Cold As Ice

Purple-Green Love



Sigh. Too bad my date with the White Knight didn't end the way I imagined it to be. That supid bastard, , jackass jerk.! This was all his fault. Well maybe a little. Aaaaaahhh. I don't know anymore. I just feel really irritated but confused today. What's wrong with me.? As I walked towards the entrance gate of the school, I heard someone called me faintly. To make sure I heard it right, I turned around and saw IU running towards me

"Unniiieee.!" she shouted. Unniiieee.!"

I smiled at her as she stood infront of me, panting "What's with the rush.?"

"I-I wa-wanna hear the de-tails abo-ut your date with Yoseob o-oppa" she panted

I scrunched my eyebrows, irritated that I couldn't tell so much. How can I.? We practically did nothing besides eating and talking. Poor me, when will I ever get my chance.? "There's nothing much to talk about. Really nothing"

"Wae?" she asked

"Your jackass jerk brother interrupted us.!" I spat. "He called me in the middle of our dinner date, urging me to come in your house to help with our project.!"

"Really.?" she said, her face lighting up. That's strange, she seems to be much more happy that her oppa interrupted my date

"Yeah, really" I replied

IU grinned at me, clinging her arm around mine "You can't blame oppa unnie. Do you really want him to do all the work.? Or spend his time with your other groupmates.? Which is impossible. You already got lucky that he accepted you to be around him. Just listen to whatever he says"

"If I listen to everything he says, I think my world will go upside down" I chuckled

"Oh yes it wil" she smirked

"Speaking about your oppa" I began. "Where is he?" 

"Wae.? Do you miss him already.? I never thought you'd like my oppa that fast unnie. You're definitely progressing" she teased

I rolled my eyes and pushed her playfully "HA HA HA. Very funny. Of course not. Why would I ever miss him.? We're enemies slash friends , remember.? And that's we're gonna be. I just wanna talk to him about our project and besides I already like Yoseob-ssi and only him"

With the words that I said, IU seems to have downgraded her expressions. She looked at me with worried eyes, trying to get something out of me "D-do you re-really like Yoseob oppa, unnie.?"

I nodded my head in agreement, with no second thought

"You know, Jieun unnie li-----"

"Heeeyyy guys, wait for me" someone shouted

IU wasn't able to finish what she said, furrowing my eyebrows, we both turned our heads around and saw Jieun walking fast towards us. She took a final stop at our side and smiled at us "Good morning"

"Good morning unnie" IU greeted

"Morning Jieun" I smiled. Then I turned my head to IU, wanting her to finish what she started awhile ago "What did you wanna say about IU.? It was something like, about Jieun. What is it.?"

Jieun scrunched her eyebrows together and glanced at me then to IU "What about me.?"

IU shook her head rapidly and started walking backwards, smiling "N-nothing. Just forget it unnie. I have to go. I'll see you later"

"What was that all about.?" Jieun chuckled

I shook my head and laughed "I have no idea"

Me and Jieun headed inside the campus, going to our classroom. We walked up the stairs, talking and giggling about some girl stuff. When we were walking along the hallway, I suddenly bumped into someone, making all the books I was carrying fell on the floor

"Watch it.!" the girl shrieked

I quickly bent down and picked my books, looking up to the person I bumped into "I'm sorry Hyuna-ssi. I didn't notice you"

"Well, you're the first" she scoffed

"That's not a good way to talk to someone older than you Hyuna" Jieun said, crossing her arms

"What did I do unnie.? I just told her that she was the first one to not notice me. Everyone knows that I'm an eyecatcher" she smiled, batting her eyelashes

I stood up from the floor and bowed at her "I'm really sorry Hyuna-ssi. Jeongmal mianhe"

"You said that twice already" she said and walked away. I have a feeling that she doesn't like me. Pftt. Her and Daehyun would make a perfect couple, both MEAN

Jieun watched her walked away, her hips moving from side to side. She then glanced at me and smiled "Forgive Hyuna, she's just. . . . .Hyuna. You're typical Ice Princess"

"That's okay. I totally understand" I smiled "I think"





I don't know how many minutes or hours I've stared at the door. As usual, I always arrive at school early. With my friends sitting and talking behind me, I was just staring at the classroom door. Staring too much that it might melt from my intense gaze. I can't figure out why but something tells me to just wait and wait and wait and BAM.! It opened. Jieun walked inside the classroom with supid pabo girl trailing behind her, showing her gummy smile. While looking at the supid pabo girl, I came to know that I was smiling to myself. How idiotic can I be.? Why am i smiling over a girl I really hate.? I couldn't understand myself

"Are you smiling.?" Youngjae asked, sitting infront of me

I quickly turned my smile into a serious face, acting all fierce "What are you talking about.?"

"You just smiled awhile ago" he said

"No I didn't" I replied. "You're just hallucinating"

He scanned the classroom for awhile, trying to get some clues. Then he turned his attention to me and smirked "Or you're just practically lying. We've been friends since we were on diapers. Do you think I wouldn't notice.? I'm not stupid Daehyun-ah"

The bell already rang, I stood up from my seat and placed my hands inside my pocket, walking out of the classroom "I don't know what you're talking about. And I'm pretty sure you're just hallucinating"

"YAH.! Where are you going.? Class is gonna start. Miss Kim will be looking for you.!" Himchan yelled

I stood on the doorway and faced my friends "Tell Miss Kim I have an important meeting". When I turned around, me and stupid pabo girl had a little eye contact interaction. I stopped for a second to look at her. She quickly looked away and I continued my way out of the classroom, smiling

Recently, I've been finding myself smiling unknowingly. Sometimes I just had to stop so that others wouldn't notice. I'm the Dark Lord for gummies sake, I'm supposed to be emotionless, to others that is. I wandered around the school hallway and made my final destination at my favorite relaxing place, the Dae Tree. It's a very big tree, surrounded by flat land green grass with flowers all over it. It's fenced with giant gate bars and only I can go through it. My family and my friends are an exception too but most of the time, I'm the only one who goes there. I leaned my back against the giant tree and stared at the blue sky, calming my mind

"Oppa.?" a voice called out

I shot my eyes up and saw my sister settleng herself down the grass."The bell already rang, what are you doing here?" I asked

"Oh, I went to the gym, I returned the soccer ball Professor Choi borrowed for our class" she answered

"You're not a slave to be ordered around you know, you're my sister. Let someone else do it" I said

"Anniya, it's okay oppa. I like helping. Just like you" she chukled

Twitching my eyebrows, I looked at her "I don't help people"

"But you helped Hyosung unnie and your other groupmates in your group projects. Isn't that counted as helping.? I think it is" she grinned. "Or maybe there's something else. You know, another reason for you to be helping Hyosung unnie"

"What other possible reason could there be, IU.? There's nothing else" I replied flatly, my eyes fixated on the beautiful view. "Really nothing"

IU sighed and stood up, dusting off her school uniform "Maybe there's nothing but maybe there is. I gotta go oppa, Professor Choi might be looking for me right now. I'll see you at home"

I didn't look at her, instead I nodded my head and raised a hand, waving it slightly. "Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing" Those words keep repeating on my head. Is there another reason for me to be helping her.? I couldn't put my soul into it but it's definitely bothering me. Me and my stupid feelings. So stupid that it's infected with stupid pabo girl's stupidness. I laughed at myself, leaning my head back against the tree, closing my eyes




Hyosung was on her way to their classroom from the girls restroom. She looked outside the window while walking then suddenly hit her face with the locker door, making it close, creating a 'BAM' sound. She touched her cheek and closed her eyes in agony "Aaahh. That hurt"

"Watch where you're walking.!" a voice snapped

Still touching her cheek, Hyosung slowly opened her eyes to see Hyuna standing infront of it with an angry face "I-I'm so sorry about that Hyuna-ssi. I didn't notice the locker"

Hyuna placed a finger below her cheek, sarcastically pretending to think "Now where have I heard that before.?"

"I'm really sorr----"

"Stop saying that.! Uuuugghhh.! You're driving me insane.!!" Hyuna yelled

"I-I'm sor----"

"Uuuuugghhh.! Such a stupid sunbae.!"

Hyosung bit her bottom lip, stopping herself from saying another 'sorry'. She glanced at Hyuna who was about to turn around and walk away "It's not good to be always like that Hyuna-ssi"

Hyuna turned around, glaring at her "And who are you to tell me that.? I'm the Ice Princess here in school and you're just a nobody. A nobody"

"I may be a nobody but at least I don't treat someone like that" she replied. "You already have everything, why can't you be mo--"

"Oh so now it's a sin to be perfect.?!"

She shook her head "No--"

"Don't try to stick up with me, it's no use. I can see right through you. You're always clinging to Jieun unnie and IU so that they can give you whatever you want. I've known poor people like you and you're no different. And I bet Daehyun oppa despises to be with you. My poor oppa, accidentally forced to be with you but I guess I don't have to worry about my position, oppa will never like someone like you"

She kept quiet for a moment, clenching her fists together. Not liking the fact that Hyuna just insulted her. "W-why do you hate me so much.? I didn't do anything to you"

Hyuna chuckled, walking closer to her "Tsk. Hate is such a pretty big word. I prefer the word 'loathe', Sun---bae" she mocked, smirking at her. "Byyyeee" she waved innocently and walked away

Hyosung just stood there, like a statue. Hyuna's words keep replaying in her mind like a broken cd "Does Daehyun realy hate to be with me.?" she murmured to herself. "B-but we we-we're getting along so well". She lifted her head up and saw Daehyun walking in the hallway, towards her

Daehyun stared at Hyosung as he walked down the hallway. Without even knowing it himself, he stopped right infront of her "The school hallway is not a place for daydreaming you know, pabo girl"

Hyosung sighed and looked at him. Staring deeply at his chocolate orbs "D-do you fi-find me irritating?"

"No" he thought. "Why are you asking me that stupid question.?!"

"Just. Just . . . . . . . Just answer me, please.?"

"No I won't answer it. What's gotten into you. Usually when you see me you start to explode and start a fight with me. Now you're getting weird. Just this morning you were so bloom----" he stopped himself, almost dying from letting himself say those kind of words

"I'm what.?" she asked

"Aaahh.! Stop asking me questions.! And stop being weird, it's weird" he said

She chuckled lightly "You're such a jerk"

He rolled his eyes, starting to walk forward "I know" he replied, smiling secretly

The two of them then went to the classroom but separately. They went there together but got in separately, just to avoid some bad rumors. Hyosung went in first while Daehyun stepped silently inside 10 minutes later. After sitting down, he looked outside the window, thinking to himself when did he ever start smiling to a GIRL again. To a non-related GIRL that he hates so much 






(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH.! After how many ungrateful days.! I've updated one chapter.!! >_< I still can't update to ALL OVER AGAIN yet, but I will. Please wait >_<)

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Secrebeast #1
Why no more updates
DaeHyolover #2
Chapter 49: Oh my god I love this too I always wanted them to be together in real life. But please I'm begging you please update more and also please make them make love. I know I know it's just that I really want them to be like you know but anyways fighting~ good luck in your schooling.
twinkle8s #3
I have been wondering why you chose BTOB Lee minhyuk? I ask this question just because I saw many fancams about idol star athletics championship and Minhyuk often stayed behind Hyosung. I like it!
Chapter 50: Their parents are actually friends?? Daebakkkk...
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 50: Ah so sweet~
Chapter 49: Auwww so sweet...and so romantic too...kissing under the fireworks...just like kissing under the mistletoe...heee
TikiBikko #7
Chapter 48: I am spazzing like the rest of the readers are here.
Aww, thank you for updating even when you are busy with school.
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 48: They finally date! Yay! Omo! Let's not forget they kissed!
Their togetherr!!
Update soon! Fighting!
Chapter 48: The moment is here...he finally said her name and they KISSED!!! oh my feeling right now...hehe...thank you for updating...

P/s: yeah i noticed they are a few new admins on Daehyun's page....well kinda missed the times when usually only you updating the page...hee
Chapter 48: So sweet.....update soon..fighting!