She Learnt The Truth

Maybe We Are Meant To Be...

*Sang-hee POV*

I woke up when I felt some light rays shining on my face gently.

Looking at the clock on the wall, it's already five minutes to nine.

I tried to shift up a little from the bed, but I stopped the moment I felt the enduring pain tearing my entire body.

However, it was weird that the lower part of of my body felt nothing.

Just when I was about to move my legs, something caught my attention at the door.


*Sang-hee POV*

I saw a bouquet of white lilies appearing at the door that was left ajar.

"Morning Sang-hee...."

I heard a familiar voice greeted shortly before the person stepped in finally.

I almost thought that last night was a dream should he did not appear in front of me again.

"This is for you....I did not really know what type of flowers you will I get something that I like....and I think it suits you too..."

Eunhyuk smiled warmly and shoved the bouquet in front of me.

"'s nice of you...thank you...."

I stuttered and received the flowers from him nervously.

Gosh!! I almost fainted when I took a quick glance at him.

I wondered how can a man looked as hot as he is right now.

He was wearing a black jacket over a white t-shirt accompanied by a pair of denim jeans and it was enough to make him stand out of the crowd.

"So how are you feeling today?"

He asked as he took a seat beside me, before removing his shades.


I forced out a smile and nodded my head obediently.

I did not know why but I felt like a fool whenever I am with him.

At the moment I felt him staring at me, I could feel my face burning again.

"Are you really okie? You looked like you are burning..."

Eunhyuk frowned and moved closer to me, before putting his hand on my forehead.

I felt my heart stopped completely at that instant.


*Sang-hee POV*

After assuring him that I was feeling more than alright, he finally nodded his head and got back onto his initial seat.

"Oh yea....have you contacted your family?"

He added on after a while of silence.

"No, not yet..."

I shook my head and answered.

I wondered how aunt is going to react when she knew about my condition now.

"You better do it now...I bet they must be worried sick about you..."

He urged and looked at me seriously.

I guess he would never know that all I would get is more cursings and rantings than what I had already got.


He called again when I did not give him any response.

"Erm....I don't have a phone with me..."

I muttered in embarrassment.

He must be wondering which era and planet I had came from.

After all, I bet no one is without a mobile at this point of time.

"Oh....take mine you go....'

He seemed a little surprise by my answer and offered his mobile at once.

Dialling each number cautiously, I bit my lips awaiting for the nightmare to start once the line is engaged.


*Sang-hee POV*

As expected, aunt screamed at the top of her voice the moment the line got through.

She thought that I had ran away from home just like what my mother had done.

Even though I had explained to her that I had gotton into an accident, she refused to listen and wanted me back immediately.

I had been trying to keep her volume to the lowest but it seemed to be of no use.

I smiled awkwardly when I caught Eunhyuk looking at me occasionally, with some concern in his eyes.

" everything alright?"

Eunhyuk asked as soon as I ended the call, or I should say aunt hung up on me.

I guess he had caught everything as the conversation earlier on seemed to be a live telecast at the volume aunt is shouting.

I nodded my head and returned the mobile to him.

"I wish to be discharge now..."

I added on further before I tried to get up from the bed.


*Eunhyuk POV*

 " can' have barely recovered..."

 I stopped her quickly as soon as she pulled off the blanket that was covering her body.

 "I need to leave now..."

 She insisted.

 "Is there something wrong with my leg? I cannot feel anything..."

 She asked and stopped her struggling before hitting her legs repeatedly.

 " listen to me....your legs..."

 I said and held her hands to stop what she was doing to her legs. 

 "What's wrong with my legs?"

 She asked me seriously.

 "Your legs....your legs might not be able to move for the time being...but...but it's only will be fine soon..."

 I explained hastily.

 "You mean I am paralyzed?"

 She asked me in shock.

 "No, of course's just some side effect from the will be well soon before you know it..."

 I tried to assure her.

 She laid herself back onto the bed after my words and did not speak any further.


 *Eunhyuk POV*

 This girl is seriously starting to worry me now.

 I did not know what her expression meant and she had been keeping quiet since just now.

 I rather she cried herself out but all she did was to stare blankly in the air.

 "Sang-hee arh...I...I'm really sorry...I landed you into this state..."

 I broke the silence and apologized.

 "'s not your's just an accident..."

 I saw her shaking her head and muttered shortly after.

 "It would be me lying here if not for you....I...I don't know what else I could say...but I am really sorry...I really am..."

 I added on and bowed to her repeatedly.

 I felt so bad at the moment that tears already started to form at the side of my eyes.

 "Don’t be….because I will rather it's me who cannot walk...."

 I heard her saying and I looked at her in surprise.

 "It will be a great loss to the industry if it was are born to dance Eunhyuk…you are an artist….."

 She added on and gave me a warm smile.

 At this point in time, I turned my face away from her as tears started to roll down my cheeks.


 P/S: Is there still someone reading? It seemed nobody is commenting...I only got 2 in my previous update...:(


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Chapter 26: this is very touching story. simple and perfect. I love this and I gave my vote
awwwww this story was juz too touching...i actually teared when they gt back togather...i tink i become a fan of ur going to continue to read all of ur stories nw...^.^ for nw i've only read 2...(~‿◕)♥
elfjewel #3
i finished it reading in one go... w/o stoping...hahaha... it only means that it's really interesting that I don't want to break the momentum.... brought me to tears... I love it...
this is how I turned out if the fanfic is so nice and interesting o.O hahaha!! i've been reading it non-stop since I found it.I love your story.:D I love Eunhyuk here. yahhh!! hahaha! I love the ending, it's so nice and sweet. :">
keena-choding #5
This is my second time reading this fic and it's still as good as the first time! It still made me tear up a lot XD
nice! i already read donghae's and its really nice! can you create heechul's? :">
MrsPenguin #7
Happy ending yay!!
*clap, clap*<br />
*sips cola*<br />
<br />
Nice one hyukkie!<br />
That was so sweet.<br />
Thanks for another wonderful ending!<br />
<br />
And thanks for the cola :)