Dinnertime Mishaps

You Made Me Crash and Burn~

You were supposed to be learning algebra that lesson, instead you spent it studying the inside of your eyelids. The sound of the bell woke you up, you slowly opened one eye and lifted your head up. You stretched out your arms and yawned loudly, then started packing away your books. Everyone had already left the classroom including the teacher, leaving you on your own. You hurredly slung your back pack over your shoulder and swiftly exited the room.

The corridoors were filled with loud and rowdy students. People were running and screaming all over the place. The queenkas were all filing in and out of the girls bathroom constantly, checking themselves out in compact mirrors and reapplying their lipgloss after everytime they spoke. The kingkas, B.A.P, where never seen hanging around on the corridoors. Of course, they'd probably get mauled by half of the female population in this school. You put on your headphones and headed outside. 

You spent your break under a willow tree behind the school, it was your favourite place to go. It was where you beat up your first bully and it was also where you hidout when you couldn't be bothered with lessons.You hung out under the willow every break time reading, drawing, listening to music, writing stories being all deep and stuff basically.

Before you knew it, the bell had rung for lessons to resume. *Yay~ History* You groaned at the thought of another boring lesson. You wrapped up the wire around your headphones and stuffed it into your backpack.

History dragged and you fell asleep again.

Half way through your slumber you were awoken by girls squealing, "Yongguk oppa!" "Kyaa~ he looks so hot in that leather jacket." "He's late for class, that's so cool!" "I bet he was beating someone up." "Ahh, such a bad boy." 

You lifted your head a little to see what everyone was talking about, only to find Yongguk strolling through the classroom door, his face that read pissed off and annoyed. You tutted dissapointedly, and went back to sleep on your desk.

It felt like you were sleeping for hours, until you felt a light tap on your arm. The guy sat infront of you was trying to wake you up without being loud as the lesson was still going on. You opened your eyes wearily and scowled at him. He immediately froze up and widened his eyes. He slid a folded up piece of paper to you, "U-um, so-someone t-told me t-to p-pass this to y-you." He stuttered and then swiveled back around and sat on the edge of his seat, frightened that you'll murder him or rip off his ear for waking you up. You gave him a one second 'O_o' look then looked down at the note. *What the hell?* You thought as you unfolded the paper. As you read it your eyes widened and speedily covered your mouth with your hand. The note said...

You're drooling.

You slyly glanced all around the room to see if the sender was looking, but noone was. The lingering feeling of paranoia soon crept up on you, encouraging you to stay awake for the rest of the lesson. The last ten minutes were spent searching the classroom for any possible suspects.


Once the next bell had rung for lunchtime, the weird note and the anonymous sender was pushed to the back of your head, not really a priority, right now you were starving. You headed towards the cafeteria, since you didn't have time for breakfast this morning you were absolutely aching with hunger. Usually you hated the loud, crowded cafeteria but today was an exception.

After grabbing a sandwich and a strawberry milk you found an empty secluded table in the corner of the cafeteria. You were totally oblivious as to where you were sat, everyone on the tables around you gave you a strange look and exchanged small whispers between each other,

"Does she know what she's doing?"

"Is she retarded?"

"Everyone knows that table is for our B.A.P oppas only."

"Yeah, I heard Yongguk oppa even carved B.A.P into the table with a fork!" 

You heard their whispers and looked all over the table. You shifted your tray to the side a little and found 'B.A.P' engraved deeply into the table. 

"Tch, how lame." You mumbled under your breath.

Just then a tall pink haired guy slid down the wooden bench.

He seemed suprised when he looked up and saw you, "Huh? Who are you?" He cocked his pink head to the side.

*Where are the honorifics boy?!* You stayed silent, quite confused.

"Oh, wait don't tell me! I bet you're-"

"Zelo, I said I'm not getting your tray today. Get your own."

Zelo got up, "Ayy, hyung the dinner ladies always pinch my cheeks." He cutely pouted and slumped away.

The blonde guy was about to tuck into his sandwich but saw your unfamiliar orange hair, he studied you up and down and then pointed.

"What are you doing here?"

"Umm, eating?" You replied in a 'duhh' tone.

"But this is our table, you can't sit here." The guy butted.

~~~~ meanwhile ~~~~

Zelo skipped the queue and found Yongguk and Himchan.

"Hyung~ Do you know anyone with bright orange hair and glasses? I think she's a noona?"

Yongguk and Himchan exchanged looks, Himchan slowly shook his head.

"Well, there's a pretty orange noona sat at our table, I thought maybe you guys invited her?"

Yongguk knew full well who it was, but he was confused as to why you were sat on his table.

"Where's Jongup and Daehyun hyung? I'll go ask them."

Himchan pointed to two heads further back in the queue, "There.." 

~~~~ ~~~~~

"How old are you? 6?" 

"No, actually, 17 now get the hell off our table."

"Who says? You don't own the table."

You and the blonde haired guy were now arguing like two little children.

A black haired guy then came over, "Heyy, kids." 

"What?!" You both chorused.

"Could you quiet down, everyones looking at us. You, come with me." He pointed at you, and made a finger motion signalling you to go to him.

You quietly followed and gave the blonde guy a death stare.

The black haired guy, who soon introduced himself as Himchan, then took you into the disabled toilets. Noone ever used the disabled toilets, well you've never seen anyone go in there not even the janitor.

Himchan locked the door, "Right, let's get this straight. You and Yongguk had history right?"

You stared at the floor and nodded slowly.

"He's told me all about it, so I know practically everything don't worry."

 You zoned out as Himchan was talking. Old memories found there way back to your head.

You shook your head to get rid of them. Himchan held you by your shoulders and studied your face, "Are you okay?"

You sat down on the lid of the toilet and massaged your temples, "Yeah, I just-" 


A/N: I'm sorry if it's a little fast pace, I don't like long drony paragraphs, i'd rather get straight to the point. But I change my style all the time so... meh?

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{YMMCAB} Ermagerrd guys, have you saw One Shot yet?! No??! Then get to it soldier, pip pip!! It's seriously so good,


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glotterjongup #1
Chapter 21: YAH! AHN JAEHYO! I WILL KILL YOU! And poor Jonguppie who has no clue what's going on:(
glotterjongup #2
Chapter 20: Zico you a-hole
Chapter 19: Ohhhhhhh jeahyo hehe update soon <3
Chapter 14: Finally you update <3
Chapter 12: Update soon juseyo, cuz ba da ba ba baaaaaaaa I'm loving it ;D
tatsuharuvipp #6
Awww this is lovely ! Great work :3 one of my fav fics !<3
Raina-ssi #7
Ayyy, you updated!! :D So cuuute. Oh YongGuk.<3