For Now

Purple-Green Love


"Aaaaaaahh.! Exams are fast approaching. Another week of being stressed" IU whined

Hyosung laughed at her "You.? Stressed.? I never thought that the great Candy Fairy  will be stressed over exams"

"Uuunniiiee.!" IU pouted "Don't get me wrong, I love school but the pressure of getting high marks is really stressful. I'm really not like Daehyun oppa who's really really really really smart you know, even though he always stay up late all night"

"Daehyun"  Hyosung thought to herself "Yeah. You're both different"

Jieun looked at her, examing her expression "You look confused. Something wrong.?"

"A-anniya. There's nothing wrong" she said, shaking her head

IU smirked then turned her head up to Daehyun and his friends directon. They were walking outside the school building, headed to the car "Oh. I wonder where they're going"

"Who.?" Hyosung asked, looking at IU

"Them" IU replied by pursing her lips to her oppa's direction

Hyosung followed and slowly turned her attention to Daehyun who was oblivious at the purple head girl staring at her. She just looked at him walking and getting inside his car with his friends "Hmm. M-maybe they have something important to do"

"Yeeeeaahhh. Maybe they doooooo" IU cooed, secretly teasing her "Unnie. How are you and oppa.? No more fighting here, fighting there.?"

She smiled at the thought of them fighting again and again and again "We still do. We'll never stop"

Jieun smiled at her, slowly realizing something "I see. That's good. I just hope it's not something personal"

"It's nothing personal. You don't have to worry about it" she smiled again

IU squealed at her, shaking her arms "I know that smile unnie.!! It's the I'M REALLY GLAD BECAUSE WE ARE NOT FIGHTING FOR REAL AND WE'RE FRIENDS NOW AND HE TALKS TO ME NORMALLY AND HE DOESN'T HATE ME NOW smile.!! Right unnie.?! You're extremely glad that Daehyun oppa is like that to you now."

"Whoah whoah. Slow down there" she chuckled

"But I'm right, right.?" IU grinned

Sighing reliefly, she nodded her head up and down and watched as IU beamed happily, jumping up and down "You seem much more happy than me IU. Do you want to exchange places.?" she joked

Jieun laughed "Just let her be. She's just really happy that her oppa has a GIRL friend. You know, other than me. And besides, she likes you very much which makes her happy 1 billion times"

"Yes.! Yes.! Yes.! Yes.! Soooo true Jieun unnie. I'm really happy for my oppa" IU squealed

"So happy that you don't care about the coming exams.?" Hyosung asked

IU nodded her head "Ahh. Unnie. Why don't we have a sleepover at my house.? You know, we can study all together. You, Jieun unnie and me. Plleeeaasseee.?"

"Hmmmm. I don't know IU. I have work you know and I can't leave appa all alone in the house"

"But are you sure you're gonna be okay with the exams Hyosung.? You said you wanted my help with Math and History. Will you do fine with the exams if I can't help you.?" Jieun countered

Her eyes grew wide. She suddenly remembered how weak she is in Math and History and that she asked for Jieun's help. How will she able to pass the test if no one can help her.? Maybe a little sacrifice won't hurt. Besides, she doesn't want to fail and disappoint her appa "You're right. A-arasso. I'll talk to my boss and maybe appa will let me"

"Can we come with you unnie.?" IU asked

"What.? Why.? It's okay. You dont have to"

"I wanna see your house. Come on let's gooooo". Before Hyosung could protest again, IU grabbed her and Jieun, dragging them both outside the school gate and into Jieun's car.





The 3 of them drove to Hyosung's workplace, asking for a day off. Luckily, her boss was nice and let her have a day off since she's a very responsible and reliable employee. After that, they went to her house, feeling a bit nervous that two of her richest friends in South Korea is going inside her house. Her very small house "O-our house is not re-really nice. You don't have to see it. I'll ask my appa and call you guys if he agrees"

"Yah. We're not like those y riches you know. We won't criticize you or anything, we're friends" Jieun smiled

IU nodded her head "Yeah Jieun unnie is right. Why are you so worried unnie.? WE ARE FRIENDS" 

"Arasso. Arasso" she chuckled, twisting the door knob open. She went in first and let the other two follow her. Their house sure was small, but not really. And the moment you walk inside, you get the home-y feeling. It's really neat, all the books and magazines cleanly compiled in a cabinet. No sign of any shirt or anything scattered everywhere.

"Wooww. I like your house unnie. It's cute" IU said

"Hyosung.? Are you home already pumpkin.?" Hyosung's father's voice echoed from the other room

"Neh appa. I'm with guests" Hyosung yelled

Her father went out of the room, holding a mini luggage "You're with wh--- Oh. You're with guests.? Nice to meet you ladies. You must be my pumpkin's friends"

"Annyeonghaeseyo sir. I'm Jieun, Hyosung's classmate" Jieun bowed

"Nice to meet you sir. My name is IU. Hyosung unnie's underclassman and friend" IU greeted

"I know you girls. Your family is really well known" Mr. Jung smiled at them, and looked at her daughter "You've got some pretty and nice friends, pumpkin"

"Yeah they are" she smiled. She then hung her head down and stared at the luggage her appa is holding "Appa, are you going somewhere.?"

"Oh right. I was waiting for you and I was wondering if it would be okay if appa will be gone for 3 days. The new job I got wanted me to attend a 3-day seminar and I don't want to disappoint them" Mr. Jung explained

She sighed. Not again. Another job.? Her appa would collapse any minute if he keeps on making his self busy "Appa.! I thought we already agreed on this. You promised me.! You pinky promised that you won't take another job"

"I know pumpkin but this is a nice deal. And I've quitted my other jobs just for this. So you don't have to worry much anymore, okay.?" 

"This better be your last job. I don't want you to get tired all the time. You should listen to me appa. Stop working so much, you need a break. A very long break" she said

"Don't worry, I'll rest. So, are you gonna be okay without me.?"

IU stepped closer and smiled "Actually sir. Your timing is perfect. Would it be okay that when you're gone we'll borrow Hyosung unnie for a while.? She can stay at my house. Cause we were actually planning for a sleepover since the exams are already coming. Would that be okay with you sir.?

"That's a good idea. That way I won't be worrying too much about leaving my pumpkin all alone. Thank you so much Miss IU and Miss Jieun. I hope my pumpkin doesn't cause you any trouble at all. She can be witty and clumsy sometimes" He laughed

Jieun chuckled "We actually like being with your daughter sir. You can trust us"

"That's a relief". He looked at his watch and kissed his daughter's forehead "I have to go pumpkin. I'll see you soon okay.? Don't worry too much about me, I'll be fine. Bye"

"Don't strain yourself appa.!" Hyosung yelled as her appa disappeared from the room




"Oh yeaah.! Girls night out.!!" IU screamed, running inside her room

Jieun laughed as the guards closed the door behind them "Someone's really excited here"

"We can't really enjoy girls night out when all we have to do is study you know" Hyosung chuckled, putting her bag on the floor

"Anniiyyaa. We can still enjoy it unnie. Be optimistic will you.?" IU smiled

"Alright ladies. Let's stop with the chitchat. Let's start with the books and formulas and equations. Come on. Come on. Come on" Jieun said

IU pouted "Jeez unnie, let's take it slow"

The 3 of them started their group study. Hyosung rubbing her face desperately as she tries to let all the math formulas sink in her mind. If she don't, she won't be able to pass the test and that would make her appa very disappointed. She wants to give him every happiness she can for everything he had done for his daughter

"Oh my. I didn't notice the time. It's already 1 am. Unnie, we should go to sleep" IU yawned

Jieun followed as she stretched her arms "Yeah we should. I'm glad it's Saturday tomorrow"

"You two go ahead. I'm gonna go downstairs. I'm really thirsty. I wanna drink something cold" Hyosung exclaimed

IU shook her head "Anniya unnie. I can just the call the maids to get you something to drink" 

"No need IU. I can just go by myself. Besides, I don't wanna bother them. It's really fine, don't worry" she smiled

"Arasso. But if you're not back by 10 minutes or so, I'll go downstairs, okay.?" 

"Mmm" she smiled again. She quickly got up from her seat and walked outside the room. To her surprise, the lights in the hallway were on and there were still guards outside IU's room. Also, there were butlers and maids doing their jobs/work properly "Wow. Don't they ever sleep.?" she thought to herself. She made her way down the stairs and bowed down to the two maids who exited the kitchen. She suddenly stopped from her tracks when she saw Daehyun, his back facing her

Daehyun drank from his water bottle as he turned his body around. He completely choked when he saw Hyosung standing across from him "Wh-what ar-are you do-doing here.?!" he coughed

"I-uuhh. IU in-insisted to have a girls night out and si-since my appa is gone for 3 days, IU kinda uuh-uumm-uuuhh adopted me" she stuttered

"Why are you still awake.?" he asked

"Why are YOU still awake.?" . She kept quiet for a moment, just looking at him "Me and the girls were studying for the coming exams. We were already gonna sleep but I got thirsty. So uuhh, that's why I'm here"

He nodded his head. After a while, he grabbed something out from the fridge and tossed it lightly towards her. Hyosung successfully caught the cold can in her hands and gazed at him

"Drink it. It's good for the tired nerves" he simply said

"Go-gomawo" she smiled

After seeing her smile, Daehyun quickly diverted his eyes away from her, walking towards the door "Y-you should go back to IU's room now and sleep. It's not good for the health to stay up all night"

"We're just the same you know" she countered

"I'm a GUY" he said sternly "Are you starting another fight pabo girl.?"

Instead of being irritated by the name being called to her, Hyosung laughed, shaking her head "I won't. For now"

"For now" Daehyun repeated as he walked past her, smiling secretly

"For now" she smiled, murmuring to herself




(Oh myyyy.! I've been updating soooo slooooww.! Myyy gaasshhh.! This is what I get for having a very bad class schedule.! *Sigh* I hate my schedule so much.! But I can't do anything about it >_< Sooo please bare with meeeee)

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Secrebeast #1
Why no more updates
DaeHyolover #2
Chapter 49: Oh my god I love this too I always wanted them to be together in real life. But please I'm begging you please update more and also please make them make love. I know I know it's just that I really want them to be like you know but anyways fighting~ good luck in your schooling.
twinkle8s #3
I have been wondering why you chose BTOB Lee minhyuk? I ask this question just because I saw many fancams about idol star athletics championship and Minhyuk often stayed behind Hyosung. I like it!
Chapter 50: Their parents are actually friends?? Daebakkkk...
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 50: Ah so sweet~
Chapter 49: Auwww so sweet...and so romantic too...kissing under the fireworks...just like kissing under the mistletoe...heee
TikiBikko #7
Chapter 48: I am spazzing like the rest of the readers are here.
Aww, thank you for updating even when you are busy with school.
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 48: They finally date! Yay! Omo! Let's not forget they kissed!
Their togetherr!!
Update soon! Fighting!
Chapter 48: The moment is here...he finally said her name and they KISSED!!! oh my feeling right now...hehe...thank you for updating...

P/s: yeah i noticed they are a few new admins on Daehyun's page....well kinda missed the times when usually only you updating the page...hee
Chapter 48: So sweet.....update soon..fighting!