The Trip To

My Secret Identity

The next day at school it was pretty normal, though many people were talking about the spectacular party for Sunny last night. Gyuri just wanted to read her book though, so quietly she read as many of her classmates played football, basketball, or even gossiped about the latest trends or celebrities.

Suddenly, a guy had hit her, making her loose the page of her book, “What was that-” She yelled, but stopped mid way as she saw Shindong being pulled by his collar, by a skinnier man, but stronger than him.

The guy had dropped Shindong on his, but and went up to Gyuri, “Why a pretty girl like you is yelling at me?” He asked getting a strand of her hair.

Gyuri pushed him off, and got her book, but before she could read the guy had grabbed it away from her.

“My name is Donghae, you?” He asked her.

She just looked away, but he grabbed her chin to make her look at him. She his lips and headed to her lips. Though when he was so close, a random hand, had punched Donghae in the cheek. It turned out to be Eunhyuk.

“Don’t play with girls. It’s not nice.” Eunhyuk declared as he stood on top of Donghae, who was holding his cheek.

Gyuri pulled Eunhyuk shirt, “Don’t do that!” She yelled in his ear.

He smirked and nodded his head. Suddenly he was pushed away and Sunny and Hyo were in front of Gyuri.

“We didn’t see you last night!” Sunny whined.

Gyuri lowered her head, “Sorry I was busy.” She smirled again, “Next time, okay.”

Sunny nodded her head cheerfully, but Hyo was sulking, “What’s wrong with Hyo?” Gyuri asked Sunny.

“Hyuk-Oppa was with another girl last night.” She declared, Gyuri was embarrasses because she knew that girl was her.

“Everyone please sit down!” The teacher ordered as, he came into the class.

Like usually, it was a boring class for Gyuri. Though she took notes and listened carefully, so that she couldn’t loose her scholarship. Also, she had to keep up her nerd image.

But at lunch instead of eating with only Shindong, Hyo and Sunny had joined. Even Eunhyuk went for the first part, but was pulled away from a muscular guy that kinda looked like Shindong.

Before she knew it, school was over and Jiyoung and Gyuri headed to the café. Though Jiyoung was not going to work she was going to just watch or maybe help out in the kitchen. But no way would she work as a made according to Gyuri.

As Seungyeon, Nicole and Gyuri waited for their customers, as Hara helped back in the kitchen with Jiyoung and the other chefs.

“Welcome home, master.” The three girls greeted as two guys came in.

“Hello.” The said back and it turned out to be Jinwoon and Seulong.

Nicole and Gyuri got them and sat them at the same table and order there stuff, all the same things. Many other customers came in, no new ones, how boring right? WRONG! A group of eleven boys came in, and as Gyuri greeted them, she noticed it was Super Junior.

Don’t you remember them? The people, who hang out with Eunhyuk, yep that is them. All of them, except Eunhyuk.

As Seungyeon explained all that, you have to pick a maid and stuff, Gyuri waited tables. She kept taking quick glances at them because she was scared that her secret was blown.

Suddenly, she noticed that all of the boys had pointed to her. She was shocked, but quickly turned away, trying that she didn’t see that.

“Hime-Sshi!” Seungyeon called.

Gyuri stilled tried to ignore it, “Hime-Sshi!” She yelled even louder.

“Hime-” She yelled, but stoped since Gyuri started walking her way.

“Yes?” She asked in a fake smile.

“Please wait theses boys. There will be your new masters.” She happily said as she put some tables together.

Gyuri gave the eleven boys, some menus and headed back to Seungyeon.

“You always get the cute guys!” she cooed.

Suddenly, walking through the door was Eunhyuk. Gyuri rolled her eyes, “Welcome back, master!” She declared with a fake smile.

She handed him a menu and headed to an open table. Ironically without her knowing she had put Eunhyuk beside his friends. When he finally noticed he joined that table.

“You have to clean up after that group.” Hara laughed, noticing that the boys had ordered many things.

But soon they left, well except Eunhyuk of course. It became a daily routine he would drop her at home. Well, Gyuri didn’t care since Mister, hadn’t been coming lately.

Soon it turned to be the next day, same old, same old. Boring classes, taking notes, strict teachers, and a fun lunch. Everything was just normal for Gyuri’s standard, but she did see Jiyoung for the first time. Hanging around people, who looked the same age as her.

Gyuri smiled, she loved how her sister was having fun at school. Well, she was too, but having so many friends around her, she kinda of got jealous.

But the normal day went upside down in her last class.

“Hello, everyone!” The teacher greeted as she came into class.

“Hello!” The class yelled back.

Just have to say that Gyuri loved her last class. She had so many friends in it, but Yuri was in it. Though she hated the subject she still loved the class, the teacher was nice too.

“So, we are going to a special place for the next month!” The teacher yelled.

Everyone looked confused. They thought that at this age and grade there was no more field trips.

The teacher started handing out blue permission sheets, “Please make your parent or for others your guardian so, that you can go the trip!” She declared.

“We will be going to Japan!” The teacher yelled.

Everyone was screaming for joy, but not Gyuri. She knew that it was impossible for her, well she did have many jobs, but money for a plane tickets! How about-

“Though only the grade elevens will be going.” Well that answered one of Gyuri’s question, but still how will she pay?

“Hey Hime?”  Eunhyuk declared.

“What?” She asked, still on the topic to earn money for Japan.

He smirked, “How will you get to Japan?”

She glared at him, and looked away.

“How if I pay for half?” He declared.

Gyuri was shocked by this, but she wouldn’t go to that measure!

“you don’t need to pay me back.” He declared and got closer to her. “I need my servant everywhere I go.” He told her.

She blushed, and looked away, “O-okay.” She stuttered.

“Then it’s settle you’re going to Japan!”

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Re-reading my own story... did I ever say who was "Mister"?


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kissingyoulove #1
gyuri and yuri!!
AriesMars #2
Hyukri fighting!!! kekeke I hope you can make another fic with this couple, this was really cute, coz I really love them together, Hyukri is love <3<3<3
@sakura4li<br />
Yeah I tried to make it like that, because when I created this, I was really addicted to it
sakura4li #4
Hmmmm, this sounds like kaichou wa maid sama........o.O<br />
sorry if that's been said, but i only notice this story now
I changed the last chapter, but not the one that say, "Final" just making sure! Sorry, I didn't want to make a sequel so I changed the ending, hope it's okay~
Waa~~<br />
It already ended T^T<br />
But, thank god that you had already a sequel^^<br />
<br />
<br />
HyukRi FTW!
romeoSISI #7
!!happy belated birthday<br />
<br />
i love this fic! wish you continue!!!<br />
<br />
and please more HyukRi interaction... they're so hot-cute!
OMG~!! aaa..<br />
HyukRi KISSsssssss~!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
hahaha sorry2...kekeke super like this chapter XD<br />
i hope next chapter also hs smething like this kkekeke<br />
great update~!!<br />
<br />
and Happy Belated Birthday too~!!! :D
honeykeyla #9
kyaaaaaa XD<br />
my hyukri imagination goes wild~~~<br />
cant wait for the next chapter!<br />
go! go! go!<br />
<br />
oh, btw...<br />
Happy Birthday!!! ^___^<br />
<br />
<br />
Other note: I LOVE this chapter!