The Unexpected Outcome

Maybe We Are Meant To Be...

*Eunhyuk POV*

I sat outside the operating threatre blankly, staring at the red light above.

I was still trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Everything seemed to occur too fast, and before I knew it, I only saw the lady lying in a pool of red in front of me.

It seemed that she had saved me from that terrible accident.

If not for her push, I guess I would be the one lying in there now.

There was a whirl of confusion earlier on, and I was pushed into the same ambulance with her along the way.

Praying hard to the mighty god above me silently, I could only wish for the well-being of her now.


*Sang-hee POV*

I was trying to keep myself awake all the while.

However, my eyelids proved too heavy for me to handle.

It seemed as if a lot of people were buzzing around me now, and I could hear the sound of machine beeping loudly.

A strong scent of medical drug filled my nostrils shortly after, choking me slighty.

I could vaguely feel a bright light shining above me, and I wondered if I have gone to another world by now.

I could feel nothing but pain over my entire body.

"Miss.....can you make out your name?"

I heard someone asking while tapping on my cheek gently.

"Park.....Park Sang-hee..."

That's all I could muttered before I lost my conscious totally.


*Eunhyuk POV*

Standing outside the intensive care unit, I looked at the lady through the windows.

Her face were filled with scratches and so were her arms.

However, that was not the worst thing worrying me for now.


"Doctor, how is the patient?"

I asked anxiously as soon as the doctor came out from the threatre.

"She is your....?"

The doctor questioned before he removed the mask from his face.

"Erm...we are not related actually....but she is the one who saved me from the accident..."

I explained.

"I see....she is out of danger for now..."

The doctor announced.

I was about to heave a sigh of relief but the expression in his eyes got me worried further.

"As the crash hit her spine quite severely, I am afriad to say that she might have difficulty walking...."

The doctor added on.

"You mean she will be wheel-bounded for the rest of her life?"

I widened my eyes in horror and exclaimed.

"I cannot give you a definate answer now....we are only able to access further when she wakes up...but you must be prepare that she will not be able to walk again within a short period..."

The doctor looked at me seriously before he adjusted his spectable.

"A short period meaning...?."

I asked nervously.

Please, please let a short period be a few days or even a few weeks.

"For at least six months I would say..."

The doctor said solemnly.

*End of flashback*


*Eunhyuk POV*

I had never felt more guilty than what I was feeling now for my entire life.

I had caused a girl to lose her mobility for at least half a year or even longer.

Even though I was not the one who caused this accident, but she got herself in this mess because of me.

I did not know how I am going to make up to her this time.

My handphone rang suddenly, breaking my thoughts.

"Oh hyung....I...I am in the hospital now...something cropped up...I will explain to you later...I'm coming back now..."

It was Lee Teuk hyung who called me, reminding me of our live radio show which will be starting in another one hour time.

Taking a last look at the lady, I picked up my jacket and left the place hurriedly.


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Chapter 26: this is very touching story. simple and perfect. I love this and I gave my vote
awwwww this story was juz too touching...i actually teared when they gt back togather...i tink i become a fan of ur going to continue to read all of ur stories nw...^.^ for nw i've only read 2...(~‿◕)♥
elfjewel #3
i finished it reading in one go... w/o stoping...hahaha... it only means that it's really interesting that I don't want to break the momentum.... brought me to tears... I love it...
this is how I turned out if the fanfic is so nice and interesting o.O hahaha!! i've been reading it non-stop since I found it.I love your story.:D I love Eunhyuk here. yahhh!! hahaha! I love the ending, it's so nice and sweet. :">
keena-choding #5
This is my second time reading this fic and it's still as good as the first time! It still made me tear up a lot XD
nice! i already read donghae's and its really nice! can you create heechul's? :">
MrsPenguin #7
Happy ending yay!!
*clap, clap*<br />
*sips cola*<br />
<br />
Nice one hyukkie!<br />
That was so sweet.<br />
Thanks for another wonderful ending!<br />
<br />
And thanks for the cola :)