Extreme Malfunctions I

You Made Me Crash and Burn~

A/N: Going to try the 'first person' thing.... watch me fail epicly T^T

purple - you; red - yongguk; pink - himchan; yellow - yougnjae; green - jongup

That night, after I had to explain to the mega dense Himchan about why it wasn't so simple mending things with Yongguk, I trudged my way home.

My thoughts weighed me down and making me feel exhausted.

It was 9pm when I returned home. 

"Yura? Where have you been? I've been worried about you!" Mum stumbled out of the kitchen with a half empty glass of wine.

"Mum.." My breath left the same time as my words, I tried to take the glass from her, "Mum, you said you'd stop."

"Don't tell me what to do! I've been in here worried all night about you, and you come trotting in at this godly hour!" She held the glass over her head, out of my reach.

"Mum, it's only 9pm?

"Shut up! Just shut it. I don't want to hear another word from you! You're always trying to be the smart one! Thinking you know better than me!"

I felt my anger levels increasing rapidly, my eyes were welling up fast. However, I wasn't sad, it was anger, I was tearing up from all the anger I had been bottling up. My hand curled into fists; my fingernails dug into my palms. Hoping to relieve some of the urge to punch the wall or knock her glass out of her hand.

"Ooh, are you being quiet now because you know i'm right? Is your precious Jaehyo not here to save you?"

My breathing grew heavier and heavier, at this point I knew I was going to hit something.

"You're drunk!" I yelled out of furiosity.

"What did you just say?"

"Mum, you're drunk." My yelling voice didn't go away.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?!"

"You're drunk." I growled through a clenched jaw.


"NOT UNTIL YOU STOP DRINKING!" I stretched out to grab her drink but she swung her arm around before I got to it. SMACK! A big red mark was left on my cheekbone. I was suprised at the weight, and fell backwards and onto the floor. I held my gaze at the floor, clenching my jaw tighter and trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Look at you, you're trying to stop my happiness. Do you want me to be miserable for the rest of my ty life?! Stop being selfish! You're a pathetic excuse for a daughter."

I knew she was only saying those things because she was drunk, but that little part of my mind thought, *she's right, I am a crap daughter...This is kind of my fault*

I remained sat on the floor, my cheek swelling up by the second. 

My drunk mother wandered into the living room and passed out on the sofa. I got up after hearing a loud thud, I glanced into the living room to find her face down on the sofa.

I went straight to bed after that, everyday seems to be a drama packed day for me. It was all getting abit too much. My body physically and my brain mentally couldn't handle it.

"I need some time away." I stared up at the ceiling.

My hand brushed lightly over my swollen cheek; I let out a small hiss. Sighing loudly I pulled the covers up to my neck. Tossing and turning, I tried to find a comfy position to sleep in, but no matter how much I moved around I couldn't settle. The image of my drunken mother was swarming my head, refraining me from getting any sleep. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Jaehyo.

"Hey what's up?" His voice sounded croaky.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" I was unaware of the time; now it was nearly midnight.

"It's fine, forget it. What's wrong?" He cleared his throat.

"I'm going away for a while." A blank aura fell over me.

"What? Are you being serious?"

"Mhm, I need some time away. Do you wanna come with me?" My voice trembled.

"Oh baby," He whispered, "I can't. I have work, exams and other things I have to do. I'm so sorry." He exaggerated his sympathetic voice.

My eyes squeezed shut, "Forget it then, it's cool. Good night." Without letting Jaehyo reply, I hung up. A loud sigh escaped my lungs. "Looks like it's you and me Mr." My old companion rested at my pillow-side. I climbed out of bed and slid my suitcase out from underneath, it hasn't been long since it was put there.

I ped the suitcase and stared blankly at it. *Am I really going to do this?*


Two hours later and the suitcase was packed to the brim. I wore 2 pairs of leggings, a vest top, then a t-shirt then a big over sized hoodie, on top of that a scarf and woolly hat and gloves, and my shoes were a pair of big sneakers.

Note to self: When trying to lift a suitcase down a flight of stairs, do NOT let go of it.

My hands clamped over my ears. Thank god mum was passed out. She could sleep through a war and not wake up.

I quickly scribbled on a post-it note and stuck it on the kettle, it'd be the first thing my mum reaches for in the morning. I then slipped quietly out the door and onto the streets.

The coldness was sharp and icey but I soon became prone to it. Clueless as to where I was going next,  I wandered the streets with no destination in mind. The park was was visible from where I was standing. I decided to head over and rest on a park bench. I parked the suitcase close by me and pulled my hood up. Still shivering, I brought my legs upto my chest and hugged them tightly. I soon drifted off to sleep.

Bang's POV

Finally! My shift has ended. I swore I could feel about 10 dozen blisters developing on my feet. I took off my mask and painfully hobbled to my locker. After putting in my combination, I pulled out my comfy tee and sweats. The coldness of the locker room encouraged me to change extremely quickly. The silence felt uncomfortable, even though there was noone in here but me, so I started to rap quietly. I was in my own little world, until Himchan came bursting through the doors. Interrupting me from my little solo performance.

"Yah, hyung. Do you have any cologne with you?" He sounded desperate, "I just spoke THE hottest girl I've seen all week."

"You said that the other night..."    I smiled at him wrly and passed him the small glass bottle.

"Oh my gosh, thankyou! You have saved my life!" He spritzed some of the scent onto his collarbones and all over his clothes.

"You said that the other night too."  I placed it back in my locker and shut it.

"Also, I suggest you don't come hom-"

"Himchan-ahh, what are you doing? Let's go?" A female voice echoed through the empty locker room.

"Coming sweetie, just hold on a second. Oh, baby this is Yongguk, Yongguk this is...uhh..."

"Kim, my name's Kim." She leant by the door, hungrily looking Himchan up and down and biting her lip.

I nodded and smiled at her, she didn't even look at me. She kept her stare aimed at Himchan.

"Yeah that. Hey, stay out for a couple of hours yeah?" Himchan whispered as he stuffed a handful of notes into my hoodie pocket. I gave him a small nod as he sauntered off with his new love interest.

I chuckled and shook my head. When is that kid ever going to learn? I shrugged on my coat and headed out. 

Now I have a couple of hours to kill, what to do... I can't go drinking because I have school tomorrow, I can't go anywhere far. Ugh, I'll just take a wander through the park.

I walked as slowly as I could, taking as much time as I could. I put on my headphones and my ipod; I could at least enjoy these two hours.

I strolled whilst  humming along to my music, the air was really cold it must have been at least -10 degrees celcius out here. I zipped my coat up to the top and shoved my hands deep into my pockets.

A few songs passed and I was already starting to get bored. My attention was soon drawn to a curled up figure on the park bench I was just about to pass. She had a suitcase infront of her and she looked like she was asleep or something?

I wandered over, trying to take a peek of her face but failing because she buried it in her arms. *She must be freezing

"Hey, excuse me?" I gently shook her by the shoudler. She didn't move.

"Hey." I spoke a little louder this time, but she still didn't move.

"Excuse me." I shook her a little more roughly, her head fell back. My eyes widened, what is she doing here?

*What is she doing asleep on a park bench with a suitcase?*

Her face was turning into a light shade of blue, I pressed my hand against her forehead. She was ice cold. Instinctively, I ped my jacket and shrugged it off. I rested her head on my shoulder as I cloaked it over her back, I threaded her arms through the sleeves and pulled the hood over her head. I stayed crouched infront of her,trying to warm her up with my body heat. I knew I had to take her somewhere indoors, I could only think of my apartment. But Himchan wouldn't understand. I sighed as I quickly scrolled through my contacts list on my phone. Daehyun and Zelo will most likely be sleeping, so they're out of the question.

"Ah, Youngjae-ah! Are you busy?

"What is it? I'm at a business conference with my parents?"

"Oh nevermind then."

That leaves us with Jonguppie then.

"Jongup! Are you busy?"

"Umm, I just finished practise, what's up?"

"Come to the park as soon as you can, i'm at the bench facing the pond, closest to the bar."

"Alright, i'm on my way."

*I can always count on this kid*

Moments later Jongup appeared, he seemed bewildered but didn't question anything.

"Is it alright if I take her to your place, Himchan's being his usual self and your mum's a nurse she will know how to look after her right?"

"Yeah, of course, but who-"

"Yura." It felt strange saying her name again.

"Oh~ Yeah, absolutely. Let's go."

This chapter's a little bit long, but I think it compensates for the 10 bajillion years i've spent not updating eh? Sorry, my lovelies. I lub you guys <3<3 

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{YMMCAB} Ermagerrd guys, have you saw One Shot yet?! No??! Then get to it soldier, pip pip!! It's seriously so good,


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glotterjongup #1
Chapter 21: YAH! AHN JAEHYO! I WILL KILL YOU! And poor Jonguppie who has no clue what's going on:(
glotterjongup #2
Chapter 20: Zico you a-hole
Chapter 19: Ohhhhhhh jeahyo hehe update soon <3
Chapter 14: Finally you update <3
Chapter 12: Update soon juseyo, cuz ba da ba ba baaaaaaaa I'm loving it ;D
tatsuharuvipp #6
Awww this is lovely ! Great work :3 one of my fav fics !<3
Raina-ssi #7
Ayyy, you updated!! :D So cuuute. Oh YongGuk.<3