Listen to me once... [Kwon Min Ji & Yong Jun Hyung]

Sealed With Love [One-shot request shop~ not taking any more requests]

Min Ji’s point of view

Beast’s Yong Jun Hyung & 4Minute’s HyunA dating?

… What?! I re-read the title again on the website before clicking on it to see what it was about.

On the 17th June, Jun Hyung and HyunA was spotted having lunch at a small café. They seemed to be quite cozy and the weather was definitely no excuse for it. According to some fans, later they were also spotted going into a jewellery shop with arms linked. It has been said that they are very close and Jun Hyung featured in HyunA’s single ‘Change’ along with a few of 4Minute’s songs. Could they really be dating?

No statement has yet been released relating to this rumour. So what are your thoughts about this? Do you think they make a cute couple?

Torturing myself, I scrolled down to see the comments. Bad thing to do as most of them said things like; ‘aww they make such a cute couple’ or ‘even though he’s my bias I don’t mind them dating’.

“Yong Jun Hyung, you’re dead,” I muttered under my breath clicking on the little cross at the top of the webpage. I began to reach for my phone but coiled my hand back when I realised what I was doing. If he wasn’t going to say anything about this soon then I wasn’t.

Plus this could be something fun to play with. I’m not going to do any harm, just toy around for a bit. After all, if he can go around and play around with my feelings so can I right? Yong Jun Hyung, don’t think you’re getting off easy. My appearance can be deceiving.

Jun Hyung’s point of view

“Aish,” I mumbled when I saw the article.

“Hyung what are you going to do? Min Ji noona’s going to be mad at you,” Dongwoon said to me. I glared at him. Any idiot would know that. She was going to kill me.

“I don’t know. It was meaningless, she was just helping me,” I said to no one in particular.

“Yeah but Min Ji doesn’t know that. She’s going to assume the worst you know,” Dongwoon pointed out. I shot another glare at him. Sheesh that boy needs to learn how to shut up.

“HYUNG!” Yoseob yelled running into my room. I was really going to get it now. Yoseob was Min Ji’s best friend and if I did anything to hurt her (not that I would do it purposely) he would slaughter me.

“What did you do?!” he jumped onto my bed and began to hit me with my pillow. Great now I was being attacked by my own items. I kicked him off me making him fall off the bed with a groan.

“Owww, help me up please,” he moaned painfully. I smirked and decided that I should help him up just because I was a good friend. Sadly, I got played by my own friend as when I stuck my hand out for him he pulled me down onto the floor. But I ended up in a really, emphasis on really, awkward position. My legs were on both sides of his waist and Yoseob was now breathing really heavily due to the laughing.

“Omo, you could at least take this somewhere else so you don’t corrupt the maknae,” Doojoon exclaimed as he came into the room hearing all the noise. He ran over to Dongwoon and shielded his eyes from the sight. I rolled my eyes at his comment and got off my fellow group member.

“Seriously Jun Hyung-ah you’re such a player. First you cheat on Min Ji with HyunA and now you cheat on both of them with Yoseob. Who next Kikwang?” he laughed.

“That won’t be right though. Kikwang’s her cousin. That’s just weird,” Hyunseung exclaimed as he walked into the room.

“YONG JUN HYUNG!” a very familiar voice called out through the dorm. I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply preparing myself for the worse from my dearest dongsaeng.

“What the hell is this?!” he yelled taking out his phone with the article on the screen. He didn’t even give me time to explain myself; instead he carried on shouting at me. The rest of the members slowly left leaving me with a fuming Kikwang. What amazing friends they are…

“Seriously, you know better not to cheat on my cousin. She hasn’t done anything but given all her love and now you trample on her heart. Did you even think about her while you and HyunA were having lunch? I bet you didn’t. You’re so stupid. Min Ji is the nicest girl that you could have. She’s been with you through all your hardships and she’s encouraged you on those days when you feel like quitting. Do you know how much she sacrifices for you?! Huh? What do you have to say for yourself?” he lectured me. I shrunk in my seat a little due to his loud voice but I still managed to keep myself somewhat calm.

“She was only helping with something. I asked her to help me to plan something for Min Ji,” I told him with a smirk knowing that would calm him down instantly. I honestly wasn’t lying about that. It was the truth.

“Oh really?” his eyebrow quirked up and he had a certain glint to his eyes. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was, but I knew it wasn’t 100% good, “I might be able to help you but I need to know what it is first.”

I chuckled. I rolled my eyes at his slyness and whispered my plans for Min Ji quietly. His face lit up with glee and began to list other ideas.

Min Ji’s point of view

I stood outside Beast’s dorm smoothing out my outfit for the 100th time before pressing the buzzer. My legs were starting to feel the breeze of the air.

“Hurry up and open the door,” I muttered shivering. Jeesh I really didn’t think it was that cold today. Maybe I should have read the weather forecast today before getting dressed. But it wouldn’t be as fun like that would it.

“Min Ji, come in. I guess you’re heard,” Dongwoon said biting his lip in a nervous manner. I feigned innocence and shook my head.

“Really?! Then maybe you should talk to Jun Hyung before you see anything about it,” he ushered me into Jun Hyung’s room.

“Hey Jun,” I greeted him trying not to show my anger or jealousy. He turned around shocked at the tone of my voice.

“Hi jagi,” he greeted back scanning me up and down. I smirked inside but remained with my innocent face.

“Dongwoon was talking about something strange. He asked me if I’ve heard anything involving you. What’s that about?” I asked him sitting on the edge of his bed making my skirt rise a little.

“Ahh that. Well HyunA and I went out for lunch a couple of days ago and people seem to think we’re dating but we’re not. I promise. I would never cheat on you,” he told me with an anxious face. He stared at me for seconds anticipating my answer.

“Is that so? I know you wouldn’t. I don’t mind too much,” I told him coating my words with honey.

“That’s a relief. I was worried you’ll get the wrong idea,” he sighed in relief and leaned over to capture my lips on a kiss. Just as we were moments apart, my phone rang.

“Okay. I’ll be there in ten minutes,” I told the person on the other line.

“Mianhe Jun Hyung-ah I’ve got to go. I’m meeting up with someone,” I told him and stood up to leave.

“Who?! Is it a guy?” he demanded an answer. I scoffed at his attitude and walked towards the door before I was slammed into the wall. His hands rested either side of my head and his face extremely close to mine. His breathing was sort of shallow and… y.

“If you have to know, it is. I allow you to have lunch with a girl so why can’t I meet up with friends who are the opposite ,” I told him. His eyes darkened and now it was his time to scoff.

“Not like that you’re not. Don’t go Min Ji,” he said. I shook my head at his protective behaviour and pushed him aside.

“Goddammit Min Ji. Do you ever listen to what I say? I told you not to,” he yelled following behind.

“Do you ever think of my feelings?” I asked the rhetorical question, “Jeesh Jun Hyung, what girlfriend would just say it’s okay for their boyfriend to hang out with other girls? Even if they say it’s okay it’s not. It hurts. You didn’t even ring me up to explain yourself. The first thing a good boyfriend would do is to ring up their girlfriend and explain everything. Even then the girlfriend might not forgive their boyfriend but it would make it all a little better,” I exploded. He stood there dumbfounded and unsure of what to say. Instead he walked over to me and embraced me. I resisted at first but then slowly wrapped my arms around him unable to resist his charms.

“Mianhe Min Ji. I know I’m a terrible boyfriend. Honestly, HyunA and I met up to plan something for you. It was going to be a surprise but since I’ve already told you it’s not really special now. It’s not for today but another time. I would never leave you for HyunA,” he reassured me. My heart felt so much more relieved and it stopped hurting.

“I understand oppa. Sorry for over-reacting,” I apologised pulling away from his arms.

“It’s okay. I need you to answer something though. You pretended not to know so you could make me jealous by meeting that friend of yours wearing that right? You put on that innocent act,” I blushed a little. Maybe I wasn’t as good as an actress like I thought. My scheme had been found out…

“Such a bad girl,” he smirked and walked towards me making me walk backwards until my back hit a wall. I mentally cursed in my head as his body trapped mine. Being stupid, I looked up to meet his eyes; so alluring. I quickly shut my eyes unable to look at him. I heard him laugh before he crashed his lips down onto mine. His hands slowly moved down my body. When his hands reached my thigh, he propped it up so it was wrapped around his waist. His lips suddenly moved from mine. I pouted and made a noise of disappointment which made my face turn bright red knowing he would have heard it. He smirked and placed his lips on my jaw leaving tiny kisses until he reached my neck. When I thought he was going to stop he didn’t. He began to make his marks all the way down my neck.

“Y-Yah,” I said catching his attention. He stopped for a moment before carrying on.

“Yong Jun Hyung,” I tried to say sternly but it came out like a moan instead; I felt his lips curve into a smile.

“Stop leaving marks there,” I whined with a pout. He stopped at looked at me intently before pecking me quickly.

“You look cute when you pout. I can’t stop because you’re been a bad girl. It’s your punishment,” he winked at me leaving my mouth hanging open.

“Close your mouth unless you want me to devour you,” he laughed cutely. I squealed in embarrassment as he leaned in for another kiss.


I tried to make it fit with the title you gave me. It doesn’t really fit but I tried… I hope you liked it ^^ I don’t even think the storyline was consistent or made much sense but… >.<

Sorry to Hitomi246123 for taking so long. For some reason, I’m struggling to write yours. I’m about ½ through writing it so please bear with me. I should get the other two requests done by this week or next…

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waaaaaaah, I love this! ^^ it's definitely worth the wait, thank you SO much for writing this! <3 Lovelovelove this so muuch ! I'm gonna keep reading it over & over again ! :D Kamsamnida~
-xminhye #2

Username: Jiinkizxc<br />
<br />
Name: Lee HaeYee<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Onew<br />
<br />
Personality: <br />
She's quiet and has very little feeling towards others <br />
because of the lack of love from her parents since <br />
they divorced when she was 8. Experiencing all that,<br />
she was very independent and trust only herself.<br />
She is a loner person and has very low self confidence.<br />
Gives in to peer pressure.<br />
<br />
Personality of partner:<br />
Funny and knows how to make others smile. Put others<br />
Before himself. Always ends the day with a smile.<br />
Can be emotional at times. <br />
<br />
Brief description of character [2-3]: <br /><br />
[Park HanByul]<br />
<br />
Title [optional]: Let Go<br />
<br />
Plot: Can it be the storyline of Onew and Jonghyun's Please Don't Go ?<br />
Here's the link to the eng sub : <br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: Bittersweet<br />
<br />
Extra [e.g siblings, ex-lover, rival, best friend etc]: Extra ( If needed only ) Taemin<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: Up to you^^<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
<br />
Thanks so much & Hwaiting (:
-xminhye #3
Heyy^^ I've requested before, but can I request again?
Username: Sensei<br />
<br />
Name: Duyen Nam (LMAO, if you translate both terms, it means Baby Tree)<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Nam Woohyun from Infinite, also mentally owned by Sensei.<br />
<br />
Personality: I'm lazy, whines a lot and I'm always cranky. I get annoyed easily and tend to take out my anger at inanimate objects. Also, I'm a sadist. I enjoy other people's misery. XD<br />
<br />
Personality of partner: Nam-greasy. LOL Hm, I like Woohyun's real personality, so I don't want to change it. <br />
<br />
Pic or description of character [2-3]: Short, grumpy looking. Shoulder length black hair, often pulled up in a lop-sided bun. Has deep eye bags under her eyes all the time, even when she's invigorated. Yeah, that's me. LOL<br />
<br />
Title [optional]: 1/4 Night and Shining Armor, 3/4 of Sheer Jealousy<br />
<br />
Plot: Lately Duyen has been coming home late after work, so Woohyun concludes that she's cheating on him...again.<br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: happy<br />
<br />
Extra [e.g siblings, ex-lover, rival, best friend etc]: The rest of infinite<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: Woohyun's POV<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
<br />
Anything else?: Yes I added a question for me to fill in XD I'll provide the graphic whenever you complete the request. So, thanks in advance! ^o^
Username: chicken_oppa<br />
<br />
Name: Park Rinrin<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name: Onew from SHINee<br />
<br />
Personality: Park Rinrin, she's bubbly, very naughty, annoying, a total classroom policies breaker, mischievous.<br />
<br />
Personality of partner: Onew, he's bright, a discipline officer type, responsible, industrious, a typical class president, doesn't tolerate any bad manners.<br />
<br />
Pic or description of character [2-3]: She looks innocent outside with her long curly hair and very fair complexion. Many might say she's cute and cuddly while Onew has a charming smile that everyone loves, fair complexion, undeniably handsome and attractive.<br />
<br />
Title [optional]:<br />
<br />
Plot: <br />
<br />
In Daejin High School, Onew is a clever, respectable class president of 2-A who doesn't tolerate any bad manners and most of all cheating of his fellow classmates. His life is near perfect yet a new girl was transferred in his section and her name is Park Rinrin, she's everything that Onew hates about. She's very naughty, a total classroom policies breaker (exam cheater, doesn't clean, etc.) and she loves to annoy/irritate Onew from the first period of the class till it ends in the afternoon. Unknown to all, Rinrin is just doing this law breaking just because she has a big crush to him and wanted to get his attention. Onew, on the other hand, is always scolding her and what if one day, Rinrin accidentally confesses, would Onew return the feeling too? Or would he scold her for making such a mean practical joke of admitting her feelings thinking that Rinrin is just teasing him?<br />
<br />
<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending: --Happy dramatic ending--<br />
<br />
Extra: Rivals: SNSD Jessica Jung, SNSD Im Yoona<br />
<br />
Preferred point of view: 3rd person but you can also use P.O.V of Rinrin or of Onew.<br />
<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
can I request a shinee one-shot?
Username:<br />
bitterswee-t<br />
<br />
Name:<br />
Jade Kwon, Gyuri. Called by Jade.<br />
<br />
Partner/Lover’s name:<br />
Taeyang/ Dong Youngbae.<br />
Personality:<br />
Nice, easygoing & loves to friends. But, if she's in a bad mood she'll stare daggers at you.<br />
Personality of partner:<br />
Very shy when you first meet him, especially around strangers he doesn't know or girls. But once he warms up to you, he's very mischievous. Thinks before he acts or says anything. Prefers to talk things out rather than to fight.<br />
Pic or description of character:<br /><br /><br /><br />
Title [optional]:<br />
you could make one up! (:<br />
Plot:<br />
- Gyuri has always liked her older brother's best friend, Dong Youngbae ever since young. But, he's never seen her as anything more than a little sister. She's always there for him whenever he has problems with his ex/current girlfriends, she's seen him on dates with several girls from school(some of them aren't really nice either..). Despite this, she puts on a fake smile & cheers him on. But what happens when one night, her older brother drags her along to HIS prom(she was rather reluctant to go as well, she's quite a geek, hehe.) There are drunkards everywhere & she almost gets pulled away by one of them, well you know what happens next! (;<br />
Sad/bittersweet/happy/cliffhanger ending:<br />
Happy please! :D<br />
Extra:<br />
- Kwon Jiyong/ G-Dragon, Jade's older brother. He knows she liked his best bud, but he disapproves of it. He disapproves of every guy she's ever liked really..<br />
Preferred point of view:<br />
First person, preferably, Jade's (; But i'm cool with anything really! :D<br />
Password:<br />
I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping<br />
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <333333333<br />
ahahahha so all of this happened in one day? Oh wow, really, SO MUCH DRAMA XDDD<br />
Minwoo was so cute since the beginning! well of course, he had grown up..<br />
but he still is cute! ahahha<br />
<br />
and Joon <3 I love the way he seek for a second chance<br />
but i absolutely against his reason for breaking up! WTH<br />
don't you trust me? :(((<br />
and wow, Minwoo and Joon fighting O_____o i think that might be a mess<br />
but i'm glad everything went well..<br />
<br />
and awwwww, i'm so touched when he said he could wait for my heart to feel the same!<br />
really, I loveeeee it!! :DDD<br />
Thank you sooooooo much!! good luck on other's oneshot..<br />
Username: angela3414<br />
Name: Jung Yuhi<br />
Partner name: Lee Byunghun aka L. Joe from Teentop<br />
Personality: An outgoing, innocent and kind type of girl.<br />
Titled as queenka and "miss two goody shoes" in her school.She comes from a strict prestigious family. Though her parents prohibit her from a lot of things,they still love her.The only thing her parents approve of is for her to have a fiance.And not just a fiance, but it has to be the son of the Lee's.Has a lot of friends but has the worst enemy ever, L. Joe.But she falls in love all of a sudden with HIM.<br />
Personality of partner: Kingka of the school.Cold and carefree.Has a devil in him.Hates all the attention he gets from his fangirls but loves being popular.Also comes from a prestigious loving family. His parents wants him to have a fiance.A girl that will change that cold aura in him and make him a whole better person.<br />
But how would that happen if his parents want him to be with the daughter of the Jung's?<br />
Pic of character:<br />*gOuBXShJM71AGm4gWBmWxVSV8D08TXEGfYo2FObmrU/ParkHanByul.1.jpg<br />
Title: please make a title for me :)<br />
Plot: They've been the worst rivals since middle school.<br />
They are completely opposites, maybe that's why they hate each other, they don't do and think alike. Until they developed feelings for each other.Yuhi doesn't want L. Joe to know that she has a fiance, and L. Joe also doesn't want her to know that he also has a fiance.But soon, they found out that the person they didn't want to get married with turns out to be the two of them.After knowing this, they fell more and more in love with each other.<br />
ending: happy ending!<br />
Extra:best friend : Krystal-f(x), siblings : Jung Jinyoung<br />
Preferred point of view: your choice<br />
Password: I wasn’t able to do anything for you, But you just keep on giving without stopping
-xminhye #10
Oww, heheh, thx for making 'my dream come true' :D<br />
Omomo, he's supa cutee XD<br />
Thanks so muchh!