Chapter Twenty Two

Lost In Mertan


heechul got up from his bed and yawned, covreig his mouth as he did and went into the bathroom and began fixing his hair along wit hthe others as he brushed his teeth, he then walked into the living room, that usual smell of hanggengs friend rice emerged and sent his taste bugs to the limit of their cravings and he sat down on a sofa chair, alongisde julia hwom was reading a book. he opened his mouth to ask what book she was reading then he remmebered, it was silent day and they weren't to talk. the whole members of super junior and the girls ha agreed to do it, even siwon who didn't approve of homouals but he had enough respect to be silent that very day and that more than enough. the other boys walked into the orom, each groaning, they bgean brushing their teeth.

"CAN YOU MOVE KA-" upon realising swore. "SH-"

kangin began substaining a laughter though took a lot of ernergy and grinned to himself. haha in.

im hungry... thought siwon to himself im going to ask hangeng to cook faster... and he walked to the area and with a chalk board and some hwite chalk and wrote in large letters. COOK FASTER.

hangeng frowned and took the chalkboard and wrote: how is that possible? don't you want the fried rice to taste good? and he shutup and sat down on the sofa aswell as they waited and thought of work. work was going to take palce soon and they were not excited at all.

when they ehawrd the scarpping of the pan they began to become excited and entered the kitche, hangeng was getting scraps of frie drice stuck on the edges wit hhis spatula.

YAY wrote heechul FASTER

hangeng turned his own chalk board over and wrote the words: do you awnt more beijing fried rice?

and when they sat down he placed the bowl on the table and each of themd ug in and began to eat, after 5 minutes of complete silence ryeowook basically screamed and sungmin poined as for accusing and then looked down as his splattered fried rice o nthe floor, hangeng thought of this as an insult but at the sight sungmin screamed, not because it was an incsult, but inside the fried was a a big fat cockaroach, dead, and obviously cooked. then he saw its ear twitched and he got up and ran behind ryeowook as for protection, to bad that the person he was running to was just as scared if not more. the other members of super junior and the girls peered down where the incident occured and wehn they saw the sight they basically spit out their beijing fried rice and ran to the bathroom plaing dabs of toothpaste into their mouth adn rinsing it with mouthwash that was becoming dusty in their cupboards.

donghae wrote on the board "NO THE FOOD IS DIGESTING!" and the others wanted to puke which would've been a huge favour at this very oment.

"SOMEONE PUT IT IN THERE!" wrote hang geng rubbin goff donghaes comment and he wanted to scream about the mount of valuable chalf he wasted to write that simple sentence.

heechul smacked his head and got he chalk and wrote. "WHO DID? YOU WAS IT YOU?"

hangeng pointed to pinky and heechul wanted to choke the guy. then he wrote and placed it infront of him for show. "YOU CAN'T CALL FOR THE POLCE IF I CHOKE YOU BECAUSE YOU CAN'T TALK!"

and at that moment sungmin went infront ofwherethe board was placed and punched it, the board broke into pieces and heechul looked like he had just been and sungmin blew the dirt fro his hands.

then he thought, they would be needing it today with the angry boss whom they were to see very soon.

when they arrived abck at work the boss was pushign them ahrder then ever mainly because of the fact tht they had missed 4 days of work and was already compensating ofr it 3 dasy before but the boss agreed that this wasn't enough that this would be the final day considering that the days would soon be even, however he wanted to see them sweating likes pigs by the end of their shift though they were still rather content with the fact taht they had noe xtra hours to work at all with the exception that they didn't get paid which was still terrible for them. they were rathe close with reaching their goal to go back tokorea and were only a weeks short with the addition with not only super juniors money but the girls. they've contacted korea many times but apparently mertain dosen't have phone calls to korea apparently and especially sm entertainment studio obviously so they had to rely solely on the fac ttaht they had to work fo ti, which they didn't mind, they like dspending time iwth each other adn they had scarcely forgotten the fact that they were going to be leavin geach other and just spent their days like they would stay forever and didn't even think of the thought that the time was soon to come.

for the past 3 days. the boss having ntohing better to do would sit on his chair and watch them, ryeowook was definatly stronger than the weeks he septn here and all was proud of him eve the boss couldn't help but contain a vivid smirk. he could see himself in ryeowook though he hadn't a clue. the others however, epecially kagnin were like een stronger too, improving not only their strength but endurance which amy thought pecilarlu creepy, she had to, with teh knowledge that she wasn't pushign herself had enough and mary and the girls contuined doign the same, but now julia and victoria occasionally began talking to each other, their friendship had grown to an immesne degree in compaison to their first day together in the apartment, julia didn't like anything about her from the start and victoria hadn't known what she was doign wrong.

"MOVE YOUR ASSES SISSIES!" yelled the boss threatingly. "MOVE MOVE MOVE!"

so the plan went like this, they were to do their job to the best of their ability so then the boss couldn't demand answers at why they were workign so terribly and in which wasn't too bad of an idea as it were coming otu of julias mouth.

"hmm.. impresssive..." said the boss. "ful of energy still even after yesterdays work hmm? HEY YOU! THAT RYEOWOOK!" he walked towards him.

Julia smacked her head. She hadn't thought of that.

"so tell me why you and your friends are doing heaps of a better job?" he asked and ryeowook exchanged nervous glances, what was he to say? he couldn't say anything! literally!

he shrugged.

"i'll tell you why! because you've been giving a pay rise!"

ryeowoks eyes widened.

"now go!" he said then as ryeowook wa walking away asked. "hey don't i get a thank you?"

he turned around and 'bowed' which was definatly more than enough. "HAH, THE SILENT TREATMENT." said the boss smirking. "must be angry for the others days i've tormented you hmm...?" he pointed to the boxes. "carry 3 in eac hturn. NOW until you apologise and say thank you."

the members of super junior and the girls eyes widened. it was only evident that ryeowook was screwed. they suddenly wished they borught a enw board but they hadn't had enough time. siwon and donghae tried to cover up and misconceptions by physically telling the boss by making leters with thei rbodies and acting it out though each failed miserable and each began regreting remoserfully that they hadn't called him up yesterday to tell him of the occasion since they thought they hadn't need to. now they were sure to be 100 times MORE sure to be sure.

after ryeowook who was suffering terrible aching arms still didn't apologise or say words of gratitude for a pay rise which he would've entirely, he collapsed on the floor outside, and gave up, the boss ahd thought that ryeowook was trying to test him and was becoming rather angry so he went inside and said thank you and sorry and the tohers eyes enlargened, ryeowook was the second to tell.

who was next?

When they got home ryeowook lunged onto his chair depressed. IM SORRY GUYS. He wrote ona piece of paper with a sharpy.

"its okay." Said siwon out loud and everyone looked at him upon realisation covered his mouth.

Three down 8 more to go...

The door bell rang and Amy went downstairs to get it. She looked through the door hole and she saw the figure of a very familiar person, arenas just as wild but ten times more crazier friend and she had come, now of all the times to visit. Amy would've defiantly yelled her name but since they weren't to talk she ahd to run up another flight of stairs as arenas friend kept repeatedly pressing the door boor vexingly and the rest eventually came to se ehwo was the casue for this disturbance and when amy ushered arena to come downstairs she looked through the key hole and was delighted a tthe sight. She opened the door hastily and the girls wung her arms around arena.

"ARENA!" she yelled arena said nothing in return.

"can I hang out today?" she asked and arena nodded her head and lead her upstairs and when they arrive don the surface, her eyes glimmered with the sight of hot guys, Korean hot guys and she basically jumped up an ddown and couldn't contained a scream, shocking the boys at the endeavour especially those of siwon and where she basically took a phone from her pocket an tried to take a picture. Amy went in front of her and placed a hand over the camera as to indicate 'dont' and she replied back witha very angry stare as though it was a call for a fight.

"hey!" she said. "move your hand away!"

she took the sharpy and some paper on the table and wrote. "PUT THE CAMERA AWAY!"

she gave her a angry stare and arena went in front of them trying to explain what the occasion was by writing it down on a piece of apper unfortunately her writing was to big they had to use twice as much paper and amy groaned as she wrote in the exact same font on the second piece of paper.

"silent day?" she said. "this is joke right?"

And then she went to the television after ramaging through arenas dvd collection and choosed a horror movie, te last exorcism and placed it inside the dvd player, when it closed shut she opened the tv with the remote and then sat there on her own and begged the others to watch. After she threatened to make more noise and disturb the house even more if they didn't they realised they hadn't a choice and sat down with her unwillingly as she eyed the boys with drool coming out of the edges of and she giggled to herself fna dtried conversing with arena, who still didn't sya anything adn this ticked her off abit.

"WHY DO YOU TALK?" she said and arena searche dofr hte paper in which seh wrote "SILENT DAY!" and placed it infornt of her face so much it was nearly touching and she nodded her head. "oh..."

Arena rolled her eyes.
"so if you talk then that means you don't have to be quiet anymore?"

Arena shook her head and wrote no. She began to tickle her and arena was basically crying of laughter and she found it hard not to let any noise escape .


Amy rolled her eyes, she couldn't take it. She tok a piece of paper and wrote stop and then she showed it to her. When she just stared at it she wrote on the bottom of it in a very large thick font. "PLEASE." And she stopped what she was doing and mumbled to herself indignantly. "this is no fun." Amy then went into her room and when she spotted this she began hastling arena more and began talking about how cute this boy was and how cute thta boy was and she literally screamed when the movie started and by now the boys were locked inside their rooms o ntheir own will and she was left out with the girls, whom Julia was already long gone inside the girls dorm with amy and literally cursing to herself.

"when is she going home?" Julia lipscined.

Amy shrugged, she wanted her home now. But just after ten minutes she barged intot he room and jumped on their beds up and about until the covers were in mountains shaped forms and eveyrhting that was once placed neatly thanks to marys doing was sent into ruins.

The girls hated arenas friends visits, they were either so annoying to the point they were actually impressed or just fan crazy, but they were lucky arena didn't have that much friends, only a few knew about Koreans, the current friend over arenas house thankfully wasn't really into Korean things, but she was highly into hot guys, and yes, the super junior boys were hot.

"arena... should we sneak up on them?" she winked. "I mean... have you and any of them ever had... ?"

And they thought arena was bad. She blushed and wrote on a chalf board. "there just friends."

And she whispered giggling. "BUT YOU WISH YOU DID."

As much as amy wanted to shot herself in the foot she didn't, the ak47 was in the boys room so instead she just yearned unto the time came, having been another 5 hours of torture onto she went home and form then on was discussing about how cute sungmin was and how much sehd like to date him and what she would do to him for the majority of the time which ticked amy off and and about siwons body and abs that she could just see through as it hid in that black tshirt. In attempts to ignore the words that came through that chatter box like lips of hers, she just pretended to slep in her bed and then after a while did as the other girls were left miserably talking to each other with current incredings from arenas friend and bizarre questions that should be considered illegal in Julias case.

After a while she awoke and and when she did she found that no one was in the room and she got out of bed, her feet touching the gorund as she yawned, she had nevre slept through day so this was indeed something new to her and her hair was messed up to fizzes and knots but still rather straight the same and she opened the door and at that moment strings and a loud bang erupted, the colourful strings bouncing of her face as arenas friend laughed and she replied with a very angry contounce.

"whats up with her?" said arenas friend and amy said nothing and went into the fridge in search of something to eat. "you know... I don't know why anyone would want to be friends with her. She wrecks the fun."

Amy ignored these words and contuined eating her custard pudding smothered in melted white chocolate and began the spoon at every bite but arena shook her head and wrote on a piece of paper.

"don't talk about her like that."

And she gapped offendedly. "but its true."

Arena took the last piece of paper from the table and wrote. "its not." And she contuined to stare at her like she was some sort of a stranger.

"whats happened to you?" she said. "you've changed arena..." and she shook her head incredously and took her stuff and went to open the door to leave.


Arena waved her head and when the door banged shut she rolled her eyes. Thankgoodness thats over.

At this simple noise of the door closing shut, the boys opened there door hastily so fast that the wind being pushed was audible and the boys emerged out like items from a stuffed closest once opened.

"thank goodness shes gone." Said heechul and the others looked at him fast and he covered his mouth with both hands then he covered pinkys.

4 down... 7 to go...

It took hours for one to give up accidently, but this incident made the rest of the super junior members give up in one lot.

Around the hours of 9, they decided to go sleep really really early because the others found it boring without the use of their mouths to entertain themselves and the members and girls surrounding them. They thought that if they slept and woke up the next day they would be able to sleep the silence away, atleast they were now feeling how it felt to be shut in the closet which was the whole point of this exercise.

The phone rang 30 minutes later and Julia picked up, the boys weren't eligible of picking of the phone just in case.

"hello?" said the person on the phone. "whose this?"

It was odd witout greeting the person and saying nothing when asked, it was the boss but she was sure to call him tomorrow to explain things.

Julia had no choice. "hello?" she said then after a few minutes. "WHAT? BUT BUT BOSS. THERES NO OTHER JOB THAT WILL EMPLOY US! YOU CAN'T FIRE US THAT WAS THE ONLY JOB WE COULD GET. Ohh... yes I understand." her voice lowered and she said in despair. "okay thank you boss... its been a pleasure working for you..."

She dropped the phone and she needent say what the boss had already informed her to the others, their eyes widened and speechless, this time not because of the occasion.

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