Malfunctions II & Mischief

You Made Me Crash and Burn~

"Are you sure you're okay?" Jongup asked for the hundredth time as they were entering the house.

"Yes Jongup, I'm fine." Yura forced a smile.

Jongup wasn't that big of a sponge, he could tell that something was wrong with her. However he didn't want to ask, given the state she was in. He also felt rude probing her.

As soon as they got in, Yura practically ran to her room and slammed the door shut. To stop anyone from getting in, she slumped down against the door, pulling her knees up to her chest. She didn't hold it in anymore, her sobs were loud and coarse. Her hands entangled themselves into her hair. Pulling and ruffling, trying to make sense of everything that's happening. *It doesn't make sense! Why?* She hugged her knees tightly and squeezed her eyes shut. *What have I done to deserve this?!* The pace of Yura's breath quickened, she had forgotten about her fever and it felt like it was making a reappearance. Her head suddenly felt as heavy as a bowling ball, and the room felt stuffy and difficult to breathe in. When infact it was normal temperature. A thumping headache slowly developed, she tried massaging her temples to get rid of it but it didn't work. Her eyes felt weary and heavy they were slowly closing. Before she could shout for help she fell unconscious, with her back still against the door and her head had fell forward.

Meanwhile, Jongup grew more and more worried for Yura. The last time he saw her was when she disappeared into her room and cried, then after a few minutes it went deadly silent. *Maybe she's just fell asleep? What if she's hurt herself? What's happened?* He wanted to help Yura but didn't know how to. He felt useless and guilty for not comforting her. *Something bad could of happened...I best go check*

He knocked at Yura's door, there was no reply. It was scarily silent. 

"I'm gonna come in..." He warned and slowly opened the door, Yura's weight on the door stopped Jongup from opening it fully. He managed to squeeze his head through the crack he successfully made and looked to see what the strange weight was. His eyes widened at the sight of Yura unconscious, he opened the door wider so his whole body could squeeze through, without squashing the passed out Yura. 

He shook her shoulder to check if she was sleeping, her body just swayed unreactive to Jongup's touch. He then went to hold her head up to check if she was breathing, her cheeks were red hot and her breathing was fast and uneven. Without hesitation he lifted Yura up onto the bed and pulled out his phone to call his mother. 

"Eomma? Yura has a temperature again. I don't know what to do?!"

"Aigoo~ Poor girl, I'll come home as soon as I can."

"Quickly, I think she passed out again.."

"Ok, ok. She'll be okay for the time being, just make her a cold compress to cool her down. A cold compress. Not hot. Understand?" She stressed the words 'cold' and 'not' hoping he won't get it wrong, "I'll be home soon."

"Okay." He hung up and left to make a bowl of iced water and get a clean towel.

Jongup's mum returned soon after the call, she was worried for Yura. She knew something bad must've happened to trigger the fever to break out again. She made a mental note, ask her about her life problems. *Poor girl must be going through a hard time. Where's her mother? I wonder what she's doing now? Looking for her daughter? Chugging a bottle of whiskey?* She sighed at the thought of Yura's hepless mother. *I need to have a talk with her*


The following morning Jongup's mum managed to persuade her ward manager in taking the day off to take care of Yura. She was far too sick to go to school. Jongup also asked for a day off, he felt bad for Yura and wanted to help her. But his mother practically forced him to go to school.


Jongup felt sad because he was unable to help Yura. His hyungs and Zelo could tell that he wasn't his usual bright self and something was bothering him.

Zelo attacked him with a back hug whilst they were heading to their usual hangout spot "Hyung, what's wrong? You seem sad?"

Jongup forced a smile, "Do I? I'm fine, just a little tired." Zelo scrunched up his nose, "Liar." He let go of him and slung an arm around his neck instead, "What's wrong?"

Just before Jongup could make his mind up on whether to tell them or not, Himchan came jogging towards them looking urgent.

"Hey, did you guys know that a member of Block B transferred here yesterday?!"

"No way? Who?" Youngjae sneered.

"I think it's Ahn Jaehyo, the girls I was walking home from school with last night couldn't stop talking about him. It was so annoying." He frowned as he remembered the afternoon, none of the girls paid him any attention and kept gossiping about Jaehyo.

Jongup stiffened up at the mention of his name, so did Yongguk. 

Himchan looked at Yongguk, "What are we going to do?" He meant this as a way of 'How are we going to make his life here .' but to Yongguk personally it meant 'Now Jaehyo and Yura are gonna be super lovey-dovey in your face, what are you going to do about it'.

Yongguk shrugged with a smirk lingering on his lips, "What do you guys wanna do?" He asked nonchalantly.

The rest of the members, excluding Jongup, all looked at their leader with mischievious expressions. Jongup was worried, he didn't know whether it was a good idea to tell Yongguk about Yura and Jaehyo's argument. He knew that Yongguk cared for Yura, it wasn't constantly obvious and he may deny it but he still definately loves her. In his mind he was listing all the pro's and con's as he walked to class with Zelo...

{inside our precious moon jongup-ssi's mind}

Pro: Yongguk will be happy, won't he? Happy that they hate each other?

Con: Yongguk could be furious about Jaehyo flipping out on Yura and that could lead to fights...

Pro: Now that Yura won't be defending Jaehyo anymore, B.A.P can easily pick on him.

Con: ...fights could lead to risky consequences.. e.g: Block B

Pro: Maybe not because Jaehyo did mention something about her " about with his bestfriends"... doubt that actually happened though..

Con: ...I'm hungry :-(

And so on and so forth...

*I should tell someone else first... but who?*

"DDAKBAMMMMM~~" Zelo yelled as he flicked Jongup's forehead.

"Ais- ahh~" He rubbed his forehead and punched Zelo in the arm, "What was that for?"

"You were staring into space again hyung." He sighed and rubbed the sore spot on his arm, he them looked up suddenly and looked around him, "Where's orange noona today, is she still staying at your house?"

"She's sick today and how did you know about that?" 

His mouth formed a small 'o' shape and his face dropped, "Is she okay? What's wrong with her? Who's she with now?" 

Jongup clamped his hand over Zelo's mouth to stop him from babbling, "She's fine she's resting at home and my mother's stayed at home to look after her. You still didn't answer my question.. how did you know she was staying at mine?"

Zelo sighed, he was relieved, "Thank goodness and Himchan called Yongguk and Yongguk told him he was at yours with Yura, then Himchan told the rest of us. He also went crazy about how Yongguk's denying his liking for Yura and that he's a big, pathetic idiot. Which we all agreed on." He beamed as they entered their classroom, Jongup just nodded in agreement, "Yeah, that is true." He sighed and took his seat, "Yah Junhong-ah." Zelo put his his feet up on his desk, "Yeah?" He mumbled as he chomped on a Pepero stick without using his hands. Jongup was planning to tell Zelo about what happened, he pulled out a coin from his pocket. If the coin lands on tails Jongup tells him everything, if it lands on heads Jongup says nothing and steals Zelo's box of Pepero.



"Okay." He innocently pulled out another Pepero stick.

Jongup flipped the coin


*Damn it, no Pepero!" Jongup frowned mentally.

"Junhong-ah, I don't know what to do..." He started, Zelo just looked at him.

"What? What are you even talking about hyung?"

"Something happened between Yura and Jaehyo yesterday, after you left." 

Zelo's eyes widened and bit down on his pepero stick, the end fell out and landed on the floor, "What? What happened? Did orange noona get hurt? Cause' if she did, i'm going to kill that Jaehyo guy!" He rolled up his sleeves and chewed angrily.

"Yes, but not like that. They had an argument.." 

"About what?"

"Well, he accused Yura of cheating on him with his best friends, which i'm guessing are Block B, he said that Zico told him. Then Yura was saying that it wasn't true, Jaehyo didn't believe her. I didn't say anything and they were just shouting at each other, then he said if he knew how much of a she was, he never would've dated her. Then he said he didn't want anything to do with her, then left. And then Yura's legs turned to jelly and she fell, then I had to carry her to the bus stop and she looked and walked like a zombie. Then, when we got home she locked herself in the spare room and cried then she passed out because her fever came back. Now she's at home sick." Jongup took a deep breath. Zelo seemed taken aback, Jongup never usually talked this much.

"Woah, hyung. That was impressive, you need to tell Yongguk hyung about this." He blinked a couple of times.

"I don't know whether that's a good idea though, think about what could happen. What if Yongguk starts a fight with Jaehyo, then Block B would have to get involved.."

Zelo nodded, "Ahh true, we should tell Himchannie hyung first then."

Jongup nodded, "Agreed."

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{YMMCAB} Ermagerrd guys, have you saw One Shot yet?! No??! Then get to it soldier, pip pip!! It's seriously so good,


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glotterjongup #1
Chapter 21: YAH! AHN JAEHYO! I WILL KILL YOU! And poor Jonguppie who has no clue what's going on:(
glotterjongup #2
Chapter 20: Zico you a-hole
Chapter 19: Ohhhhhhh jeahyo hehe update soon <3
Chapter 14: Finally you update <3
Chapter 12: Update soon juseyo, cuz ba da ba ba baaaaaaaa I'm loving it ;D
tatsuharuvipp #6
Awww this is lovely ! Great work :3 one of my fav fics !<3
Raina-ssi #7
Ayyy, you updated!! :D So cuuute. Oh YongGuk.<3