
You Made Me Crash and Burn~

It was soon morning in the Moon household, Mrs. Moon was the first one up as she had to go to work. She woke up Jongup and went to check on Yura. 

Quietly she opened the door, trying not to make too much noise. Once she was successfully in, she pressed her hand on Yura's forehead. *I'm am wonderful, I swear I have magic powers* Yura hadn't fully recovered, but she was well enough to go to school. She went and told Jongup and then left for work. 

Not long after she left, Yongguk's phone started buzzing. The vibration and loud melody woke him straight up. His head shot up, and after sleeping in such an awkward position his neck became stiff, his hands pulled away from Yura's and he tried to loosen his neck up. *ahh~ I fell asleep* He totally forgot about holding Yura's hand and her sleeptalking.

-bzzztttt bzzztttt-

His phone was still ringing. Yongguk quickly pulled it from his pocket and checked the caller ID, it was Himchan.

"Hey wass-"


Yongguk pulled his ear away from the speaker, "Yah~ Don't shout man, you just woke me up!"


"I'll tell you at school yeah? Just go without me, i'll be fine." With that he hung up and switched his phone off. It was far to early to be dealing with Himchan who was going ape. Luckily, his uniform was in his bag. Since he never got to go home last night and he went straight to the bar after school. He headed to the bathroom to get changed.

"Oh, you're up?"

"Mhmm, I'm sorry I fell asleep here." He chuckled as he rubbed his eyes.

"It's cool." Jongup mumbled as he bit into his toast, "Breakfast?" 

"Oh, no thanks, i'm not hungry. I'm going to go get changed and leave." Jongup answered with a nod.

Meanwhile, Yura's eyes flickered open, it took a while for her to adjust to the unfamiliar environment and the brightness of the light. 

"Where on earth..?" She sat up rubbing her eyes, her eyes had now fully adjusted, "What the- Who's house is this?" She looked down at her self to find herself wearing a totally different outfit. By then she was extremely confused and a little scared. She got out of the bed and creaked the door open. 

Jongup saw the movement of the door and peeked over to get a better look, "Ah Yura! You're awake!" He beamed, with crumbs stuck around the corners of his mouth.

"Umm.. What am I doing here? and who changed my clothes? It wasn't you right?" Yura felt quite worried, because she was wearing shorts and a vest top.

At that moment Yongguk came out of the bathroom in his uniform. Yura looked at him confused, "What are you doing here?" 

Yongguk's head turned to her instantly at the sound of her voice, "You're up, good." He kept a straight face and walked straight past her and swiftly left out the door.

Both Yura and Jongup heard the door slam shut, Yongguk's sudden behaviour confused the both of them.

"It wasn't him was it?" Yura looked at Jongup, concerned.

Jongup shook his head, "I'll explain it to you on the way to school. Go get washed up and changed, i'll make you something to eat."

Yura was relieved, but still a little confused, so she did as Jongup said and went to get ready.


A short while after Yura was washed, dressed and fed. Her and Jongup both had started their journey to school. Which, for him usually, includes a bus ride.

Whilst waiting as the bus stop Jongup remembered, "Oh yeah! Last night!" His sudden outburst startled Yura a little. *Last night? Why can't I remember anything about last night?*

"Yongguk hyung found you on a park bench, asleep or passed out, we weren't sure. So he called me and we took you to my place and my mum took care of you. She's a nurse so Yongguk thought it was logical to take you to my mum."

Yura then thought back, "Ah.." Was all she could say. A million things were running through her mind at that moment.

"Thankyou for letting me rest in your house. I'll be out there by tonight."

"It's fine, but you should thank Yongguk hyung really and where are you planning on going?"

Jongup's question caught Yura off guard. *Thank Yongguk?*

"Umm... I'm not too sure yet. I'm sure i'll find somewhere soon though." Yura assured him.

"You know it's fine if you stay with us, for aslong as you need, since it's only me and my mum it's not much of a problem."

"Just you and your mum?" Yura realised what she just said and covered .

Jongup laughed, "It's fine, my dad's not been around much... Infact he left when he found out mum was pregnant." He stared at the floor whilst biting his bottom lip.

"Oh, i'm sorry." Yura placed a hand on his knee.

"It's fine, from what my mum and my auntie told me he sounded like an jerk anyway." Jongup forced a chuckle. Yura didn't laugh though, she felt a little regretful for starting such a sensitive conversation.

Just as they both started to feel awkward, their bus arrived.

"Oh, Jongup I haven't got my bus pass or any money on me, they're both in the suitcase." Yura exclaimed.

"It's fine, i'll pay for you." He smiled to reassure her. Yura nodded and thanked him.

As soon as they sat down Jongup raised a question, "What were you doing on a park bench with your suitcase anyway?"

Jongup's question reminded Yura of that night Yura and her mum argued, she hesitated a little before answering him.

"I just thought I needed to get out of the house for abit." Yura plainly answered. Jongup just nodded, understanding her.

"Well, you can stay with me and my mum for as long as you need." He patted her knee and flashed her a cheesy grin.

Yura's heart melted abit, "You're so kind, almost too kind."

"Eyy, it's what friends do right?"

"Friends?" Yura wasn't familiar with the term.

"Well, yeah after the events of last night and this morning, I'd consider us friends, don't you?"

"Sure." Yura genuinely smiled and her mood had totally lifted.

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{YMMCAB} Ermagerrd guys, have you saw One Shot yet?! No??! Then get to it soldier, pip pip!! It's seriously so good,


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glotterjongup #1
Chapter 21: YAH! AHN JAEHYO! I WILL KILL YOU! And poor Jonguppie who has no clue what's going on:(
glotterjongup #2
Chapter 20: Zico you a-hole
Chapter 19: Ohhhhhhh jeahyo hehe update soon <3
Chapter 14: Finally you update <3
Chapter 12: Update soon juseyo, cuz ba da ba ba baaaaaaaa I'm loving it ;D
tatsuharuvipp #6
Awww this is lovely ! Great work :3 one of my fav fics !<3
Raina-ssi #7
Ayyy, you updated!! :D So cuuute. Oh YongGuk.<3