
You Made Me Crash and Burn~

Yura did a doubletake on the guy stood at the front of the classroom besides the teachers podium. Her eyes widened in shock, excitement, confusion. fell agape, unconsciously. Jaehyo who's eyes found Yura's looked expressionless and dark. Yura saw this and closed instantly, confused, not knowing whether to be happy or dissapointed for Jaehyo.

"Lucky you, there are two seats available at the back, take your pick." The teacher droned whilst lazily using a thick text book to point at the two back seats.

Jaehyo simply nodded and strolled to the back of the classroom. "Hello you." He raised his eyebrows and forced a smile, before shrugging off his backpack and hanging it on the desk hook. Yura was honestly stuck for words. Where could she start? There were so many questions she wanted to ask.

"Hi.. Jae..." Was all that came out of her.

"Hi Jae?" He mimicked her voice. "I get transferred and 'Hi Jae' is all you can say?" Jaehyo whispered, almost inaudible.

"W-why...w-what are you doing here? How did you get transferred? What did you do?" Yura was sat on the edge of her chair, edging closer to Jaehyo without realizing. Jaehyo leant closer to her, "I had a fight." He whispered blankly.

"With who? What about?" Yura's eyebrows knitted together. 

"Zico." He sighed, resisting the urge to punch a wall.

"What?!" She almost fell out of her seat, "What about?"

"It's... complicated.." His mouth twitched, making him sound hesitant.

"I have time.. tell me." Yura nodded in reassurance.

"No it's super complicated. Just leave it, it's cool." Jaehyo sat back properly in his chair. Yura had a hard time reading his face, something bad has happened.


At lunchtime Yura had dragged Jaehyo out to the willow. She demanded a proper explanation.

Jaehyo couldn't gather his thoughts. What could he say?


"Jaehyo, you have to break up with her. It's not safe with her around you and us getting into these fights. She's gonna get hurt." Zico held Jaehyo by the shoulders roughly.

"I can't do that to her or to myself." Jaehyo became breathless.

"Why?! Would you rather her get beaten up by a street thug or even kidnapped? Or watch her from a distance knowing that she's safe, noone will try to hurt her."

All of Zico's words were true.

"But I will be hurting her though. I know I will cause her pain. It will be my fault and I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for it." Jaehyo found himself yelling. {A.N: , that was deep.}

He couldn't just let go of the girl he loved, and is still loving, for the past few years. 

"Would you rather have that though or her getting hurt or even killed by some stranger, either way it will somehow be your fault. So don't think for a minute that staying with her is going to be as easy as dumping her. She's just a girl, you need someone new anyway." Zico's harsh words shocked Jaehyo, he's never heard Zico talk so much trash about someone who was as close to the Block B boys as Yura was.

Jaehyo lunged and grabbed Zico by the collar of his shirt, lifting him upwards a little. "Don't you dare talk about my girlfriend." He snarled baring his teeth like a wild dog. Crowds of students started forming around the two, exchanging whispers and trying to listen in on what they were fighting about.

"Or what? What are you going to do pretty boy? Hit me? Hit your hyung, the hyung you grew up with? You've what... known Yura for about four and abit years? And me? Seventeen years? Seventeen years Ahn Jaehyo. Seventeen ing years. What happened to that? Are you just gonna ditch me and the guys for her?"

Again, Zico spoke only of the truth. Jaehyo released the iron grip he had on Zico's collar.

"I don't blame you though, she's a monster in bed." Zico mumbled only just within Jaehyo's hearing range. Jaehyo went mental. He turned and lunged, launching his fist at Zico's lip, busting it. Some of the students heard what Zico said and gasped, some laughed and they started to take their phones out snapping pictures and recording them two fight.

Zico's words were harsh, if he couldn't get Jaehyo to quietly break it off with Yura, he had to make him. It broke Zico's heart to reach such lengths. But it has to be done, it was for Yura's safety. "What did you say?!" Jaehyo hissed, grabbing Zico's collar once again. Zico smirked and some of the blood off the corner of his mouth. "She definately knows what she's doing. Even the others said it, they're all jealous of you Jae Jae. They only got one go, you get to sleep with her all you want." Jaehyo's fist came smashing into Zico's jaw over and over again. "You bastard!" He held his fist up, getting ready to knock Zico unconscious. "It's not us, it's her. She told us that she only stayed with you because she didn't want to hurt you. She also said something about it being awkward cause' your dads work together." Zico spluttered, Jaehyo paused, panting heavily he lowered his bloodied up fist. Zico felt the grip on his bloodstained collar loosen and pulled Jaehyo's hand off of him. He stumbled but got up and wiped his mouth with the back of his blazer sleeve. "Just forget her Jae." Zico whispered before being taken away by Kyung and P.O, who just like the rest of the Block B boys, stood aside watching helplessly. They were all aware of the plan Zico had devised and felt heartbroken for Jaehyo. B bomb, U kwon and Taeil all jumped in, in an attempt to comfort Jaehyo, who right then, didn't want anything to do with them.

Word soon flew around the school and Jaehyo and Zico both found themselves standing before the principal.

"Ahn Jaehyo, this is unlike you. You're one of our top students. What happened?" 

"I don't know sir." Jaehyo managed to say.

"And you Zico, you were on a roll, you haven't been involved in a fight for almost a year now?" The principal raised his eyebrows in disappointment. Disappointed because he really wanted to kick Zico out of the school, and also he didn't want to kick out one of his schoolsbest students. 

"Jiho go to the infirmary, thanks to Jaehyo here you've gained yourself some new stitches. We'll talk later." He shooed Zico away with a hand, then once Zico had left, he clasped them both together on his desk. He sighed deeply through his nose and pushed up his gold rimmed glasses.

"What are we going to do Jaehyo, hm?"  Jaehyo stood still and stared at the principals incredibly organised desk. 

"This is a really serious situation, I just want you to be aware of that. This, as you may know very well, is a prestigious grammar school, one of the top single grammar schools in the whole of South Korea." The pace of his voice quickened and became more hissy. His teeth were gritted and his face was reddening.

"I'm sorry." Jaehyo murmured, keeping his eyes fixated on the desk.

"You could have jeopordized the schools image!" He sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose, "We simply can't have this happen ever again, i'm not taking any risks. Jaehyo i'm going to have to transfer you. I will acknowledge that your parents will not let this go quietly but I will speak with them privately. You may take your leave." With that the principal went back to the piles of papers stacked on his desk.

Jaehyo regained his posture, bowed respectfully and left the principal's office swiftly.


"Ah, Mr and Mrs Ahn, welcome." The principal shook their hands and gestured them to take a seat.

"I'm sure you are aware of the situation that your son has imposed."

"Yes, we got told he will have to transfer?" Mr Ahn looked down at the principal. He spoke in a proffesional, business man's bellow.

"Yes but I have decided it will just be a temporary transfer, I will have to transfer him to the local secondary school near by and monitor his behaviour for at least a few months. After those few months and if his behaviour is noticably improving, we will accept him back into this school. No extra payments or fees will be required. He will be transferred back here and carry on like he never left."

The Ahn couple were taken aback by the sudden burst of information. They then looked at each other, the same expression in each others faces. "We agree." They both firmly nodded in unison. 

And with the flick of some pens and signatures obtained, Jaehyo landed in the mediocre co-ed school just up the street from his previous school.

{end of flashback}


"It's nothing, I should be going back there soon enough. Forget it." He hissed, trying not to sound pissed off. Before he started yelling, he pushed himself off the tree and stormed off. Leaving Yura spaced out.

*I need to get her back, just as slyly as she did to me.*

A.N: Ahh~ Long time no speak my beautiful subbies TAT sorry sorry soooorrry~ 

I've been busy with school, I've had my biology, chemistry, physics and english exams last/this month ;A;  BOOO~ I've most likely failed them all... even though I did study my off.

I have two maths exams coming up, but I think they'll be a doddle, so I hope I get to be on here more.. unless my mum makes me revise.

Anyway, excuses aside, I just wanted to say a big THANKYOUUUUU<3 For subscribing to me and my pooey noob story *^^*

It's a really strange feeling knowing you guys actually want to read it... cause' I know I wouldn't. :P {Woah, talk about self confidence!! :')}

Anyways as you can probably feel.. there will be abit of drama coming up soon, so please wait for me T^T I want to plan it out till it's perfect for you guys!! 

Also I hope you like these past load of chapters, they've changed quite alot and I feel more comfortable writing the way I am now so yeah, comment, let me know if you prefer them now or how they were in the first few chapters...^^

Comment-juseyoooo~ I'm worried that some of you guys might be confused or whatever.. if you are just let me know!! >//<

사랑해용!!!~~ and Happy Lunar Year aswell!! 恭喜发财新年快乐~~ Wishing everyone luck, good fortune and good health!!

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{YMMCAB} Ermagerrd guys, have you saw One Shot yet?! No??! Then get to it soldier, pip pip!! It's seriously so good,


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glotterjongup #1
Chapter 21: YAH! AHN JAEHYO! I WILL KILL YOU! And poor Jonguppie who has no clue what's going on:(
glotterjongup #2
Chapter 20: Zico you a-hole
Chapter 19: Ohhhhhhh jeahyo hehe update soon <3
Chapter 14: Finally you update <3
Chapter 12: Update soon juseyo, cuz ba da ba ba baaaaaaaa I'm loving it ;D
tatsuharuvipp #6
Awww this is lovely ! Great work :3 one of my fav fics !<3
Raina-ssi #7
Ayyy, you updated!! :D So cuuute. Oh YongGuk.<3