Put Up A Fight

Purple-Green Love


"I have made myself clear and I am not doing this stupid wedding" Daehyun stated firmly as he closed the door of the room he and his mother just walked in to

Sohee made her way to the couch, untangling the silk scarf around her neck "What's gotten into you, son? You're usually not like this. You always follow what your father wants you to do"

"There's always a first time for everything umma. And this time, I'll do things my way"

"You like Hyosung that much?"

He was silent

"You like her that much that you would refuse your own father?"

"It . . . It has nothing to do with her"

"Don't play games with me, son" Sohee scoffed, slightly amused "I know everything about you and Hyosung"

"Let her stay out of this. She had been through alot" he frowned "I . . . I don't want her to worry about this"

She smiled, crossing her legs "I'm impressed"

"About what?"

"Besides me and IU, you never care about anyone"

"Umma . . . " he sighed

"I like her"


"Don't worry, son, I didn't come here to talk you in doing the wedding. I personally came here to see Hyosung for myself. On why you like her so much. And now I know" she grinned 

"W-what are you saying?"

"I'm saying . . . " she started as she got up, grabbing her things "I'll deal with this matter"


"Your father will be here tomorrow and I want us to talk, and discuss this wedding"

"Yeah right, like he'll ever listen to me" he said, rolling his eyes 

"Now Daehyun, honey"

He sighed, putting his hands on his pocket "I know. I know"

"You should be happy though, Sunhwa"

"Sunhwa noona.? Why.?"

"Well, she already knows about the marriage. And I think he'll bombard your father, again" Sohee laughed "You know how protective she is with you and IU"

"Yeah she is" he nodded, hugging her and pecked her cheek "Thanks umma"

"Goodnight son" she smiled, leaving the room





I gloomingly sat outside the terrace of our room, many things running through my mind, one of those is Daehyun. Just all about Daehyun, his unexpected engagement with Jieun, raging, his mother. And now what? Will his father be here too? 

"What do I do?" I whispered, letting my fingers touch my lips "What are you gonna do now Jun Hyosung?"

"Unnie.?" a voice called me

I turned my head sidewards and saw IU peeking her head through the sliding door "O-oh IU"

She approached me, rubbing her shoulders "What are you doing here? It's cold"

"I uumm, I was just thinking of some things"

"Daehyun oppa?"

I chuckled "You know me so well"

She giggled, sitting beside me "Of course . . . . Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I guess. What about Jieun? Is she alright?"

"Unnie is okay, she's with Aunt Jaehee right now"

"Ah really.?"

"She's doing everything she can to get away from this wedding"

"We can't blame her, it was unexpected"

"But look at this unnie, if you didn't came into picture, I think the possibility of having this wedding is 90%"

"So you're saying I'm the bad seed.?" I smiled "I really am a jinx, mianhe"

"Ah boya! I didn't even say that" she frowned at me "Actually, it's the opposite. I'm happy"

"Why.? Don't you like Jieun to be like your sister.?"

"It's not like that. But don't you think it's quite unfair to be married to someone you don't really love? Yeah sure Daehyun oppa and Jieun unnie have known each other since they were 8, but that's just it. Oppa sees unnie as a sister and unnie sees oppa as a brother. Besides! They have someone else they truly love"

I nodded

"Especially oppa. He truly, severely and ultimately love this person" she grinned, clearly teasing me

"Psshh" I chuckled

"Our father and Sunhwa unnie will be here tomorrow. Just giving you a heads-up"

"Sunhwa unnie?"

"Uh-huh. Our older sister"

"You have another sibling.?! I-I thought you two were the only c--"

"Yes we are. Sunhwa unnie is appa's younger sister"

"But w-why do you call her unnie.? Shouldn't it be Auntie?"

"Trust me unnie, when you see Sunhwa unnie, you wouldn't be able to call her that, she's really young. She's 3 years older that Daehyun oppa"

"I see"

"I bet she'll bicker with appa, again"


"Sunhwa unnie is like our 2nd mother. She's very protective when it comes to us"

"That's nice" I smiled

"It is. When she and umma starts talking, appa will never be able to go against it. And appa is known for his firm, strong and strict personality. They have magical powers!"

"Well aren't you just glad" I laughed

"You should be too, unnie" she grinned

"Because, for sure, you won't see Daehyun oppa wearing his wedding suit, standing near the altar. Except for your own wedding, that is"

"You have way tooooo much imagination right there" I laughed, poking her forehead

She stuck her tongue out, giggling "You never know, unnie. You juuuusstt never know"





Morning came and I stretched my way out of the bed. Groaning as I walked inside the bathroom. Still so sleepy. I wasn't able to sleep well last night. Too occupied about that pabo girl and the wedding. Out of all things, why does it have to be this? Why?

I stayed in the shower for about 6 minutes and a half, not wanting to get out. But since father will be here any minute, I forced upon myself to get this done. Get this problem done. One way or another, I'm putting up a fight for something I want for the rest of my life, and that includes pabo girl

"Morning oppa!" IU greeted me as I sat across from her on the dining table

"Morning" I replied "Had a good sleep?"

"Kind of" she smiled

"Kind of?"

"Me and Hyosung unnie was up all night"

"What were you doing?"



"Certain things" she grinned

"Where is she anyway?"

"Kitchen. She wanted to have milk"

"Hey IU, do you want some mi--" I saw her walked in, bringing a carton milk and a glass "O-oh hey D-Daehyun. Good morning"

"Good morning" I smiled and I swear I saw her blush for a moment. How cute

"Milk.?!" IU interrupted "Sure unnie!"

"Ye-yeah" she stuttered, sitting next to IU "Here you go. W-what about you Daehyun?"

I shook my head, munching on my crusted bread "I'll pass"

"It's good for the health"

"Then drink it"

"I-I just had a glass"

"Ani, you need to be more healthy than I am. It's okay"

"Are y-you sure?" she asked, biting her bottom lip

I smiled again, staring at her deeply "Positive"

Suddenly, Youngjae walked in, along with Jongup & Zelo "Morning guuuuyyysss" 

"Yeah yeah whatever" was the only thing that I said

"What a way to greet me, Dae" he said sarcastically

"It was because you ruined Daehyun hyung and Hyosung noona's moment, hyung" Jongup stated 

"My apologies" he laughed "Sorry 'bout that Hyo"

"It's o-okay. You didn't do any---"

"Shut up, Jae" I glared "Just eat your damn breakfast"

He chuckled "It was clearly nothing"

I rolled my eyes "Whatever"

"Lighten up!"

"Oooohhh miillkk!" Zelo beamed, sitting next to Hyosung "Noona! Can I have some, please?"

"Of course" she smiled. Now what would I do to see that smile every second of my life? 

IU looked around, then to Youngjae "Oppa, where are the others?"

"Yoseob hyung is out riding"

"This early?" I asked

He shrugged 

"What about Yongguk hyung and Himchan hyung?" I added

"Himchan hyung is still asleep and Yongguk hyung stayed behind. Probably gonna nag Himchan hyung for his laziness" he laughed 

"Hmmm" I hummed

After a few minutes, Yongguk hyung came, dragging a very sleepy Himchan hyung. We all sat there, eating and talking something else. I guess the guys didn't want to bring up the wedding thing. I'm glad

While everyone was laughing at Himchan hyung's clumsiness, Youngjae leaned a bit closer, murmuring something to me 

"What time is your father coming?"

"I don't know. Umma said he would be here in the afternoon"

"Will you be able to handle it?

"You think I can't?"

"I don't know Dae. We both know that you've never faced a situation like this"

"The wedding?"

He shook his head "Going against your father"

"I know. But I'm determined" I said, staring at the one girl that's making me do all this stupid things



Afternoon came fast. All of them were in the patio, having a break from all the busy things going around for the Yoo festival which is still celebrated. It's already on it's 2nd day and not one of them got the chance to enjoy it

"Hey Jae" Jieun called 


"Are we still gonna do the performance.?"

Youngjae sighed, smiling sadly "I'm afraid we can't cuz. With all the stuff going around you and Daehyu, it's impossible"

"Thanks Jae. And I'm sorry. I didn't know this was going to ha--"

"Silly!" he laughed, ruffling her hair "It's not your fault. It's no one's fault"


"Hyung, why were you out riding so early in the morning?" Daehyun asked as he sat next to Yoseob

"No particular reason" 

"You looked very serious when you got here"

"It's nothing Dae. There's just many things in my mind right now"

"Business stuff?"

"Yeah" he lied "Your wedding business"

Just as when Daehyun was about to say something else, Sohee walked near to them, her big sunglasses almost covering her small face

"Umma" IU smiled

"Hey honey" Sohee smiled back, kissing IU's head "Hey kids, someone's here. Simon & Sunhwa, come here"

"This is it" Daehyun murmured

A man, wearing a silk satin suit appeared, his eyes just like Daehyun. Everything about his appearance resembles his son. He walked near them, sturdy and buff. His hands on his pocket. All of them stood up and bowed

"Hey kids!" Sunhwa grinned, waving

"Appa! Sunhwa unnie!" IU beamed as she ran to them

"Hey princess" Simon smiled, kissing her head. Then he stared at Hyosung

Daehyun noticed his father's stare at her. So, immediately, he grabbed her wrist and stepped forward "Father"

"Son, we need to talk"



(Wheeeeee! I'm gonna greet my baby Jongup here a belated happy birthday! And congrats to him for finally graduating ^_^ Congratz! Congratz!)

Okay, where is Himchan umma.? o_O

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Secrebeast #1
Why no more updates
DaeHyolover #2
Chapter 49: Oh my god I love this too I always wanted them to be together in real life. But please I'm begging you please update more and also please make them make love. I know I know it's just that I really want them to be like you know but anyways fighting~ good luck in your schooling.
twinkle8s #3
I have been wondering why you chose BTOB Lee minhyuk? I ask this question just because I saw many fancams about idol star athletics championship and Minhyuk often stayed behind Hyosung. I like it!
Chapter 50: Their parents are actually friends?? Daebakkkk...
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 50: Ah so sweet~
Chapter 49: Auwww so sweet...and so romantic too...kissing under the fireworks...just like kissing under the mistletoe...heee
TikiBikko #7
Chapter 48: I am spazzing like the rest of the readers are here.
Aww, thank you for updating even when you are busy with school.
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 48: They finally date! Yay! Omo! Let's not forget they kissed!
Their togetherr!!
Update soon! Fighting!
Chapter 48: The moment is here...he finally said her name and they KISSED!!! oh my feeling right now...hehe...thank you for updating...

P/s: yeah i noticed they are a few new admins on Daehyun's page....well kinda missed the times when usually only you updating the page...hee
Chapter 48: So sweet.....update soon..fighting!