Alcohol & Definately Not A Morning Person

You Made Me Crash and Burn~

It was around 9pm when Himchan came back home, he got a little too drunk and Youngjae and Daehyun where carrying him in. Each of them had one of Himchan's arms slung over their shoulders.

"We've got school tomorrow and you got drunk, smart move." Youngjae hissed, whilst trying to keep Himchan from falling forward.

"Aishh, why are you so heavy?" Daehyun grunted.

"Hahahaha~ guys guys guys hahaha~ You're so funny." Himchan slurred and pointed at Youngjae.

Both Daehyun and Youngjae exchanged weird looks and looked back to Himchan.

"Yeobo? Where's my yeobo?!" He mumbled whilst trying to get out of their grasp.

"What?" Daehyun pulled down his mask and looked at Himchan with a raised eyebrow.

"Which one? I heard you had quite a few girls over last week." Youngjae sneered and nudged Himchan.

"Wha? Obviously Bang, i don't have any others. Just Bang!" Himchan laughed and stumbled towards the bedroom door.

Daehyun and Youngjae looked at each other again. "What on earth?" Daehyun started.

"We need to see him drunk more often." Youngjae butted and leaped onto the sofa.

"Yeobo-ahh, i'm home!!" Himchan yelled and tried to open the door.

Yongguk had locked it earlier and fell asleep so it remained locked.

"The door's broked?" Himchan stared intently at the door knob.

"Seems like he's forgotton how to speak too." Youngjae snickered, Daehyun laughed and sat cross legged on the floor.

"Yonggukkie-ahh, are you okay?" Himchan slumped to the floor and banged on the wall.

All the noise Himchan made caused Yongguk's eyes to shoot open. He sat up straight away and became confused.

*What day is it? What time is it? Where am I?*

"Yeoboo-ahh~" Himchan's speech started to become inaudible.

"This is quality." Daehyun laughed as he crossed his arms.


The two fell into fits of laughter, clapping like they were possessed by seals and rolling around on the floor.

"Himchan?" Yongguk mumbled as he wandered to the door.

He opened it a little too sudden and Himchan fell back onto Yongguks feet, he looked up at him and started laughing for no reason.

"Hahahaha~ You look like someone i've seen before? Who- ohh yeah, my grandma's dog!! Yeahh! I can't remember it's name, but you like it from down here!"

Yongguk's eyebrows pinched together as he could hardly understand him at this point.

"Alright then, we'll leave that mess with you, yeobo!~" Daehyun cheerily waved, Youngjae laughed and waved too.

"Thanks for bringing him home kids." Yongguk yelled.

"Your welcome yeobo!" Youngjae called before closing the front door.

Yongguk laughed and shook his head, "Right, c'mon you ball of mess." He helped the lifeless body named Himchan up onto his bed.

Himchan sighed in content after he faceplanted the pillow, "I feel like i'm lying on a cloud." He stretched and kicked off his shoes.

Yongguk left him to get paracetamol and other pills for Himchan's hangover he's going to be complaining about in the morning.

He returned to find Himchan sleeping loudly with an arm and leg hanging off the bed.

"Stupid idiot." He mumbled as he put down the medicine and bottle of water on the bedside table.


Himchan's alarm for school started ringing. Yongguk shot up, since he slept all day the day before he felt super awake. 

"Aghhh~ Turn it off~~~ My ears are bleeding!" Himchan groaned and held a pillow over his head.

"It was your idea to make the alarm so loud and annoying." Yongguk laughed a little and grabbed Himchan's phone, he didn't turn it off though. Instead he held it near Himchan's pillow covered head.

"Aiiiishhh!" Himchan hissed as he waved an arm around trying to look for Yongguk's arm.

"Get up we have school, it's your fault you're like this."

"Nooo~ I'm not going in today, tell them i'm dying." Himchan groaned as he rolled over still with a pillow on his head.

Yongguk sighed, "Fine, I don't really want to go in either today. I'll just tell them you're ill and i've caught you're illness."

"Yeah yeah whatever." Himchan got up to take some pills, "Ahh~ I can't even see straight. Ughh, the light." He winced and tried to block the sun with his hand.

After successfully taking the medicine he lay back down, "Hey, now you can leave with your life or stay in here and get murdered by me."

Yongguk held up his hands as if to surrender, "I'm going, i'm going."

Himchan stretched and didn't realise how he was sleeping on pratically the edge of the bed, he slipped off and landed on the cold wooden floor.

"Aiii- Ahh seriously!" He whined as he rubbed his arm, "Uhh, why is it so bright in here?" He got up and sat on the edge of his bed and rubbed his eyes.

After letting his eyes adjust to the light, he searched the bedside table for his bottle of water that Yongguk had left out for him. He found it and took a big sip. 

His attention soon fell towards the tigger toy sat on Yongguks' bed next to his pillow. Himchan almost spat out the water but covered his mouth and managed to gulp it down.

He picked it up from where it was sat and took a long look at it.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked, "Oh, I don't know. Yongguk hyung was thinking about his past and decided to dwell on it." Himchan spoke in a high pitched voice pretending to reply to himself.

He sighed and got up. *let's (himchan and tigger) go talk to hyung*

Himchan shuffled into the living room to find Yongguk sat tapping at his laptop with headphones on.

Himchan sat on the seat next to him and put tigger on the table infront of them.

Yongguk ignored Himchan when he sat next to him but when he put tigger on the table his eyes widened and he pulled his headphones off.

"What- Why? Where?" He stuttered whilst pointing at the toy.

"Your bed. Now explain."

"I- He- I- ughh, i don't even know?" Yongguk hung his head and closed the laptop lid and set it on the table along with his headphones.

"What's going on? Explain." Himchan looked at Yongguk sternly.

"I just said, I don't even know!" Yongguk protested and stared at tigger.

"You miss her don't you?"

After a long hesitation Yongguk gave him a small nod.

"I didn't want to admit it, but the more I denied it the more I missed her, you know what I mean?" Yongguk looked at the floor.

"She's got a boyfriend though? And it's not just anyone, it's Jaehyo from Block B?"

"I know."

"Well what are you going to do?"

"What can I do? I can't do anything? If I tell her she'll probably freak out, if Jaehyo or any of block B find out they'll want to kill me, the only thing I can do is ignore her like I used to."

"But you can't carry on moping about like this, look at you." Himchan slapped him on the back of the head.

"Agh, what wa-" Yongguk clutched his head and glared at Himchan.

"Well done, for making things complicated and you're making my head hurt so i'm taking my anger out on you." Himchan got up and went back to the bedroom to sleep off the rest of his hangover.

Leaving Yongguk to bask in his emotions.

He ruffled is hair out of frustration and sighed loudly. 

*I'll think of something.... I have to*

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{YMMCAB} Ermagerrd guys, have you saw One Shot yet?! No??! Then get to it soldier, pip pip!! It's seriously so good,


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glotterjongup #1
Chapter 21: YAH! AHN JAEHYO! I WILL KILL YOU! And poor Jonguppie who has no clue what's going on:(
glotterjongup #2
Chapter 20: Zico you a-hole
Chapter 19: Ohhhhhhh jeahyo hehe update soon <3
Chapter 14: Finally you update <3
Chapter 12: Update soon juseyo, cuz ba da ba ba baaaaaaaa I'm loving it ;D
tatsuharuvipp #6
Awww this is lovely ! Great work :3 one of my fav fics !<3
Raina-ssi #7
Ayyy, you updated!! :D So cuuute. Oh YongGuk.<3