Ms. Moon's Magical Mothering Skills

You Made Me Crash and Burn~

"Jongup-ah!~ Aigoo, you're finally home! You shouldn't be practicing at this time, you nee- Is that Kim Hyesoon's daughter? Oh? Yongguk, you're here too?" (A.N: Kim Hyesoon = Yura's mom)

"Umma, she ran away from home, I think she's sick, is it okay if she stays with us tonight?"

"Of course! Come in, come in all of you. You all must be frozen, you poor things!"

Yongguk picked her up bridal style and layed her down onto the spare bed, still wrapped up in all the jackets. Jongup's mother soon came rushing in with everything she could've possible needed.

"She's wearing too many layers, Yongguk-ah? Go through her suitcase and find me a pair of pyjamas or t-shirt and shorts, whatever."

Mrs. Moon started to take off all of Yura's layers, beads of sweat dripped from her forehead. Jongup was busy preparing food, tea and medicine. Yongguk ped the suitcase and hesitated a little. *Is it okay for me to go through a girls' belongings?* As if she read his mind, Mrs. Moon shouted over.

"Don't worry she won't find out, just hurry please." Yongguk nodded in response, and started rummaging, hoping he wouldn't come in contact with any underwear. Luckily they were all kept in a seperate bag, and Yongguk managed to find a pair of pyjamas. Beside the pyjamas was a polaroid, a polaroid of Yura and Jaehyo. Yongguk stared at it intently, jealousy boiling inside of him. *What am I even doing? She doesn't like me. I don't like her either, not like that anyway...*

"Yongguk-ah, what are you staring at? Are you looking at her underwear?" Mrs. Moon grinned cheekily lifting the dismal aura around them.

Yongguk's cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink, "A-a-aniyo!" He hurredly passed the pyjamas to a giggling Mrs. Moon and turned back around as quickly as he could, to avoid Mrs. Moon seeing him blush.

"I won't tell her, it's fine! It's only natural for a boy of your age to be doing such things."

"I wasn't looking!" Yongguk insisted.

"Alright, alright. I was just joking." Mrs. Moon sighed and paused for a while, "Aigoo, I remember when you were all little kids. You were all so loud and playful." 

Yongguk thought to himself. *Yep, me too* He remained silent, concentrating on folding all the clothes he had crumpled when he was looking for the pyjamas.

"Look at you all now, you're all taller than me..." She got up off the bed and reached for the towel that was floating in a bowl of iced water. Rinsing it tightly and then folding it delicately, she placed it on Yura's burning head. Yongguk couldn't help but stare at Yura's pale face. A wave of sympathy and guilt washed over him, even though he wasn't at fault.

"Jongup-ah, what's taking you so long, we need that medicine!"

"One minute, there's too many in here... they all look the same?!"

"Oh for god's sake Jongup, I said the white tub with the purple label." Mrs. Moon got to her feet and wiped her hands on her apron and straightened out her dress. "Aiish, this boy..Yongguk, will you be an absolute angel and just keep an eye on Yura, shout me if she wakes up."

Yongguk nodded and got to his feet. He stayed in the spot where he sat, keeping distance. The air between them felt uncomfortable. 

To avoid awkwardness he pulled out his phone. *What's taking that medicine so lo-*

"Yongguk-ah..." Yura breathed in her slumber. Yongguk's whole body tensed at the sound of his name, he stared longingly at her with wide eyes waiting to see if she'd speak again. Yura was still asleep but her eyebrows had pinched together to make it seem as if she was frowning. Beads of sweat chased each other down the temples of her head. He went over and knelt at her bed side, he took the towel and dabbed it all over her forehead lightly, clearing up the sweat. At that moment all of Yongguk's thoughts about the past between Yura and him were forgotten. He was desperately worried about her, like a older brother towards his younger sister. 

"Yongguk-ah..." Yura whispered again, her hands balled into fists and her breathing became heavy, "Mianhae. (I'm sorry)"

His hand lay over hers. Gently unclasping it, hegently squeezed Yura's hand until her breathing resumed to it's normal pattern. His eyes relaxed and he looked like he was about to cry. He her hair with his other hand, ever so gently, then he trailed the back of his fingers over her jawline. His hand then went to join his other and cupped Yura's.

"I'm sorry too." He whispered and rested his head on the side of the bed, "I'm so sorry."


"Seriously Jongup, there was only one bottle that looked like that..How on earth could you get mixed up?"

"Mum, I swear it wasn't there when I looked!"

Mrs. Moon and Jongup were finally returning after preparing a meal, finding the correct medicine and proving the fact that Jongup is lacking in the 'common senses' department.

"That's no excuse, is that what you say to your teachers when you get a question wrong on your mock exams? Now help me by changing that water and rinsing that towel, if you get that wrong i'm really going to cry."


"Go on then.."

"Fine." Jongup lifted the bowl up and found Yongguk kneeling by the bed and his head rested next to Yura's hand, he was fast asleep. Jongup smiled and shook his head, not really knowing what to make of the sight. Mrs. Moon, too, walked in quite suprised. She checked Yura's temperature to find that it had dropped a little, covered Yongguk with a spare blanket and left the room.

"Mum, i've done it!" Jongup returned to the spare room just as his mum was leaving.

"Ah great, give it here." His mum reached out to take the bowl off him.

"Careful it's quite hot!" He warned.

Mrs Moon looked up at her son with a blank expression. "Why is it hot?"

Jongup's face dropped, "Was that not right?"

Mrs. Moon pinched her nosebridge and sighed deeply, "Why is this hot, how will this benefit that girl?"

"Well she has a cold right? So I thought, to counteract a cold she'd need something hot? Am I wrong?"

"But she hasn't got a cold, she has a temperature. Oh my son, give it here. You just prepare bowls and things for the meals." She took the bowl from him and shook her head continuously as she walked off.

"A temperature? Well.. noone told me?! Mum i'm not like this in school, I promise!" Jongup whined as he trailed after his mother.

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{YMMCAB} Ermagerrd guys, have you saw One Shot yet?! No??! Then get to it soldier, pip pip!! It's seriously so good,


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glotterjongup #1
Chapter 21: YAH! AHN JAEHYO! I WILL KILL YOU! And poor Jonguppie who has no clue what's going on:(
glotterjongup #2
Chapter 20: Zico you a-hole
Chapter 19: Ohhhhhhh jeahyo hehe update soon <3
Chapter 14: Finally you update <3
Chapter 12: Update soon juseyo, cuz ba da ba ba baaaaaaaa I'm loving it ;D
tatsuharuvipp #6
Awww this is lovely ! Great work :3 one of my fav fics !<3
Raina-ssi #7
Ayyy, you updated!! :D So cuuute. Oh YongGuk.<3