Excuses and Apologies

You Made Me Crash and Burn~

You sat there for a moment in silence. 

*Ugh, no. He's changed and he thinks it's my fault. Ew. no. no.* You shook your head violently and denied your thoughts.

"Jaehyo!" You ran over to him as he groaned in pain, "Hey! Idiot, Chris is going to kill you." You slapped his arm.

"Uhh, wha?" He slowly sat up leaning against the sofa.

You sat infront of him and grabbed a handful of ice from the glass of water Chris brought in earlier, you put it down Jaehyo's back and sat back down.

"Ahh- Aiish- wah! Wha-what was that f-for ahh~" He arched his back and untucked his shirt.

"Do you even know what happened?!" 

"No, I don't so enlighten me." Jaehyo cursed as he let the ice fall out of his shirt.

"Hey, look at me!" You grabbed held his face infront of yours, his eyes widened as he saw your cut lip, swollen cheek and smudged makeup.

"Omo! Who did this to you?! What happened?!" 

"Some stupid girls tried to take advantage of you whilst you were drunk and this is what happened when I tried saving you." You pointed to your face and crossed your arms.

"Aigoo~ You're so brave." He held your hands and gave them a squeeze, "I'll kiss it better." He kissed the corner of your lip, "Your not hurt any where else are you?"

You shook your head, "You will be though, Chris the bouncer is really pissed at you for getting drunk."

"Oh that's great." He groaned. You pulled him up and sat him back on the sofa and gave him a glass of water, "Yeah, we're never going clubbing again. It was all your stupid idea."

"I'm sorry baby~~" He pouted and fluttered his puppy dog eyes at you.

"Eww~" You pushed his chest so that he fell back on the sofa.

Just then someone knocked on the door, you went over to answer it.

"It's Chris." You mouthed to Jaehyo, he jumped up and hid behind the sofa.

"Hey, pretty boy how are you feeling?" Chris asked in a calm tone. Just like instinct he looked over the back of the sofa to find Jaehyo lay face down on the floor.

Jaehyo got up and made an 'OK' sign with his hand. He got out from behind the sofa slowly.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to talk." 

Jaehyo cautiously sat down on the sofa.

"It's not cool man, leaving your girl to look after you. Then being so drunk that you can't even stop your girl from getting beaten up. What if all those girls beat the pulp out of her? What would you do when she has to go to the hospital? It's just irresponsible. You're lucky I don't ban you from here."

Jaehyo looked at the floor, too ashamed to even look at anyone. Your expression softened when you saw him act this way. Times like these just make you think, *Does he even care about me?Chris is right though, what would happen if I did get beat up? Not that I ever would but... what if?*

You felt sorry for Jaehyo, "Chris just leave it. He won't do it again. I'm fine now. Thanks for the thought though."

Chris just gave you a reassuring nod, he got up and smacked Jaehyo on the back of his head then left the room.

"Ahh~" He grumbled whilst rubbing his head.

"We should go now, it's getting really late. I need to get some air, and you need to have a minute, so i'll leave first." You kissed him on the cheek and left.


You were sat outside in the side alley next to the club, and you had texted Jaehyo to tell him where you were.

You both soon met up and caught a taxi back to your house.

Your mum was asleep so you both decided to just go to sleep too.

After taking a shower and changing into some shorts and a t-shirt you crashed into bed.

"Jae, you should take a shower too, it'll make you feel better." He was sat on the edge of the bed almost falling asleep.

"Okayy~" He pulled out a pair of jogging bottoms he had bought earlier and a plain white t-shirt. He yawned as he plodded towards the bathroom, "I won't be long."

You nodded and tied your fringe up into a little ponytail on the top of your head. 


"Mum? What's up?" You skidded to the door and opened it to find your mum half asleep in a dressing gown.

"I was just making sure it was you, is Jaehyo sleeping over- Aigoo, honey what happened to your lip?" She held your chin so she could get a better look.

"I tripped and faceplanted a lamp post." You lied, "Sst~ don't touch it, it's still a little sore."

"Aigoo~ come here, i'll get you a plaster."

You followed your mum down to the kitchen and hopped up onto the kitchen island as she rooted through the cupboards and drawers.

"You should be more careful." She pulled out a box of plasters, "I'm afraid these are the only small ones we have." She pulled out a hello kitty plaster.

"Mum~" You just laughed, "It's fine, I can make this look gangster~" You joked.

"Alright stay still." Her words reminded you of when Yongguk was cleaning your lip up at the club. *Did I really feel funny or...?* You started spacing out. *Nonono, i couldn't of*

"Yura?" Your mum waved her hand infront of your face.


"I said Jaehyo's done in the bathroom." 

"Oh yeah, well I'll be going to sleep then." You kissed your mum goodnight and went back to your room.

Jaehyo was already lay on your bed on his stomach and his head was hanging off the end.

"I feel gross. Bleugh." 

"That's what you get, silly." You jumped on the bed, grabbed a pillow and hugged it.

He crawled up to you and backhugged you, "I'm sorry, I'll pinky promise i'll never do it again." He held out his pinky, you hooked it with yours.

"I'll stamp it too." He pressed his thumb against yours. 

You smiled at his childish behaviour.

"Am I forgiven?" He bent his head around to see yours, you gave him a nod and he squeezed the lights out of you.

"Eee~ Yura is the best! I don't feel sick anymore!" 

"Does that mean we can go to sleep now?" You threw your pillow at him as he got up and did a happy dance.

"Yep~"  He climbed into bed with you. 

"Goodnight idiot." You kissed Jaehyo on the cheek and lay on his shoulder.

"Goodnight baby~ Dream of me." His greasy words made you cringe, you slapped his chest lightly. Jaehyo kissed you on your head and turned so that you were using his arm as a pillow and your face was buried into his chest.

A.N: I just wanted to get this bit over and done with so it's abit poopy. I woke up really late and I had a tonne of chores to do so I took ages writing this.. my bad. Finally I get to write more fluffy B.A.P stuff ^^ please anticipate~~

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{YMMCAB} Ermagerrd guys, have you saw One Shot yet?! No??! Then get to it soldier, pip pip!! It's seriously so good,


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glotterjongup #1
Chapter 21: YAH! AHN JAEHYO! I WILL KILL YOU! And poor Jonguppie who has no clue what's going on:(
glotterjongup #2
Chapter 20: Zico you a-hole
Chapter 19: Ohhhhhhh jeahyo hehe update soon <3
Chapter 14: Finally you update <3
Chapter 12: Update soon juseyo, cuz ba da ba ba baaaaaaaa I'm loving it ;D
tatsuharuvipp #6
Awww this is lovely ! Great work :3 one of my fav fics !<3
Raina-ssi #7
Ayyy, you updated!! :D So cuuute. Oh YongGuk.<3