Fifth Stop Us Against The World


In the elevator, Lin Yu Jie pushes 007 passionately against the wall; with their lips still enacted. She moves her hand under his shirt and he rubs her back. When her hand reaches his chest, she felt something. It was the lucky pouch Tian Mo Xing gave 007. Suddenly, he becomes conscious and push her away. "No! The one I love is Li Xiao Xing. I can't do this." He press the open button but the lights suddenly flickered and the alarm went off. The elevator was was stuck. Lin Yu Jie, with tears running down her eyes, stares at him angrily. "What's so special about her? What does she have that I don't? Whatever she can do, I can do it better. Why can't you give us another chance?" 007's heart tightens. "You have everything she have. In fact, you have everything she doesn't have as well. She's clumsy and dumb and forgetful. You're smart and pretty and musically talented. But you're not Li Xiao Xing." She laughs crazily in tears. "I can't even win a clumsy and dumb girl. I can't even win back my love from a clumsy and dumb girl. Why? Why are you so heartless to me?" She falls onto her legs in disbelief and sadness. 007 wants to reach out to her but he couldn't. He doesn't want to give her the wrong message. "Yu Jie. You'd always be in my heart. You'd always be one of the most important women in my life. But we're already over and we should just cherish our memories. The day I stepped into Sheng Ying and met Li Xiao Xing, my life was destined to steer a new path." Lin Yu Jie stares soullessly at the wall and asked weakly "Do you still remember how we met?" 007's hand holds into a fist. He nods. Without moving her eyes, she said "Tell me. Tell me one more time...One last time."

His heart starts to ache terribly. Other than his mother, Lin Yu Jie and Tian Mo Xing are the two most important women in his life that he could never be able to forget. "Why would you want to bring this pain onto yourself? Why do you want me to heartlessly hurt you again?" he asked, sadly. She doesn't respond and continues staring. He let out a breath. "We were both chosen to perform a duet for the school's concert. That day one of your girlfriends came up to me and told me you wanted to challenge me. I didn't know you and didn't want to challenge you. If we were chosen, then it must mean we were both outstanding. I didn't find you a threat or rival. So I turned it down. However, uncontrollably, my feet brought me to the music room. Outside, I heard a very soothing and harmonious flute melody. But there was sorrow and disappointment in every note. I quietly slipped into the room and took a glance at you. You were really putting your soul into your music, with your eyes. I thought I was looking at an angel. I went over to the piano and started playing." His voice cracked as tears welled up in his eyes. He stopped.

"When I heard your piano piece, I opened my eyes and looked at you. I always the famous Dr. James' son would be either be a snob or a playboy. I didn't want to perform with someone who doesn't love music. But you were different. You understood music. But most importantly, you understood me. Each note you played reflected the same sadness and loneliness as me. You shared the same neglecting and pain I had. After the duet, we had a brief introduction. Eventually, I don't know why but, I start to tell you about how my parents neglect me and throw me around like a ball. You told me your father puts high expectations on you but then neglects you for your disease and his career. I didn't think I would ever meet someone I had so much in common with. Do you remember what you told me that night?" She finally took her eyes off the wall and looks up at him. At the same time, they both slowly said "I promise to stay with you every day and become your family. I won't ever let you feel neglected again. It will always be us against the world." A tear rolled down both their eyes. The elevator dinged and moved again. Lin Yu Jie gets up, holding the wall for support. "Zhan Shi De. You lied to me. You broke your promise to me and betrayed our Hell Angels Pact. You chose a dumb girl over me. I don't ever want to see you again!" The elevator opens and she ran out. 007 tries to stop her but she was already gone. "I'm sorry." The door closed. Hiding around a corner, Lin Yu Jie was silently sobbing on her knees. "Zhan Shi Di. You will regret one day..."

Locked inside the body room, the temperature was dropping lower and lower to preserve the bodies. However, Miss Cherry and 187 are dying from the coldness. They were kneeling in a corner beside one another. With chattering teeth, Miss Cherry said "187..I'm sorry..." Shivering, he looks at her and asked "What...what are you...apologizing for?" Her whole body shivers and shake. Her nurse outfit is only a short sleeve blouse and a mini skirt. She rubs the goosebumps off her arms. 187 quickly takes off his jacket and place it on her. She said "For being a failure Pi Li MIT leader. Under my guys are always...getting into life threatening dangers." She sneezes. "I'm especially sorry towards you. I'm always dragging you into dangers." 187 remembers the time when Dai Zhi Xun locked them up. He place his arm around her and pulls her closer to him; warming her up. "Miss Cherry. You would rather sacrifice yourself than let me get hurt. And when Xu Wan Xin threatened us, you rather take in all the pain and end Pi Li MIT than let us be in danger. How can you call yourself a failure?" She smiles at him. He slowly puts his hand on his face. "If we really have to die in here today, can I do something that I always wanted to do?" Before she can reply, he leans in and kisses her on the lips. He pulls away and looks into her eyes. Her eyes widened in shock. He thought she would hit him but, instead, she pulls his lips onto hers. Suddenly, they heard a click-clack sound and the door opens. They pull away from each other, blushing. A security guard appears, holding up a flashlight. He jumps a little when he saw them in the corner. Thy pull away from each other. "What are you two doing in here?" 187 and Miss Cherry gets up; still shaking from the cold. The guard mumbles "And I thought the kid was lying to me." 187 and Miss Cherry looks at each other and asked the guard at the same time "What kid?" The guard scratches his head and said "Some guy came to the front desk and told me he heard some noises in the body room." 187 whispers to Miss Cherry "The psycho knows we're looking for him. It must be him who locked us in here." Waiting impatiently, the guard claps to get their attention and said rudely "If you two are done having fun, please leave! And next time you want to play dress up, please search beforehand what kind of uniforms our doctors and nurses wear." Miss Cherry smiles shyly and blushed.

Arriving at the front step, 007 hesitates as he places his hand on the knob. He stood for about a minute and pulls back his hand. Before he could make another move, the door opened. It was Tian Mo Xing. She looks up and see 007. Both excited and exhausted, she exclaims "007! You're finally back! I've been waiting for hours already. Something happened and 747 got hurt! I don't know what to do." She was panting as she talks. He could see worry and fear in her eyes. "What? Is he okay?" he asked, worried as well. She nods and quickly pulled him into the house. "But he still hasn't woken up yet and it's been six hours already! I'm so scared!" Her voice cracks a bit. He notices that her eyes were kind of red and swollen. He smiles and said "Don't worry. Let's go check on him." They went upstairs and went into 747's room. They hurried to his side in shock when they saw him twitching and sweating. 747's whole face was white. "747!" Tian Mo Xing yelled, with tears in her eyes. 007 touches 747's forehead and said "He has a fever. What happened?" Tian Mo Xing starts to panic. "I don't know. i really don't know what happened. I went to catch the psycho. When I came back, he was unconscious on the floor." 007 lifts up 747's head and feels a bump. "He have a brain concussion. We have to call an ambulance." 007 quickly takes out his phone to call for help. Tian Mo Xing starts to cry. She grabs 747's hand and said "It's all my fault! I shouldn't have left you all by yourself. Why am I so stupid? I never do anything right! It's all my fault! I should be the one lying here." 007 hugs her; trying to calm her. "I owed him too much." 

Outside the operation room, 007 and Tian Mo Xing waits impatiently in sadness. She was leaning on 007's shoulder, sobbing quietly. 007 was worried about 747 but in his heart, there are other things bothering him as well. He doesn't know how to tell Tian Mo Xing that Jaden is still alive. He doesn't know how to tell Tian Mo Xing that he saw Lin Yu Jie again. He doesn't know if he should tell her that his heart sparked a little for Lin Yu Jie. He doesn't know if he should tell her that he almost made a big mistake. Tian Mo Xing was being bothered about other things too. She was debating whether to tell 007 about Jaden or not. She was debating whether to tell 007 that Jaden knows who the psycho is or not. She was debating whether she should allow Jaden to let himself in danger or not. She wants to know whether she should make the last choice or not. He could see frustration on her face. "What's wrong, Tian Mo Xing?" She let out a sigh. "I'm worried about 747 and our future." He wraps his arm around her waist. "No matter what happens, I will always be by your side. It will be us against the world." She winced at those words. Jaden had made the same promise to her before. After saying those words, he regrets it because he has said those words to Lin Yu Jie. 


Sorry for the wait. If anyone was waiting...lols im sick these few days & some things happened...I might update kinda slow but i promise almost all of the following chaps wud be longer like this one so enjoy :]<3 & thanks to everyone who reads this story~!

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fairytaill #1
i was depressed when i read the sad ending, but then i read the happy ending. i was much happier.
Chapter 26: Hahahahah .. I LOVE THIS STORY . ^^.. Thanks for making this story . (:
BlossomVonYumYum #3
Chapter 26: SO AWESOME!!! I love this story so much <3
BlossomVonYumYum #4
Chapter 24: omg I told myself that I wouldn't cry.....but I guess it didn't work. you won't believe how much I'm crying right now :( this chapter is so sad!!! but sad in a good way :)
you are a brilliant writer. keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 26: hahahaha love the special ending! Ai Bo played a prank ^_^ she is sooo cute<3
baekyeols #6
is there going to be a sequel?
oh my god love the story so much!!
good job good job!
wow....i really love reading ur story...>_<
Ai Bo is really cute and kind of knowing what happen in the future...hope u really continue it...^_^
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Okay on this sentence: "One senior explained "This is how our school is. Weird things happen everyday. You'd get used to it soon." Then, twitching, the senior takes out a bottle of pill out of his pocket and puts two pills into his mouth. Walking away, he continues to mutter "You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon..."<br />
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Is that Senior Lu Ke Ying?<br />
<br /> your story.<br />
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You should make a 4th story! Just a suggestion.
I loved this fanfic awesome job in doing Pi li MIT :D