First Stop Ti Amo


After sitting for seventeen hours on the airplane, Tian Mo Xing was starting to feel annoyed. She turns to 007, who was reading "The Lost Symbol" as he takes a sip of coffee. "007. I need to use the bathroom again." Without looking at her, he smiles and shakes his head. "I know you can't stay still for long but we're almost there. Just stay in your seat and try to get some sleep." From five in the morning to now, Tian Mo Xing haven't had any rest. When the plane first set, she couldn't stop throwing up. If 007 hasn't miscounted, Tian Mo Xing had thrown up twenty-seven times and spilled five cups of water. Tian Mo Xing frowns and snatches his book away. He looks at her and sees her big panda eyes. He takes the book back, closes it and puts it in his bag. "Why can't you be like Miss Cherry and 747. They've been sleeping since the plane took off." He hits her forehead. In the corner, 007 could hear 187 flirting with the flight attendants.

"007. I suddenly see a double-layer strawberry in front of me." she said, dreamily. She lifts up his arm and opens to bite it. Luckily, he pulls it back and places a pillow in . She moans and spits it back out. "007!" He laughs. Then, he lifts up the armrest and pats his shoulder. "Lean on me and rest. When we land, I'll wake you up." She smiles and nods, happily. She leans on his sturdy shoulder and closes her eyes. But, suddenly, the plane jerks and she starts to feel nauseous. Tian Mo Xing covered with her hands and ran to the bathroom. 007 smiles and starts reading again.

After another hour in the air, the pilot says over the speaker "Passengers. Please stay in your seats. The plane is getting ready to land in J.F.Kennedy Airport. Finally, Tian Mo Xing starts to lighten up. She grabs 007's arm excitedly and said "We're there! We're there! We're in America!" 007 shakes his head and smiles at her child-like behaviors. Then, he helps her put on her seatbelt as she pulls up the window to see the view outside. When the plane finally lands, Tian Mo Xing quickly got off her seat and went to wake up Miss Cherry and 747. She shakes Miss Cherry vigorously.

"Huh? Huh...What's wrong?" Miss Cherry asked, as she opens her eyes. She sees a grinning Tian Mo Xing. Tian Mo XIng pulls her up on her feet and exclaimed "We're in New York! We're finally in New York!" Miss Cherry smiles; secretly jealous of Tian Mo Xing's naiveness and optimism. 747 starts to wake up to and Tian Mo Xing pulls him up too. "747! We're in New York!" 747's eyes widens and he laugh. "Already? That was fast!" Tian Mo Xing stops smiling. She thought the plane ride was long and horrible. She looks up and sees 187 with his arms around a flight attendant's waist. Tian Mo Xing shakes her head and walks over to them.

She pulls 187 away from the flight attendant. 187 tried to protest but Tian Mo Xing cuts him off. "I'm sorry, Miss flight attendant. This person already has over a hundred girlfriends back in Taiwan. I don't think you should let him get that close to you because he's going to forget you after about five minutes." She smiles and then walks back to 007. 187 looks at Tian Mo Xing angrily but quickly turns back to the flight attendant and said "Please don't listen to her. She has mental problems. That's why we bought her here for treatment." The flight attendant smiles at him, sweetly, and then, suddenly, slap him and walks away. 007 and Miss Cherry starts to laugh. 747 high-fived Tian Mo Xing; who was smiling brightly.

They all got off the plane and was going to get their luggages. As 007 and Tian Mo Xing walks, arm linked arm, to the entrance, they passed a big window. Tian Mo Xing lets go of 007 and hurries over to see the view. "Wow. So this is New York." she said. He walks over to her and puts his arms around her waist. "There's more to see later when we go into the city." He leans his head on her shoulder. "Can you believe it? We're going to be getting married here. In New York." he breathes into her ears. She turns and smiles.

"I have a feeling we're going to have a great, peaceful summer. When we go back to school in August, I will be Mrs. Zhan. How nerve-wrecking." She said. Mrs Zhan...She liked the sound of that. 007 kisses her on the cheek. She giggles and said "007...Ti Amo!" He thinks for a minute. Then he lets go of her and turns her to face him. "Tian Mo Xing. We're in America. Not Spain. Ti amo is spanish." She nods. "I know. Ti amo! I love you!" She pecks him on the lips. Then, she blush and escapes from his grip. She runs up to Miss Cherry and hooks arm with her. 007 looks at her and shakes his head.

Then, there was a "click" sound and light flashes over the glass window. 007 stops smiling and quickly looks behind him. He doesn't see anything weird. Then, he smiles and says to himself "We're in America. How could anything go wrong?" 747 calls "007! Come on!" 007 runs over to the group. In the crowd of people, a black shadow passed by. A person with shades and a hat on smirks and walks away.

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fairytaill #1
i was depressed when i read the sad ending, but then i read the happy ending. i was much happier.
Chapter 26: Hahahahah .. I LOVE THIS STORY . ^^.. Thanks for making this story . (:
BlossomVonYumYum #3
Chapter 26: SO AWESOME!!! I love this story so much <3
BlossomVonYumYum #4
Chapter 24: omg I told myself that I wouldn't cry.....but I guess it didn't work. you won't believe how much I'm crying right now :( this chapter is so sad!!! but sad in a good way :)
you are a brilliant writer. keep up the good work!!!
Chapter 26: hahahaha love the special ending! Ai Bo played a prank ^_^ she is sooo cute<3
baekyeols #6
is there going to be a sequel?
oh my god love the story so much!!
good job good job!
wow....i really love reading ur story...>_<
Ai Bo is really cute and kind of knowing what happen in the future...hope u really continue it...^_^
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Okay on this sentence: "One senior explained "This is how our school is. Weird things happen everyday. You'd get used to it soon." Then, twitching, the senior takes out a bottle of pill out of his pocket and puts two pills into his mouth. Walking away, he continues to mutter "You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon...You'd get used to it soon..."<br />
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Is that Senior Lu Ke Ying?<br />
<br /> your story.<br />
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You should make a 4th story! Just a suggestion.
I loved this fanfic awesome job in doing Pi li MIT :D