The Sequel - Part 4 (Officially Ended?)

Maybe We Are Meant To Be...

*Eunhyuk’s POV*

I dropped the chopsticks onto the floor after I heard her words.

I did not know what she meant by let’s end it.

End it as in?

I did not know.

“End what?”

I looked up at her blankly and asked stupidly.

She could not be meaning our relationship.

I mean we had been going on fine as far as I know.

No major arguments between us till now.


*Sang-hee's POV*

He seemed very suprise by what I had just said.

I could not blame him though, as I was surprised by myself too.

I did not expect I could let it out so randomly at this point of time.

But then it seemed better not to drag it any longer.

"Let's go back to the time when we were just friends alright Eunhyuk?"

I looked at him and stated seriously.


*Eunhyuk’s POV*

I could not believe my ears at this moment.

My girlfriend is asking for a break up with me.

Seriously, I did not see it coming.

It caught me off guard completely.

"Wait Sang-hee!! You mean you want a break-up with me?"

I jumped up from where I was sitting and went in front of her.


She stated simply without looking at me.

My mind stopped working with her yes, as I am unable to digest what she had just thrown on me.

I was suddenly reminded of why I was here in the first place.

"Is it because of Krystal's issue? Look Sang-hee! I can explain....."

I tried to compose myself and cupped my face.


*Sang-hee's POV*

"No's not because of that...."

I shook my head and said softly.

"Then why? Why the sudden decision? You really shock me Sang-hee..."

He sat back onto the chair and breathed heavily.

"Eunhyuk, just look at our relationship! Don't you realise that we are not getting anywhere further?"

I reminded before turning to face him.

"I thought it was fine! Very fine! Aren't we getting on very well all along?"

He retorted land ooked back at me.

"Fine? Alright? Let me ask you you know what kind of books I like to read?"

I posed him a question, a simple one that any of my friend including unnie will know.


He tried to answer, but gave up eventually.

"Do you know what drama I am currently chasing?"

I added on.

He did not look at me again, but cupped his head into his hands this time.

"And do you even know that I will be able to walk soon?"

I continued before he turned to look up at me in astonishment.


*Eunhyuk's POV*

Each and every of her questions startled me.

I did not have a single clue to all of her questions when the topic revolved about her.

And she is my girlfriend whom I had been dating for six months.

One who I had neglected so greatly.

"Look Sang-hee! I am really sorry! I had been so busy with work that I did not even realise all these! But give me a chance to amend to you! I swear I will be a better boyfriend!"

I told her, as I tried to hold her hands.


*Sang-hee's POV*

"That's not the point Eunhyuk! I am not blaming you! You know nuts about me is because you don't love me as a girlfriend! Just look at Dong-hae oppa! He is as busy as you are! But he still knows everything that is happening to unnie! Why? It’s because he loved her!”

I pushed his hands away gently before saying.

“Sang-hee! I love you too! Just that…just that I did not pay too much attention of these things..."

He insisted.

“No! You don’t love me! You loved Krystal, Eunhyuk! You always do! You know everything about her isn’t it? You know when she broke off with her boyfriend. You know why she broke up with her boyfriend. And you know…you know…everything…everything about her....”

I pointed out.

I did not want to list further, as each and every one just made me feel sadder.


*Eunhyuk’s POV*

I was finally aware of what I had been doing to her when I comforted Krystal each time she came to me.

I knew how much I had upsetted her now.

And she was right.

I do know every single details of Krystal.

But it was not because I still have feeling for her.

It was only because I had been spending too much time on her.

I had spent too much of my attention on her, instead of my girlfiend.

Just then, my handphone rang before I could speak any further.

Sang-hee took a look at my screen, and it happened to be Krystal of all times.

I could see the disappointment in her eyes, but she quickly hid back when I looked at her.

"Take it Eunhyuk! She needs you.."

She stated simply and looked away from me.


*Sang-hee's POV*

I brushed away the tears that had dropped down from my eyes unknowingly

I did not want him to see any of it, as I promised myself that I should have a clean break with him today.

It will be alright! Everything will be alright! You will be fine Park Sang-hee!"

I kept on reminding myself when my heart ached so much in pain.

"Krystal! I am kinda busy now..I will talk to you again..."

I heard him answer the call before he ended it quickly.


He was about to speak further but I cut him off.

"End of discussion Eunhyuk....I am tired....and just close the door when you leave later..."

I said before I wheeled myself back to the room finally.


P/S: Extended one more chappie...seriously this chapter made me cry...:(

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Chapter 26: this is very touching story. simple and perfect. I love this and I gave my vote
awwwww this story was juz too touching...i actually teared when they gt back togather...i tink i become a fan of ur going to continue to read all of ur stories nw...^.^ for nw i've only read 2...(~‿◕)♥
elfjewel #3
i finished it reading in one go... w/o stoping...hahaha... it only means that it's really interesting that I don't want to break the momentum.... brought me to tears... I love it...
this is how I turned out if the fanfic is so nice and interesting o.O hahaha!! i've been reading it non-stop since I found it.I love your story.:D I love Eunhyuk here. yahhh!! hahaha! I love the ending, it's so nice and sweet. :">
keena-choding #5
This is my second time reading this fic and it's still as good as the first time! It still made me tear up a lot XD
nice! i already read donghae's and its really nice! can you create heechul's? :">
MrsPenguin #7
Happy ending yay!!
*clap, clap*<br />
*sips cola*<br />
<br />
Nice one hyukkie!<br />
That was so sweet.<br />
Thanks for another wonderful ending!<br />
<br />
And thanks for the cola :)