
Purple-Green Love


"Paris.!" Jieun sighed, opening her arms widely "City of love"

"Love, huh.?" Hyosung murmured to herself

"Yah. Why are you sulking like that.? We're in Paris, the CITY OF LOVVVEE.!! You should be all giggly and happy you know. Do you miss Daehyun already.? He's just 1 floor away from us" Jieun smirked

"We just got here and you're already teasing me" she smiled

Jieun giggled, sticking out her tongue "But you're not complaining though"

"Hyosung. Jieun. It's time to go. Come on" Mr. Jason said through the other side of the door

"We're coming.!"

The two of them got out of their room, walking to the elevator with Mr. Jason. As the elevator door rang and open, they saw their other classmates, trying to squeeze themselves into the small close area. When Hyosung stepped inside the elevator, it automatically made a sound, alarming that it was already full. Upon hearing the sound, Youngjae and Himchan smirked at each other, pushing Daehyun forward and out of the elevator "Daehyun-ah. Accompany Hyosung for the next ride. Or you could just use the stairs"

"We're on the 20th floor idiot. You expect me to walk.?!" Daehyun remarked, glaring at his bestfriend

Youngjae rolled his eyes, smiling innocently "Then you stay here until the next elevator ride. With Hyosung"

"We'll see you both downstairs" Mr. Jason added, clicking the 'close button'

"You shouldn't have let them do that to you" Hyosung said after the elevator door closed

"Naahh. I've got time, I can wait" he smiled "Excited to see Paris.?"

She nodded her head in agreement, looking at him with gleaming eyes "You.?"

He shook his head lightly, letting out a quiet laugh "I'm never excited for these things. I don't get why people are so excited over Paris"

"Because it's the city of love" she answered

"City of love, huh.? Is it really that important.? Is LOVE really important.? I just don't get it"

After hearing what Daehyun said, Hyosung's heart sank. Is Daehyun not interested in getting into a relationship.? Did she pick the wrong guy to fall inlove with.? Was all of her speculations of him liking her wrong.? He's confusing her. Totally confusing her, not only in mind but also in heart

"Don't you like being inlove.?"

"It was never on my mind" he replied flatly, obviously oblivious of her feelings

"Hm" was all she said back

The entire minutes, silence accompanied them. Finally, the elevator door opened and they both stepped in. The atmosphere was just pure silence, only the backgorund music in the elevator was echoing in their ears and neither of them said a word. Somehow, Daehyun felt awkward, not knowing what he did wrong. Did he say something she didn't like.? Doesn't she like being alone with him like this.? What's the reason for this awkward feeling.? 

On the other hand, Hyosung was talking to herself. Forcing herself to talk to him and just be normal. She can clearly see that he was awkward with the situation, by the way he stands and sway his body, fidgeting his fingers. She told herself to completely forget what he just said awhile ago, it seems like he doesn't even know what he just said. So being the sweet girl she is, she tried to control her verging tears and enjoy the moment for now

"I'll see you around" she forced a smile as she stepped out of the elevator first

Daehyun could only nod. He found his way to his friends as Hyosung found her way to Jieun

"What's with you.?" Yongguk asked

"Nothing hyung"

"Okay class. Since everyone is here, let's go. Move those feet" Mr. Jason commanded




"Hyosung-ah, let's make a wish as we throw this coin" Jieun squealed

"Wish.?" Hyosung asked. What kind of wish will she make.? The kind that will make Daehyun realize what a jerk he is.? The kind of wish that will make him realize if he's inlove or not.? Or the kind of wish that would make her just disappear for a moment. "Arasso" she smiled faintly

"Yah. You've been down ever since you came out in the elevator with Daehyun. Did something happen.?"

She shook her head, trying to smile "Let's not talk about it now. Let's just enjoy the tour"

"Okay. If that's what you want. Ready.?" Jieun signalled her, both holding out a coin, turning their body

"Ready" she grinned

The two of them threw the coin in the huge water fountain, closing their eyes as they make a wish

Jieun clasped her hands together, her eyes focused on the fountain "I wish Yoseob will finally realize me"

"I wish Daehyun would unknowingly stop being a jerk and just be him. Please give me me a sign if he really does like me or not" she said to herself, closing her eyes. As she opened her eyes, she accidentally met eyes with Daehyun. His face was full of -------- worry as they locked eyes for a minute. He was the first one to smile, and even though she was hurt, it didn't stop her from smiling back

"Jieun.! Hyosung.! Let's go over there.!" a classmate of theirs said excitingly, pulling the two girls by the wrist

Haven't even ran for 7 steps, Hyosung bumped into someone, making the person's bag fall onto the ground

"Oh my. I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking" she apologized, picking up the person's bag

The person chuckled, a manly chuckle as he kneeled, waving his hand to stop her from getting his bag "It's alright. It was partly my fault"

"We're so sorry for that uumm -------" Jieun trailed off

"Kikwang" the guy said, smiling "Don't worry. Uuhh---- This is my first time seeing you girls here. Are you ---.?"

Jieun giggled "We're just tourists. On a school tour actually. Do you live here in Paris.?"

Kikwang nodded his head, showing his eyesmile "For 3 years now. I'm a pro photographer here. And I'm here every two weeks to take shots of tourists around the world. Mind if I -----.?"

"We would be honored" Jieun answered

"Any pose would be fine" Kikwang said, taking 3 shots of them with the beautiful fountain on the background "Gorgeous"

"Kamnsamida" Hyosung blushed, bowing

"This is Hyosung by the way. And I'm Jieun"

"I know who you are, except for Miss Purple Smile here" he grinned

Hyosung smiled, biting her bottom lip "I'm her friend"

"I see. So are you ladies enjoying Paris.?" he asked, looking at Hyosung

"It's beautiful here" she answered

"It is now" he countered, smiling wider


"Look at that chic.!" Himchan cooed "I'd dig a Paris girl"

"What the hell are you talking about.?!" Yongguk spat "You're always thinking of girls Himchan"

Himchan smirked "My life is all about GIRLS. I'm not a player for nothing"

"An idiot player" Youngjae murmured

"YAH.!" Himchan yelled, pushing him aside "Why are you al ------- Wait, who's the dude.?"

"Dude who.?" Yongguk asked

"The dude talking to Jieun and Hyosung"

After hearing Hyosung's name, Daehyun immediately turned his gaze to the direction Himchan was pointing. He saw Jieun and Hyosung talking to a guy just their age, with a camera hanging around his neck "What the---?!

Yongguk noticed the look on his face so he lightly nudged him "You okay, Daehyun.?" 

"I'm fine" he responded firmly "Let's leave"

"Well someones' got issues" Youngjae whispered to Yongguk


"Oh really.? Oh my gosh.! That is so funny. I bet that lady followed you anywhere" Jieun laughed as Kikwang told them a funny story that happened 6 months ago

"Really funny.!!" Kikwang laughed along

Hyosung giggled at the two talking, she looked behind, her eyes wandering for one  particular guy. She sighed heavily as she saw his back walking away from the distance "Maybe he's really not into it"

"Hyosung.! Hyooossuunngg.! Hyosung-ah.!!" 

She blinked her eyes rapidly, turning her attention to Jieun "Wh-what is it.?"

Jieun raised an eyebrow, completely curious on what's gotten into her friend "Um. This is Yoona. Kikwang's sister"

"O-oh. Hi. Nice to meet you" she greeted

Yoona bowed "Hello there. It's nice to meet you too. So what made pretty ladies like you come to Paris.? Looking for that special someone I presume.?"

"Hyosunggie here already found him. They're just tooooo blind" Jieun chuckled

"Too bad" Kikwang laughed

"I see" Yoona smiled "I wish you and the guy you're inlove with a good luck"

"Thanks. But right now, I think I need more than a good luck" she blushed




"So are you gonna tell me.?" Jieun asked

Hyosung lay down on the bed, her whole body sore from all the walking "Tell you what.?"

"Why are you all like that.? You seem soooooo ... . .. . . ..."

"Lost.? Confused.? Irritated.?"

"Okkaaayyy.? Did something happen between you and Daehyun in the elevator.?"

"No . . . . . It happened before we got into the elevator" she sighed

"What was it.?"

"He told me that he's not into the City of Love"


"And I asked him why. He said that he just don't get LOVE. I asked him again if he likes being inlove and he replied with 'It was NEVER on my mind.' Well. That's pretty much everything"

Jieun kept quiet for a moment, trying to figure out what to say next "Are you hurt.?"

"No. . . . . .Maybe. . . . .I don't know"

"I don't think he meant what he said. He's just too dumb when it comes to love. He's really slow in realizing it" Jieun explain

She laughed, covering her eyes "Can you tell.?"

Jieun smiled at herself, relieved that she made her laugh "Please don't give up on him just because he said those stupid words"

"Give up.? I haven't even given a fight for it and I have no idea on what to do next. I'm stuck like glue"


Meanwhile, in Daehyun and Youngjae's room, the 4 of them were doing their individual activity. Daehyun playing dart angrily while Youngjae was busy with his ipad. Yongguk staring and glaring at Himchan who was gawking at himself in the mirror

"Almost there.!" Daehyun said, angrily throwing at the dart

"If you keep doing that, it might actually go THROUGH the board" Youngjae chuckled

"Shut up Jae" he remarked

"You've been angry ever since that dude talked to Hyosung and Jieun. Jealous are we.?" Himchan smirked

He scoffed, glaring at his hyung

"Wanna talk about it.?" Yongguk asked

"I don't even f--ckin know why.!!"

Youngjae covered his right ear "Jeez.! Calm down will you.?" 

"You've been like that ever since you came down with Hyosung. Did something happen that we don't know.?" Yongguk asked again

"All we ever did was talk, hyung.! That's all" he answered

Himchan crossed his legs, putting the mirror on the sofa "What did you talk about.?"

"About Paris being the City of Love. Blah blah blah. Love. Blah blah bl -----"

"Wait" Youngjae stopped him "What about love.?"

"I just told her that I don't get why people get excited over the City of love. It was never on my mind" he answered, sitting on the single sofa chair

"What was never on your mind.?"


Yongguk and Himchan chuckled, shaking their head. Youngjae on the other hand sighed desperately, scratching his precious hair "You're such an idiot Daehyun-ah.!"

"What did I do.?!"

"You practically threw at Hyosung's face that you're not into relationships. That you DON'T LIKE ANYONE.!"

"What's that got to d-----. Wait what.?! I did that.?" he asked innocently

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Our Daehyunnie is really innocent when it comes to this" Himchan said "Now she's gonna think that you're not interested in her. That you only see her as a friend. Way to go Daehyun"

"Do I have to tell her that I like her for her to confirm my feelings for her.?"

Youngjae hit his arm "Of course.! She's no psychic you know.! She's a girl.! Who f--ckin needs to be loved and noticed by the guy she likes.! She must be thinking that you're really a jerk who has no care in world"

"Enough with the jerk already. I already have a problem, don't make me angry even more.!"

"You guys, don't fight. let's just think of a way to fix this" Yongguk interrupted

"Why are WE gonna fix it hyung.?!" Youngjae spat "Daehyun ruined this, so he's gonna fix it himself"

"We'll help then" Yongguk added

Youngjae nodded his head then glared at his bestfriend "You better not do or say anything stupid again, Daehyun-ah. You're lucky that Yoseob hyung is not here, if he was, she's gonna run into him instead"

"I know. I know" he whispered, leaning his head against the sofa "Pabo girl, what are you thinking right now.? Are you really thinking that I don't like you.?"






( Omo.! Time flies so fast and next week is already midterm week >_< Huhuhu. Gotta study.!!)

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Secrebeast #1
Why no more updates
DaeHyolover #2
Chapter 49: Oh my god I love this too I always wanted them to be together in real life. But please I'm begging you please update more and also please make them make love. I know I know it's just that I really want them to be like you know but anyways fighting~ good luck in your schooling.
twinkle8s #3
I have been wondering why you chose BTOB Lee minhyuk? I ask this question just because I saw many fancams about idol star athletics championship and Minhyuk often stayed behind Hyosung. I like it!
Chapter 50: Their parents are actually friends?? Daebakkkk...
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 50: Ah so sweet~
Chapter 49: Auwww so sweet...and so romantic too...kissing under the fireworks...just like kissing under the mistletoe...heee
TikiBikko #7
Chapter 48: I am spazzing like the rest of the readers are here.
Aww, thank you for updating even when you are busy with school.
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 48: They finally date! Yay! Omo! Let's not forget they kissed!
Their togetherr!!
Update soon! Fighting!
Chapter 48: The moment is here...he finally said her name and they KISSED!!! oh my feeling right now...hehe...thank you for updating...

P/s: yeah i noticed they are a few new admins on Daehyun's page....well kinda missed the times when usually only you updating the page...hee
Chapter 48: So sweet.....update soon..fighting!