Impossible into Possible... [Mana & Kwon Jiyong]

Sealed With Love [One-shot request shop~ not taking any more requests]

Mana swung her legs back and forth from the tree branch she was stuck on. She had no idea how to get down. Only someone like her could get stuck in a tree. It wasn’t possible for anyone but her.

How does one get stuck in a tree you ask? Well, if you’re someone like Mana it’s possible, which basically means if you’re completely deluded then it’s possible.  Basically, due to Mana’s odd desires, she felt like being a cat so to get into the role completely she followed a cat for the day. This included running around the house on all fours and meowing at random items. Then the cat decided to jump into a tree so Mana did the same despite the fact that she was afraid of heights. Stupid idea, yes? So that’s how she ended up in a tree and now she cannot get down. For the past hour or so she had been trying to get the attention of her friend, or it could now be former friend as he hasn’t helped her down yet, but he had been too absorbed in his music. Kwon Jiyong was someone who couldn’t live with music and always had his iPod or some music device with him at all times.

“Jiyong!” she screamed loudly trying to get his attention for the fifteenth time. The boy still didn’t look up.

Suddenly, an imaginary light bulb hovered over her head as she had an idea on how to get her friend’s attention. She edged toward the most stable part of the branch and reached up trying to get hold of the branch above. Unfortunately, she was too short. Slowly and cautiously, she edged herself further along and tried again. Still unsuccessful. She repeated the process again; this time she was only a few centimetres off. Taking the risk, she stood up only to fall down taking the small branch down with her. At least she reached it...

“Owww,” a voice moaned below her body. She looked underneath and there laid a pained Jiyong. Well she got his attention.

“Please get off,” he groaned and pushed her off so that she landed on her back. She mewled with pain and kicked the male in the leg making him trip and fall down.

“Was that necessary?” he questioned her actions. She nodded slightly.

“Why were you even in the tree?” he asked her. She closed her eyes replaying the scenes and shook her head.

“Cat,” she answered. He raised an eyebrow. To normal people they would have thought she was saving a cat from the tree or something but Jiyong knew better. He knew about all of her weird and wonderful ways. He shook his head in disbelief as he considered all of the possibilities.

“Can you get me up?” she grumbled as she writhed around. Her back was killing; maybe being a cat for the day wasn’t as fun as it had sounded. He nodded and hovered over her holding out a hand for her to grab. She grabbed his hand.

“Ouch!” he exclaimed rubbing his head. At the moment that wasn’t what she was worrying about, even though her head was hurting too, she was more concerned about the fact that the two of them had just kissed. It was their first kiss.

She jumped up and squealed running around in circles while flapping her hands about. Jiyong rubbed his head and gave her a questioning look.

“What the hell?” he asked blocking her way. She pushed him out of the way and continued her route around the garden. He followed her around; she just ran faster.

“You kissed me!” she exclaimed in horror. He smirked and rand faster. Once he was close to her, he pulled her wrist and pinned her to the tree. Her eyes widened and opened to speak.

“You’re cute. That’s wasn’t a kiss, our lips barely touched,” he said dangerously close to her face. Her eyes traced the shape of his lips but stopped once she realised what she was doing.

“But if you want a real kiss, I can give it to you,” he breathed just centimetres away from her lips. He began leaning in and for that split second she was considering the kiss and closed her eyes.

“Get away from me!” she screamed and ducked under his arms that weren’t allowing her to escape. She ran into the building and muttered to herself.

“Hey Mana,” Daesung greeted her. She halted and placed her hands on his shoulders panting for air. She couldn’t breathe at the moment both from the running and the almost kiss with Jiyong. For some reason she half wished she had kissed him but she knew it would be extremely wrong as it would screw up their long friendship.

“Hide me please,” she begged. He gave her a questioning look and opened his mouth to ask her why.

“Jiyong,” she simply stated. His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape. For some reason, Jiyong always teased Mana to no end, at first no one really questioned it because they all knew Jiyong was a playful person and liked to mess around with people a bit. But after a bit of investigating he realised all that torturing towards Mana was because he liked her and didn’t know how to express it. Yes, the almighty Kwon Jiyong didn’t know how to act around a girl. That was almost unbelievable.

“Go in my room. He’ll never look there,” he gestured he to run along. Sh bpwed to him quickly and ran along the corridor to Daesung’s room. She had always liked Daesung. Just as a friend though, maybe even like a brother but nothing more than that. She was always close to him, plus his closet was the comfiest. She didn’t like Jiyong’s – too many clothes, she didn’t like Seungri’s – he didn’t have enough clothes in there as it normally stole from Jiyong, she didn’t have a valid reason to why she disliked Taeyang’s and TOP’s either, she just didn’t.

She ran around Daesung’s room panicking before opening the wardrobe. Comfy, she thought and slid in pulling a fluffy blanket from his bed. I’m feeling sleepy, she soon thought before drifting off.


“Where’s Mana?!” Jiyong asked in a slightly panicked voice. The corners of Daesung’s lips lifted up at the panic in his voice. He was afraid that she would hurt herself again. Daesung shrugged his shoulders and walked away leaving Jiyong to look by himself.

“He so likes her,” Daesung mumbled to himself as he threw himself onto the sofa with his other friends.


Mana’s eyes began fluttering open and stretched her arms up but ended up hitting something that felt like a headboard. Her eyebrows furrowed. Where the hell was she? She was about to scream for help but a hand slammed over and a reassuring ‘shhh’ was whispered into her ear. That scent was familiar. She looked to the side to see Jiyong with apologetic eyes. She pried his hands off her and moved away.

“What the hell Jiyong!” she yelled.

“Sorry, I thought you’ll be more comfortable here,” he told her playing with the bed sheets. He was so glad that it was dark as he could feel his face getting slightly hot. What was this?! Kwon Jiyong does not blush!

She smiled at his words; he actually cared for her comfort. Where was the Jiyong that ? He couldn’t have disappeared in a few hours.

“Hey Yong, why are you acting so different?” she questioned his behaviour. He sighed and moved closer to her. His hand reached out and brushed a stray piece of hair out of her face.

“I like your hair when it’s curly,” he smiled. She stared at him curiously. His fingers ran across her cheek and moved down to her chin before dropping back down to his lap.

“I like you. It’s hard to believe I know because I tease you so much but it’s all for attention,” he confessed. Mana’s mouth dropped open and she didn’t have a clue what to say to his confession at all.

“Why? There are so many prettier girls out there,” she croaked out.

“But there isn’t. I think you’re the prettiest. You’re unique. I like your green eyes and how they have that caramel brown mixed in it, I like how your chocolate brown hair falls in sweet curls, I like how you’re the perfect height for me, I just love everything about you,” he breathed. She felt a smile tugging at the lips.

“How do you know you like me?” she asked trying to figure out her feelings for him too. He picked up her hand and played with her fingers.

“My heart beats so much faster when I’m with you or whenever your name is mentioned, I grow extremely jealous when I see you with a guy that isn’t me even if they’re my friend, I always find myself growing nervous around you, and there’s so much more but I won’t say anymore before you use that information against me,” he laughed. Were those the feelings that she felt when she was with him? Earlier on she did have that urge to kiss him and weeks before he was hanging out with that Park Bom and her chest did begin to ache a bit (she just brushed it off as heart burn or something). Maybe she did. She liked him more than she realised herself.

“I’m sure I like you too,” she mumbled softly. Jiyong’s smile grew and tilted her chin up.

“Well let’s see if you really feel that way,” he smirked and planted his lips on hers. They moved in synch; they felt connected and whole, like a puzzle had been completed.

“I am more than sure about my feelings for you,” she said confidently and leaned her forehead on his.


Yush, I know a long time right. I have been procrastinating and there’s also something to do with the fact that I have been feeling like crap... I thought I wasn’t going to be ill either... Gahh that wasn’t good. Well I hope you like the oneshot and I will be getting the rest done soon. Sorry for my slowness...

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waaaaaaah, I love this! ^^ it's definitely worth the wait, thank you SO much for writing this! <3 Lovelovelove this so muuch ! I'm gonna keep reading it over & over again ! :D Kamsamnida~
-xminhye #2

Username: Jiinkizxc<br />
<br />
Name: Lee HaeYee<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Onew<br />
<br />
Personality: <br />
She's quiet and has very little feeling towards others <br />
because of the lack of love from her parents since <br />
they divorced when she was 8. Experiencing all that,<br />
she was very independent and trust only herself.<br />
She is a loner person and has very low self confidence.<br />
Gives in to peer pressure.<br />
<br />
Personality of partner:<br />
Funny and knows how to make others smile. Put others<br />
Before himself. Always ends the day with a smile.<br />
Can be emotional at times. <br />
<br />
Brief description of character [2-3]: <br /><br />
[Park HanByul]<br />
<br />
Title [optional]: Let Go<br />
<br />
Plot: Can it be the storyline of Onew and Jonghyun's Please Don't Go ?<br />
Here's the link to the eng sub : <br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: Bittersweet<br />
<br />
Extra [e.g siblings, ex-lover, rival, best friend etc]: Extra ( If needed only ) Taemin<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: Up to you^^<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
<br />
Thanks so much & Hwaiting (:
-xminhye #3
Heyy^^ I've requested before, but can I request again?
Username: Sensei<br />
<br />
Name: Duyen Nam (LMAO, if you translate both terms, it means Baby Tree)<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Nam Woohyun from Infinite, also mentally owned by Sensei.<br />
<br />
Personality: I'm lazy, whines a lot and I'm always cranky. I get annoyed easily and tend to take out my anger at inanimate objects. Also, I'm a sadist. I enjoy other people's misery. XD<br />
<br />
Personality of partner: Nam-greasy. LOL Hm, I like Woohyun's real personality, so I don't want to change it. <br />
<br />
Pic or description of character [2-3]: Short, grumpy looking. Shoulder length black hair, often pulled up in a lop-sided bun. Has deep eye bags under her eyes all the time, even when she's invigorated. Yeah, that's me. LOL<br />
<br />
Title [optional]: 1/4 Night and Shining Armor, 3/4 of Sheer Jealousy<br />
<br />
Plot: Lately Duyen has been coming home late after work, so Woohyun concludes that she's cheating on him...again.<br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: happy<br />
<br />
Extra [e.g siblings, ex-lover, rival, best friend etc]: The rest of infinite<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: Woohyun's POV<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
<br />
Anything else?: Yes I added a question for me to fill in XD I'll provide the graphic whenever you complete the request. So, thanks in advance! ^o^
Username: chicken_oppa<br />
<br />
Name: Park Rinrin<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Onew from SHINee<br />
<br />
Personality: Park Rinrin, she's bubbly, very naughty, annoying, a total classroom policies breaker, mischievous.<br />
<br />
Personality of partner: Onew, he's bright, a discipline officer type, responsible, industrious, a typical class president, doesn't tolerate any bad manners.<br />
<br />
Pic or description of character [2-3]: She looks innocent outside with her long curly hair and very fair complexion. Many might say she's cute and cuddly while Onew has a charming smile that everyone loves, fair complexion, undeniably handsome and attractive.<br />
<br />
Title [optional]:<br />
<br />
Plot: <br />
<br />
In Daejin High School, Onew is a clever, respectable class president of 2-A who doesn't tolerate any bad manners and most of all cheating of his fellow classmates. His life is near perfect yet a new girl was transferred in his section and her name is Park Rinrin, she's everything that Onew hates about. She's very naughty, a total classroom policies breaker (exam cheater, doesn't clean, etc.) and she loves to annoy/irritate Onew from the first period of the class till it ends in the afternoon. Unknown to all, Rinrin is just doing this law breaking just because she has a big crush to him and wanted to get his attention. Onew, on the other hand, is always scolding her and what if one day, Rinrin accidentally confesses, would Onew return the feeling too? Or would he scold her for making such a mean practical joke of admitting her feelings thinking that Rinrin is just teasing him?<br />
<br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: --Happy dramatic ending--<br />
<br />
Extra: Rivals: SNSD Jessica Jung, SNSD Im Yoona<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: 3rd person but you can also use P.O.V of Rinrin or of Onew.<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
can I request a shinee one-shot?
Username:<br />
bitterswee-t<br />
<br />
Name:<br />
Jade Kwon, Gyuri. Called by Jade.<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name:<br />
Taeyang/ Dong Youngbae.<br />
Personality:<br />
Nice, easygoing & loves to friends. But, if she's in a bad mood she'll stare daggers at you.<br />
Personality of partner:<br />
Very shy when you first meet him, especially around strangers he doesn't know or girls. But once he warms up to you, he's very mischievous. Thinks before he acts or says anything. Prefers to talk things out rather than to fight.<br />
Pic or description of character:<br /><br /><br /><br />
Title [optional]:<br />
you could make one up! (:<br />
Plot:<br />
- Gyuri has always liked her older brother's best friend, Dong Youngbae ever since young. But, he's never seen her as anything more than a little sister. She's always there for him whenever he has problems with his ex/current girlfriends, she's seen him on dates with several girls from school(some of them aren't really nice either..). Despite this, she puts on a fake smile & cheers him on. But what happens when one night, her older brother drags her along to HIS prom(she was rather reluctant to go as well, she's quite a geek, hehe.) There are drunkards everywhere & she almost gets pulled away by one of them, well you know what happens next! (;<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending:<br />
Happy please! :D<br />
Extra:<br />
- Kwon Jiyong/ G-Dragon, Jade's older brother. He knows she liked his best bud, but he disapproves of it. He disapproves of every guy she's ever liked really..<br />
Preferred point of view:<br />
First person, preferably, Jade's (; But i'm cool with anything really! :D<br />
Password:<br />
I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <333333333<br />
ahahahha so all of this happened in one day? Oh wow, really, SO MUCH DRAMA XDDD<br />
Minwoo was so cute since the beginning! well of course, he had grown up..<br />
but he still is cute! ahahha<br />
<br />
and Joon <3 I love the way he seek for a second chance<br />
but i absolutely against his reason for breaking up! WTH<br />
don't you trust me? :(((<br />
and wow, Minwoo and Joon fighting O_____o i think that might be a mess<br />
but i'm glad everything went well..<br />
<br />
and awwwww, i'm so touched when he said he could wait for my heart to feel the same!<br />
really, I loveeeee it!! :DDD<br />
Thank you sooooooo much!! good luck on other's oneshot..<br />
Username: angela3414<br />
Name: Jung Yuhi<br />
Partner name: Lee Byunghun aka L. Joe from Teentop<br />
Personality: An outgoing, innocent and kind type of girl.<br />
Titled as queenka and "miss two goody shoes" in her school.She comes from a strict prestigious family. Though her parents prohibit her from a lot of things,they still love her.The only thing her parents approve of is for her to have a fiance.And not just a fiance, but it has to be the son of the Lee's.Has a lot of friends but has the worst enemy ever, L. Joe.But she falls in love all of a sudden with HIM.<br />
Personality of partner: Kingka of the school.Cold and carefree.Has a devil in him.Hates all the attention he gets from his fangirls but loves being popular.Also comes from a prestigious loving family. His parents wants him to have a fiance.A girl that will change that cold aura in him and make him a whole better person.<br />
But how would that happen if his parents want him to be with the daughter of the Jung's?<br />
Pic of character:<br />*gOuBXShJM71AGm4gWBmWxVSV8D08TXEGfYo2FObmrU/ParkHanByul.1.jpg<br />
Title: please make a title for me :)<br />
Plot: They've been the worst rivals since middle school.<br />
They are completely opposites, maybe that's why they hate each other, they don't do and think alike. Until they developed feelings for each other.Yuhi doesn't want L. Joe to know that she has a fiance, and L. Joe also doesn't want her to know that he also has a fiance.But soon, they found out that the person they didn't want to get married with turns out to be the two of them.After knowing this, they fell more and more in love with each other.<br />
ending: happy ending!<br />
Extra:best friend : Krystal-f(x), siblings : Jung Jinyoung<br />
Preferred point of view: your choice<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping
-xminhye #10
Oww, heheh, thx for making 'my dream come true' :D<br />
Omomo, he's supa cutee XD<br />
Thanks so muchh!