Finally [Kwon Jade & Youngbae/Taeyang]

Sealed With Love [One-shot request shop~ not taking any more requests]

“Jade, Youngbae’s coming over tonight,” my annoying brother said as he fell onto the sofa making it bounce slightly.


“And…?” I asked in a calm voice even though my heart was beating at 100mph. I felt like I was going to die.


The thing is that I have like my brother’s best friend since I was young. The moment I fell for him was when he stopped the bullies for picking on me and ever since then I have liked him but he only sees me as his younger sister. It’s the worse feeling ever as he tells me everything about his current girlfriends, his ex-girlfriends, and his future girlfriends. Let me tell you, it hurts so much. It’s that feeling that someone just ran over your heart with a huge tractor. Wait, with a million tractors. Yeah, that’s how much I like him. And of course I can’t tell him because he doesn’t think of me as anything else but his younger sister.


“Stay in your room,” he scolded in a stern voice. I rolled my eyes at his over protective personality. I know he’s my older brother and all but he’s completely overreacting.


The only person that knows about my crush is my brother and he’s strongly against it. He hates thinking that his best friend and his little sister could get together (even though that’s highly impossible). Actually, thinking about it, he’s disapproved of every guy I’ve liked. But Youngbae’s different. He knows him way better than all those other guys and he knows that if we did get together (and that will only happen in my dreams) that he’ll treat me good and protect me. I don’t understand Jiyong’s problem. His little sister has to grow up someday. Seriously, he’s worst than my parents. If my mum finds out that I like a guy she’s always like ‘is he good looking?’. It’s pretty embarrassing… anyways…


“Oppa. I’m not 10 anymore,” I pouted and continuously hit his arm lightly. He glared at me and pushed my small hand away from him.


“I know that it’s just…” he trailed off in an awkward tone and did that awkward cough.


“Fine fine. This is the last time I’m doing this you know. There’s only so much I can do in my room. Last time I was stuck in there for 6 hours and you know what I ended up doing, I ended up finishing my homework for the whole year,” I groaned at the memory.


“Okay I understand little sis,” he rolled his eyes. A knock sounded from the door. The both of us stared at it before opening it. “Go up now,” he pointed a finger at me. I mimicked him and trudged upstairs as he opened the door.


It had been two hours since Youngbae had arrived and I was dying of boredom. I swung my legs back and forth as I sat on the bed and stared at the calendar on my wall.


“I don’t know man. She’s pretty and all but apparently she’s really cold,” I heard Youngbae say loudly. I pressed my ear to the wall, making an assumption that they were in Jiyong’s room, and listened in on their conversation. It was wrong, I knew that, but I wanted to know what was going on.


“True. So you’re not asking her to the prom?” my brother asked. My heart dropped at the thought of Youngbae taking a girl who wasn’t me to his prom. I wanted to be the girl on his arm, the girl who he danced with all night long, the girl who he had him mesmerised.


“Nah, I was thinking of asking the new girl, Sung Jinah. I talked to her a couple of times and she seems really nice and she’s pretty.”


“Good choice man. But she has a long line of guys following her. She’s the talk of the school. Gorgeous and pretty, plus she’s smart too.”


“If she rejects me is it okay if I take –”


I couldn’t hear the rest as Youngbae’s voice became quieter, but then my brother yelled out a huge no. Could it be that they both like the same girl? Was that possible? I’ve never heard Jiyong get so worked up about a girl before. He must really like this girl to protest so much. I could hear him pacing up and down in his room and muttering ‘no’s and ‘never in my life’. Must be serious.


“Come on, please,” Jiyong make a horrible pitiful face. I scrunched up my nose at him and pushed away his face from me.


“No,” I replied in a stern voice.


“Please Gyuri,” he pleaded. I knew he was desperate as he was using ‘Gyuri’ instead of ‘Jade’. Barely anyone calls me Gyuri. I sighed and thought about his proposition.


Jiyong wanted me to pretend to be his date for his prom because he likes some girl who apparently likes him back but they’re both too shy to ask each other out. So stupid. Jiyong’s like the player of the school (he’s not really a player, he just flirts with a lot of girls). He wants to make her jealous so that she’ll ask him first. It doesn’t make any sense to me.


“I won’t tell you to lock yourself in your room every time Youngbae comes around,” he said with a hopeful look on his face. I sighed and rolled my eyes at him. He pumped his fist in the air knowing that he had just won. Pabo. “Now go upstairs and put on a nice dress. Sunhee will be coming over in a few minutes to do your hair and make up.”


I sighed deeply again and dragged my feet upstairs to my room. I opened my wardrobe to search for a dress suitable for prom. My brother said I had to look extra pretty so that this girl will be twice as jealous. After chucking everything in my wardrobe on my bed and the floor I found a pretty dress. My mum had bought it for me a while ago hoping that I would go to the homecoming dance but I had rather stay at home and read. Yeah, I’m kind of a nerd if you haven’t figured that out.


I glanced at myself in the mirror and studied the dress. It was a dark teal satin strapless dress with minimum decoration on it. On the waistline there was a single bow in the same colour and it was cinched to give it more of a shape. It fell just above my knee, showing off my long-ish legs. I kind of felt uncomfortable but it was for a couple of hours and I was doing this for Jiyong so I had to cooperate. I paired the dress with some simple black heels and a black satin clutch.


“I’m sending Sunhee up Jade,” my brother called from downstairs. Seconds later I heard some knock at the door and I opened it to see Sunhee unni standing there.


Sunhee unni was my brother’s ex-girlfriend. Their break up was a mutual one so that’s why they’re still friends now, though Sunhee and I are better friends. She’s like my role model and the person I can always talk to without her judging me. 


“Jade, you look so pretty,” she gushed as she pushed me down on the stool by my vanity table. “You’ll be even prettier once I’m done with you,” she told me, flashing her pearly whites.


“Ta-da. Take a look at yourself,” she grinned as she spun me around so that I was facing the mirror. My mouth dropped in shock. It couldn’t be me. Usually I stayed away from make up as I have had some embarrassing moments involving it, stories that I would rather not retell, but I couldn’t believe that I could look like this with it being done properly.


“Sunhee you’re like the fairy godmother,” Jiyong exclaimed from the doorway with his tux on. She grinned at him and fixed his bowtie as he came closer to us.


“Thank you Jiyong. I would say you look like prince charming but…” she trailed off with a cheeky laugh. My brother’s face dropped from his cocky smile and he reached over to flick Sunhee on the forehead. She winced in pain and glared at him.


I laughed, stepping in between them, “Unni, are you coming tonight?” I asked with puppy dog eyes.


“Yeah Sun-sun are you?” Jiyong asked her using the nickname he made up for her. She shook her head.


“Why not?” I whined like a child and stomped my feet in a way that both Sunhee and Jiyong thought was cute.


“I have a date tonight,” she told me whilst ruffling my hair. I smiled and leaned in closer to her.


“Ooooh, is he better looking than Jiyong-ie?” I whispered loudly so that Jiyong would hear. Sunhee caught on quickly and glanced at Jiyong, who was pretending not to be listening in.


“Of course. Jiyong’s an ugly fat pig,” she yelled in his face in a teasing tone knowing that he’ll get angry at her (well not really because no one can ever get mad at Sunhee unni).


“YAH! Watch your words Song Sunhee!” he shouted. Sunhee laughed and I laughed along with her until my brother shot me a menacing glare. “Come one Jade. We’ve gotta go. You should go too Sunhee,” he told us as he looked at the clock on my bedside table.


“Okay. Bye Jade, have a good time tonight. Don’t let Jiyong-ie ruin it for you. You don’t have to listen to what he says. And Jiyong, don’t bully your sister too much. Take care guys,” Sunhee unni said as she left.


As we arrived we saw Youngbae and his date waiting for us outside. She was pretty, really pretty. Her hair was a chocolate brown and slightly curled at the ends reaching mid back. Her dress was a deep purple contrasting against her extremely pale skin but it didn’t make her look washed out at all. In fact it suited her really well. They made a pretty couple. I felt like crying.

“Let’s go,” Jiyong says loudly to all of us. I reluctantly went with him, but I couldn’t help sneaking peeps at Youngbae and his date every few seconds. They were really close. Every time I glanced over at them one of them were always whispering into the other’s ear. It annoyed me so much that I was digging my fingernails into my brother’s arm. I didn’t realise until he peeled my hand off his arm.


“Stay here. I’m going to search for Hana,” he told me. I’m guessing that was the name of the girl he likes. I mumbled a small okay in response but he had already left. I didn’t really know anyone here apart from Youngbae but he was busy with his date.


“Left alone. I shouldn’t have come,” I mumbled bitterly to myself as I went outside to go and get some air. But that wasn’t the best idea as I was soon swallowed by a group of drunkards.


“Hey cutie, whatcha doing out here alone?” one of them said really closely to my face. So close that I could smell the alcohol.


“Go away,” I whispered in a small voice. It wasn’t supposed to come out like that. I was supposed to sound strong, like I could defend myself but it came out like the opposite.


“Aww, is the cutie pie scared? Don’t worry, oppa will make you feel all better,” the other guy cooed by my ear. I shivered in disgust and stood deadly still for moments as I felt his hand trail across my cheek. But I screamed loudly when he suddenly pulled my hair and pushed me into the wall.


“Get off her,” a very familiar voice boomed. I looked up to see Youngbae standing with his tie done up loosely and his shirt sleeves rolled up. They all laughed at Youngbae but then he strolled up to them and began fighting them. Of course they were no match for him as all of their coordination was off due to the alcohol. I sat there silently, still shaking and watched Youngbae. Once they were all on the floor and groaning he walked over to me and held out a hand for me to take. I took it almost immediately. “Are you okay Jade?”


I nodded to only start shaking my head again and bursting into tears. He whispered softly in my ear saying that everything would be alright and rubbed my back soothingly. I just rocked and forth in his arms and sobbed.


“Sorry about your shirt,” I sniffed as I wiped my eyes.


“It’s fine. I’ll just wash it when I get home,” he flashed me a small smile, making my heart fasten a lot.


“Oh God, the dance. I’m sorry for screwing up your date with Jinah,” I exclaimed. I couldn’t help but feel a little satisfied that Youngbae was with me instead of Jinah. I knew it was wrong to feel that way but I couldn’t help it.


“It’s okay. To be honest, I didn’t really like Jinah anyways. I was trying to make someone jealous…” he mumbled softly. It was almost as if he didn’t want me to hear it.


“You boys trying to make girls jealous. Why don’t you just ask her out?” I asked him. Knowing Youngbae he was too shy to do it. He was a quiet person and from his stories, he wasn’t that good with talking to girls. The only female friend he had was me and Sunhee, but even with Sunhee he couldn’t talk to her like he did with me.

“What if she doesn’t like me?”


“Of course she will. Everyone likes you. You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.”


“Okay…” he replied exasperatedly and sighed. “I’ll give it a go,” he paused for a moment and turned my head so he was looking at me, “Kwon Jade, I’ve liked you for some time now. Would you be my girl?” he asked in a shy voice.


My eyes grew twice as big and I immediately threw my arms around his neck. This was the moment I have been waiting for all my life. Youngbae liked me back. All this time I’ve liked him and he probably liked me too. What was taking him so long to confess?!


“You know I’ve been waiting for this for a long time now. Every time I see you with a girl I get so jealous I want to rip off their heads. I never thought I was pretty enough for you or good enough so I never said anything to you, but it took you long enough.”


“Is that… a yes?”


“Of course it’s a yes pabo.”


“Good,” he said as he leaned in to give me a quick kiss on the lips. “Oh, what are we going to tell Jiyong…?”


“That can wait,” I groaned as I leaned in for another kiss.


Gah, I’m so sorry I’m so late with this. I’ve been so busy with school and personal things. I should be getting started on the other ones soon so please bear with me. Thanks.

I hope you like this one shot as well ^^  

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waaaaaaah, I love this! ^^ it's definitely worth the wait, thank you SO much for writing this! <3 Lovelovelove this so muuch ! I'm gonna keep reading it over & over again ! :D Kamsamnida~
-xminhye #2

Username: Jiinkizxc<br />
<br />
Name: Lee HaeYee<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Onew<br />
<br />
Personality: <br />
She's quiet and has very little feeling towards others <br />
because of the lack of love from her parents since <br />
they divorced when she was 8. Experiencing all that,<br />
she was very independent and trust only herself.<br />
She is a loner person and has very low self confidence.<br />
Gives in to peer pressure.<br />
<br />
Personality of partner:<br />
Funny and knows how to make others smile. Put others<br />
Before himself. Always ends the day with a smile.<br />
Can be emotional at times. <br />
<br />
Brief description of character [2-3]: <br /><br />
[Park HanByul]<br />
<br />
Title [optional]: Let Go<br />
<br />
Plot: Can it be the storyline of Onew and Jonghyun's Please Don't Go ?<br />
Here's the link to the eng sub : <br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: Bittersweet<br />
<br />
Extra [e.g siblings, ex-lover, rival, best friend etc]: Extra ( If needed only ) Taemin<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: Up to you^^<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
<br />
Thanks so much & Hwaiting (:
-xminhye #3
Heyy^^ I've requested before, but can I request again?
Username: Sensei<br />
<br />
Name: Duyen Nam (LMAO, if you translate both terms, it means Baby Tree)<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Nam Woohyun from Infinite, also mentally owned by Sensei.<br />
<br />
Personality: I'm lazy, whines a lot and I'm always cranky. I get annoyed easily and tend to take out my anger at inanimate objects. Also, I'm a sadist. I enjoy other people's misery. XD<br />
<br />
Personality of partner: Nam-greasy. LOL Hm, I like Woohyun's real personality, so I don't want to change it. <br />
<br />
Pic or description of character [2-3]: Short, grumpy looking. Shoulder length black hair, often pulled up in a lop-sided bun. Has deep eye bags under her eyes all the time, even when she's invigorated. Yeah, that's me. LOL<br />
<br />
Title [optional]: 1/4 Night and Shining Armor, 3/4 of Sheer Jealousy<br />
<br />
Plot: Lately Duyen has been coming home late after work, so Woohyun concludes that she's cheating on him...again.<br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: happy<br />
<br />
Extra [e.g siblings, ex-lover, rival, best friend etc]: The rest of infinite<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: Woohyun's POV<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
<br />
Anything else?: Yes I added a question for me to fill in XD I'll provide the graphic whenever you complete the request. So, thanks in advance! ^o^
Username: chicken_oppa<br />
<br />
Name: Park Rinrin<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Onew from SHINee<br />
<br />
Personality: Park Rinrin, she's bubbly, very naughty, annoying, a total classroom policies breaker, mischievous.<br />
<br />
Personality of partner: Onew, he's bright, a discipline officer type, responsible, industrious, a typical class president, doesn't tolerate any bad manners.<br />
<br />
Pic or description of character [2-3]: She looks innocent outside with her long curly hair and very fair complexion. Many might say she's cute and cuddly while Onew has a charming smile that everyone loves, fair complexion, undeniably handsome and attractive.<br />
<br />
Title [optional]:<br />
<br />
Plot: <br />
<br />
In Daejin High School, Onew is a clever, respectable class president of 2-A who doesn't tolerate any bad manners and most of all cheating of his fellow classmates. His life is near perfect yet a new girl was transferred in his section and her name is Park Rinrin, she's everything that Onew hates about. She's very naughty, a total classroom policies breaker (exam cheater, doesn't clean, etc.) and she loves to annoy/irritate Onew from the first period of the class till it ends in the afternoon. Unknown to all, Rinrin is just doing this law breaking just because she has a big crush to him and wanted to get his attention. Onew, on the other hand, is always scolding her and what if one day, Rinrin accidentally confesses, would Onew return the feeling too? Or would he scold her for making such a mean practical joke of admitting her feelings thinking that Rinrin is just teasing him?<br />
<br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: --Happy dramatic ending--<br />
<br />
Extra: Rivals: SNSD Jessica Jung, SNSD Im Yoona<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: 3rd person but you can also use P.O.V of Rinrin or of Onew.<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
can I request a shinee one-shot?
Username:<br />
bitterswee-t<br />
<br />
Name:<br />
Jade Kwon, Gyuri. Called by Jade.<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name:<br />
Taeyang/ Dong Youngbae.<br />
Personality:<br />
Nice, easygoing & loves to friends. But, if she's in a bad mood she'll stare daggers at you.<br />
Personality of partner:<br />
Very shy when you first meet him, especially around strangers he doesn't know or girls. But once he warms up to you, he's very mischievous. Thinks before he acts or says anything. Prefers to talk things out rather than to fight.<br />
Pic or description of character:<br /><br /><br /><br />
Title [optional]:<br />
you could make one up! (:<br />
Plot:<br />
- Gyuri has always liked her older brother's best friend, Dong Youngbae ever since young. But, he's never seen her as anything more than a little sister. She's always there for him whenever he has problems with his ex/current girlfriends, she's seen him on dates with several girls from school(some of them aren't really nice either..). Despite this, she puts on a fake smile & cheers him on. But what happens when one night, her older brother drags her along to HIS prom(she was rather reluctant to go as well, she's quite a geek, hehe.) There are drunkards everywhere & she almost gets pulled away by one of them, well you know what happens next! (;<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending:<br />
Happy please! :D<br />
Extra:<br />
- Kwon Jiyong/ G-Dragon, Jade's older brother. He knows she liked his best bud, but he disapproves of it. He disapproves of every guy she's ever liked really..<br />
Preferred point of view:<br />
First person, preferably, Jade's (; But i'm cool with anything really! :D<br />
Password:<br />
I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <333333333<br />
ahahahha so all of this happened in one day? Oh wow, really, SO MUCH DRAMA XDDD<br />
Minwoo was so cute since the beginning! well of course, he had grown up..<br />
but he still is cute! ahahha<br />
<br />
and Joon <3 I love the way he seek for a second chance<br />
but i absolutely against his reason for breaking up! WTH<br />
don't you trust me? :(((<br />
and wow, Minwoo and Joon fighting O_____o i think that might be a mess<br />
but i'm glad everything went well..<br />
<br />
and awwwww, i'm so touched when he said he could wait for my heart to feel the same!<br />
really, I loveeeee it!! :DDD<br />
Thank you sooooooo much!! good luck on other's oneshot..<br />
Username: angela3414<br />
Name: Jung Yuhi<br />
Partner name: Lee Byunghun aka L. Joe from Teentop<br />
Personality: An outgoing, innocent and kind type of girl.<br />
Titled as queenka and "miss two goody shoes" in her school.She comes from a strict prestigious family. Though her parents prohibit her from a lot of things,they still love her.The only thing her parents approve of is for her to have a fiance.And not just a fiance, but it has to be the son of the Lee's.Has a lot of friends but has the worst enemy ever, L. Joe.But she falls in love all of a sudden with HIM.<br />
Personality of partner: Kingka of the school.Cold and carefree.Has a devil in him.Hates all the attention he gets from his fangirls but loves being popular.Also comes from a prestigious loving family. His parents wants him to have a fiance.A girl that will change that cold aura in him and make him a whole better person.<br />
But how would that happen if his parents want him to be with the daughter of the Jung's?<br />
Pic of character:<br />*gOuBXShJM71AGm4gWBmWxVSV8D08TXEGfYo2FObmrU/ParkHanByul.1.jpg<br />
Title: please make a title for me :)<br />
Plot: They've been the worst rivals since middle school.<br />
They are completely opposites, maybe that's why they hate each other, they don't do and think alike. Until they developed feelings for each other.Yuhi doesn't want L. Joe to know that she has a fiance, and L. Joe also doesn't want her to know that he also has a fiance.But soon, they found out that the person they didn't want to get married with turns out to be the two of them.After knowing this, they fell more and more in love with each other.<br />
ending: happy ending!<br />
Extra:best friend : Krystal-f(x), siblings : Jung Jinyoung<br />
Preferred point of view: your choice<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping
-xminhye #10
Oww, heheh, thx for making 'my dream come true' :D<br />
Omomo, he's supa cutee XD<br />
Thanks so muchh!