again
Chapter 24: No LJoe I fell for u man.
Please update soon
_-Sumin #9
Chapter 22: Jelly L. Joe >:)
_-Sumin #10
Chapter 21: Daehyun~~~ ^^