Food + Sleep = Zelo

You Made Me Crash and Burn~

A.N: Just a little bit of fluff with Zelo ><

*Thank Yongguk*

It seems easier said than done. 

*I'll do it whenever I bump into him.*

The bus arrived outside the school gates, the two got off along with some other students. As soon as Jongup stepped off the girls around him transformed into fangirls.

"Kyaa~ Jongup oppa" "He's so handsome!" "Have you seen his abs? They're to die for!"

Jongup smiled, trying not to show too much cheesiness, he wanted his image to remain as 'The cool one, that can dance super well and has a body made by angels'. Jongup signalled Yura to walk with him and she couldn't really refuse, but she distanced herself to avoid people talking about her. Jongup looked back to find her a few feet away. He waited till she caught up, "Why are you walking so slow? We practically sprinted to the bus stop before?" He whispered to her, causing the student's around him to start whispering.

"I don't want to cause anything.." Yura whispered back cautiously.

"Like what?"

"Is Jongup oppa dating Yura?" "I don't know, they never seemed close." "He's way to good for her."

"..Well stuff like that." Yura laughed.

"Oh well, it can't get to the neither of us right?" Yura looked at him confused, Jongup smiled back at her, "These girls will love me unconditionally, and well, you have a heart of stone, right?"

"I guess so.." Yura mumbled, despite Jongup's bigheadedness, what he said was true.

"You see?" 

Yura nodded. "Well I'm going to meet up with the guys, do you want to come?"

"No thanks, I have some work I need to finish." She lied. She just didn't want to face Yongguk.

"Alright, I'll see you later then." He flashed Yura another cheesy grin and they both parted ways.

Yura headed towards the Willow whilst thinking to herself. 

*I've befriended another one! Oh god.* 

*But wait...*

*Like I said before right? It's just Yongguk.. he's just the jerk right?*

*Yeah, just him*

She reached the tree and could see a familiar pink head, Zelo? He was sat against the tree and he wasn't moving, he looked like he was sleeping. How could this kid sleep out here in the freezing cold? Is he mental? 

"Zelo-ah?" Yura crept up and crouched down in front of him. He was sleeping, rather comfortably aswell. "Zelo-ah?" She shook his arm. "Wake up." His mouth was hanging open and a little bit of drool was threatening to fall from the corner of his mouth; it was quite a funny sight. Yura tried not to laugh out loud, she shook his arm once again, but this time he stirred and snored which caused Yura to burst out laughing. Zelo awoke almost instantly, his arms were folded so he almost lost his balance. Yura covered . His eyes were half open when he suddenly mumbled, "A few more hours mum." 

"Mum? It's me, Yura?" She half shouted.

"Yura?" Zelo mumbled, "Orange noona?"

"Yes! Orange noona. Now get up." Yura yanked at his arm until he was fully awake, he was definately alot heavier than he looked, "How do you weigh so much?" Yura whined as she sat back in defeat.

"Yura noona, why did you have to wake me up? This is a wonderful place to nap."Zelo rubbed an eye and blinked continuously, he looked so god damn cute.

"You're going to be late for class!" 

"That's not an excuse for waking me up." Zelo said bluntly and got to his feet, Yura stood up too.

*True...* Yura thought, as a fellow being that loves to sleep (especially in lesson) she could only agree with him. 

"Ahh well, i'm up now!" Zelo beamed suddenly, "Have you got any food?"

"Umm, let me see." Yura sat back down on the floor, before she left the house the other night she packed some snacks for her little trip. She pulled out a big packet of chips and she had different boxes of Peppero. 

"Uwahh~" Zelo's eyes glistened, "I can have these?"

"Well choose a box of Peppero and you can have the chips." Yura showed him the contents of her bag, which contained five boxes of different flavours of Peppero.

"Wahhhh~ Orange noona's the coolest!" He sat with his legs crossed examining the different boxes of Peppero, "I'll have this one! Thank youuu~~"

Yura smiled at his child-like behaviour, it felt like looking after a real child. "It's alright." She sat and watched him stuff his face with food, he was eating like he hadn't been fed for weeks! 

"Slow down, you're going to get indegestion or something." 

Zelo giggle, "Mffhg, sorry, you sound like Yongguk hyung, he tells me that all the time." Zelo mumbled with food stored in his cheeks like a hamster.

Yura just smiled, "How come you came down here anyway?" 

Zelo stopped eating and thought for a while, he looked like he was deep in thought, "Ah yeah! Yongguk hyung is in a bad mood today, Himchan hyung keeps nagging him and he just gets even more annoyed. So to avoid all that I came down here." Zelo grinned cheesily, showing the dimple on the right side of his cheek.

*He's so cute, i'm going to die*

Soon after, the bell rang for classes to start. Zelo and Yura both got up. "Let's go to class." Yura shrugged on her backpack and grabbed Zelo's. Since he was so busy eating he didn't have any arms free to put on his bag.

Zelo beamed and managed to take his backpack off you and shrug it onto one shoulder, then continue eating. "It's fine orange noona, thanks for the food i'll probably see you later, love you!~~" 

"This kid.." Yura snickered, and went on to her first lesson. 

*woohoo, maths*

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{YMMCAB} Ermagerrd guys, have you saw One Shot yet?! No??! Then get to it soldier, pip pip!! It's seriously so good,


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glotterjongup #1
Chapter 21: YAH! AHN JAEHYO! I WILL KILL YOU! And poor Jonguppie who has no clue what's going on:(
glotterjongup #2
Chapter 20: Zico you a-hole
Chapter 19: Ohhhhhhh jeahyo hehe update soon <3
Chapter 14: Finally you update <3
Chapter 12: Update soon juseyo, cuz ba da ba ba baaaaaaaa I'm loving it ;D
tatsuharuvipp #6
Awww this is lovely ! Great work :3 one of my fav fics !<3
Raina-ssi #7
Ayyy, you updated!! :D So cuuute. Oh YongGuk.<3