Sixth Stop You’re On My Heart Just Like A Tattoo


[Tian Mo Xing runs down the hallway and hid behind a door. 007 notices and follows. Looking around, he said, as he walks, “Tian Mo Xing. I know it’s you. Can you come out? Let me take a look at you.” Tian Mo Xing’s heart starts to ache. Tears were b in her eyes. “Are you really planning to hide from me the rest of your life?” He walks closer to her hiding spot. “I know you’re protecting someone important. But…Pi Li MIT and I…are we not important to you?” He stands right in front of the door; unaware of her presence. She starts to cry. How much she wants to go out and hug him. But she can’t. “I know you’re hiding because you’re afraid that I will hate you. But it’s okay. I will end this game and let you return to being Tian Mo Xing and my stupid and cute girlfriend. Then, I’ll make sure my girlfriend doesn’t hide and cry alone. If you want to cry, I will cry with you!” Listening to his words, she quickly covers to muffle her sobbing. “Tian Mo Xing, come out!” She wants to run out and hug him. She wants to share her burden with him. She wants to end this game. But she can’t. All she can do is watch 007 and herself drown in their tears.]

[From behind, 007 hug Tian Mo Xing. Then, she turns and leans her head on his chest. He caresses her gently. She looks up and asked “How…” He smiles. “Don’t forget you have a super smart genius boyfriend. Wherever you hide I will be able to find you.” 007 said, as he wipes away her tears.]

[Then, he trips and falls. Tian Mo Xing gasps and ran back to him. She kneeled down besides him and saw his wound was bleeding again. "007! Let me take you to the nurse." She tried to help him up but he pulled her into his arms. "I won't go until you admit you remember me." She tries to get out of his grip. "Stop being so stubborn! You're bleeding a lot!" She was crying. "Let me take you to the nurse." He tightens his hold on her. "If Tian Mo Xing doesn't remember me, I have no point to live anymore." She stops struggling and nods. "I remember you...I remember you, 007. Let me take you to the nurse. Please...Please..." He loosens his grip and she looks at him. Both of them were crying. "I'm sorry, 007...I just wanted to protect you..." He cups her face and kisses her. She closes her eyes and kisses him back. Then, they pull away and hug each other. 007 whispered in her ear "I won't ever let you leave me again. I never had the courage to say three words to you because I was scared you didn't feel the same way as me. But now, I must let you know. I love you. I love you, Li Xiao Xing." After she hears these words, she starts to sob on his chest.]

[He takes her hand and said "Li Xiao Xing. Will you continue being my burden? Will you be the only shining star in my dark night star? Will you be my little lady that will cook me weird tasting tea-egg every night? Will you marry me?" Tian Mo Xing gasped and nods. He puts one of the ring on her ring finger and she squeals. "007!"]

A tear rolls down the corner of Tian Mo Xing’s eye. In the darkness, she hears a familiar voice. “Found you!” But her heart was getting heavy. She was really tired and no matter how much she wants to open her eyes, she couldn’t. Her life was slowly slipping away into the darkness. “Tian Mo Xing!”

The doctor said “The patient is out of the danger zone and we successfully rid the blood clots. I’m sure he will be waking up soon.” He smiles reassuringly. Miss Cherry lets out a breath of relief. 187 take her hand and squeeze it. 747’s eyes start to flutter and then open. Weakly, he asked “Where am I?” Miss Cherry and 187 hurries to his side and exclaimed “747! You’re awake!” 747 sits up and looks around. “Where is this place? When did Sheng Ying have a room like this?” He touches his head in confusion. Miss Cherry feels something wrong. 187 looks at 747 and slowly said “747…We’re not in Sheng Ying.” 747’s eyes quickly widened. “Then where are we?! I thought we were going to welcome the new student…Whatever Doctor’s son or something?” He lightly hits his head a few times. Miss Cherry quickly turns to the doctor and asked “Why is he like this? Half of his memory is gone!” The doctor rubs his chin and explained “Even though the blood clots are cleared, the fall and lacking of oxygen damaged some parts of his brain severely. He’s already very lucky to be able to stay alive and wake up. However, some side effects would be long or short term memory loss, constant headaches, nausea, minor numbness of the limbs, and occasional hearing loss.” Miss Cherry looks at 747 and then at 187. 187 let out a sigh and said quietly “I think it’s for the best if he forgets who 007 and Tian Mo Xing are. You know how he feels about her.” Miss Cherry nods. It seems like 747’s brain is finally starting to protect him.

One week passed. Two weeks passed. Three weeks passed. 007 is sitting by Tian Mo Xing’s unconscious body. He gently takes her hand and said “Sleepyhead…wake up. You’ve been sleeping for three weeks already. You missed the whole forensics program. Do you know that yesterday, we went to the Body Exhibit and a real life crime scene? Also, a lot of girls here like 747. I took some pictures of him being enveloped by a group of tourists. If you want to see pictures, you better wake up now.” His voice cracks. But he continues to force a joyful tone. “Oh…how can I forget? Want to hear some good news? Your results came in today. You don’t have ovarian cancer, silly girl! I called the clinic in Taiwan and they said your result was mixed up with someone else’s.  No wonder you keep throwing up. You’re taking medicine you shouldn’t be! But…do you know what that means? You won’t die now. You can have kids now. Wake up.” Tears start to roll out of his eyes. He can’t pretend anymore. Putting her hand on his face, he breathes softly “Tian Mo Xing…I found the note you left for me in the garbage can. I’m not mad at you nor would I blame you. I was wrong myself for keeping so many secrets from you. I just want to tell you that you’re wrong. Jaden needs you but I need you as well. I don’t know starting when but I realized that I can’t function without you by my side. I don’t want to be the lonely drifter anymore. I was lucky enough to meet you and I don’t want to lose you. I already prepared the wedding dress and other necessities. All I’m lacking now is a bride. Wake up…Wake up, Tian Mo Xing…” He closed his eyes and leans his head down on her arm.

A soft voice said “Your head is so heavy…It’s making my arm numb…” 007 quickly lift up his head and sees Tian Mo Xing, smiling at him weakly. He pulls her into his arms and hugs her tightly. She wraps her arms around his waist and leans her face onto his chest. “These three weeks, I’ve been standing on the edge of life and death. Just as I was about to step over the boundary, you brought me back.” He places his chin on her head, with tears still falling. “I knew you won’t leave me behind…Tian Mo Xing…” Being in his presence and his warmth makes her feel very fortunate. “007. How did you find me?” He smiles and holds onto her even tighter. “Did you forget that your boyfriend is a super genius who will find you no matter where you hide? Plus, we have heart communication. Once you opened your earpiece, I was able to track you down.” That day, when Tian Mo Xing her earpiece, she was just hoping he would hear her last words. 007 don’t want to remember that day again. It pains him to see Tian Mo Xing lying on the ground with a knife stabbed into her stomach. “I don’t let you do something so stupid anymore! Do you hear me?” She nods in his chest.

Outside in the hallway, Miss Cherry and 187 hears everything. They smile at each other and walk away. As they were walking, 187 puts his arm around her waist. She stops and looks at him. Stopping with her, he asked in a concerned tone “What’s wrong?” She lightly pushes his arm away from her body. “187. I’m happy to have you by my side through these few weeks lately. But…you have to remember that we are only teacher and student relationship. I don’t want you to ever forget that. Okay?” Her heart tightens. A hurt and rejected pain flashed over his face for a millisecond. But then, his lips automatically curl up into his signature flirtatious smirk. He leans into her ear and whispers “If not, what would you think we are?” He laughs and walks away with his arms crossed over his chest. Inside, his heart was dying. But he won’t himself show defeat. She smiles and said “Qian Fu Hao, I know you will find your true love one day. It’s just that person isn’t me.”

Another week passed and Tian Mo Xing and 007 was going to get married. Angel Teacher, Lu Ke Ying, and Principal Tao arrive at the church. Miss Cherry greets them and bought Angel Teacher to the bride’s room to see Tian Mo Xing. “Xiao Xing…” Angel Teacher gasped when she saw her daughter. Tian Mo Xing’s long hair was curled and swept into a side ponytail. She was wearing a strapless white flowy dress with crystals sewn on the hem. Once Tian Mo Xing sees Angel Teacher in the mirror’s reflection, she quickly gets up and runs over to her. “Mom!” They hug each other. Angel Teacher carasses Tian Mo Xing's hair and said "My Xiao Xing looks so beautiful today. I really have to thank Fong Lin Xin for raising my daughter into ears such a small beauty." Tian Mo Xing could see tears forming in her eyes. "Mom. How is brother?" Angel Teacher smiles and said "He's better. He is recovering very fast. He's really looking forward to seeing you." Tian Mo Xing was about to respond but then her phone beeps. She went to check her phone and opens her next text message: "My Love. Coney Island Bay now or I will bomb the whole church." Tian Mo Xing gasped and quickly runs to find 007; leaving her mom behind. Barging into the groom's resting room, she pulls 007 away from 187 and 747. They ran out the back door of the church. 007 stops and looks at her, worried "What's wrong?" Breathing heavily, Tian Mo Xing said "The psycho! He said if we don't meet him at Coney Island Bay, he will bomb the church!" 007's eyes widened. "Then we must catch this psycho before he messes up our wedding!" He holds out his hand and Tian Mo Xing place her hand on his. Hand in hand, they ran to find the psycho.


Okay. So here's the thing. I have so many ways I want to end this. I'm going to be making a happy and sad ending. For those who wants to read a sad ending, it will be chapter 24. For those who wants a happy ending, read chapter 25. They won't be out until tomorrow but I'm just putting a heads up. And please! If you want to read both endings, I won't stop you. It's just that it will kind of ruin the mood but that's fine with me. And...those who choose to read the sad ending, please don't comment saying I'm mean or whatever cause if you don't wanna read something sad please skip that ending. But I didn't even write it yet so I'm not sure f it will be horrible sad or just sad sad. I won't kill anyone but...yeah. Just keep in mind. Ending will be coming out soon & there will be -TWO- I recommend you just read one of the two...thanks :D<3

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fairytaill #1
i was depressed when i read the sad ending, but then i read the happy ending. i was much happier.
Chapter 26: Hahahahah .. I LOVE THIS STORY . ^^.. Thanks for making this story . (:
BlossomVonYumYum #3
Chapter 26: SO AWESOME!!! I love this story so much <3
BlossomVonYumYum #4
Chapter 24: omg I told myself that I wouldn't cry.....but I guess it didn't work. you won't believe how much I'm crying right now :( this chapter is so sad!!! but sad in a good way :)
you are a brilliant writer. keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 26: hahahaha love the special ending! Ai Bo played a prank ^_^ she is sooo cute<3
baekyeols #6
is there going to be a sequel?
oh my god love the story so much!!
good job good job!
wow....i really love reading ur story...>_<
Ai Bo is really cute and kind of knowing what happen in the future...hope u really continue it...^_^
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Okay on this sentence: "One senior explained "This is how our school is. Weird things happen everyday. You'd get used to it soon." Then, twitching, the senior takes out a bottle of pill out of his pocket and puts two pills into his mouth. Walking away, he continues to mutter "You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon..."<br />
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Is that Senior Lu Ke Ying?<br />
<br /> your story.<br />
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You should make a 4th story! Just a suggestion.
I loved this fanfic awesome job in doing Pi li MIT :D