The Sequel - Part 5 (I Love You)

Maybe We Are Meant To Be...

*Sang-hee's POV*

I cupped my hands tightly over my mouth to stop myself from sobbing out aloud.

I refused to open the door no matter how many times Eunhyuk knocked on it.

Not that I could face him any longer, as the mere look at him just make me wanna give in.

I had no wish to say anything to hurt him just now, but it was the only way to make him give up on our relationship.

I cannot be so selfish anymore, after I had kept him with me for the past six months.

More tears started to flow the moment I heard the front door being closed softly.

I knew he had left, and it marked the end of our relationship.


*Eunhyuk's POV*

I slumped down onto the sofa wearily after I dragged myself home.

I sat silently, thinking through what Sang-hee had told me.

I must be the worst boyfriend ever.

To think I know nothing about the girl whom I had been taking care for the past half a year.

"You scared me! Why didn't you switch on the light?"

Donghae jumped up in fright when he stepped into the dorm at this hour, before he on the lights in the living room.

I did not answer him but kept silence.

"Hyuk, what happened?"

He asked as he sat beside me.

"Hae, do you know what kind of books unnie like to read?"

I asked suddenly.

"What? Why the sudden question?"

Donghae looked at me curiously and probed.

"Just answer me..."

I insisted stubbornly.

"She don't really like books...she is more into comic....and she just finished the detective set I got for her in Taiwan..."

He answered without thinking.

"Do you know what drama she is currently watching?"

I added on.

"She is addicted to Athena..the drama that Siwon casted in..."

He said again.

I let out a big sigh and rested my head into my hands.

Sang-hee was right.

Dong-hae did know everything about his girlfriend.

And I guess all boyfriends should be the same as him, except me.

And compared to Donghae, I am beyond disappointment.

"Hyuk, what happened to you?"

He shook my hands next and asked worriedly.

"We broke off Hae..."

I whispered softly, before I felt tears dropping down my eyes finally.

I could not hold back any longer, as my mind kept telling me how bad I had performed as a boyfriend.


He asked in astonishment.


*Sang-hee's POV*

I woke up from a bad cough, and my whole head seemed to be spinning.

My eyes started to hurt as I forced them open, and I guess it must be due to the crying from yesterday.

Sneezing repeatedly, I breathed in hardly gasping for air.

I was down with a bad flu, and it was lucky that I do not have to work today.

A strong aroma brought me back to senses suddenly, and I wondered who is cooking in the kitchen.

Unnie had woke me earlier saying that she had some work to be done, as Super Junior had a whole day schedules this afternoon.

She was still worrying for me before she went off, and she finally left reluctantly after I assured her that I will be fine on my own.

I widened my eyes in surprise the moment I saw Eunhyuk in our kitchen.

He was wearing an apron, busy fumbling with the pots in front of him.

"Why are you here?"

I said softly before letting out a few coughs.

"Sang-hee, you are awake? How are you feeling?"

He came and squatted in front of me, before putting his palm over my forehead.

"You are still buring a little.."

He frowned and cupped my face, staring at me in concern.


*Eunhyuk's POV*

Donghae was right.

Instead of sitting at home crying over spilt milk, I should brace myself up and do something for her.

I need to prove to her with my actions to show her that I care for her.

I always do, just that I took it for granted that she would know how I feel without letting her know.

"You shouldn't be here Eunhyuk...."

She stated, before she removed my hands from her.

"I should be here, especially when my girlfriend is sick..."

I said simply.

"Eunhyuk, I thought I told you very clearly yesterday..."

She sighed before she moved herself a few steps behind from me.

"I will not be accepting your one-sided breakup Sang-hee...I need you to know that I love you...and I always do...I will prove it with my actions.."

I said seriously and stopped her from leaving.


*Sang-hee's POV*

Staring at him busying himself in the kitchen touched me.

Especially when he scalded himself a lot of times while trying to cook.

"Time for food Sang-hee.."

He broke my thoughts after a while and beamed at me brightly.

"Let me help you..."

He offered just when I was about to take up the spoon.

Scooping up a little, he blew a few times before he fed me.

"Is it very bad? I'm sorry.....but it's all I could make up..."

He asked awkwardly after I took a few bites.

I shook my head, but he did not seem a little convince with my answer and tasted it himself.

"Gosh! It's so salty!!! I must have added too much soy sauce just now!!! Why didn't you tell me Sang-hee? Let me throw this away...I will get some food from outside..."

Eunhyuk said hysterically and stood up anxiously.

"It's good enough Hyuk...."

I stopped him and took over the bowl.


*Sang-hee's POV*

"You should be leaving Eunhyuk...don't you have schedules this afternoon?"

I reminded as he took some flu medicine for me after lunch.

"I am not leaving for anywhere today..."

He stated simply and urged me to glup down the medicine.

"You can't do this along now..."

I added on seriously.

It just meant he skipped his events today without reason.

"Sang-hee...I had been responsible in my work all just let me play a bad guy for once alright?"

He said sincerely.

Before I could say any further, he had already scooped me from the wheelchair.

"Enough talking...let's catch some drama now..."

He hushed and made me sit in between his laps while he hugged me from behind on the sofa.

"Don't stay this close to me Hyuk...I will pass the virus to you..."

I reminded.

"I'm not scared...because I love you..."

He whispered beside my ears before he kissed on my cheeks gently.


*Eunhyuk's POV*

I felt her head resting on my chest some time later.

She had fallen asleep halfway through the drama.

Smiling a little, I gave a peck on her forehead before letting her lie on the sofa.

She looked so peaceful in her sleep now and I could not help myself from caressing her cheeks softly.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

I asked when she opened her eyes suddenly.

She shook her head, and sat up slowly.

SHe gazed at me for a while, before she spoke up.

"I wanted you to be with the girl you love..that why I let you go..."

She said softly.

"You are so silly Sang-hee...."

I said as I placed her hands on my cheeks.

"You don't have to be with me out of guilt Eunhyuk....I will be able to walk soon..."

She added on.

"Do you really think so little of me? Do you really think I am a person who will do such a thing? I love you Sang-hee...I love you.. I love you and only you..."

I repeated and looked at her seriously.

"Are you serious about this?"

She asked, and I could see tears b in her eyes by now.

Without answering her further, I leaned in and gave a peck on her lips as my answer.

I continued kissing her when she responded to my kisses.

We only broke apart when we gasped for air.

"Am I clear enough with my actions?"

I asked with my blushed face.

Nodding finally, she buried herself in my chest before I threw my arms over her.


P/S: Finally done....

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Chapter 26: this is very touching story. simple and perfect. I love this and I gave my vote
awwwww this story was juz too touching...i actually teared when they gt back togather...i tink i become a fan of ur going to continue to read all of ur stories nw...^.^ for nw i've only read 2...(~‿◕)♥
elfjewel #3
i finished it reading in one go... w/o stoping...hahaha... it only means that it's really interesting that I don't want to break the momentum.... brought me to tears... I love it...
this is how I turned out if the fanfic is so nice and interesting o.O hahaha!! i've been reading it non-stop since I found it.I love your story.:D I love Eunhyuk here. yahhh!! hahaha! I love the ending, it's so nice and sweet. :">
keena-choding #5
This is my second time reading this fic and it's still as good as the first time! It still made me tear up a lot XD
nice! i already read donghae's and its really nice! can you create heechul's? :">
MrsPenguin #7
Happy ending yay!!
*clap, clap*<br />
*sips cola*<br />
<br />
Nice one hyukkie!<br />
That was so sweet.<br />
Thanks for another wonderful ending!<br />
<br />
And thanks for the cola :)