Fifth Stop Not Enough Love


Meanwhile, at the hospital, Miss Cherry and 187 are dressed up as a doctor and nurse. As they stroll through the hallways, 187 smiles and leans in toward Miss Cherry. "Miss Cherry. I have to say. You look so hot as a nurse. Do you think we can find a closet and take our relationship to another level?" He starts to push her towards a door. Her eyes widened. "187! What are you doing?" He pushes on her harder. Then, suddenly, the door behind her opens and they went in. 187 closes the door behind them. He opens the lights. Miss Cherry looks around and sees this is the body storage room. He smirks and fixes his collar. She smiles and hits him on the head. "How dare you scare me like that?" He leans in close to her ear and whispers "You better be careful or I might not be able to control myself." She shakes her head and walks away. "Let's get to work!" He straightens up. "I must give you a heads up first. I might throw up if I see a bloody and cut up body." Miss Cherry was already pulling out boxes to see the bodies. She said "You think you're that lucky to find the body? We don't even know if this is the right hospital yet. Just look!" He reluctantly walks up to a random box and pulls it out. He screams. Miss Cherry hurries over to his side and looks in the box. The body's head was cut open and it was missing a hand. A deep cut run down from its throat to its stomach. 187 turns to the side and threw up. Miss Cherry laughs triumphantly and exclaims "So this is the hospital! All we have to do is see whose in charge of this room!" She pats his shoulder. He wipes his mouth and said "I think I deserve a kiss for that." She laughs. "I think you'd have to wash your mouth a hundred times first." Suddenly, they heard a click sound. They hurried to the door and realized it was locked.

007 arrives at the photography studio. On the walls, he sees various pictures of people, scenery, and objects. However, one photo in the foremost corner caught his eye. It was a picture of Tian Mo Xing. He is sure it is. Even though the girl in the picture looks younger and more childish, he is definitely sure that it is Tian Mo Xing. A student walks by him and he stops him. "Excuse me. Do you know who took that picture in the corner?" He points to picture of Tian Mo Xing. The student looks at the picture and then looks at 007, strangely. He leans in and whisper "We can't talk about that person anymore. I heard he went to an award ceremony drunk and then poured wine on the ambassador from Italy's photography school. Then, he died from drunk driving." 007 smiles. "Is his name Qiu Sheng Yi?" The student shushed him. "Don't say it. I warn you to keep your mouth shut or your days in this school will be bad." The student pats him on the arm and hurries away. 007 stares at the picture. "Hey! What are you doing here!" a voice said. 007 turns and sees a security guard walking towards him. "Kid, what are you doing here?" Suddenly, Lin Yu Jie appears and said "Shi De! Why are you here? I told you the cafeteria was on the right." She holds his hand. "I'm sorry. My boyfriend came to visit me but he's unfamiliar with the directions." The security guard looks at them and walks away. She turns to 007 and smiles. "What are you going to do without me?" He pulls his hand back and smiles. "Just fine. Thank you very much." He starts to walk away but she follows him and links arm with him. She whispers "I know where Jaden Qiu's old roommate is. I heard they used to be close friends. He just came from studying in Italy. If you listen to me, I'll help you." He didn't want to but eventually nods. 

At the house, Tian Mo Xing has opened all the windows to let fresh air seep in and the smoke to flow out. 747 was still unconscious. She had already helped him onto the bed and placed a cold towel on his forehead. In his sleep, he keeps mumbling "Tian Mo Xing...Tian Mo Xing..." She sat on the bed and pushes his bangs off his forehead. 747 grabs her hand; his eyes still closed. "Tian Mo Xing..Don't worry...I will protect you..." She frowns. "Stupid. You almost turned into a burnt 747, how can you protect me?" Her heart aches every time she thinks about everything 747 had done for her. She knows how much it hurts because before 007 accepted her, she was also in a lot of pain. She remembers the time when 747 broke his arm for her. He said that if breaking his arm once can make her so touched, all he has to do is break it ten more times so he could have a chance with her. "747. I hope you can find someone even better because I don't deserve your love. I don't deserve someone like you. With your personality, I know you will definitely find a girl that's a hundred times better than me. Why do you keep wasting your time on me?" A tear drops down onto his hand. "Do you know the more you care about me, the more I don't know how to face you? The most I could treat you as is a brother." She pulls back her hand. Then, she lays her head on the bed. 

"What about me? Do you only treat me as a brother as well?" She looks up and sees Lucifer. She stands up. "Se Ho? What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be traveling around the world?" He walks up to her and stares into her eyes. "Xiao Xing. Do you still love me? Do you still love me?" He grabs her arm but she pulls back. "Se Ho. I thought we discussed this already. We're over already. Some things can never go back to the way they were." He pulls her into his arms. "No! You still love me. Don't you? I dare you to say you don't love me!" She struggles to get out of his grip but he was too strong. "Se Ho! There's nothing to say! We were over when you chose to leave me! You left me so you have no right to come back now!" He forces his lips onto hers. She struggles; pushing and hitting. But eventaually, she gives in. "Let go of her!" Lucifer pulls his lips away from her. They turn and see Jaden. Tian Mo Xing looks surprised. "Jaden?" Jaden walks up to Lucifer and punched him in the face. "Lu Se Ho! How dare come back after leaving Xiao Xing for so many years!" Se Ho punches Jaden back. "You think you're all that good? Don't think I don't know. You left her for your dream too! You dumped her behind too! Who are you to yell at me!" They continued to hit each other. Tian Mo Xing tries to stop them but can't. "Stop it! Stop! Stop fighting! Se Ho! Jaden!" Lucifer punches Jaden and said "Xiao Xing loves me more!" Jaden wipes the blood from his mouth and kicked Lucifer in the stomach. "She loves me more!" Tian Mo Xing cries "I love you both! I love you both!" She screamed and her eyes opened. She was dreaming. Cold sweat drips down her forehead.

007 and Lin Yu Jie found Timothy Zhu, Qiu Sheng Yi's old roommate, taking pictures in an empty hallway. Yu Jie told 007 to stay in a corner. She walks up to Timothy and said "Hello. Are you Timothy Zhu?" He puts down his camera and smiles at her. She flings her hair off her face. He holds out a hand. "And you are?" She shakes his hand and said "A fan of yours. I always wanted to be your model. Do you think I can have this honor?" She place her hand on his waist and walks onto him. When her chest was against his, 007 looks away. He was starting to get mad. Timothy smirks. "Of course. I always wanted a beautiful model. You're perfect." She leans down and blows into his ear. "I heard you used to be friends with Jaden Qiu." She blows again. He smiles, dreamily, and nods. "What happened to him?" Her voice was dripping with honey. He place his hands on her waist. "He got into a car accident and died." She blows again. "Really? He really died?" He accidentally let it slip. "That's what people thinks. But I heard he got into an accident and fell into a coma." She smirks; hearing the info she needed. He leans in to kiss her. 007 hurries over to them and grabs her hand. "Leave with me." He pulls her away; leaving a shocked Timothy.

He lets go of her when they reached the elevator. "Did you have to do that to get info?" he asked, angrily. She smiles. "I didn't know you care about me too. But that's my way of getting info I need. It doesn't matter if you like it or not." The elevator arrives. She walks in but he grabs her wrist. "Don't ever do something like that again. You don't deserve to downgrade yourself to that." She pulls back her hand and said, with teary eyes "If I don't do that, how can I prove to you that I can help you too! If i don't do that, how can I prove to you that I can be important too! I just want to help you!" He closed his eyes and exhaled. "If you want to help me, don't make me worry about you too. I already have enough problems at hand." She pulls him into the elevator. "Shi De. I really miss you. Every time I pick up the flute, I would reminisce about our memories. Every time I look through the photo albums, tears would automatically drop down. If you could choose again, would you have given me up so easily?" They stare at each other. She leans down and kisses him. He kisses back. Then the elevator doors closed.

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fairytaill #1
i was depressed when i read the sad ending, but then i read the happy ending. i was much happier.
Chapter 26: Hahahahah .. I LOVE THIS STORY . ^^.. Thanks for making this story . (:
BlossomVonYumYum #3
Chapter 26: SO AWESOME!!! I love this story so much <3
BlossomVonYumYum #4
Chapter 24: omg I told myself that I wouldn't cry.....but I guess it didn't work. you won't believe how much I'm crying right now :( this chapter is so sad!!! but sad in a good way :)
you are a brilliant writer. keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 26: hahahaha love the special ending! Ai Bo played a prank ^_^ she is sooo cute<3
baekyeols #6
is there going to be a sequel?
oh my god love the story so much!!
good job good job!
wow....i really love reading ur story...>_<
Ai Bo is really cute and kind of knowing what happen in the future...hope u really continue it...^_^
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Okay on this sentence: "One senior explained "This is how our school is. Weird things happen everyday. You'd get used to it soon." Then, twitching, the senior takes out a bottle of pill out of his pocket and puts two pills into his mouth. Walking away, he continues to mutter "You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon..."<br />
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Is that Senior Lu Ke Ying?<br />
<br /> your story.<br />
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You should make a 4th story! Just a suggestion.
I loved this fanfic awesome job in doing Pi li MIT :D