You Took My Heart Away [Mia & Kim Jaejoong]

Sealed With Love [One-shot request shop~ not taking any more requests]

What do they mean by changing my image?! I didn’t see any point in this; I’ve embraced this single image for years but now they’re telling me to change my image and get a girlfriend. There was nothing I could do about this; they had control over me and had rights to change my image. The only reason why I’m so irritated about this is that I’ve got to drag an innocent girl into this. The poor girl will get slaughtered and ripped to shred by fans. And where do I find a girl who would be understanding and nice enough to agree? Jeesh, why?

The rant was a never ending one and I wasn’t planning to let it go anytime soon. This was something that I definitely would be holding against my manager and company. I didn’t care too much for myself; the thing that I was worried about the most was how the fans would react. I just hoped nothing would get out of hand too bad.            

I couldn’t use a celebrity; there would be too much hatred. She’ll get a lot of anti fans and so would I. But I couldn’t date a normal girl either. Her life would be completely wrecked to pieces. I don’t want to be responsible for screwing up her life. What do I do?

I racked my brain for any ideas but nothing came. Just emptiness and silence with the occasional angry phrase. I needed help. I really needed help from a fellow friend but who should I go to.  

Just as I was pondering about whom I should seek for help, the doorbell rang. Sighing deeply, I got up from my comfortable position and opened the door only to be met by a girl with brightly lit grey eyes and a warm smile. I stood there unable to form any words. She was truly beautiful, not that she wasn’t the first time I met her.

“Hello is what you’re supposed to say Jae,” she laughed letting herself in and sitting on the sofa. I blinked a couple of times before shutting the door and following her.

“You haven’t changed a bit,” she said glancing at me, “The first time I met you, you did the same thing. You just stared. It made me feel really uncomfortable,” she admitted shyly playing with her handbag. I grimaced at the memory; I’m not the sort of person who has a good first impression. Normally I just stare at them trying to think of something to say or I give them really curt answers without meaning to. To be honest, I think I’m just a really awkward person.

“Do you want a drink?” I managed to choke up. Even though we met more than once I still wasn’t 100% myself around her like she was with me. I had no idea why she was so comfortable around me though.

“The usual,” she smiled showing her dimples. I nodded and walked to make her coffee; two heaped spoonfuls of coffee granules, one and a half spoonfuls of sugar and a little milk. I had memorised the way she liked it; there was a time that I forgot about her one and a half spoonfuls of sugar rule and she flipped out on me. So yeah, I forced myself to get the amounts correct.

“Here,” I said handing the hot coffee to her and mumbling to be careful to her. She sipped at it and I eyed her trying to read her expression. She grinned and gave me the thumbs up.

“So what’s up with you Jae? There’s something borthering you.  Seunghyun’s been telling me about your crazy life but I want to hear all about it from you,” she asked. I sighed and leant back on the sofa and rested my feet on the very edge of the coffee table.

“So much has been going on. But the thing that has been eating away at me is that my company think I need to change my image. I disagree on them with this but they’re forcing me to do so. They have the rights as they ‘own’ me but I really don’t want to do what they want,” I said exasperatedly. She stared at me intently.

“If you don’t want to do it then you shouldn’t. I know you love what you do but it’s wrong for them to force you to do anything that you don’t want to do,” she told me. If only I wished it was that simple.

“Mia there’s nothing I can do about it now. I’ve agreed to do it,” I said to her knowing what her reaction would be.

“Idiot. Seriously you’re stupid. What did you agree to anyways?” she cocked her head to the side.

“They wanted me to get a girlfriend,” I muttered quietly hoping she wouldn’t catch it. Her eyes widened slightly when she heard me speak.

“What? Your fans would kill the girl,” she told me. I nodded my head in agreement.

“Seriously, you’re endangering other people. Jaejoong, why would you agree to this?...” she carried on ranting. Honestly, I stopped listening and began to stare at her again. This person was amazing. Normally people would have just let me be and not voiced out their opinion whereas Mia wasn’t afraid to say what she needed to say and she didn’t care what people thought, she just wanted to voice out her opinion. Suddenly, I had an idea. If only she would agree.

“Hey Mia?” she stopped in mid-sentence and ‘hmm’ed, “How long are you staying for?” I asked her. A perfectly shaped eyebrow rose up and she eyed me with a curious look. She so knew that I didn’t listen to a word that she had just said.

“About a month, maybe more depending how I’m feeling,” she replied slowly and cautiously. A smiled slowly grew on my face. I got off where I was sitting and moved next to her. I pulled her hands so she was closer to me.

“If I asked you to be my girlfriend what would you say,” I asked with hope laced in my voice. Quickly, she pushed me away and stood up pacing back and forth.

“Oh no. No no no no no no no,” she mumbled as she paced back and forth. I followed her.

“Please. You’ll be leaving soon and I’ll keep you safe. They never have to know your name,” I stood in front of her and begged. She frowned and pushed me away and continued her pacing. Again I stood in front of her and pleaded but this time I used my puppy dog eyes. Her frown faltered and she sighed. I knew her answer; she had agreed.

“No one has to know who I am?” she questioned making sure that I hadn’t changed my conditions. I nodded. She thought for a while before giving in. That was my mission accomplished.


“Waah I’m going to die if they find out,” Mia exclaimed as we sat at her apartment that she had rented out. Since I had announced that I had a girlfriend all the fan girls were going insane and threatening to kill my girlfriend. Of course I kept my promise and I haven’t mentioned her name at all. It was the very least I could do since I dragged her into this. I felt really bad of course. Every day, there was that worry. I was really worried that the fans would find out that Mia was my girlfriend by themselves. They had their ways. Don’t even ask me how they would find out information like this. It’s scary.

“I won’t let them find out,” I buried my head into her neck as she continued to read through the comments people had posted. Every time she read a comment that was bashing her she always ended up ranting about how she didn’t want this. And every time she did this, I always felt a pang of guilt.

“What do we do? We can’t go out and we’re supposed to do things that couples do...” she trailed off shutting the laptop and placing it on the floor. I shrugged and nuzzled her neck. She giggled softly at the feeling and moved away.

“It tickles,” she pouted cutely. I chuckled at her reaction and pulled her closer. Our relationship was not quite at the couple stage but it wasn’t at friendship either. It was kind of in between. We couldn’t really do things that couples were supposed to do as she would get attacked.

“Movie?” I suggested. She nodded and got up making my head fall off her shoulder. I pouted slightly; I was getting comfy.

“You’re adorable,” she giggled as she walked back. I pouted more. I didn’t really like to be called cute or adorable. It got tiring sometimes. I wasn’t a cuddly animal that you could carry around at all times. I was not cute.

I opened my mouth to say something as the title screen came up but shut it shortly. I was surprised Mia had chosen a horror movie; I wouldn’t have been someone who would have thought this stunning and feminine girl to have been a fan of horror movies.

“Horror movie?” I raised an eyebrow questioning her choice. She narrowed her eyes at me.

“No of course not, it’s a freaking romance movie,” she said with every word dripping with sarcasm. I chuckled and leant back enjoying the movie.


Mia besides me yelped with horror for the second time now. I take back my words about her being a fan of horror movies. I guess not. Her hands covered her eyes as the main character reached out to open the door that had been previously slammed shut. Her body shook violently as each second passed. Just as the lead opened the door, I pulled her into my chest. She squealed and hit me.

“Ouch,” I mumbled. She looked up to me and shot me a glare.

“Do you want to give me a freaking heart attack Jae?” she asked rhetorically. I couldn’t help that smile that was forming on my face. She was too cute for her own good.

“Thank god,” she mumbled uncovering her eyes when the movie had finished. I smirked at her.

“What?” she looked at me with a ‘why are you looking at me like that?’ look. I laughed at her and shook my head signalling to her not to worry about it.

“You’re an idiot for choosing a movie you couldn’t handle,” I told her. She put on her pissed off face and completely ignored me.

“I can’t believe you were so scared,” I carried on teasing her.

“Shut up. I didn’t think it would be so scary,” she muttered. I swear I could see the pink tint on her cheeks growing stronger.

“Aww you’re so cute,” I cooed and ruffled her blonde hair. She frowned at my actions and pushed my hands off her hair. I can’t believe she was leaving tomorrow. It would be so weird not having someone to tease or to have someone tease me. The feeling of loneliness would just come rushing back after she leaves.

“I don’t want to leave tomorrow,” she rested her head on my shoulder. The strong but not overly strong smell of her shampoo and perfume wafted up my nose. It was a mix of vanilla and strawberry. Without thinking about what I was doing, I pulled her closer so her head rested in the crook of my head. She fitted perfectly.

“Don’t leave,” I soon found myself saying. She blinked but brushed it off as nothing. I didn’t want her to leave. I didn’t have a valid reason why but I knew I didn’t want her to leave. I finally felt like myself with her. With Mia, I could tell her all my worries without having to worry about her judging me too much, I also felt so much calmer with her even though we argued often. With her, I felt like I was Kim Jaejoong not ‘Hero’ Jaejoong as everyone knew me as.

“These weeks have been so memorable and our relationship doesn’t have to change. We’re still a couple even overseas,” she tried convincing herself but I knew it didn’t work very well as her voice shook slightly. I carefully lifted her head so she was looking at me. Tears welled in her eyes. She tried turning around to conceal her tears.

“Don’t,” I told her sternly and wiped the stray tears that had fallen from her eyes with my thumb.

“Jae, to be honest with you, the only reason why I agreed to being your girlfriend was so that I could spend more time with you because I had a crush on you but now I can’t leave because my feelings have become twice as strong,” she confessed. My mouth dropped open a little. Was that the same for me too? I knew I was attracted to her but now thinking about it the only reason why I didn’t want her to go was because I had fallen for her too.

“Mia, I’ve fallen for you. Too hard that I can’t even let you go. Stay,” I stared in her glossy grey eyes. She considered my words for a moment before shaking her head. I frowned at her and pulled her gently towards me before kissing her. Her lips moved against mine softly. My hand somehow found hers. I pulled her closer to me wanting more. I could feel the hunger and passion from her too.

We finally pulled away for air.

“I don’t think I’ll be leaving anytime soon,” she mumbled into my chest. I her blonde locks and smiled.

“Good,” was my answer.


Finished another one. Like I said, slowly getting them done. Hopefully I can get two done tomorrow if I don’t slack off... -.-“ Well anyways I hoped you enjoyed your oneshot ^-^

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waaaaaaah, I love this! ^^ it's definitely worth the wait, thank you SO much for writing this! <3 Lovelovelove this so muuch ! I'm gonna keep reading it over & over again ! :D Kamsamnida~
-xminhye #2

Username: Jiinkizxc<br />
<br />
Name: Lee HaeYee<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Onew<br />
<br />
Personality: <br />
She's quiet and has very little feeling towards others <br />
because of the lack of love from her parents since <br />
they divorced when she was 8. Experiencing all that,<br />
she was very independent and trust only herself.<br />
She is a loner person and has very low self confidence.<br />
Gives in to peer pressure.<br />
<br />
Personality of partner:<br />
Funny and knows how to make others smile. Put others<br />
Before himself. Always ends the day with a smile.<br />
Can be emotional at times. <br />
<br />
Brief description of character [2-3]: <br /><br />
[Park HanByul]<br />
<br />
Title [optional]: Let Go<br />
<br />
Plot: Can it be the storyline of Onew and Jonghyun's Please Don't Go ?<br />
Here's the link to the eng sub : <br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: Bittersweet<br />
<br />
Extra [e.g siblings, ex-lover, rival, best friend etc]: Extra ( If needed only ) Taemin<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: Up to you^^<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
<br />
Thanks so much & Hwaiting (:
-xminhye #3
Heyy^^ I've requested before, but can I request again?
Username: Sensei<br />
<br />
Name: Duyen Nam (LMAO, if you translate both terms, it means Baby Tree)<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Nam Woohyun from Infinite, also mentally owned by Sensei.<br />
<br />
Personality: I'm lazy, whines a lot and I'm always cranky. I get annoyed easily and tend to take out my anger at inanimate objects. Also, I'm a sadist. I enjoy other people's misery. XD<br />
<br />
Personality of partner: Nam-greasy. LOL Hm, I like Woohyun's real personality, so I don't want to change it. <br />
<br />
Pic or description of character [2-3]: Short, grumpy looking. Shoulder length black hair, often pulled up in a lop-sided bun. Has deep eye bags under her eyes all the time, even when she's invigorated. Yeah, that's me. LOL<br />
<br />
Title [optional]: 1/4 Night and Shining Armor, 3/4 of Sheer Jealousy<br />
<br />
Plot: Lately Duyen has been coming home late after work, so Woohyun concludes that she's cheating on him...again.<br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: happy<br />
<br />
Extra [e.g siblings, ex-lover, rival, best friend etc]: The rest of infinite<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: Woohyun's POV<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
<br />
Anything else?: Yes I added a question for me to fill in XD I'll provide the graphic whenever you complete the request. So, thanks in advance! ^o^
Username: chicken_oppa<br />
<br />
Name: Park Rinrin<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Onew from SHINee<br />
<br />
Personality: Park Rinrin, she's bubbly, very naughty, annoying, a total classroom policies breaker, mischievous.<br />
<br />
Personality of partner: Onew, he's bright, a discipline officer type, responsible, industrious, a typical class president, doesn't tolerate any bad manners.<br />
<br />
Pic or description of character [2-3]: She looks innocent outside with her long curly hair and very fair complexion. Many might say she's cute and cuddly while Onew has a charming smile that everyone loves, fair complexion, undeniably handsome and attractive.<br />
<br />
Title [optional]:<br />
<br />
Plot: <br />
<br />
In Daejin High School, Onew is a clever, respectable class president of 2-A who doesn't tolerate any bad manners and most of all cheating of his fellow classmates. His life is near perfect yet a new girl was transferred in his section and her name is Park Rinrin, she's everything that Onew hates about. She's very naughty, a total classroom policies breaker (exam cheater, doesn't clean, etc.) and she loves to annoy/irritate Onew from the first period of the class till it ends in the afternoon. Unknown to all, Rinrin is just doing this law breaking just because she has a big crush to him and wanted to get his attention. Onew, on the other hand, is always scolding her and what if one day, Rinrin accidentally confesses, would Onew return the feeling too? Or would he scold her for making such a mean practical joke of admitting her feelings thinking that Rinrin is just teasing him?<br />
<br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: --Happy dramatic ending--<br />
<br />
Extra: Rivals: SNSD Jessica Jung, SNSD Im Yoona<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: 3rd person but you can also use P.O.V of Rinrin or of Onew.<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
can I request a shinee one-shot?
Username:<br />
bitterswee-t<br />
<br />
Name:<br />
Jade Kwon, Gyuri. Called by Jade.<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name:<br />
Taeyang/ Dong Youngbae.<br />
Personality:<br />
Nice, easygoing & loves to friends. But, if she's in a bad mood she'll stare daggers at you.<br />
Personality of partner:<br />
Very shy when you first meet him, especially around strangers he doesn't know or girls. But once he warms up to you, he's very mischievous. Thinks before he acts or says anything. Prefers to talk things out rather than to fight.<br />
Pic or description of character:<br /><br /><br /><br />
Title [optional]:<br />
you could make one up! (:<br />
Plot:<br />
- Gyuri has always liked her older brother's best friend, Dong Youngbae ever since young. But, he's never seen her as anything more than a little sister. She's always there for him whenever he has problems with his ex/current girlfriends, she's seen him on dates with several girls from school(some of them aren't really nice either..). Despite this, she puts on a fake smile & cheers him on. But what happens when one night, her older brother drags her along to HIS prom(she was rather reluctant to go as well, she's quite a geek, hehe.) There are drunkards everywhere & she almost gets pulled away by one of them, well you know what happens next! (;<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending:<br />
Happy please! :D<br />
Extra:<br />
- Kwon Jiyong/ G-Dragon, Jade's older brother. He knows she liked his best bud, but he disapproves of it. He disapproves of every guy she's ever liked really..<br />
Preferred point of view:<br />
First person, preferably, Jade's (; But i'm cool with anything really! :D<br />
Password:<br />
I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <333333333<br />
ahahahha so all of this happened in one day? Oh wow, really, SO MUCH DRAMA XDDD<br />
Minwoo was so cute since the beginning! well of course, he had grown up..<br />
but he still is cute! ahahha<br />
<br />
and Joon <3 I love the way he seek for a second chance<br />
but i absolutely against his reason for breaking up! WTH<br />
don't you trust me? :(((<br />
and wow, Minwoo and Joon fighting O_____o i think that might be a mess<br />
but i'm glad everything went well..<br />
<br />
and awwwww, i'm so touched when he said he could wait for my heart to feel the same!<br />
really, I loveeeee it!! :DDD<br />
Thank you sooooooo much!! good luck on other's oneshot..<br />
Username: angela3414<br />
Name: Jung Yuhi<br />
Partner name: Lee Byunghun aka L. Joe from Teentop<br />
Personality: An outgoing, innocent and kind type of girl.<br />
Titled as queenka and "miss two goody shoes" in her school.She comes from a strict prestigious family. Though her parents prohibit her from a lot of things,they still love her.The only thing her parents approve of is for her to have a fiance.And not just a fiance, but it has to be the son of the Lee's.Has a lot of friends but has the worst enemy ever, L. Joe.But she falls in love all of a sudden with HIM.<br />
Personality of partner: Kingka of the school.Cold and carefree.Has a devil in him.Hates all the attention he gets from his fangirls but loves being popular.Also comes from a prestigious loving family. His parents wants him to have a fiance.A girl that will change that cold aura in him and make him a whole better person.<br />
But how would that happen if his parents want him to be with the daughter of the Jung's?<br />
Pic of character:<br />*gOuBXShJM71AGm4gWBmWxVSV8D08TXEGfYo2FObmrU/ParkHanByul.1.jpg<br />
Title: please make a title for me :)<br />
Plot: They've been the worst rivals since middle school.<br />
They are completely opposites, maybe that's why they hate each other, they don't do and think alike. Until they developed feelings for each other.Yuhi doesn't want L. Joe to know that she has a fiance, and L. Joe also doesn't want her to know that he also has a fiance.But soon, they found out that the person they didn't want to get married with turns out to be the two of them.After knowing this, they fell more and more in love with each other.<br />
ending: happy ending!<br />
Extra:best friend : Krystal-f(x), siblings : Jung Jinyoung<br />
Preferred point of view: your choice<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping
-xminhye #10
Oww, heheh, thx for making 'my dream come true' :D<br />
Omomo, he's supa cutee XD<br />
Thanks so muchh!