Sixth Stop Bittersweet Encounters


The next morning, 007, Miss Cherry, and 187 gets out from their hiding places. 187 and 007 rolled out from under the bed while Miss Cherry gets up from behind the couch; yawning. She stretched her arms and groaned. "Tomorrow night, we're switching places. I'm not going to crouch under here ever again!" Her back and legs were numb and sore. 187 rolled his eyes and straightens his collar. "You chose it yourself. Besides; you're not the one staring at dust bunnies and hardened gums all night." 007 takes a glance at 747; who was still unconscious. He let out a sigh and slips out of the room. He dials the house number but no one picked up. It was nine AM already. Tian Mo Xing should be up by now. He calls her cellphone but it was turned off. He starts to get worried. Was she ignoring him because of his confession? He turns on his earpiece but hers was off. He walks back into the room; looking frustrated. Miss Cherry looks at him and asked "What's wrong? Is Tian Mo Xing up yet?" 007 shakes his head. "Her cellphone and earpiece are off. And she didn't pick up the home phone." 187 rubs his chin and said "That's weird. Now that there's so many problems going on, she wouldn't try to block us off. Unless..." He stops talking and stares at 007 wide-eyed. The first time Tian Mo Xing tried to block them out, she went to play the game with Angel Teacher. The second time she got attacked and lost her memory. 007's heart felt like a rock had dropped onto it. Miss Cherry scratched her forehead and quickly said "007. Go home and see what's wrong with Tian Mo Xing. I'm scared something happened to her." 007 looks at 747. "But what about 747?" 187 pushed him lightly on the arm and said "Just go. 747 have me and Miss Cherry." 007 nods and runs out of the room.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. By the time 007 got home, he was soaking wet. Hurrying inside, he yells frantically "Tian Mo Xing! Are you here? Tian Mo Xing!" But no one replies to him. He ran upstairs into their room. It was empty. The bed was perfectly made; showing that no one slept on it last night. He went back into the living room. Everything was in place so there were no intruders or struggle. He notices a note on the coffee table. He picks it up and read it. His face scrunched up and he groaned. "Why are you always so impulsive?" He drops the note and runs out of the house to go to NYU. However, he was also too impulsive to realize that the words weren't Tian Mo Xing's handwriting nor did he see the bits and pieces in the garbage can.

Tian Mo Xing arrived at the train station; after getting directions from a police officer. She was waiting on the uptown platform for the train to come. Her eyes watered as she thought about 007. She takes out a fortune cookie and opens it. The note reads: "Love and sacrifice comes hand in hand." She closed her eyes to stop the tears from escaping as she brings the note up to her heart. To herself, she said softly "007 doesn't need me. Jaden needs me. As long as they're going to be safe and healthy, I would do anything; give up anything. I won't regret sacrificing. I would just regret not being able to spend more time with them." Ironically, 007 was standing right behind her. However, their backs were to each other; unaware of each other's presence. 007 whispers to himself "Tian Mo Xing. Wait for me...Don't do anything stupid because I really need you. I can't lose you anymore." Two trains comes from sides and they each broad onto the opposite trains. They never saw each other. On the train, Tian Mo Xing took a seat besides the window and she stare out into the darkness. Even though she was going to marry Jaden, the only one that keeps flashing through her mind is 007. She remembers the first time he acknowledged her as his girlfriend. "You are my chocolate." She still have that note kept in a safe locket in her dorm. But if she choose again, she would rather have not met him. Loving him bought too much pain to everyone. Her undying love brought harm to herself, 007, 747, Se Ho, and Jaden. In the other train, 007 was staring out the window at the passing tunnel lights. He said "Even if it means getting hurt, I would still want to be with you. We're going to be able to pass this obstacle together. You must wait for me."

Tian Mo Xing arrives at the registry office; dripping wet from the rain. She waits outside for Jaden. An hour passed. Two hours passed. Three hours passed. Tian Mo Xing looks at her watch and starts to get worried. Another hour passed and Jaden still hasn't arrived yet. The rain got heavier and lightning start to strike. She decides to go find Jaden at the park. Running in the rain, her rain and clothes are already soaking wet. The raindrops are like bullets falling on her bare arms and face. Her body was trembling from the chill up her spine. In her mind, she thought "Jaden. You have to be okay. You have to be okay. I don't want to lose you one more time." Finally, she got to the park but it was empty. "Jaden! Jaden! Where are you?" she yelled; looking around. "Jaden!" Her eyes were blurred by her tears and the rain. She runs around, calling his name. Not noticing a rock in her path, she trips and falls into a puddle. She slams her fist into the puddle and screamed in agony. "Jaden! Come out right now! I thought you wanted to marry me! Why didn't you show up? Why! Come out! You lied to me again! You liar! Come out!" She screamed out her anger, sadness and exhaustion. "Jaden! I know you're here! Come out!" Suddenly, she hears footsteps approaching her from behind. She turns and then something hits her on the head. She begins to lose consciousness. Before she out, she heard Jaden's voice "Xiao Xing!"

007 arrived at NYU and bumps into someone. The person dropped her umbrella and he bends down to help her retrieve it. Handing the umbrella back, he realized it was Lin Yu Jie. She gasped when she saw him. But then her face suddenly turned ice-cold. He could see that she didn't sleep well because her eyes were swollen and her eye bags were huge. "Yu Jie." he said. She looks away and asked harshly "What are you doing here again? You already got all the info you need. Or are you here to see how much I'm suffering?" His heart tightens. "I'm here to find Li Xiao Xing." She laughs bitterly. "Then I think you came to the wrong place. Li Xiao Xing is not here. And even if she is, she could never get into the building without a student pass. What kind of a fool do you take me for?" He bit the inside of his mouth. "Zhan Shi De. Have you ever tried to consider my feelings? Why do you keep doing things to hurt me again and again? Why do you keep giving me hope and then stripping it away? I'm very tired and I don't want to deal with you ever again. Do you understand how much pain I'm feeling right now just looking at you?" Tears were b her eyes. 007 exhales and said "Even though we can't be a couple, we could always be friends. You'd always be an important friend to me." Her hand grips into a fist. She repeats "Friends?" She threw the umbrella onto the ground angrily. "Friends! That's all you take me for?" Her tears were mixing with the rain falling on her face. He tries to touch her face but she slaps his hand away. "Don't touch me. I don't need your pity! Do you know each night, I'm living through memories. Every night, I dream that we never broke up and is still together. I didn't want to wake up. Do you know how many times I've taken handfuls of sleeping pill just so I don't have to wake up into reality again?"

007 blinks away some tears that's in his eyes. "I'm sorry. But the only thing I could give you is our memories. I was able to move on. I know you can too. Let us be the past. Yu Jie..." She swallows the lump down . "Be the past? To me, you are my past. You are my present. You are my future. But it's all wrecked now. You showed me what it felt like to be loved like a friend, a lover, and a family member. You promised me you'd be there for me. You promised you won't ever let me feel neglected. I placed all my trust and hope on you. I gave you my heart and my person. Why are you so heartless? Why did you throw me back into a world where no one loves me? Why did you make me feel rejection again? Why did you make me a fairytale and then destroy it with your own two hands? What did I ever do wrong?" she said; filled with exhaustion and hopelessness. 007 couldn't say anything because he felt very guilty. Suddenly, Yu Jie hears a gun shot and she quickly stand in front of 007. The bullet shot her in the chest. 007's eyes widened as he screamed "Yu Jie!" Security guards rushed out from the building and ran to find the culprit. Lin Yu Jie falls into 007's arms and laughs bitterly. "Yu Jie! Why did you do this? Why are you so stupid?" He holds onto her tightly. She smiles and said weakly " died, a lot of people will...will be sad. Including me...but if I one will be sad." He starts to cry. "What are you talking about? What about me? Don't you think I will be sad? Don't you think I will shed tears for you? Don't you think my heart will hurt?" She touches his face with trembling hands. "Shi De...I told you...I will make you your heart will always...always remember a stupid and clingy girl who...who gave up her useless life for you..." Tears roll down the corners of her eyes and onto his hand. He looks into her eyes and said "Don't call yourself useless! You're the smartest and prettiest girl that I've ever met. And I was very fortunate to have you for a certain part in my life. No matter what happens, you'd always have a place in my heart." His voice cracks. Blood seeps out from the corner of . "Shi De...I hope and Li Xiao Xing...will have happiness forever." He picks her up and said "Yu Jie. Hang on! I'll take you to the hospital. I'll take you to the hospital." He starts to run. She coughs up more blood. "Shi De...Stop...I can't make it." He stops and falls onto his knees. "Shi De...Tell me how we...we met again. I want to hear it."

He nods and wipes his tears away. ""We were both chosen to perform a duet for the school's concert. That day one of your girlfriends came up to me and told me you wanted to challenge me. I didn't know you and didn't want to challenge you. If we were chosen, then it must mean we were both outstanding. I didn't find you a threat or rival. So I turned it down. However, uncontrollably, my feet brought me to the music room. Outside, I heard a very soothing and harmonious flute melody. But there was sorrow and disappointment in every note. I quietly slipped into the room and took a glance at you. You were really putting your soul into your music, with your eyes. I thought I was looking at an angel. I went over to the piano and started playing. Yu Jie. Do you still remember the name of the song we played?" He looks at her. Her hand falls lifelessly off his shoulder. She was dead. "Yu Jie!" He hugs her and cried. The security guards were coming back and 007 couldn't do anything but hide. He plants a kiss on Lin Yu Jie's forehead and ran away. He had to go find Tian Mo Xing. If the psycho was already in killing mode and risking enough to shot a gun in broad light public, Tian Mo Xing was in grave danger. Taking on last glance at Lin Yu Jie, he said "I'm sorry. I have to abandon you once again. But I promise I will come back for you." Then, he hurries away. He his earpiece and said "Miss Cherry." Miss Cherry's voice replies "007? What's wrong? Why does your voice sound like that?" He clears his throat and said "I'm fine. I almost got shot by the psycho." Miss Cherry's heart start to race. "What? Are you okay? Is Tian Mo Xing okay?" 007 let out a sigh and closed his eyes. "Tian Mo Xing is not with me. I don't know where she is. I want to tell you to be more careful and make sure nothing happens to 747. I'll be back after I find Tian Mo Xing." Before she could reply, 007 shut off his earpiece. He needed some peace and quiet. As his mind clears, he suddenly realizes that he was tricked. According to Tian Mo Xing's personality, if she wanted to do something, she would just do it. She would never leave a note. He runs back home to see if he could find any other clues.

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fairytaill #1
i was depressed when i read the sad ending, but then i read the happy ending. i was much happier.
Chapter 26: Hahahahah .. I LOVE THIS STORY . ^^.. Thanks for making this story . (:
BlossomVonYumYum #3
Chapter 26: SO AWESOME!!! I love this story so much <3
BlossomVonYumYum #4
Chapter 24: omg I told myself that I wouldn't cry.....but I guess it didn't work. you won't believe how much I'm crying right now :( this chapter is so sad!!! but sad in a good way :)
you are a brilliant writer. keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 26: hahahaha love the special ending! Ai Bo played a prank ^_^ she is sooo cute<3
baekyeols #6
is there going to be a sequel?
oh my god love the story so much!!
good job good job!
wow....i really love reading ur story...>_<
Ai Bo is really cute and kind of knowing what happen in the future...hope u really continue it...^_^
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Okay on this sentence: "One senior explained "This is how our school is. Weird things happen everyday. You'd get used to it soon." Then, twitching, the senior takes out a bottle of pill out of his pocket and puts two pills into his mouth. Walking away, he continues to mutter "You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon..."<br />
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Is that Senior Lu Ke Ying?<br />
<br /> your story.<br />
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You should make a 4th story! Just a suggestion.
I loved this fanfic awesome job in doing Pi li MIT :D