Second Stop Am I Really That Charming?!


After everyone recovers from Miss Cherry's prank, they all gathered in the living room. 187 and 747 was staring daggers at Miss Cherry, while Tian Mo Xing and 007 is still disgusted as they stare at the bowls of congee left on the table. Miss Cherry starts laughing hysterically. 747 starts to get annoyed. "Hey! Miss Cherry! How can you be so mean? Do you know how scared I was?" 187 rolled his eyes. "Oh please. You're not the one who threw up until, even, the gut-juice has came out." He takes out his mirror to see if his hair has gotten messed up. Tian Mo Xing whines "Miss Cherry. Next time if you want to prank them, leave me out of it. I was throwing up all morning from the nightmare I had. Then you said something so disgusting...I don't think I can ever eat congee again!" Miss Cherry laughs even harder. 007 hits his forehead. 747 and Tian Mo Xing both yelled "Miss Cherry!" Miss Cherry said "Okay..Okay." She starts to calm down and clears . "I'm sorry. I guess I just wanted to lighten up the mood."

747, 187, Tian Mo Xing, and 007 all said, at the same time, "It's not funny!" Miss Cherry stifles a laugh. They all glared at her. She holds up her hand in defeat. "Anyways. As I was saying. I wanted to lighten up the mood because...we received another package." She takes out a box from under the table. 747 gulped. "It's not really a head...Is it?" 187 puts down his mirror. He looks up at Tian Mo Xing and 007. Miss Cherry hits his head. "If it is, you're eating it! And I'm not joking this time." Miss Cherry hands the box to 007. He takes it and looks at everyone. Everyone's heart was beating very fast. He opens the lid and sees a pile of pictures. Tian Mo Xing takes out the pictures. 007 picks up a note from the inside the box. It reads "I see you."

Looking through the pictures, Tian Mo Xing realized it all shots of her. "Why is this creepo stalking me?! Does he want to cut me up and take my organs too?" She threw the pictures on the table. 007 takes a glance at them. "These pictures are not taken by the person who left the organs. Look at the note. This person typed it. But the other notes where written with a pen." 187 smiled. "So it seems like our little Xing Xing has more than one psycho admirer. How wonderful. And to think 007 was the only one who was blind." Tian Mo Xing threw a cushion at 187. Then, she frowns. "Why do I suddenly have so many admirers?? Am I really that charming? You don't see all these people coming after me in Taiwan! Why now?" 007's heart was starting to get worried and, somewhat, jealous.

Miss Cherry scratches her forehead. "I guess everyone heard you were going to marry 007 and decides this is the only time they have to propose their love to you." Tian Mo Xing looks at 007 and blushed. 747 burrows his eyebrows. "But no one else would know about the marriage. Tian Mo Xing and 007 only told us." Miss Cherry laughs shyly and said "I think I kind of spilled the news out on the loud speaker on the last day of school." Everyone stares at her, with anger in their eyes. "MISS CHERRY!" They all yelled. Miss Cherry smiles and said "I didn't think that the students in Sheng Ying were so...mental? But no case is hard enough for our Pi Li MIT to crack. Right?"

"Miss Cherry. We're not going to get involved with this. 007 already promised me we are going to hand it over to the police." Tian Mo Xing said. 007 looks away. 747 turns to Tian Mo Xing and said "But Pi Li MIT never backs away from a game. We can solve this." Tian Mo Xing starts to get annoyed. "The reason we came is to relax and take the forensics program; not run around tracking down psycho admirers and killers. I don't want to see anyone get in trouble or get hurt! Do you understand?" 007 place his arm around Tian Mo Xing to calm her. "Tian Mo Xing. This time, the game is regarding you. Why don't we try to solve it? If we can't, we'll hand it over to the police."

She pushed his arm off of her and stared at him, hurt. "You promised me you won't get involved!" He opens his mouth to explain but she holds up her hand to cut him off. "Fine. If you want to get involved, then I'm leaving. I'm going to go back to Taiwan and find my Ah Mu. And I won't marry you." She got up and starts to walk away but 007 holds onto her hand. "Tian Mo Xing. Stop being so unreasonable." Tears were in her eyes. She flings off his grip. "Then consider me unreasonable." Miss Cherry gets up and smiles. "Tian Mo Xing is right. We're here for vacation. We can't waste our time solving crimes. Let's just report this to the police later." 187 shakes his head. 007 mutters under his breath "Whatever." Tian Mo Xing turns around and looks at him. "Whatever? What do you mean whatever? You were the one who promised me at first!" 007 stands up. Before the argument could worsen, the doorbell rang.

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fairytaill #1
i was depressed when i read the sad ending, but then i read the happy ending. i was much happier.
Chapter 26: Hahahahah .. I LOVE THIS STORY . ^^.. Thanks for making this story . (:
BlossomVonYumYum #3
Chapter 26: SO AWESOME!!! I love this story so much <3
BlossomVonYumYum #4
Chapter 24: omg I told myself that I wouldn't cry.....but I guess it didn't work. you won't believe how much I'm crying right now :( this chapter is so sad!!! but sad in a good way :)
you are a brilliant writer. keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 26: hahahaha love the special ending! Ai Bo played a prank ^_^ she is sooo cute<3
baekyeols #6
is there going to be a sequel?
oh my god love the story so much!!
good job good job!
wow....i really love reading ur story...>_<
Ai Bo is really cute and kind of knowing what happen in the future...hope u really continue it...^_^
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Okay on this sentence: "One senior explained "This is how our school is. Weird things happen everyday. You'd get used to it soon." Then, twitching, the senior takes out a bottle of pill out of his pocket and puts two pills into his mouth. Walking away, he continues to mutter "You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon..."<br />
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Is that Senior Lu Ke Ying?<br />
<br /> your story.<br />
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You should make a 4th story! Just a suggestion.
I loved this fanfic awesome job in doing Pi li MIT :D