A Gamblers Daughter


 Jeng Chohee; only daughter of her gambling parents. Chohee is left to clean up the mess her parents made. Alongside her is Cheondung her adopted brother. Chohee meets several different people that manage to change her life, but for the better or for the worst? 

What would happen if you fall for the enemy?

Jeng Chohee (you):

Jeng Chohee (you) is the only child of her gambling addicted parents. She is strongwilled,confident, Independent and knows how to fight (karate, kickboxing and kung fu). Chohee grew up with martial arts films and idolises Bruce Lee. When she lived with her parents all she could ever have time to do was watch fighting films, they were the only forms of entertainment she had in her house. Her parents had sold everything or betted on it. She likes to laugh and will avoid crying as much as possible. 


Cheondung (Thunder) :


Thunder is cute, adorable, has lots of natural aegyo (but he will exaggerate it when he wishes). He's protective and can become violent when he get's too angry. He likes to annoy people (usually you) for the laughs. He's funny and makes you laugh all the time and likes to be silly. He gets bored easily and he's really lazy. He likes to make pinky promises for irrelevant things. He can be very persuasive; he's very good at blackmailing.


Mir (Thunder's bestfriend):


Mir is Thunder's right hand man. He's clown-like and doesn't mind making a fool of himself. He is a little dumb/slow and a little bit of a ert. He hates seeing people upset escpecially close ones. He hates all the attention he gets off girls. Mir is a loyal friend, he will always stick up/ be there for anyone that needs him.


Myungsoo (L):

L is the son of the leader of Red Print, the gang that kidnapped your parents. He doesn't show any emotion apart from anger, boredom, the face for i-am-going-to-kill-you. He doesn't have any friends, because of his gangster background he doesn't really trust anyone and everyone feels intimidated in his prescence anyway. He's demanding, confident,  doesnt care about what people think. He's a player and a total but girls usually don't care, they all queue up behind each other waiting to "date" him. L usually keeps to himself, however if he gets too angry he would have a temper eruption and has the ability to knock out the closest being. He also has an older sister, Hwara (화라) she is the next in line to take the leader position of Red Print. She pressures L into doing well in school but at the same time becoming a good gangster too, to keep their father happy.


I don't talk about my past or my "parents".

In my eyes I have never had parents. My 'appa' was a man that woke up at 3 in the afternoon, ordered me to make him food, when I did he'd moan about it, how it smells, how it looks, then he'd go to the local betting place and he'd bet his day away, he'd come home drunk at around 5am, he'd maybe beat me up for getting low grades or not making his bed (something silly like that) then he'd argue with my mom and after all that he'd fall asleep on the sofa infront of the tv. 

My mom? Let's just say she wasn't the most caring of mothers. Mothers are typically someone who will make you snacks whilst you're studying, cuddle you when you cry over your crushes, look after you when you're ill, someone to go out shopping with. Well, my mum she doesn't buy the groceries, she relies on me to get the bills payed. She'll keep drinking alcohol like there's no tomorrow and smoke till her lungs will shrivel up. Gamble till there was nothing left in her pockets.

I am practically a prisoner in this house. I'm the one that cleans the house, cooks, buys groceries, make sure my parents come home and goes to school. I'm the one that also has to clean windows just to get our living expenses. 

There hasn't been one day where neither of my parents asked if I'm okay, do I need help with homework, have I eaten. Instead it's "Give me the money that you have, if you don't i'll beat you up."  "Why is there no vodka left, did you take my money?" "Make me food." "I'm going to the betting place." "You didn't do the washing."... etc.

After 16 years of all that, my parents finally deserved what they got. 

My parents went to a casino, thinking they'd get lucky, they both went up against a rich fella in a game of roulette. My dad, being the drunk bastard he was, he went and betted on more that he had. In the end, the rich guy obviously won and my mum and dad were in trouble. Little did they know, the man they betted against was the leader of a gang called Red Print. The gang soon found both my parents after that night and kidnapped them. They called the house phone to let me know about the ransom, my mom and dad even offered to sell me to pay off the debt. The gangsters said no though, they wanted money. So he offered me a deal; If I get this amount of money by this date, they'd release my parents. Me, however, I refused on the idea. They were pretty shocked at the fact i'd rather have my parents die than come back home with some cuts and bruises.

After that phone call, they tried to find the house but I ran away. I have a grandfather who lives in Seoul, that's just a couple of train rides away. I cleaned more windows than I normally would, I even tended a few gardens and scrubbed a fair few floors just to get the money for the train tickets. I managed to make enough money and bought my way to Seoul. Once I had arrived there I had to go by foot. It took me 4 days to find his house, one night sleeping on the streets and the rest sleeping in a churches. You could imagine how shocked he was to see me especially in the state I was in my hair was brittle, I had bags under my eyes, chapped lips, I was malnutritioned, my clothes were dirty and old and I didn't shower for a while. He took me in with open arms. (Not litterally though, I think I nearly made him vomit).

My grandfather is the loveliest man alive. He's around 60 something and nimble as ever. He became a father when he was in his 20's. Him and his wife, who is now passed, give birth to a lovely baby boy (my dad). They were a perfect family, until my dad turned 16. Rebellion was all he lived for. He ended up leaving my grandfather at that age. My grandfather then disowned him, he never once thought about finding him or bringing him back, he thought that my dad didn't deserve to come back. About a decade after my dad abandoned my grandfather, he adopted a baby boy. My grandfather always wanted kids, and since his only son left him and his wife had passed due to cancer, he was left all alone. The baby boy (Cheondung) soon grew up to be handsome, honest, caring and funny. Just like my grandpop when he was younger. Cheondung never calls his adopted dad 'Appa' or anything like that, he always calls him pops (that's how I started calling him pops)

Now, I live with my Grandfather, Cheondung and our pet cat, Jojo. We all live in a basic house, 3 bedrooms (mine, cheondung's and my grandad's), 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 living room. 

I have started a new life in Seoul. I have an oppurtunity to start a fresh canvas.

[A Gambler's Daughter] REALLY BAD.


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Chapter 5: Hahah,, this chapter was really cute lol, Hope pops get's better tho xo
Good story!!! Loving it entirely!!! Mir and Doongie are soooo cute and their interactions with Chohee are adorable!!!
The missing chapters are back~ So i expect updates soon!!! Please!!!
LMFAO mir xD
_uniquelynghi #4
Update soon~<33 /sniffle