Chapter Twenty One

Lost In Mertan


The next morning arena awoke to see victoria on the couch, silent, her lips pursed and her hands clutching her legs with her face peering down at the gorund, she looked stoned, like she was thinking of nothing and when arena asked if anything was wrong, her voice sounded croaky, and she knew that she had been doing some serious thinking.

"are you alright victoria?" she asked.

"fathers sick." She replied.

"hes sick?" she said.

"he had a heart attack and hes in the hospital." She wiped a tear from her eye.
and at that moment amy came out of the door.

"whats going on?" she aid after a very dismal silence erupted out of clear blue. "vic... whats wrong?"

"fathers sick." She replied.

"WHAT HES SICK?" she said eagerly. "have you visited him in the hospital... do you want to go now? I can drive you or—"

"im not going." She said.

"why?" said arena sadly.

"I don't think he wants me to come..." she replied then she placed her head in her knees, her eyes crying waterfalls as she tried to withstain them from flowing. "father had a heart attack days ago... he didn't even call me... his only daughter! Father hates me, he hates me, he hates me!"

"do you want to go to the hospital to see him?" said amy walking forward to her and placed her hands on her shoulder comfortly. "we're here for you vic."

"yea vic..." said arena, crouching down and looking at her sympathetically. "wanna go watch hot guys with me?"

"bleach?" offered amy. "anything? Hey, I'll even be your jester." And Victoria laughed.

"can I do both? Theres some ot guys in bleach." She replied.

"do you want to see him in the hospital though?" amy asked.

"I can... 'drive you'." Said Arena sceptically.

"arena you wouldn't be able to drive even if your life solely depended on it. Last time you tried, we nearly ended up running an old lady down the road." Amy replied accentuating the 'solely'.

"not my fault she was walking so slow!" said arena in her defense.

"I think I would like to see him..." said victoria.

"we don't want to push you..." said amy.

"its your choice. Not ours." Arena added. "besides, we have nothing better to do, actually we have to go work but we'll call fro a day off. But I don't think master Gemini will let but this is something serious."

"I doubt it, not like our boss ever had a heart, but Its worth trying." She added and grabbed the phone. "arena... you do it."

"no you do it." She replied. "hes creepy, we've already had 3 days now 4... amy watch out, you might need hearing aids."

"hah." She replied and she dialled the number, when the phone finally picked up her expression changed form boredom to seriousness. "hey boss, can we please get a day off work? Victorias fathers terribly sick in the hospital. He had heart attack and-" she looked surprised. "really—really? Um thanks boss, we'll make it up to you tomorrow."

"so did he let us?" said arena.

"yea..." said amy peculiarly. "he did."

"awesomeeee!" said victoria.

"yay!" said arena happily then saw amys immobile figure and said. "whats wong?"

"don't you think its kinda weird?" amy said. "hes been... rather... too nice, usually if we'd ask he'd scream at us and tell us to never mention it again, and he sounded like he was in a good mood. Somethings up."

"like what?" said arena then added dreamily. "maybe hes in love..."

"worst suggestion ever." Said amy.

"so victoria...!, do you want to go on your own or...?" asked arena.

She paused. "I want you all to come along!" she said enthusiastically.

"of course..." said amy fully aware that it was one of victorias traits, she loved the attention and was really straightforward when asking for it and she never hid her emotions when asked. If she did, it was like refusing her thirst.

"marys coming too right?" she said happily.

"um, didn't you want all of us to come?" said amy.

"yea!" she replied, Amy was glad she was okay with mary being gay or everything, it was only arena and Julia with the problem, it seemed like victoria had forgot the fact that she was and it was hard to see throught that, it was also too obvious that mary had no interest in Victoria. She was just too annoying for her tastes.

"if you don't want me to go..." said amy.

"no!" she replied. "I want you too!" she said and she looked at arena. "and you!"

"of course you do." Said arena.

"okay then..." said amy. "I'll go wake up the others."

Arena stayed in her spot. "your necklace is cute!"
amy knocked on the girls dorm, waking up Julia and mary who groaned, then she walked over to the boys dorm who were bound to be awake by hang gengs cooking, and she knocked on their door, who groaned twice as loud.

"wake up." She said. "vics father had a heart attack. We're going to the hospital."
"wait..." they sid getting up from their beds, sleepily and when they got up and finished brushing their teeths they each hugged vic.

"I'm sorry about the news vic..." they said. "how olds your father?"

"60." She replied.

"wow." They said.

"you're father must be really close to you huh? I've never seen you talk about your mother." Said Ryeowook.

Amy began to choke and mary went to smack her on the back and she began to choke even more. "no mary stop stop!" and sungmin laughed and hugged her.

"I don't have a mother." She replied and an awkward atmosphere emerged.

"um..." said hangeng getting up and eluding the scene. "so who wants more Beijing fried rice?"

After they finished eating and amy announced that they were free of work they went into to mertains hospital in victorias caravan and the girls were completely astonished at how big it was in comparison to their local whom happened to be 4 times as small.

"wow..." said Julia amazed. "look at the size of that thing!"

"its pretty damn big." Amy said, just as astonished.

"lets get in, lets get in!" said victoria enthusiastically.

"i've never seen anyone so enthusiastic about going into a hospital, let alone a hospital which her dad is receiving treatment in because he had a heart attack." Said Julia. "it is official..."

"vics insane." amy replied.

When they had entered the hospital, victoria went to check what room he was in and when given the number went.

"it should be around here..." victoria said and then spotted a lady, with curly brown locks, and pale green eyes and an olive tan, she wore elegant clothes and she stood gracefully, was this victorias mother?

"is this your mother?" said mary gapping. "so your half—"

"shes my step mother." Said victoria. "step..."

"oh..." the others said upon realisation. "that makes more sense."

The members of super junior and the girls followed her as she walked towards the tall figure of her 'step mother' and in which she spotted her with an indifferent contenounce, this contenounce then turned into anger, those perfectly done eyebrows arched like Japanese works of art and an ambiance circulated the area around.

"should we run?" suggested siwon.

"stupid girl!" she yelled. "what are you doing here? Who said you could come? And you!" she looked at the other crowded people behind her. "what are you doiung here?"

"we came to see father." Said victoria.

"not you! Them!" Victorias mother yelled.

"there my friends." She replied. "is father awake?"

"HEY." Said amy coming into view. "just because your married to victorias mother and my mothers friend dosen't mean you have the right to say that! I have nothing do with your family business but this isn't your child-"

"WHO ARE YOU?" she yelled to her.


her eyes widened then the step mother slapped her, amy pusher her away and she slammed into a wall.

"wait until i tell your mother!" she yelled.


"whoa re you to speak to me like this?" she yelled and she walked to her and pulled her hair.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" she yelled and pushed her away.

"what is this commotion?" said a male voice weakly, the others stopped what they were doing and he was exposed to the sight of victorias step mum pulling amys hair.

"what... what are you doing dear?" he asked. "and why are you hurting this young lady...?" he squinted his eyes then looked taken aback. "amy...? is that you?"

"yes sir." And she walked to him and bowed. "its been a long time."

"what the hell is going on?" said donghae and looked at the others, they looked just as astonished.
"a long long time. so how is your mother? i see that you are still friends with my daughter?"

"my mothers doing fine... money troubles but fine, i'm trying to help her." She replied. "and victorias one i'm living with."

"oh in that case..." he replied. "i shall contuine paying your rent and support your mother financially... victoria hadn't told me, but now that you ahve, consider yourself hastle free."

Amy suddenly viewed him as a magic man.

"um thank you..." she said.

"WHAT! YOU CAN'T" yelled the step mum. "THIS GIRL ATTACKED ME!"
"now now..." he said laughing. "teenagers will be teenagers, hormone loaded... i'm sure there was an excusable reason... it should be you the one saying sorry for those nail marks on her face... oh and i see you've had a makeover..."

"yea. Just yesterday." Said amy smiling.

"it looks heaps better darling, so where is my daughter...?" he called and she revealed herself from the doorway. "oh... still very short. Stand straight darling. You are croaching again. oh how many times i've told you you still won't listen to me..."

"i guess i'll leave you alone." Said amy and she smiled and bowed slowly to him, then bowed quickly to victorias step mum and left.

"what the hell was that?" said heechul.

"i'll explain to you outside." She said.

"how come we've never heard of this!" yelled mary to me.

"its personal family issues." Amy replied.

"i thought we told everything to each other." said mumbled. "i thought there were no secrets, or maybe you didn't trust us enough."

"i do, i just, didn't see a reason to tell you." She replied.

"but you do now? After we're all confused?" she said seriously and amy caught this and turned around.

"mary... its not that big of a deal—"

"it is!" said arena. "why did her dad stop paying the rent? Why victoria behaves like this? Why this why that? You never told us..."

"i couldn't!" said amy. "just understand that there are some things that are irrevlevant and i can't tell you. Its none of your business."

"well if it was none of our business then why the HELL are we standing here?" said mary angrily.

Amy looked shocked. "okay, sure, i'll tell you everything you need to know."

"have you ever wanted to know the reason why victoria and i are friends?" said amy to the others who was sitting on a bench and the others on the lime cropped grass with its penetrating roots as sungmin dabbed the wonds on her check with cloths of sprayed antisceptic.

"yea that has occurred to me, how could you tolerate or even live with a girl like that?" said Julia.

"yea well. Me and victoria have been friends since we were kids... babies... both our parents with both her parents were friends since high school, my mum also had another friend, she didn't have friends and my mother told me that she was one of those girls that had a boyfriend every week... we'll things were going good... victorias parents worked as huge big time FBI agents and as teenagers were just ordinary people with a thirst for reading, my mother recalled them as perfectionists, victorias mother and father meet because of mine and they really respect us. My parents work ordinary jobs, but there are times when they help us financially and ask for nothing in return when we are desperate and so... but that is now, before, they used to be really close, victorias parents would help my mother and father alot without asking, but then that woman you saw in the hospital, she was one of my other parents friends, the one i said that had a boyfriend every week... when me and victoria were only 9, my..." she took a deep breath. "my mum found out that the woman was having affairs with victorias father... ual affairs. My mother who was a good friend of hers... didn't believe that she would do that, and said that there must've been a mistake and she defended her to the point where she got in a huge argument with victorias dad and they hadn't talked for years after that. when me and victoria turned 12, victorias mother caught that woman having with victorias father and she divorced him and thats why victoria dosen't have a mother... my mother still hasn't talked to him that much, just occasional hellos after the fight, afterall it was just a fight, and someones when she asks he gives. But they knew... that things will never be the same. After that my mother got into a fight with that woman and she convinced victorias father to stop giving giving money to us, which wasn't enough to convince him though cause they had been bestfriends for ages, especially victorias mum, its mainly victorias mother that helps us, but shes moved to another state... away from it all."

She looked up at their reactions.

"i never really knew..." said mary dabbing her eyes.

"hey cry for attention..." said amy. "was because she had none at all... her father and mother was always fighting and they completely neglected her and whenever they did talk it was about ways on how to improve herself and criticising the ways she did wrong."

"victoria isn't that bad for a rich kid, i know now why... but i think its mostly because of you, you kept her sane. Her father still gave her everything she wants. Maybe she didn't receive the full affection of her parents love but... she had everything!"

"so what are we going to do?" they said.

"support her..." amy replied then added detestfully. "i hate that woman."

"i need to know..." said Julia clenching her fits. "i need to know!" and she got up and went into the hospital and into the area in which victorias father lay in the hospital bed and victoria at her side. Her back pressed against the wall she carefully listened, their voices just audible enough for hearing.

"why do you always make be embarrassed? Don't you ever try to make me proud? Amys a better daughter than you, Amy, if only you could be like her i'd be half more as proud. You walk around like no ones watching... EVERYONES WATCHING. You have to be perfect... you do know the image that it puts on me when you behave liek that right? RIGHT?" he yelled.

"im sorry father..." she said. "i cant be everything you want me to be..."

"we'll try!" he said. "i've given you everything! EVERYTHING! And this is the way you pay me back."

"i'm sorry i can't be the perfect daughter but—"

"YOU ARE NOT MY DAUGHTER ANYMORE." He yelled. "we no longer no each other or have connections. You are as low to me as dirt. Just be proud that im paying your rent and as soon as amy leaves you like your mother did to me than youre left on your own and on the streets! Then you'll regret not listening to me!"

She began to get teary. "i'm sorry... i'm sorry..."

"sorrys nto enough!" he growled and there was a silence.

"father, i'm sick of this! I'm sick of worrying about you! The reason why i failed all those tests was because i did it on purpose! I don't want to be your perfect daughter i never wanted to be! I did all that so then you'd maybe realise why i was doing bad, had you and mother always fighting ever occurred? If you spent enough time with me you'd KNOW i was smart! You'd know my favourite food, you'd know that i love stuff toys! You'd know that i was LIVING A LIE!" she took a deep breath. "father... i respected you and i loved you... i don't know who you are anymore and i don't know if i want to be the daughter of a father who dosen't love me... i know im not enough but i want you to alteast know that i love you dad..."

His eyes widened at the words and she walked away and closed the door on her way out and when she turned to her left saw Julia standing there shocked, she glowered.

"are you happy now?" she said. "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? ARE YOU SATISFIED? My life isn't perfect, my father hates me and wants me to be perfect, i pretended i was stupid this whole time are you HAPPY?"

"what? no..." said Julia. "i'm sorry i didn't know—"

"well maybe if you weren't so judgemental all this time and actually looked deeper into things then you would've realised there was a cover, I REALISED THERE WAS A COVER IN YOU. But you? Did you ever realise? Have you ever asked me what my interests besides anime was?"

She opened and found there was none.

"just as i thought." She said and began to walk away.

"no vic..." she said, her voice croaky, she was trying to hold back tears. Victoria was living a lie... and she would've expected herself, being as smart as she was to not fall for it, she did and she couldn't have felt any worse. "IM SORRY!" she yelled.

"what...?" said victoria turning around.

"I'M SORRY!" she yelled back and victoria walked towards her.

She looked her in the eyes. "vic... when i said i'll respect you until you proved me wrong that you weren't a spoiled brat and pampered princess... we'll instead. You made me provemyself wrong. You have no right to respect me anymore if that is your wish. I fully understand."

"i'm not going to be like you and not respect you." Said victoria. "i've went through all that. Come on, everyones waiting for us." She said and they walked the halls of the hospital back to where the others were sitting side by side together.

Manager Gemini switched on the TV, he was bored and he never really watched it but somewhat, instincts made him decide to, instincts also concluded him to watching some cheesy show and then breaks came, it was well night and out popped on the screen a picture of seven familiar boys, dancing. His eyes widened. "what are they doing there—"


"mertain?" he said incredously.

Then he saw the words imprinted on the end of the advertisement.


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