Chapter 14: Another misunderstanding.

You're mine. Forever and always.


Today, you were extraordinarily beautiful 'cause you did not put on your nerdy glasses and have put down your hair. You wore an awkward smile as L.Joe slung his arm over you to show everyone that he's your boyfriend. *Relax, ________. He's just your temporary boyfriend*

There're lots of boys glancing at you near the staircase as they were all interested in you. You could feel depression everywhere 'cause the boys were like: 'I wanted to hit on that girl but that freaking L.Joe has had her and he keeps on shooting angry glares on us.'  'I wonder who that girl is. She looks so pretty. I'd be the luckiest man alive if I get to be her boyfriend but that seems impossible 'cause she's already had one beside her.' 

L.Joe naturally put on an act, 'Baby, you looked tired today. We shouldn't have stayed up watching movies last night.' Your eyes bulged out. *W-What? I slept at 9 last night. How is that late? Besides, we were busy with my today's appearance, not movies* 

You mouthed at him, 'Huh?' L.Joe winked at you, trying to convey that this was only an act, though it was otherwise deep inside his heart. It rang a bell and you stammered a little, 'A-Ahh. A-Arasso. Let's have dinner at the restaurant you've always wanted to go tonight then.' You beamed.

Your smile tickled his heart a little. He had a pink hue on his cheeks, 'Up to you, baby. As long as we're together.'

Despite that cheesy remark, you weren't turned off at all. L.Joe held your waist, 'Let's go to class now.'

You blushed a little and nodded as no one has ever held your waist. 


Daehyun startled when he saw you walking into class with L.Joe. Wait, I mean, with L.Joe holding your waist. *Did they get into a relationship or was it just me being suspicious?*  He gritted his teeth indignantly.

You closed your eyes momentarily at the moment you saw Daehyun. You exhaled. *Calm down, ________. L.Joe has planned this perfectly for you. You can't ruined it just like that* You summoned your courage and turned to L.Joe, 'Byunghun oppa, you forgot to kiss me on the forehead, which you promised to do so every day.'

Daehyun's POV:
O-Oppa? __________-ah, you hadn't even called me oppa. And what's with the kiss? Please tell me that this is not true. It's not over between us yet. I'm not gonna let L.Joe have you.

L.Joe gulped and kissed you on the lips, instead of your forehead, 'Mian mian. I was too busy missing you last night.' You widened your eyes. At L.Joe's kiss, your face turned into an embarrassing reddish hue, like how your face usually turns in a hot day. The kiss has slammed into Daehyun's senses and he couldn't stand it no more. He abruptly sat up, 'Stop it!'

You and L.Joe turned around as Daehyun's words were spiked in volume. Both of you gazed up at Daehyun. His eyes were dark, and the way his mouth was hanging open, it was almost as if his teeth had got sharper, as if he was growing fangs. He clenched his fist and advanced towards him, 'Stop it, I say. She's my girlfriend, L.Joe. What makes you think you can kiss her as you pleased?!'

L.Joe retorted, 'Well, you should be clear that you don't have the right to say this. You AIN'T her boyfriend. You're just her ex, Mr. Jung Dae Hyun.'

Daehyun was speechless. He grabbed your wrist, intended to drag you outta the class, '___________, let's have a talk.'

Just then, L.Joe grabbed your right arm as he didn't want you to leave with Daehyun, 'Daehyun, I thought I've told you that she isn't yours anymore.'

Daehyun scowled and let go off your hand. You bit your lower lips as he did so. You actually wanted to talk to him. You've longed for this. He stomped outta the class and you collapsed to your kness. Great drops fell from your eyes, the heavy rain clouds in your mind let loose their turbulent nature, 'L.Joe.. I-I-I can't do this n-no more.'

L.Joe kneeled down and surrounded you with his arms, 'It's alright, _______. It's alright.' He your hair as your tears broke his heart.


Daehyun was leaning against the wall, waiting for you. He refused to give up on you; He refused to believe what had happened this morning was real; He refused to believe that you have no feelings for him.

You were at the living room, feeling suffocated. You felt lost after what had happened. You let out a sigh, 'Mrs. Lee, I'm gonna have a walk. I'll be back in about 15 minutes.'

Mrs Lee exclaimed, 'What? All by yourself? BYUUUUNGHUN! ___________ is going to go for a walk.'

L.Joe immediately ran outta store room and grabbed your hand, 'I'll go with you.'

You forced a smile and nodded. L.Joe intertwined his fingers with yours to make you feel secure as you deadly pale. Both of you walked outta the house as you shut the door. Daehyun was actually happy to hear the keys clinking because that means someone is opening the door. He turned around but instead of seeing you alone, he saw L.Joe with you as well.

You were immensely shocked. Daehyun's first drop of tears was about to fall but he blinked it away. His hands opened and closed, rhythmically clenching as if there could be some violent solution to his pain if only he could find it.

His lips was obviously quivering, 'You're actually living with L.Joe, huh? You said I toyed with your feelings but what now? I was NEVER a player. I told you that I had an explanation but you refused to listen. I guess it was because you've already fallen for L.Joe. It's really over between us now.' After declaring the break-up, he felt as if he was being trapped alone in the darkest abyss with a sword pierced through his heart. This broken heart is silent, it can't be seen but the blood bleed inside.

First, your nose grew very red at the tip then your small mouth screwed itself around by your left ear. Gradually, your face wrinkled till it resembled a withered crabapple. If someone listened intently and watched closely, he could hear small sniffs and see two infinitesimal drops of issue from the nearly closed and wrinkled eyes. However, that someone wasn't Daehyun, but L.Joe. You grabbed Daehyun's arm and shook your head defiantly, 'Aniya, Daehyun. I can explain and I'm now willing to listen to your explanation.'

L.Joe's POV:
Should I help _________ out? But I'm not involved in their break-up. What should I do? Arggghhh.

Daehyun sneered at you weakly and shook your hands off, 'I'm not gonna listen to your explanation like how you did not listen to mine.' 

You grabbed his arm again and whined, 'No, please, Daehyun, no..'

He shoved you and ran away. You couldn't stand on your feet and lost your balance. Fortunately, L.Joe who was beside you managed to grabbed your arms in time. You anguishly lamented on wetness of tears as you were having a hard time in breathing. Tears just can't stop out of your eyes, 'What have I done, L.Joe? It's r-really over now. What if, what if h-he does have a valid explanation? L-Like the kiss was just an accident or something like that.'

*Kiss? I guess I know what caused their break-up* L.Joe bit his lips and patted your back. *I'll find out what happened even though the result might hurts me more. I don't wanna see you cry anymore, __________-ah*


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Chapter 24: wow i liked this chapter but dont you think its a little sudden? like from tickling to suddenly falling off the rooftop..? but still, nice! i like
Chapter 6: eh? i read a story wif a girl called jiyeon who befriended someone for jung daehyun too... it must be because jiyeon always acts as a ____ in their mvs and jung daehyun is so irresistable! keke~
Chapter 28: Omg!wanna going crazy! Please upfte soon i love this story dont just end it like this...
Chapter 28: IT ENDED.
Chapter 27: WHYYYY
lJoe I feel for you today again
Chapter 24: No LJoe I fell for u man.
Please update soon
_-Sumin #9
Chapter 22: Jelly L. Joe >:)
_-Sumin #10
Chapter 21: Daehyun~~~ ^^