Feelings Known

Maybe We Are Meant To Be...

*Eunhyuk POV*

It's going to be Sang-hee's birthday in another two days time.

____-noona is planning a birthday party for her.

I am in for the idea of course, just that I do not have a single clue what I can get for her as a birthday gift up till now.

I had been trying to find out what Hae and ____-noona will be buying for her, but they refuse to divulge any infomation on that.

To make matter worst, they forbid me to chip in a share together with them, and insisted that I had to buy one for her myself.

So much so for being my best buddy Lee Donghae!!!

I guess I am placed in the second position when it involved ____-noona.

Pondering through what Hae had told me the other night, I guess I might haven fallen for Sang-hee without realizing.

I kinda missed her lately as it had been almost close to two weeks since I last saw her.

All we did was talking over the phone, but she always seemed to be in a hurry to end the call for some reason I did not know.

Maybe I should make known of my feelings to her soon.

But, I really have no idea how to go about it.

I may seem a guy who had mass experience in courting girls, but trust me, I am very withdrawn when it comes to confession.

Maybe the birthday gift I am going to buy for her can make known of my intention hopefully.


*Sang-hee POV*

"You are going out?"

I heard ____-unnie asking the moment I reached the main door.

"It won't take too long unnie...don't worry...I remember our dinner date tonight..."

I smiled before I took out my shoes from the rack.

"What's so important that you have to go now? Is it Anthony?"

She frowned as she leaned against the wall.

"It seemed like unnie does not like me to hang out with him huh....is it because he is a bad guy?"

I cracked a joke as I looked at her.

"Of course not...I knew Anthony for a while already...I know what kind of person he is...but then...you are going to give him an answer now aren't you?"

____-unnie guessed.

"Well...he is quite upset that I am unable to spend my birthday with him today...so he is just hoping that I can at least give him a reply...and since I had been dragging him for a few days already...so I thought I might just...you know..."

I explained and slung my bag across my shoulders.

"Does it have to be now? You know Hyuk they all are coming over any moment from now..."

____-unnie came over to me and stood down to my eye level.

"There is still two hours to 7...I'll be back in time I promise...."

I smiled as I took her hands.

"Sang-hee arh...you sure you have consider clearly? But what about Eunhyuk....?"

____-unnie started the topic again but I stopped her.

"Unnie...don't start again...didn't we talk about this that time?"

I interrupted, hoping that I did not sound too rude to her.

After all, I really love this sister of mine.

"You know I just want the best for you...I will be the most happy if that guy is Eunhyuk you know..."

She said sincerely and touched my cheeks gently.

"Don't worry too much for me.....I will be fine....I'll see you later..."

I assured her before I went out of the house.


*Eunhyuk POV*

Swinging the tiny bag I am holding in my hands, I stopped my foot when I reached the lobby.

It's only 15 minutes past five and I guess I came too early.

Donghae is still taking his own sweet time trying to tore himself for the bed and I told him that I will be heading here first.

"Should I tell her before dinner? Or it's better to say after that?"

I pointed to my chin and thought mentally as I took a look at the gift in my hand.

My heart started to race the moment I thought of the possible outcomes.

"What if she does not like my gift? Or what if she does not feel the same way as I do?"

A thousand of what if questions ran through my mind before I reached the front of their house unknowingly.

____-noona seemed a little taken aback by my early arrival but nevertheless let me into the house warmly as usual.

"____-noona, where's the birthday girl?"

I asked as I looked at the open room opposite me the moment I sat onto the sofa.

"Sang-heea arh....she...err...she went...."

____-noona said uneasily as she passed me a cup of water.

"What's wrong noona? You seemed distracted..."

I asked in concern and looked at her.

"Sorry Sang-hee...I guess I have to break my promise to you...he needs to know..."

I heard ___-noona muttering and looked at me with a pair of worrying eyes.

"What's up noona? You are scaring me..."

I probed in curiosity.

"You are too late Eunhyuk....Sang-hee had went to see Anthony and she is accepting him...."

I heard _____-noona saying as she looked at me seriously.


*Eunhyuk POV*

"Stupid!!! Stupid!!! Stupid!!!"

There is no other words I could find to describe myself after what I had heard from ____-noona.

How could I be so dense not to have realise that Sang-hee actually loves me?

I will have know if I pay just a little more attention to her.

However, I guess I must have been too blinded with Krystal all these while to have notice everything she had done for me.

I could not describe how guilt-stricken I felt when ____-noona told me the number of times I had made Sang-hee cried over me.

To think I did not have a single idea over that.

I jumped into the car with the fastest speed possible.

I need to find her before she accepted that damn guy.

Sang-hee is mine, and she is going to be only mine.


*Sang-hee POV*

"So have you decided?"

Anthony asked sincerely after a while of silence.

We were seated at one corner of the eating store.

We were the only two inside the entire restaurant as it was still not open to the public as yet.

Staring at Anthony who was looking at me all this while, I gulped my saliva nervously.

He had very fine features on his face, as he is made up of half chinese and half caucasion.

He had a pair of shiny brown eyes that could melt thousands of girls out there, including mine.

To be honest, I felt kinda fortunate to have him liking me, but then, I just do not have the feelings for him like what I had for Eunhyuk.

He does not make my heart go thumping fast, like what Eunhyuk did to me whenever he is close to me.

But then, he really treats me well, and he is a nice man.

I should give him a chance on account of that right?

"Erm...I think....."

I said before I looked at him in the eyes finally.


P/S: Sorry for the cliff hanger here...the story is going to be too long to be put in one chappie...so the next one will be the final epi...I promise okie...haha....comments pls....:)

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Chapter 26: this is very touching story. simple and perfect. I love this and I gave my vote
awwwww this story was juz too touching...i actually teared when they gt back togather...i tink i become a fan of ur stories...im going to continue to read all of ur stories nw...^.^ for nw i've only read 2...(~‿◕)♥
elfjewel #3
i finished it reading in one go... w/o stoping...hahaha... it only means that it's really interesting that I don't want to break the momentum.... brought me to tears... I love it...
this is how I turned out if the fanfic is so nice and interesting o.O hahaha!! i've been reading it non-stop since I found it.I love your story.:D I love Eunhyuk here. yahhh!! hahaha! I love the ending, it's so nice and sweet. :">
keena-choding #5
This is my second time reading this fic and it's still as good as the first time! It still made me tear up a lot XD
nice! i already read donghae's and its really nice! can you create heechul's? :">
MrsPenguin #7
Happy ending yay!!
*clap, clap*<br />
*sips cola*<br />
<br />
Nice one hyukkie!<br />
That was so sweet.<br />
Thanks for another wonderful ending!<br />
<br />
And thanks for the cola :)