I Must Be Crazy... [Park Marika & Son Dongwoon]

Sealed With Love [One-shot request shop~ not taking any more requests]

Since the young girl had walked in the atmosphere had gotten awkward. No one particularly liked Marika. She was... a handful if you put it nicely. She wasn’t a complete but she wasn’t exactly an amazingly nice person either. I guess you could say she was somewhat interesting.

All six boys gathered in a circle and talked quietly amongst themselves about the newly hired assistant for CUBE. They all wondered how she had gotten the job because she was the clumsiest, messiest and most short tempered person they had ever met. Of course having six idols crouching in a circle and whispering quietly wasn’t suspicious at all. Of course not... I didn’t really bother Marika though. She knew she wasn’t the best at her job but she tried. It wasn’t her fault if she was clumsy or was hot headed; it kind of ran in the family so if anyone needed to blame anyone blame them.

“So what are we going to do?” Yoseob asked quietly. None of them wanted to hurt Marika too badly or make her angry. No one except Doojoon. For some unknown reason Doojoon loathed Marika with a passion. No one knew why except Marika. And that reason was one of the reasons she purposely agitated him again and again.

“Let’s get her fired,” Doojoon looked up to the girl who was hanging up their stage outfits in a random order unlike the way she was previously told to do.

“That’s a little mean hyung,” Dongwoon spoke up quietly. He honestly didn’t see why the other members hated, okay maybe not so much hate but they all had a problem with Marika and Dongwoon didn’t see why. Okay she was a little messy and unorganised but it was only her first day working at CUBE and she was probably used to the way she does things. He was convinced that she’ll get used to things after a while. He also felt sorry for the girl. It was only her first day; they should give her a break.

“Mean... That is not mean Dongwoon. She deserves to get fired. She poked me twice with the needle and not to mention that coffee incident,” the older male’s eyes glanced over to Marika who was now sitting comfortably on the chair nearby and resting her feet on the round coffee table whilst texting.

Four hours ago

“Marika, there’s a small rip in Doojoon’s outfit, can you sew it up please?” Jihyun, the coordinator asked her as she was sorting out Kikwang’s clothes. Marika groaned at the request; why him? It could have been anyone but she had to get him?

She was about to put her phone away when she finally received a text back from Sohyun.

From Sohyun:

Yeah, sorry it never crossed my mind to tell you about that. You’ll be fine, just stay away from him

-Sohyun x

She laughed bitterly to herself and mentally cursed Sohyun. How dare she not tell her that Doojoon was also in CUBE and more importantly Beast? Marika had previously told her best friend that she was assisting Beast today and yet Sohyun still didn’t bring up that forbidden name.  

To Sohyun:

Idiot -.- I’ve gottend to him... I’m going to kill you.


She slid her phone back into her jeans pocket and trudged over to the awaiting boy. He glared at her and she returned it to him.

“Where’s the hole?” she asked monotonously. He pointed to the small slit at the seams without any words being said.

Marika picked up the sewing kit and threaded the needle with precision and began to sew. Every now and again you would hear an ‘ouch’ and more inaudible curse words as she kept on pricking him with the needle. Every time he flinched or yelped she would smirk with victory.

Two hours before that

“I’m not a freaking delivery service!” Marika yelled as she walked into the dance studio with a tray of coffee. All of the boys ran to get their daily dose of caffeine and Marika passed them their specified ones. Except Doojoon.

“Where’s mine?” he asked her gritting his teeth together knowing what she had done.

“I drank it. I was getting thirsty and I had no more money on me,” she said casually and shrugged. He clenched his fists and walked off into a corner to sulk. Yoseob followed him and offered some of his coffee but Doojoon pushed the younger boy away.

“How on earth are we going to get her fired?” Hyunseung interrupted their mini argument. Dongwoon shot a glare at the oldest member and pouted.

“Someone punch me,” he smirked knowing everyone would know what his plan was. Hyunseung and Junhyung exchanged glances before shrugging. As Hyunseung was pulling his fist back Dongwoon captured his fist in his hand.

“There must be a better way to solve this. Don’t do anything until I talk to her. Maybe I can get her to quit or stop her from being so clumsy,” Dongwoon reasoned with them. The four shrugged and gave him the okay on the plan, whereas, Doojoon frowned and stalked away from their now broken up circle. Dongwoon watched as their leader stormed out of the room walking past the girl he hated scolding her for having her legs up on the coffee table. She scowled at Doojoon and refused loudly. She began to yell random things to him, things that none of s who know. She knew too much about Doojoon and a lot of it was good material to use against him.

“You selfish lying bastard. Don’t tell me what and what not to do. You were always a controlling son of a ,” she cursed loudly at him. She didn’t really care what she said at the moment or who was listening. Just Doojoon’s presence annoyed her. Plus she didn’t understand why he was so pissed off with her. He was the one who screwed everything up.

“You haven’t changed one bit. You’re still the same clumsy person who acts tough but really you can’t defend for yourself,” he shot back at her.

“Shut the hell up Yoon Doojoon. You know nothing about me, you never did,” shestood up abruptly and growled at him. All five boys were now watching intently on the ongoing fight between the two.

“Oh I disagree. I knew you better than anyone else,” he argued. Marika rolled her eyes at him and put her hands on her hips.

“Oh yeah then when is my birthday? At what age did my parents divorce? What’s my favourite movie? Favourite subject? Favourite season?” she interrogated him. He stood there with a smug look on his face knowing all of the answers to her questions.

“Your birthday is the 4th June. Your parents divorced when you were 15. Your favourite movie is ‘A Walk to Remember’. Your favourite subject is English. And your favourite season is winter,” he replied smugly. She smirked.

“Wrong. All wrong,” his smug grin was wiped off his face.

“If you remember correctly, you just recited Mirae’s favourites. You don’t know me at all,” she sighed and pushed him aside leaving him speechless.


“Noona,” a deep voice called out. Marika looked up to see the youngest member standing in front of her. She didn’t want to deal with those people at the moment. She wanted to be alone and drown in her depression. Dealing with Doojoon and bringing up the past made the pain resurface. It didn’t feel nice. It wasn’t a searing pain, just a small ache that won’t disappear.

“Noona,” he waved his hand in front of her face.

“What?” she snapped making the younger male jump back slightly. She sighed deeply knowing that if she carried on with this kind of behaviour she will push everyone that she cared about away.

“Sorry,” she mumbled softly. Dongwoon smiled gently and her and grabbed onto her hand pulling her up.

“Come on. Let’s go somewhere to cheer you up. I know the place to go,” he told her and dragged her to the destination.

After about 10 minutes of walking (and from Marika) they finally got to their destination. It was a small fair that was situated almost in the middle of nowhere. Marika glanced over to Dongwoon and gave him a ‘WTF?’ look. He grinned at her and tugged her to the small carousel. She smiled to herself as she reminisced.

“I haven’t been on one of these in ages,” she said softly as they sat on their chosen horses.

“I love coming here. Coming to this place reminds me of my childhood and how I could relive it again,” he said with his eyes fixed on the scenery in the distance.

Both of them sat on the ride quietly and listened to the music in the background. They enjoyed each other’s presence and reminisced about their past. Throughout the ride Dongwoon had a cute grin plastered on his face whereas Marika had a more solemn look on hers. Her past wasn’t one that she was too happy with. Of course she was glad for meeting Sohyun, without her Marika would be a mess. But one person she regretted meeting was no one other than the leader of Beast.

“Noona? Gwenchena?” he asked her as they got on the Ferris Wheel. She half smiled at him and nodded unsurely.

“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked. Strangely enough she considered telling Dongwoon everything; she just felt so comfortable around him. It was really strange.

“I guess I might as well,” she paused thinking about how she was going to tell him her life story, “You’ve probably worked out that I knew Doojoon right? He was my childhood friend and love, I suppose. We dated in high school and after a year or so in our relationship he began to spread rumours about me and cheated on me with my best friend, Mirae. We had a huge fight and I got extremely violent, punched him right on the nose and made it bleed, and I kind of made a promise to myself never to trust a guy again. But somehow I find myself trusting you...” she ended quietly and avoided Dongwoon’s eyes completely. She knew how intently and carefully he had been listening to her. It was such an uncommon feeling, normally people never really cared about what she had to say so she tended to ignore them or just act plain cold to them.

“Wow hyung was horrible,” he spoke up after moments of silence. She chuckled tearfully and wiped the few tears that escaped her eyes.

“You’re had such a horrible day today. All the members have been picking on you especially Doojoon, it’s alright to cry,” he told her and carefully pushed her head onto his shoulder.

“I don’t want to cry. I’m fine,” she frowned at him but still kept her head on his shoulder. Her excuse was that he was comfy...

“You’re interesting noona,” he laughed quietly. She smiled at the sound of his laughter.

“Why don’t you call me by my name?” she questioned him remembering that he hadn’t called her once by her name. It had always been noona.

He shrugged. “I don’t know Marika,” he said emphasising her name. She took her head off his shoulder and laughed at him. She soon found herself being intrigued by his features. Everything from his eyes to his jaw line; she had this strange urge to reach over and touch his face. Yep, sounded pretty weird right? She thought so too.

“Marika, you okay?” he raised an eyebrow at her. She shook her head immediately for some odd reason and looked at him with wide eyes. She had come to a conclusion that she may have a crush on the maknae...

“I don’t think so... wait no I’m fine,” she quickly changed her answer so that he didn’t worry.

“You sure?” he questioned her. She smiled at him reassuringly and pressed her hand into his and squeezed it lightly.

“I’m positive.”

Besides what was so bad about falling for this one? He was someone she knew she could trust with her life unlike the previous person she fell for. She knew Dongwoon would treasure her and her love.


Sorry for the major long wait. I’ve been pretty occupied... I have the Jinwoon request [sorry I forgot your username -.-“] on my laptop but unfortunately my charger died and we won’t be getting a new one until a few weeks. I’m so peed off because I was like more than ¾ done. Ayy technology... Anyways, I’m sorry for the long wait guys =(

I will get them done. I’m determined! :D


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waaaaaaah, I love this! ^^ it's definitely worth the wait, thank you SO much for writing this! <3 Lovelovelove this so muuch ! I'm gonna keep reading it over & over again ! :D Kamsamnida~
-xminhye #2

Username: Jiinkizxc<br />
<br />
Name: Lee HaeYee<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Onew<br />
<br />
Personality: <br />
She's quiet and has very little feeling towards others <br />
because of the lack of love from her parents since <br />
they divorced when she was 8. Experiencing all that,<br />
she was very independent and trust only herself.<br />
She is a loner person and has very low self confidence.<br />
Gives in to peer pressure.<br />
<br />
Personality of partner:<br />
Funny and knows how to make others smile. Put others<br />
Before himself. Always ends the day with a smile.<br />
Can be emotional at times. <br />
<br />
Brief description of character [2-3]: <br />
http://www.allkpop.com/2011/06/park-han-byul-is-a-chic-traveler-for-elle<br />
[Park HanByul]<br />
<br />
Title [optional]: Let Go<br />
<br />
Plot: Can it be the storyline of Onew and Jonghyun's Please Don't Go ?<br />
Here's the link to the eng sub : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6Tmsfr3c74 <br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: Bittersweet<br />
<br />
Extra [e.g siblings, ex-lover, rival, best friend etc]: Extra ( If needed only ) Taemin<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: Up to you^^<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
<br />
Thanks so much & Hwaiting (:
-xminhye #3
Heyy^^ I've requested before, but can I request again?
Username: Sensei<br />
<br />
Name: Duyen Nam (LMAO, if you translate both terms, it means Baby Tree)<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Nam Woohyun from Infinite, also mentally owned by Sensei.<br />
<br />
Personality: I'm lazy, whines a lot and I'm always cranky. I get annoyed easily and tend to take out my anger at inanimate objects. Also, I'm a sadist. I enjoy other people's misery. XD<br />
<br />
Personality of partner: Nam-greasy. LOL Hm, I like Woohyun's real personality, so I don't want to change it. <br />
<br />
Pic or description of character [2-3]: Short, grumpy looking. Shoulder length black hair, often pulled up in a lop-sided bun. Has deep eye bags under her eyes all the time, even when she's invigorated. Yeah, that's me. LOL<br />
<br />
Title [optional]: 1/4 Night and Shining Armor, 3/4 of Sheer Jealousy<br />
<br />
Plot: Lately Duyen has been coming home late after work, so Woohyun concludes that she's cheating on him...again.<br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: happy<br />
<br />
Extra [e.g siblings, ex-lover, rival, best friend etc]: The rest of infinite<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: Woohyun's POV<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
<br />
Anything else?: Yes I added a question for me to fill in XD I'll provide the graphic whenever you complete the request. So, thanks in advance! ^o^
Username: chicken_oppa<br />
<br />
Name: Park Rinrin<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Onew from SHINee<br />
<br />
Personality: Park Rinrin, she's bubbly, very naughty, annoying, a total classroom policies breaker, mischievous.<br />
<br />
Personality of partner: Onew, he's bright, a discipline officer type, responsible, industrious, a typical class president, doesn't tolerate any bad manners.<br />
<br />
Pic or description of character [2-3]: She looks innocent outside with her long curly hair and very fair complexion. Many might say she's cute and cuddly while Onew has a charming smile that everyone loves, fair complexion, undeniably handsome and attractive.<br />
<br />
Title [optional]:<br />
<br />
Plot: <br />
<br />
In Daejin High School, Onew is a clever, respectable class president of 2-A who doesn't tolerate any bad manners and most of all cheating of his fellow classmates. His life is near perfect yet a new girl was transferred in his section and her name is Park Rinrin, she's everything that Onew hates about. She's very naughty, a total classroom policies breaker (exam cheater, doesn't clean, etc.) and she loves to annoy/irritate Onew from the first period of the class till it ends in the afternoon. Unknown to all, Rinrin is just doing this law breaking just because she has a big crush to him and wanted to get his attention. Onew, on the other hand, is always scolding her and what if one day, Rinrin accidentally confesses, would Onew return the feeling too? Or would he scold her for making such a mean practical joke of admitting her feelings thinking that Rinrin is just teasing him?<br />
<br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: --Happy dramatic ending--<br />
<br />
Extra: Rivals: SNSD Jessica Jung, SNSD Im Yoona<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: 3rd person but you can also use P.O.V of Rinrin or of Onew.<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
can I request a shinee one-shot?
Username:<br />
bitterswee-t<br />
<br />
Name:<br />
Jade Kwon, Gyuri. Called by Jade.<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name:<br />
Taeyang/ Dong Youngbae.<br />
Personality:<br />
Nice, easygoing & loves to friends. But, if she's in a bad mood she'll stare daggers at you.<br />
Personality of partner:<br />
Very shy when you first meet him, especially around strangers he doesn't know or girls. But once he warms up to you, he's very mischievous. Thinks before he acts or says anything. Prefers to talk things out rather than to fight.<br />
Pic or description of character:<br />
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmqor4cGOg1qjsldro1_500.jpg<br />
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l8uhwlYGY61qbu1tso1_500.jpg<br />
http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ll6l9ew89y1qjsldro1_500.jpg<br />
Title [optional]:<br />
you could make one up! (:<br />
Plot:<br />
- Gyuri has always liked her older brother's best friend, Dong Youngbae ever since young. But, he's never seen her as anything more than a little sister. She's always there for him whenever he has problems with his ex/current girlfriends, she's seen him on dates with several girls from school(some of them aren't really nice either..). Despite this, she puts on a fake smile & cheers him on. But what happens when one night, her older brother drags her along to HIS prom(she was rather reluctant to go as well, she's quite a geek, hehe.) There are drunkards everywhere & she almost gets pulled away by one of them, well you know what happens next! (;<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending:<br />
Happy please! :D<br />
Extra:<br />
- Kwon Jiyong/ G-Dragon, Jade's older brother. He knows she liked his best bud, but he disapproves of it. He disapproves of every guy she's ever liked really..<br />
Preferred point of view:<br />
First person, preferably, Jade's (; But i'm cool with anything really! :D<br />
Password:<br />
I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <333333333<br />
ahahahha so all of this happened in one day? Oh wow, really, SO MUCH DRAMA XDDD<br />
Minwoo was so cute since the beginning! well of course, he had grown up..<br />
but he still is cute! ahahha<br />
<br />
and Joon <3 I love the way he seek for a second chance<br />
but i absolutely against his reason for breaking up! WTH<br />
don't you trust me? :(((<br />
and wow, Minwoo and Joon fighting O_____o i think that might be a mess<br />
but i'm glad everything went well..<br />
<br />
and awwwww, i'm so touched when he said he could wait for my heart to feel the same!<br />
really, I loveeeee it!! :DDD<br />
Thank you sooooooo much!! good luck on other's oneshot..<br />
Username: angela3414<br />
Name: Jung Yuhi<br />
Partner name: Lee Byunghun aka L. Joe from Teentop<br />
Personality: An outgoing, innocent and kind type of girl.<br />
Titled as queenka and "miss two goody shoes" in her school.She comes from a strict prestigious family. Though her parents prohibit her from a lot of things,they still love her.The only thing her parents approve of is for her to have a fiance.And not just a fiance, but it has to be the son of the Lee's.Has a lot of friends but has the worst enemy ever, L. Joe.But she falls in love all of a sudden with HIM.<br />
Personality of partner: Kingka of the school.Cold and carefree.Has a devil in him.Hates all the attention he gets from his fangirls but loves being popular.Also comes from a prestigious loving family. His parents wants him to have a fiance.A girl that will change that cold aura in him and make him a whole better person.<br />
But how would that happen if his parents want him to be with the daughter of the Jung's?<br />
Pic of character:http://letsgo2ne1.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/park_han_byul_talks-about-top-taeyang-daesung-dara.jpg<br />
http://api.ning.com/files/cl3JuR-X9MOHX86e2yof4R7lKVd8H5zIrPJIg3ysrlObgRLoMpIv4*gOuBXShJM71AGm4gWBmWxVSV8D08TXEGfYo2FObmrU/ParkHanByul.1.jpg<br />
Title: please make a title for me :)<br />
Plot: They've been the worst rivals since middle school.<br />
They are completely opposites, maybe that's why they hate each other, they don't do and think alike. Until they developed feelings for each other.Yuhi doesn't want L. Joe to know that she has a fiance, and L. Joe also doesn't want her to know that he also has a fiance.But soon, they found out that the person they didn't want to get married with turns out to be the two of them.After knowing this, they fell more and more in love with each other.<br />
ending: happy ending!<br />
Extra:best friend : Krystal-f(x), siblings : Jung Jinyoung<br />
Preferred point of view: your choice<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping
-xminhye #10
Oww, heheh, thx for making 'my dream come true' :D<br />
Omomo, he's supa cutee XD<br />
Thanks so muchh!