Am I Sick or In Love?

My Secret Identity

The four girls were shocked of what Hyo said, but Eunhyuk was just smirking. The four girls tried to say something, but were scared to say something else, that might reveal Gyuri's secret.

"Let's forget about that and I will head you guys to a table." Nicole declared, pushing the group of five to a table near the window.

Hara gave them some menu's and left them. The menu was written in Japanese so, it was hard for some of themto understand it, but a customer helped them out. Finally, when Hara came back, they all decided to get chicken teriyaki with fried rice and they all got mango bubble tea.

"Just wait a few minutes." Hara told them, as she left to another table.

Once, she left the group came into a big discussion about the dessert. Where they going to share? Did each person will have their own? All the questions ran through the table.

"How about two people share a dessert and one person gets there own?" Shindong suggested.

"But it would-"

"Well, we are wasting less money." Eunhyuk interrupted Gyuri.

"Fine." Gyuri agreed and so did the other girls.

So, they got five extra chopsticks and they put a #1 on two choptsticks and another two had #2 on it. The last one was just plain, but right before putting it, Sunny drew a heart with a crayon that was set on the table for kids. The results were that, Shindong got his own dessert, Sunny and Hyo shared, and lastly, Gyuri and Eunhyuk would share a dessert.

Finally, the food came. It was hot and you could smell it a pile away. Quickly they put foood on their plate and ate it slowly, trying to savour the taste, the best they could. After several minutes of eating, it was time for desserts.

Sunny and Hyo ordered mango pudding with some whip cream on top. Shindong ordered a huge banna split that was almost double his head size. Lastly Gyuri and Eunhyuk ordered some chocolate covered strawberries and blue cotten candy.

"Say Ahh~" Eunhyuk told Gyuri, with a chocolate covered strawberry ins his hand.

Gyuri just sat there, pretending like she didn't hear him, "Ahh~" Eunhyuk insisted.

Gyuri opened and slowly, Eunhyuk put the strawberry in . She chewed it and saw that Hyo was glaring at her. She had forgotten that she had a crush on him, but why did she like him!? He was just a erted monkey, who could dance.

Suddenly, Eunhyuk started petting her, making her hair all messy, "Can you st-"

"Say Ahh~" Eunhyuk interrupted her.

He looked into her  eyes, and so did Gyuri. Eunhyuk's eyes glissened as the light hit it, which made it har for Gyuri to look away.

Gyuri's face turned a bright red, "I need to go to the washroom." She declared, and grabbed the strawberry that Eunhyuk tried to feed her.

Quickly she went in the women's washroom and went in front the mirror. Her face was still red, maybe even more red then before, but she wouldn't admit that.

"I must be sick." Gyuri declared, looking into the mirror.

Someone giggled, "Your in love." Hyo stated as, she came closer.

"In love?" Gyuri started laughing, "With who, Eunhyuk?" She laughed even more as, she said Eunhyuk.

Suddenly, Hyo put her hand out top of Gyuri's heart. It was beating like crazy, ever since eunhyuk looked into her eyes.

"Then why is your face red and your heart is beating fast?" Hyo asked looking at her.

"I'm sick." Gyuri declared, and ironically she coughed on cue.

She smirked. "Your in love with Eunhyuk, and that means were love rivals." Hyo headed back out to the table.

"Yeah right, me in love with Eunhyuk." Gyuri declared looking back into the mirror.

She saw her red face, and felt her heart beating faster then when she kiss Seulong. "Yeah right." She sighed and spladhed some water in her face.

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Re-reading my own story... did I ever say who was "Mister"?


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kissingyoulove #1
gyuri and yuri!!
AriesMars #2
Hyukri fighting!!! kekeke I hope you can make another fic with this couple, this was really cute, coz I really love them together, Hyukri is love <3<3<3
@sakura4li<br />
Yeah I tried to make it like that, because when I created this, I was really addicted to it
sakura4li #4
Hmmmm, this sounds like kaichou wa maid sama........o.O<br />
sorry if that's been said, but i only notice this story now
I changed the last chapter, but not the one that say, "Final" just making sure! Sorry, I didn't want to make a sequel so I changed the ending, hope it's okay~
Waa~~<br />
It already ended T^T<br />
But, thank god that you had already a sequel^^<br />
<br />
<br />
HyukRi FTW!
romeoSISI #7
!!happy belated birthday<br />
<br />
i love this fic! wish you continue!!!<br />
<br />
and please more HyukRi interaction... they're so hot-cute!
OMG~!! aaa..<br />
HyukRi KISSsssssss~!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
hahaha sorry2...kekeke super like this chapter XD<br />
i hope next chapter also hs smething like this kkekeke<br />
great update~!!<br />
<br />
and Happy Belated Birthday too~!!! :D
honeykeyla #9
kyaaaaaa XD<br />
my hyukri imagination goes wild~~~<br />
cant wait for the next chapter!<br />
go! go! go!<br />
<br />
oh, btw...<br />
Happy Birthday!!! ^___^<br />
<br />
<br />
Other note: I LOVE this chapter!