Last Stop Cherishing Your Heartache [Sad Ending]


Arriving at the empty bay, Tian Mo Xing and 007 sees a black shadow running onto a yacht. They quickly ran to the yacht and got onboard. Right after they go on, the yacht starts to move and they hear a snickering behind them. Turning, they see a hooded person standing with his arms crossed over his chest. “Who are you?” 007 asked angrily; glaring at the person. Tian Mo Xing was squeezing his hand anxiously. The person laughs and slowly pull down his hood; revealing his face. Tian Mo Xing gasped as 007 mumbled “I knew this had something to do with him…” It was Jack. “Uncle…Uncle Jack?! But why is it you? We don’t even know you!” Tian Mo Xing exclaimed. Her head was starting to get dizzy. Jack gritted his teeth and asked “Are you sure?” He tugs at the bottom corner of his face and slowly pulls off a layer of skin to reveal a young and familiar face. 007 does not recognize him but Tian Mo Xing does. With confusion and a spark of anger, she yelled “You’re…Li Quan! Aren’t you the employee at the school deli? What are you doing here!? Is this some sick prank?” Li Quan smiles and looks at Tian Mo Xing dreamily. “Xiao Xing…You still remembers my name. I’m so touched. You still remember because you have feelings for me. Right?” Then he glares and points his index finger at 007. “It’s all his fault! He came and took you away from me!” Tian Mo Xing stares at him in disgust. “I never had feelings for you! Why would you even think that?” Li Quan looked hurt and surprised. “What? If you don’t have feelings for me then why do you remember my name? If you didn’t want to see me, then why did you come to the deli every week? If you don’t have feelings for me, why did you encourage me to join the dance club?” 007 rolled his eyes. Tian Mo Xing didn’t know if she should be happy or mad at this point. She let out a sigh and explained “I remember your name because every time I go to the deli, you would remind me a hundred times that your name is Li Quan. The reason why I go to the deli every week is because I need to pick up my supply of fortune cookies. And since I’m on the dance committee, of course I would advertise for the club. I’m sorry if I have done anything to make you misunderstand. But…why would I like someone I don’t even know?”

“Someone you don’t know…?” Li Quan repeated bitterly. “So you really don’t remember me?” 007 and Tian Mo Xing exchanged puzzled glances. Tian Mo Xing asked slowly “Am I supposed to remember you?” Li Quan’s hands gripped into fists and he starts to breathe heavily. Holding onto Tian Mo Xing’s hand, 007 takes a step back. He secretly reached his hand into his pocket and pressed something. “Do you remember the beggar boy you saved three years ago? Ever since that day, I fell in love with you and followed you everywhere. But your eyes were only on that photography boy! Luckily he’s gone now.” Hearing these words, Tian Mo Xing’s heart starts to ache terribly as images of Jaden’s death flies through her head. “Then, now, you have him! Do you know how much my heart hurts? And that that always follow you around! Why do all these guys have a chance to be close to you but I can’t!” Tian Mo Xing’s eyes brimmed with tears. “You harmed all these people for your selfishness. This is not what you do when you love someone! If this is your method of loving me, then let me tell you something…You’re only making me hate you and despise you! You psycho!” She steps forward and glares at him. Li Quan screams in agony at Tian Mo Xing’s harsh words and pulls out a gun. He points it at 007 and yelled “As long as he’s alive, you will never be mine!” 007’s eyes widened. Tian Mo Xing quickly blocks 007 and said sadly “Li Quan. Since I saved your life three years ago, then that means you still owe me a life. Let him go and kill me instead.” 007 grab her arm and said “No! Don’t be stupid! What would I do if you’re not by side? How can I live on without you?” Tian Mo Xing touches his face. “Then what about me? 007…If you died today, I wouldn’t carry on with this life neither. No matter what happens, I won’t let you die before me.” They hug each other. Li Quan screams “Shut up! Shut up! You both want to die! Fine!” He lifts up a box from the ground and said “Here’s my wedding gift to you two. However, this bullet is a gift for me.” He smirks and holds the gun up to his own head. Tian Mo Xing gasped and shakes her head. “No…” He closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. Then his body falls lifelessly onto the ground. The box fell opened; revealing a bomb. There was only ten seconds left and the yacht has drifted into the middle of nowhere.

007 takes Tian Mo Xing’s hand. “Do you believe in me?” She looks at him and smiles. “I have never doubted you for a second.” They got to the edge of the yacht. Three seconds…Two seconds…One second…”Jump!” 007 screamed. The whole yacht exploded as Tian Mo Xing and 007 jumped into the water. The yacht busted into flames and pieces start to fly everywhere. Hand in hand, they start to swim on shore. Reaching the sand, 007 collapsed and begin to breathe heavily. Tian Mo Xing crawls up to him and touches his face. “007…we survived…” He smiles and nods slowly. “This would be a great story to tell our future kids.” he joked. Tian Mo Xing’s face scrunched up. After a few seconds, 007 sits up and said “Come on. We have a wedding to go back to.” He gets up and wipes the water from his face. Tian Mo Xing took a deep breath and got up. She held onto 007’s arm and said “Let’s go…We can’t miss our own wedding…” They start to run back to the church. However, halfway there, Tian Mo Xing felt some cold liquid dripping down the corner of . She was losing strength and falls onto the ground. 007 gasped and looked at her. He finally realized that there was a metal rod stabbed into her back. Blood was dripping down the wound and staining her white dress. “Tian Mo Xing!” He pulls her into his arms. Tears were rolling down his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She wipes his tears away with trembling hands and smiles. “Why are you crying…I’m fine…Let’s go…We still have a wedding to go to…” She tries to get up but more blood gush out from . She grunts in pain. 007 shakes his head “No! Tian Mo Xing…you must hurt a lot…I’m sorry…I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you…” She looks at him. “I’m fine…really…” Tears were forming in her eyes. 007 touched her hair and brush his fingers over her cheek. “I know you’re hanging on for me…But…Please be selfish for once and let go. I can’t bear to see you like this anymore…I don’t want to see you in pain. Tian Mo Xing…let go. Please let go.” He holds onto her tightly; surprised by his own words. She couldn’t hold it in anymore. She burst out on tears. “007…I don’t want to…How can I leave you…leave you all alone? 007…I’m sorry…” At this moment, Lucifer, Miss Cherry, Angel Teacher, and Lu Ke Ying arrive.

“Xiao Xing!” Angel Teacher exclaimed. She covered in shock when she sees the bloody Tian Mo Xing lying in 007’s arms. Tears escaped from her eyes. Lu Ke Ying gasped and cried “Xiao Xing! Don’t scare me!” Lucifer and Miss Cherry kneel besides Tian Mo Xing and 007; with tears rolling down their eyes. They had heard everything on the earpieces. Tian Mo Xing looks at them and smiles weakly. “Se Ho…I’m…I’m so happy you came.” Lucifer quickly grabs her hand and said “I came back from Rome just to see you get married. I was planning to give you two my blessing. Who knew you would once again worry me?” His voice cracks. Tian Mo Xing coughs up more blood. “Tian Mo Xing!” 007 and Miss Cherry yelled. With her last ounce of strength, she takes 007’s hand and Lucifer’s hand and put them together. “007…Se Ho…unite Pi Li MIT and…Wu Di MIT…and take care of…of each other…because…because you are both very…very important to me…” She takes a few deep breaths. She turns to Miss Cherry and said “Sister…help me…look after 007…he looks independent and cold but…but he really needs loving and caring…Okay?” Miss Cherry nods and looks away; unable to control her tears. Tian Mo Xing looks at Lu Ke Ying. “Brother…I missed you a lot…take care…of mom and dad for me…” She took a glance at Angel Teacher and smiles. Then, she places her hand on 007’s face. “You…you have to live life…happily and fully…I will wait for you…in heaven…okay?” He nods. Remembering something, he quickly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring box. He takes out the ring and said “No matter what happens, you, Li Xiao Xing, will be me, Zhan Shi De’s wife.” He slips the ring onto her finger. Tian Mo Xing looks at him happily. “I’m…I’m finally…007’s wife…” She wraps her arms around his neck and sobbed onto his chest. He leans in and kissed her on the forehead. Then, he closes his eyes and lays his head on her; letting the tears to continue rolling down. He whispers to her softly “I’m going to take care of myself. I’m going to go through each day happily. I’m going to live life to the fullest. I won’t disappoint you, Tian Mo Xing…Let go if you’re tired.” Each word was like a stab into his heart. But he doesn’t want to see her in pain anymore.

[007 puts down the prize and sits down. Tian Mo Xing walks by and takes one of the trays off the table. Then, she takes a seat on the table beside 007. She picks up the cup of coffee. He looks up and asked “What are you doing here?” She smiles and replied “Conan has Rachel by his side. 007 must have a Tian Mo Xing by his side too.”]

[As 007 hangs up the phone, Tian Mo Xing comes running towards him with a box full of M&M tubes. “007!” She stops in front of him. “Chocolate…I bought all the chocolate from the school deli for you.” She hands it to him and he accepts it without saying a word. He didn’t know what to say. “I’m scared that when you’re in America, you wouldn’t be able to eat chocolate so I bought it all for you. If you ever need more, you can call me and I’ll mail them to you.” He smiles. “America? You thought I was going to America?” She frowns. “If not, then where are you going? Egypt? North Pole? South Pole? Or an even farther place?” They stare at each other. “You’re too obvious” she said and turns to walk away. “I’m not going anywhere.” She stops. Crying; she runs back to him and hug him. He drops the box of chocolate and wraps his arms around her.]

[Holding onto 007, Tian Mo Xing listened to all his directions. “It’s one.” They both looked at the box on the ground. She nods. “Be ready.” he said. She nods. They stepped onto the box together. Nothing happened. They smiled and turned toward each other at the same time. Right at that moment, their lips lock onto each other. She stared at him wide-eyed.]

[Catching the 100th airplane, Tian Mo Xing made a wish by the window. 007 looks up from his book and asked “What wish did you make?” She turns to him. “007…I told you that once I catch 100 airplanes, I will tell you my secret.” He closes the book and asked “This secret has something to do with your wish?” She walks up to him, frowning. “I wish that once you hear the secret, you won’t hate Tian Mo Xing. If you have to hate, just hate Li Xiao Xing.” He smiles. “You are Tian Mo Xing and Li Xiao Xing. You are you. I’d never be able to hate you.” She continues to frown. “Or you could make a rule to prevent your boyfriend from hating you.” He smiles at her sweetly. She sighs. “But what if I start to hate myself? I’m not the Tian Mo Xing that you knew…” He pulls her by the arm into his chest and kisses her.]

[Tian Mo Xing kneeled down besides him and looks him in the eyes. "I think I am your burden; a work you can never finish." 007 touch her face lightly. "Who dares to say that? You're my lucky star. Without you by my side, how could I have gotten so far? Every time I decide to give up, you remind me that I'm 007." He cups her face in his hands and leans down. Tian Mo Xing closes her eyes slowly; waiting for her kiss.]

["Tian Mo Xing...Tian Mo Xing..." he said, weakly. Tian Mo Xing didn't know what to do so she took his hand and said "I'm here." 007's eyes opened and he sees her. “How are you feeling?" she asked. Then, she noticed she was still holding his hand. She quickly let go and looks away. "I don't know why I came. I just wanted to see if your wound is serious. Now that I know you could still talk and sleep, I should go." She gets up but he holds her wrist. "Stay." he said, softly. Tian Mo Xing nodded slightly and sits back down. She takes a tissue from the nightstand and starts wiping 007's sweat away. 007 continues to stare at her.]

[She looks at 007 and shakes her head. "007...Remember when we got kidnapped, I promised you that I won't give you anymore problems? I think I made that promise to you over ten times already but I could never follow through with it. All I've been doing is be your burden and make you worry about me. Now, I have to leave...But it's not because I stopped loving you. It's because I love you so much that I don't want anything to happen to you. If my death can make my sister forgive me and let go of everyone, I'm willing to sacrifice my troublesome, burdensome, klutzy life. A successful detective cannot be tied down by love. Remember?" Tears were falling as she says each word from both her and 007's eyes. "I know you will be successful…I'm sorry I won't be able to see it though." She closes her eyes and places her finger on the trigger.]

["Last week, when you held the gun to your head and said all those things to me, I was so scared I was going to lose you forever. You said a successful detective cannot be tied down by love. I always thought that. But once I met you, I knew my life wouldn't be the same again. If being with you means I can't be a successful detective then so be it because you mean much more than success. Tian Mo Xing, are you willing to walk with me hand-in-hand on my unsuccessful future?" Joyful tears were forming in Tian Mo Xing's eyes. 007 pulls off the lucky charm Tian Mo Xing had given him. He opens it and takes out a pair of rings. He takes her hand and said "Li Xiao Xing. Will you continue being my burden? WIll you be the only shining star in my dark night star? Will you be my little lady that will cook me weird tasting tea-egg every night? Will you marry me?" Tian Mo Xing gasped and nods. He puts one of the ring on her ring finger and she squeals. "007!" They hugged.]

[007 kisses her on the cheek. She giggles and said "007...Ti Amo!" He thinks for a minute. Then he lets go of her and turns her to face him. "Tian Mo Xing. We're in America. Not Spain. Ti amo is Spanish." She nods. "I know. Ti amo! I love you!" She pecks him on the lips.]

Tian Mo Xing smiled at the beautiful memories that are replaying in her head. Then, her arms fall from 007’s neck and she sinks into the depth of darkness. Her heart stops. She died. 007 hold onto her body tightly. He finally lost her forever…

Ten Years Later…

After Pi Li MIT and Wu Di MIT emerged, the school soon had the Pi Li Wu Di MIT team. Pluto and Richie took charge and continued after graduation. They are now married and are keeping the school under stability. Principal Tao and Angel Teacher decided to stay in America forever so Miss Cherry continued to be the principal. However, life as principal is very stressful and boring. She miss the days where she’s running Pi Li MIT and playing CD games and catching crazy psychos. She misses Tian Mo Xing. She misses 007. She misses 747. And she especially misses 187. As she sits in her office typing up a statistical report on graduation rates, there’s a knock on her door. Without giving much attention, she said “Come in. The door is not locked.” with her eyes still attached to the computer screen. The door opened and footsteps approached her. “After all these years, you still look the same. You’re still so charming and cute.” Recognizing the voice, she quickly looks up. It was Qian Fu Hao. The same handsome face. The same signature smirk. The same playfulness in his eyes. She stands up; shocked. “Qian Fu Hao? What…what are you doing here?” He smiles and walks up to her. “I know I graduated eight years ago but you don’t have to look so shocked.” Her eyebrows furrowed together. “You left right after you graduated without even saying good bye or saying where you’re going. Why did you suddenly come back now?” He let out a sigh. “Right after I graduated, I went in search of something important. I travelled the whole North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. I almost had the urge to go to Arctic and Antarctica, too.” She became confused. “What were you looking for?” He leans toward her and said softly “True love…” Her heart starts to beat fast and she quickly looks away. “Did you find it yet?” He smirks. “I looked everywhere except one place. It turns out that she was here all along.” He takes her hand and moved her face towards him. “I love you, Tao Mei Ren.” Surprised, she starts to object “But I’m…” He interrupts her by kissing her. “We’re not teacher and student relationship anymore.” She smiles and kissed his back.

After graduation, 747 continued to help run his father’s foot massage shop. Now, he was the boss of three foot massage shops. One day, he was walking to the bakery to pick up a birthday cake for an employee’s surprise party. Walking into the Sweet Memories Bakery, he goes up to the counter to see the cakes. A cute girl from behind the counter smiles and asked “How can I help you?” Surprised, he jumps a little. The girl giggles and said “I’m sorry. Did I scare you? I’m Xiao Xing,” She reaches out her hand. He smiles and shakes her hand. Her hand was very soft and warm. “I’m Huang Hui Hong.” Her eyes widened in amazement. “Huang Hui Hong? Just like the Master of Kung Fu!” He nods, humbly. She looks at him and blushes a little. “So are you looking for a cake?” Remembering his task, he laughs and said “Yeah. I need a cake for my employee’s birthday party. But I don’t know which one to get. They all look so good.” He scratches the back of his neck. She thinks for a second and grinned. “How about a double-layer strawberry crème cake? Today’s strawberries are big and fresh and imported from Japan!” He looks at her, amused. “You like strawberries?” She nods and replied “I love strawberries! They’re so sweet and juicy!” She blushes again. He likes her outspokenness. “Okay. Then I want a big and juicy strawberry cake.” She hurries into the kitchen and comes back out with a beautifully tied and decorated cake box. His eyes widened. “That was fast!” She hands it to him and said “The fortune cookie said that I would have a special customer today so I already prepared it beforehand.” He nods. This girl was really making him interested. “How much?” he asked, taking out his wallet. She shakes her head and said “It’s on me, Hui Hong…” He grins happily; hearing her say his name. “I’ll come back to visit you soon.” he promised. Then, he left. Outside the store, he thought “Xiao Xing…strawberries…fortune cookies…Am I forgetting something?” But he can’t remember so he just shrugs and walks away. The girl walks out of the store and watch as 747 disappear around the corner. She smiles and said “Hui Hong…what my sister couldn’t give you, I will repay it all to you. This will count as my repent to you for stabbing you.” Then, she happily walks back into the store.

Zhan Shi De was receiving his fifth Nobel Prize in Switzerland. At his acceptance ceremony, he stands on stage and gives a toast to all the guests and audience. He clears his throat and said “Standing here today, I really have to thank one person for believing in me and staying besides me. She knew that I would one day be successful and tried her best to open up my path. There was so many times where she wanted to give up on me because she thought she was my burden. But without a Tian Mo Xing by 007’s side, how will he be able to shine? She is a very naïve and cute girl. She was able to turn me from a cold loner into a person with hopes and dreams and belief. But I must admit…I have taken her for granted. I never knew how important she was until I had to lose her again and again to find out. It’s because of her that I worked so hard and survived up to this point. That’s why this honor is not mine. It’s my wife, Li Xiao Xing’s honor.” Everyone clapped. A reporter asked “Doctor Zhan. Is your wife here today?” He smiled and touches the ring hanging on his necklace. “Yes. She has always been here, by my side, being my guardian angel. She traded her life for mine so we will always be of one.” Sitting in the audience, Miss Cherry, Qian Fu Hao, Huang Hui Hong, and Lucifer claps loudly as tears rolled down their eyes. Zhan Shi De looks up at the opened canopy and sees an airplane fly by. In his ear, he hears “007…I’m so proud of you. I love you…” He closed his eyes and thought “I love you, too, Tian Mo Xing.”




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fairytaill #1
i was depressed when i read the sad ending, but then i read the happy ending. i was much happier.
Chapter 26: Hahahahah .. I LOVE THIS STORY . ^^.. Thanks for making this story . (:
BlossomVonYumYum #3
Chapter 26: SO AWESOME!!! I love this story so much <3
BlossomVonYumYum #4
Chapter 24: omg I told myself that I wouldn't cry.....but I guess it didn't work. you won't believe how much I'm crying right now :( this chapter is so sad!!! but sad in a good way :)
you are a brilliant writer. keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 26: hahahaha love the special ending! Ai Bo played a prank ^_^ she is sooo cute<3
baekyeols #6
is there going to be a sequel?
oh my god love the story so much!!
good job good job!
wow....i really love reading ur story...>_<
Ai Bo is really cute and kind of knowing what happen in the future...hope u really continue it...^_^
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Okay on this sentence: "One senior explained "This is how our school is. Weird things happen everyday. You'd get used to it soon." Then, twitching, the senior takes out a bottle of pill out of his pocket and puts two pills into his mouth. Walking away, he continues to mutter "You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon..."<br />
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Is that Senior Lu Ke Ying?<br />
<br /> your story.<br />
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You should make a 4th story! Just a suggestion.
I loved this fanfic awesome job in doing Pi li MIT :D