Chapter 10: An instant heartbreak.

You're mine. Forever and always.


L.Joe was staring into space, the scene Daehyun claimed you as his official girlfriend just wouldn't stop replaying in his mind. You plopped yourself onto the chair beside L.Joe, smiling dazzlingly. L.Joe actually wanted to give you the canned drink that he just bought for you, but seeing your smile stopped his action. 

He frowned, 'So you've had a boyfriend, hadn't you?'

You widened your eyes and shot him an amazed look, 'How did you know?'

He scoffed, 'Pfft. Your drama in front of the gate this morning.'

You nodded and blushed a little, 'So you saw it.'

Seeing you blushing infuriated him even more, 'Official girlfriend? HAAAH! Does this mean that he has different unofficial girlfriends before he met you?'

You rolled your eyes, 'Definitely not. He's not like what you said. He's an upright person, unlike you..'

You increased your volume, 'YOU WOMANIZER!'

L.Joe's POV:
So this is your impression of me. I'm a womanizer? How could I be a womanizer when I rejected every confession and only have you in my heart? 

L.Joe remarked in distaste, 'Fine, I'm just a womanizer to you anyways. That's what I am in your eyes. No matter how hard I try, I can never compare myself to Daehyun.' *Daehyun's the only one you pay attention to. And me? I'm just a nobody to you*

Your POV:
What's wrong with him? Why does he sound so angry? He's acting oddly today. Everything he said is like.. is like.. so genuine and truthful. Arggh, I guess something's wrong with me now.


*I wonder why didn't Daehyun come to school today. Is he sick?* You were looking for a reference book in the library. You seemed pretty frustrated as you couldn't find it and you were worried about Daehyun. As you sighed, the reference book came into your sight. It's right at the upper corner of the book shelf. You hopped several times but you still can't get it.

'Damn it. Why was I born short?' You cursed under your breathe. You then pushed a chair to the book shelf and stepped on it. You can vaguely feel that the tip of your finger has already touched the cover of the book but you just couldn't fully grabb it. 

There was actually a guy standing at the side of the book shelf, trying to peeked at your but you didn't notice it because you were trying hard to reach the book. 

'Do you wanna earn a trip to hell for free?' You could hear Daehyun's voice so you swiftly turned around. It really WAS Daehyun! 

'Daehyun-ah.' You beamed at him.

'Give me a minute, _______. Let me deal with that ert.' He uttered and shot the guy an angry glare.


The guy shivered in fear and ran away. Daehyun actually wanted to chased after him but you grabbed his sleeves. You snapped your head up and asked confusedly, 'What's wrong? A-And what's with the ert thingy?'

Daehyun pressed his lips into a firm line and held your hand without answering you a thing. He walked towards the book shelf and tiptoed to get the reference book down. He handed you the book and gave you a serious look. You were actually quite taken aback by that.

'When you were trying to get the book, that ert was trying to peek at your . You should have realized it earlier.' He gritted his teeth.

You could clearly feel that jealousy was spinning through him, as if if  it had been been possible, his eyes would have seared holes through the ert. Though you were pretty shocked that someone was actually trying to do something y  to you but you were more blissful as ever, not because you were being peeked at, but because of his jealousy. Anger, hate, scared, hurt. A mixture of feelings of his jealousy.

You initiatively hugged him and patted his back despite being the centre of attention of the students in the library, 'It's alright, it's alright.'


Your phone suddenly go 'Aye, girl.', signalling that you've got a new message and you realized it was Jiyeon's message. 

-Do you wanna know where did Daehyun go this morning? ;) {Jiyeon}-

You recalled the incident and decided not to reply her. However, you phone rang again.

-I know you don't feel like replying me but I'll just let you know the answer through the pic. {Jiyeon}-

You were curious so you tapped the attached picture on the screen. It was Daehyun.. kissing Jiyeon! Another message came again.

-How was it? How was the feeling knowing that I've owned Daehyun? I bet it was exactly the same as how I felt that day. {Jiyeon}-

Tears started welling up in the bottomless pools of your eyes and you turned around, glared at Jiyeon. She gave you a villainous smile. 

'Stop playing with your phone, Ms. Kim!' Your Science teacher yelled at you. You raised your head and bowed at the teacher, 'I-I'm sorry, songsaengnim. But m-may I go to the washroom?' He flicked his hand, indicating you that he has allowed your permission.

*Her voice sounds weird, as if she was trembling. I think I'll go and check her out.* Daehyun raised his hand, 'Songsaengnim, may I go to the washroom too?' The teacher let out a sigh, 'Okay. Be quick as I'm going to briefly tell you guys about tomorrow's important experiment.' Daehyun bowed and ran out of the classroom.

L.Joe's POV:
Something's definitely wrong with __________. But since Daehyun, her OFFICIAL boyfriend has gone out to check out on her. I guess it's alright. She only needs him anyways.


You sat on the ground, dejectedly, tears trickled down your cheeks. You couldn't believe your boyfriend would actually betray you. You bit your lower lips, 'He doesn't love you, Kim ________. He was just toying with your feelings. You were just an idiot falling for his trap. Now, stop crying and get back to class.' You wiped your tears off and slowly walked out of the washroom.

As you walked outta the washroom, Daehyun caught sight of you. Your face was glistened with freshly shed tears. He grabbed your hand nervously, '_________-ah, what happened?'

You let out a weak smile and shook his fingers off that was intertwining with yours, 'Is it fun?'

Daehyun did not hear you clearly, 'What?'

You yelled in downcast, 'Is it fun toying with my feelings?'

Daehyun confusedly grabbed your wrist, 'What do you mean? I've never toyed with your feelings. I love you and I do mean it.'

You bit your lower lips and shot his a glare, 'Then what were you doing this morning when you weren't at school?'

He stuttered, 'I m-met Jiyeon.'

A tear rolled down your cheeks, 'Then what did you do with her?'

He cleared his throat, 'We k-kissed but it's not like what you thi-'

You covered your ears with your hands and shouted, 'Stop it. You don't have to explain. Your explanation would only make things worse! You promised me that you would love me, you promised! Maybe broken promises do lead to broken hearts.'

'Listen to me, please. I beg you.' He grabbed your armed as you struggled.


L.Joe glanced at his wristwatch impatiently. *What took them so long? I better go check out.*  

L.Joe walked outta the class without the teacher's permission as he was busy drawing the diagram of a frog in his artsy-fartsy way. 

His eyes was as large as a saucer when he saw you struggling from Daehyun. L.Joe immediately advanced forward and gave Daehyun a right punch, 'What the hell are you doing?!'

Daehyun rubbed the corner of his lips and it was bleeding, 'It has nothing to do with you, L.Joe! This affair is between me and _________. It's us and you aren't included. So back off!'

L.Joe, who was exasperated lifted his fist in the air, intended to give Daehyun another punch. You immediately grab L.Joe's arm, 'Stop it. It's over. Everything between me and Daehyun is over.' You whimpered and dragged L.Joe to the field. Daehyun wanted to follow to explain that it was just a misunderstanding but you stopped him, 'I thought I've made it clear that it's o-over. So, for now or to be more precise, for the r-rest of my life, don't let me see you 'cause I don't wanna ever see you face again.'

Daehyun went on his knee on the hard, solid ground after you left. He couldn't hold back the tears and they just came cascading down his cheeks. *I'm sorry for hurting you, ________. It was just a misunderstanding. If only you'd just listen to my explanation.. I'd not give up on up, not a tinsy bit of chance* He hit the ground with his fist brutally despite the feeling that each individual cell and blood vessel of his was bruised.


You plopped yourself onto the lush, fluffy grass with your tears trickling down. 'Why did he... do... that to me? Am I .. not good enough.. for him?', you questioned yourself, devastated. 

L.Joe leaned forward and pressed your head against his chest, 'You're perfect. No matter what he do, you're perfectly flawless. You'll always stay that way in my heart, forever and always.' *_________, you don't have to act tough in front of me. Liberate the inner you*

You didn't say anything. Right at this moment, you just wanna lay against L.Joe's chest and cry. You grabbed his uniform tighter as you weep. L.Joe seems as if he could read your mind, he your long, silky hair gently.

Birds started chirping and you sillily wondered if they were actually trying to cheer you up. *Even the birds could be so humane, why couldn't you, Daehyun? Why did you have to choose to hurt me?* A tear then rolled down your cheek.

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Chapter 24: wow i liked this chapter but dont you think its a little sudden? like from tickling to suddenly falling off the rooftop..? but still, nice! i like
Chapter 6: eh? i read a story wif a girl called jiyeon who befriended someone for jung daehyun too... it must be because jiyeon always acts as a ____ in their mvs and jung daehyun is so irresistable! keke~
Chapter 28: Omg!wanna going crazy! Please upfte soon i love this story dont just end it like this...
Chapter 28: IT ENDED.
Chapter 27: WHYYYY
lJoe I feel for you today again
Chapter 24: No LJoe I fell for u man.
Please update soon
_-Sumin #9
Chapter 22: Jelly L. Joe >:)
_-Sumin #10
Chapter 21: Daehyun~~~ ^^