What Did I See?

Maybe We Are Meant To Be...

*Sang-hee POV*

I rested my back onto the bed rest wearily after taking a long and refreshing hot bath.

My eyes were red and puffy by now, and they were starting to hurt due to the continuous crying earlier on.

I did not mean to let out my darkest secret to ____-unnie, but it was getting too much for me to bear alone.

However, I made ____-unnie promise that she will not tell anyone about the fact that I am in love with Eunhyuk, not even to her dearest boyfriend, Donghae oppa.

"You must be very happy to have her by your side now...."

I thought to myself when their images inside the eating house flashed across my mind again.

I wonder what they will be doing at this time.

Maybe Eunhyuk confessed to her again?"

And maybe she will accept him this time round.

The sudden vibration of my handphone startled me, bringing me back to my senses at once.

The word <Hyukkie>is blinking on the screen repeatedly, with his silly picture as the contact photo.

However, I am not sure if I am able to talk to him normally at this moment, so I just let the phone rang till he ended the call finally.


*____ POV*

The house phone rang repeatedly, and I went out of my bed room hurriedly to take the call.

It was Eunhyuk on the other line.

He started to bombard his questions all about Sang-hee the moment he heard my voice.

I guess this boy must be worried sick when he is not able to contact her until now.

"Yes, she is back home already and she is resting in the room now...."

I explained.

I then walked over to Sang-hee's room next, and mouthed to her that Eunhyuk was on the line.

However, she shook both of her hands anxiously, indicating that she did not want to answer the call.

"Oh....err....she is sleeping already..."

I cooked up an excuse when Eunhyuk wanted me to pass the phone to her.

"Alright I will let her know....you take care too...bye..."

I reminded before I pressed the off key finally.


*Sang-hee POV*

"Why didn't you take his call? Eunhyuk is worried sick about you..."

____-unnie asked before she sat beside me on my bed.

"Well....it's the same...you already told him I am fine isn't it..."

I smiled and put back my handphone that I was holding in my hands onto the side table.

"Eunhyuk asked me to tell you "sorry" on his behalf...and he said that you would know what the apology is for..."

____-unnie continued and took my hands into her warmly.

I knew why he was apologizing for at once.

He must be feeling bad that I had to leave halfway after I had prepared everything.

"Oh....but he did not have to..."

I shook my head gently and muttered.

"Look Sang-hee...maybe their relationship is not what you think...yes...I know that boy had feeling for Krystal before...but then...maybe he had already changed his heart...and maybe it's just that he had yet to realize it..."

____-unnie tried to comfort me.

But, I know it is not possible.

The concern he had for her just now told me all.

"Unnie....thanks....but I am feeling better already....actually I should have know better not to fall for him....we are from different world after all..."

I stated before smiling.

"That's not true Sang-hee....I think you guys will look great together...."

She said hopefully.

"Don't worry about me anymore unnie...I will be fine...I will stop thinking about him once I wake up tomorrow..."

I added on before I gave her a hug. 


*Eunhyuk POV*

"She is not coming back for dinner again?"

I heard Donghae asking the moment ____-noona put down the house phone.

"Yea....she said that Anthony is taking her out for dinner...."

____-noona stated.  

“Who’s Anthony?”

I asked curiously as I looked at _____-noona who came back to join us at the dining table.

“My friend, the boss of the florist store Sang-hee is working at..."

____-noona explained.

Sang-hee had not been joining us for dinner for one whole week already.

And the last time I saw her was the day she left earlier when Krystal came to look for me in the eating store.

I did not have a chance to apologize to her personally yet.

"Taking her out for dinner again? Isn't it too kind for a boss to take his worker out for dinner for one whole week?"

Donghae probed.

"Well.....not exactly one week....it's about five days..."

____-noona answered.

"It's the same noona....he may have some ulterior motive we don't know..."

I frowned and pointed out.

"I don't think so...Anthony had always been a Mr. Nice Guy as far as I know..."

____-noona replied before she took the covers off the dishes.

"He may be one during your school days...but he could have changed after all these years....you did not meet him for quite some time isn't it?"

I retorted.

"Why don't you do something if you are so worried for her?"

She mumbled something I could not make out.

"Huh? What did you say?"

Both me and Donghae asked at the same time.


I heard ____-noona answered anxiously before she shook her head.


*Eunhyuk POV"

Not wanting to be the light bulb between Donghae and _____-noona, I left shortly after the dinner.

In the past, there is still Sang-hee with me, and it was not too awkward when we are together with the two love birds.

The situation is just not the same when you are facing the music alone.

Walking slowly towards the car park, a white BMW which stopped at the lobby caught my attention.

It seemed as if a couple was making out in the car, when the guy was practically bending his whole body towards the lady in the passenger seat.

"People nowadays..."

I shook my head in disapproval and cursed silently.

Just as I was about to walk away, the lady caught my eyes after the guy moved away from her.


I exclaimed unbelievingly.


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Chapter 26: this is very touching story. simple and perfect. I love this and I gave my vote
awwwww this story was juz too touching...i actually teared when they gt back togather...i tink i become a fan of ur stories...im going to continue to read all of ur stories nw...^.^ for nw i've only read 2...(~‿◕)♥
elfjewel #3
i finished it reading in one go... w/o stoping...hahaha... it only means that it's really interesting that I don't want to break the momentum.... brought me to tears... I love it...
this is how I turned out if the fanfic is so nice and interesting o.O hahaha!! i've been reading it non-stop since I found it.I love your story.:D I love Eunhyuk here. yahhh!! hahaha! I love the ending, it's so nice and sweet. :">
keena-choding #5
This is my second time reading this fic and it's still as good as the first time! It still made me tear up a lot XD
nice! i already read donghae's and its really nice! can you create heechul's? :">
MrsPenguin #7
Happy ending yay!!
*clap, clap*<br />
*sips cola*<br />
<br />
Nice one hyukkie!<br />
That was so sweet.<br />
Thanks for another wonderful ending!<br />
<br />
And thanks for the cola :)