
Purple-Green Love


"Hyosung-ah, you should try this one, it will look so cute on you. . . . .Oh wait, this one too and this hat with that scarf and pair it with this sunglass. Wait wait wait, try this dress too, it will look good on that black jacket" Jieun said, piling Hyosung's arm with stuff, her face almost not visible

"Ji-jieun-ah, I think my arm's gonna fall off if you keep on doing that" Hyosung chuckled

Jieun giggled, grabbing some clothes from her "Oooppss. Sorry about that. It's just, I've always wanted to have a sister, someone I can go shopping with. IU and I rarely go to the mall cause it's either our wardrobe is sent to us or we get mobbed in the mall. Being the only daughter is quite boring"

"Tell me about it" she laughed

"Well, we better hurry if you--- I mean if we want to catch up with Daehyun and the others" Jieun smirked "Maybe you should wear this Hyosung-ah, it will look so cute on you"

She shook her head, smiling "It's okay. You know, I think it will look much cuter on you. YOU should wear it"

"I do find this outfit really cute. Come on, let's try these.!" Jieun squealed, grabbing Hyosung's free hand



"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.! The beeaacchh. The beeeaaacchh.!" Himchan screamed as he ran to the wet surface

"Hyung.! How come we have to carry these and you and Daehyun get to carry nothing.?!!" Youngjae whined then glaring at Daehyun

"What.? I suggested the beach so I'm excluded" Daehyun smiled innocently

Youngjae rolled his eyes playfully, grinning at his bestfriend "Excluded my . You're just really happy that Hyosung will come here any minute" 

"Am not" he replied, looking straight to the beach

"Yah.! Kim Himchan.! If you don't help us in here, I will seriously feed you to the sharks.! Get your here.!" Yongguk shouted

Himchan was playfully soaking his feet in the water. After hearing what Yongguk said, he quickly ran towards them "Arasso. Arasso"

Settling everything in just half an hour, the boys started to soak theirselves in the water. Daehyun was just sitting on the beach chair, looking at his friends having fun with the ladies. He was busy with himself, thinking of when will Hyosung come and what will he do when she arrives. What will he say. What will they talk about and so many other things

"Hello" a lady voiced, interrupting his thoughts

He didn't respond. He just acted like she was not there but the girl was persistent, she sat next to him, staring at his beautiful features "You've been avoiding me. Can't you speak or you're just too speechless by my iness.?" the girl said boldy

He cringed his nose together "Yuucckk.!" . He suddenly sat up and walked to the other beach chair, lying down

The girl pouted, still looking at him "You know, most guys don't avoid me. You're the first one"

"That's a shocker" he replied sacrcastically, wearing his sunglass

"Oh my. What a y voice you have. You should talk more often. Wanna have a drink with me handsome.?" the girl smiled, walking near to him



"Come on. We're here. Let's gooo" Jieun said, pulling Hyosung out of the car

Hyosung laughed while getting out "Calm down will you.?"

Jieun spread her arms wider, inhaling the fresh beach air "The beeaacchh.! It's been so long since I've been into one"

"I wonder where they are" she said, her eyes wandering around the beach

Jieun looked around and saw Youngjae with Himchan and Yongguk with some girls "Oh. There's Youngjae with the others"

Hyosung's landed on Daehyun with a mysterious girl "Oh. There's Dae. . . . .hyun"

"Who the heck is that girl.?!" Jieun gasped

"Hmm. I don't. . . . . .know"

"Yah.! Don't be disappointed by that.! I'm sure Daehyun is annoyed by her now.! Let's go.! Let's show that girl who's the queen of his heart"

"Queen of his he---.? What.?"

"DAEHYUN.! We're here" Jieun shouted

"They're here" Daehyun quickly stood up, looking at the direction where he was called "O-oh"

"H-hey" Hyosung greeted

"Hey" he smiled at her

She smiled back, blushing and looking awkwardly at the bikini girl beside him "Uumm. Your friend.?"

"Friend.? Yeah right" he smirked "You're such a pabo"

She smiled again, knowing that the bikini girl was an absolute stranger to him. She practically scolded herself for even thinking that Daehyun would have a GIRL friend. 

"Who is she.?" the girl asked, pertaining to Hyosung

"His girlfriend. Who are you.?" Jieun countered "You're ruining their moment so mind going away.?"

The girl scoffed, rolling her eyes then leaving to the opposite direction

"Yah. Girlfriend.?! Are you out of your mind.?" Hyosung asked

"What.? I'm right. You are his GIRL friend" Jieun answered, switching the possible meaning of 'girlfriend' that she just said awhile ago

"You're impossible" Hyosung giggled

"And so are you" Daehyun smiled

"What did I do.?" she smiled even more

"You came too late that I thought you lied to me about going here"

"Mianhe. Jieun enjoyed too much of her shopping spree"

"You so owe me" he smiled

She nodded her head, giggling "Arasso"

Jieun grinned at the two "So Daehyun, why don't you accompany Hyosung to eat.? She haven't eaten her lunch and I'll just drag Youngjae with me"

"It's 2pm and you haven't taken your lunch.? Do you wanna die.?" she scolded Hyosung

"I wasn't hungry. . . . .til now" she pouted

"No, you just wanna starve yourself" he said, automatically holding Hyosung's hand and leading her to a restaurant

"See you later" Jieun waved at them

She wasn't able to wave back, her mind was occupied looking at their joined hands. Daehyun had knotted their hands perfectly, just like what real couples do. When they got inside the restaurant, they sat to a two-seat table near the open window, across from each other. Daehyun took the menu and ordered something for Hyosung

"Don't you wanna eat.?" Hyosung asked "Let's eat together"

He nodded his head, smiling slightly. He turned his head to the waiter "Make that two"

"Right away sir" the waiter replied then left

"But uumm-uuuhh. H-how am I go-gonna pa-----"

"Don't worry about it. This restaurant is owned by Baek So Org., one of our familys' company partner. It's free" he explained

"Are you mad that you're here with me instead being in the beach.?" she asked

"Are you mad that you're here with me instead being in the beach.?" he repeated

She shook her head "No" she murmured

"Then you have my answer"

"I'm glad" she smiled "So uuummm. Who was the girl awhile ago.?"

"Eellkk. Some random person who flirted with me. Those type of things don't work on me"

"What does work on you.?" she thought "She must be annoyed now. A guy like you rejected a pretty girl like her"

"Pretty.? You call her pretty.? Pfftt. I call her ordinary"

"Do you call ALL girls ordinary.?"

"Not you. You're special"

Before he could speak again, the waiter came back with their orders "Here's your order sir-maam. Enjoy your lunch"

"Thank you" Hyosung said at the waiter

"Is there anything else you'd like.?"

"No" Daehyun replied, waving his hand at the waiter, telling him to leave, just like a boss

The two of them ate their lunch, talking and laughing from time to time. Some of the people in the restaurant looking or staring at them. Most girls drooling over Daehyun and some girls squealing like mad women

"Omo.! Those two look cute together.!"

"Yah.! Yah.! That's Jung Daehyun.!! Is that his girlfriend.?! She's cute.!"

"I'm so jealous.! She's so lucky.!"

Whispers' around the restaurant echoes in Hyosung's ear. She blushingly ducked her head lower, thinking if Daehyun have heard them too. If only her heart would not be confused to whom she likes. If only her heart speaks louder than her mind. If only her heart beats for the right person, the one infront of her "Aaahh. So confusing"

"If you keep doing that, you won't be able to finish your meal" Daehyun interrupted her

She shot her head up, looking at him "H-huh.? O-oh. Yeah. Sorry 'bout that"

"Let's hurry. People here keeps staring"

"Did he hear them.?" she blushed "Arasso"




"So how's the two couple doing.?" Youngjae asked

Jieun grinned "Possibly enjoying the best time of their lives"

"You're enjoying this, don't you.?" he smirked

"Just like you" she countered, still grinning "So what happened to your bikini babes.?"

"Naahh. I was just talking to them. I'm interested in someone else"

"IU.?" she asked, now her time to smirk

"Wh-what are yo-youu talking about.?!" he stuttered "N-no. Of co-course not"

"I know you like her. Don't deny it"

"Am I that obvious.?" he smiled defeatedly

"Not really. I think I'm the only one who can see through you. And plus, she likes you too"

"REALLY.?! You're serious.?!"

She nodded her head, giggling "I'm serious. She told me before but she doesn't want to show her true feelings because of Daehyun and you know, YOU, for being such a playboy"

"Heeeyy.! I'm not a playboy. The kind of relationships I get into isn't just that serious. And the girls are just------- Aaaaahh. They get jealous with the little interactions I do with other girls. It's like, don't they trust me.?!"

"Yah. It's not your fault. Maybe they just love you too much"

"It's not love Jieun-ah. Their love tank is empty. If a person gets jealous too much or says 'I can't live without you', 'I'll follow you til the end of time' or whatever nonsense that is, their love tank is empty. In love, even though you love that person, you have to give some time and space, everything is not just about you. It's about the other person as well"

"Wow Jae, that was deep" she chuckled

"That's what I learn for having too many experiences"

"So what will you do with IU.?" she asked

He looked at the beach, wandering his eyes at the blue ocean and sky "Hmm. I'm not sure about it. I'm kinda worried about Daehyun. He knows I've been into plenty of relationships and he might disapprove of me dating IU. He doesn't want her to get hurt"

"Do you want to hurt her.?"

"Of course not.!"

"Then why are you still worried about that if you already know the answer.?"

"I. . . .I don't know, it's complicated. . . . .What about you.? When are you gonna tell Yoseob hyung about your feelings for him.?"

She sighed, leaning her chin on her bent knees "I don't know too. It's ---"

"Complicated" they both said, laughing

They stayed quiet for a moment. Youngjae throwing pebbles at the ocean while Jieun just sat there, watching him do his own thing "Hey Youngjae, do you think we can live a better life if we weren't rich.?"

He looked at her then towards the ocean "Hmm. Maybe. It depends. . . . .Do you wish you were never born as SONG JIEUN.?"

"Sometimes I do. . . . .I'm too tired with appa's expectations. He always wants me to do things perfectly. It's too tiring. Everynight I scream but no one hears me. I just wish. . . . I wish I could say everything to appa, tell him out loud that I'm already tired with all the crap he wants me to do"

"Well, you're the only child so it's expected that he wants the best for you"

"Is it really the best for me Youngjae.? I know you're tired about Uncle Yoo too. I know you don't like being pushed to things you don't want to do"

"I know that.There's just nothing I can do about it. I'm just going with the flow" he smiled

"You're Yoo Youngjae alright" she giggled

"YAH.! Youngjae.! Jieun.! The barbeque is ready.!" Himchan yelled

Youngjae stood up, standing infront of her and helping her up "Let's go" 




"Uuuwwwaa. Look at this.! A seashell.!" Hyosung squealed, showing the seasheel in her hand to Daehyun

Daehyun looked at her, chuckling "Such a kid"

"Hey.! It's not everyday I get to see a very pretty seashell like this you know" she pouted

"Then why don't you bring it at home.?" he suggested

"Can I.?!" she exclaimed "Aahh. I can't, it belongs here. It would be too sad if it can't stay in its natural habitat"

"Yah. Are you an idiot.? It's just a seashell"

"Still.! It has the right to live in its home.!"

"Alright alright.!" he said, smiling "No need to be angry"

"Who said I was angry.?" she smiled innocently

"Hyosung-ah.! Hyosung-ah.!" someone shouted

Daehyun and Hyosung looked from behind and saw Jieun running towards them with Youngjae walking behind her, laughing

Hyosung waved at her friend "Jieun-ah.!"

When Jieun was already near them, she jumped right at Hyosung, making both of them fall in the water. After falling, Jieun quickly stood up, splashing her with water

"Aaaawwww. Why'd you do that.?!" Hyosung pouted "Now we're all wet"

"That's the purpose of going to the beach silly" Jieun laughed, splashing her more with water

"Ya-yaaahhh.! No fair" she said, covering her face from the water. After Jieun stopped, she shot a glare at her, grinning widely "YAH JUN JIEUN.! YOU ARE SO DEAD.!"

The two guys were just watching them running as fast and far as they can. Youngjae walked near Daehyun and glanced at him, noticing the grin on his face. He smiled at himself and nudged the grinning guy next to him "You seem to be in a good mood ever since they came. How was your lunch date with her.?"

Daehyun pursed his lips and cutely turned his head sidewards "They called us a cute couple"

"Who called you cute couple.?"

"The people in the restaurant" he answered, still grinning "They thought she was my girlfriend"

"Oh so you like thaaaaattt" Youngjae teased

"Shut up" he chuckled

"And what's your thoughts about it.?"

He sighed, putting both his hands inside his jean pocket "Do I really have to make things faster.? I'm not good in these type of things"

"It's up to you. If you want to lose her. Fine. If you want her to be taken by Yoseob hyung. Fine. We won't stop you"

"YAH.!" he yelled

"What.?" Youngjae asked, grinning "Be a man, will you.?! She won't be able to hear your heart if you can't say what you feel about her out loud. Just shout, like this: HYOSUNG-AH.! DAEHYUN LIKES YOU.!"

His eyes widen, he immediately covered Youngjae's lips with his hands "What are you doing.?! Do you wanna die.?!"

Youngjae grabbed his hands away from his mouth "It's not like she heard me. She's like 30 meters aways"

"Just. . . . .Just don't do or SAY anything stupid to her" he warned

"So falling inlove with her is stupid.?"

"It's not like that.! Just. . . .Just let me do things the way I want.!! Okay.?!"

Youngjae laughed, enjoying teasing him "Arasso. Arasso"

The whole afternoon, all 5 of them were just playing in the beach, like little kids. From making sand castles to burying each others' body with sand to playing in the water, splashing each other. After what it seemed like just few hours, the day finally ended, the guys, already done changing, were staying in the balcony of the beach house they rented, waiting for the ladies to come out

"We're here.!" Jieun smiled

"It's about tiiiiime. What took you so long.?" Himchan whined

"We're girls you know.! We had some girl stuff to do. You guys are so not patient"

"Don't drag me in, Himchan was the one whining" Yongguk said, pointing at Himchan

"Are we really gonna argue about this.?" Hyosung asked "Himchan oppa, mianhe it took us so long"

Himchan kept quiet for a moment, he glanced at Daehuyn and smiled at Hyosung "No worries, Hyosung-ah. Besides, me and Jieun talk like this all the time. It won't go too far, trust me"

Jieun nodded her head, giving her a thumbs up "He's right"

Youngjae clapped his hands, pushing Himchan and Jieun forward "Alright.! Alright.! We don't have forever you know. Let's get moving people.! Come on.! Come on.! Move those feet"

All of them stepped outside the beach house and into the car. Just right when Hyosung opened the door, Youngjae slammed it back lightly"Sorry Hyosung-ah. I forgot to tell you that my car is only for two people: Me and Jieun. So you'll go to the hotel with Daehyun's car instead" he grinned 

"I'll see you in the hotel" Jieun waved at her

She nodded her head, slowly walking up to Daehyun, who was opening the passengers' seat door for her "Let's go"

"Thank you" she smiled

Throughout the ride, the two of them just talked to each other. Mainly about what fun they did today. While Hyosung was looking outside the window, Daehyun shot a quick glance at her wrist. Smiling to himself, he focused his attention back on the road "I see you're still wearing lucky. Must be really lucky, huh.?"

She looked at him, blushing and touching the bracelet around her wrist "O-oh. Ye-yeah. It's all thanks to you"

"Don't you have a plan on giving it back.?" he joked

"You said I could keep it" she said, furrowing her eyebrows

"Cute" he thought. "Did I.? I don't remember"

"D-do you w-want it back.?"

He showed her a sweet smile "Naaahh. You can keep it"

She bit her bottom lip, stopping herself from talking "I love that smile" . She went back on looking at the shiny city lights, many thoughts running around her mind. Does she really love this jackass jerk beside her now.? Is she really insane for falling hard for the Dark Lord.? What about Yoseob.? What will she say to him.? How will she say to him that her heart is confused.? Will she pick the guy that melted her heart first (Yoseob) or the guy that gave her sleepless night.? (Daehyun).?






(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.! Finally.! I've updated.! After a long f--ckkiinn IDONTKNOW that happened in AFF.! My gosh.! I thought I was gonna lost my chapters >_< Thank God I didn't)

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Secrebeast #1
Why no more updates
DaeHyolover #2
Chapter 49: Oh my god I love this too I always wanted them to be together in real life. But please I'm begging you please update more and also please make them make love. I know I know it's just that I really want them to be like you know but anyways fighting~ good luck in your schooling.
twinkle8s #3
I have been wondering why you chose BTOB Lee minhyuk? I ask this question just because I saw many fancams about idol star athletics championship and Minhyuk often stayed behind Hyosung. I like it!
Chapter 50: Their parents are actually friends?? Daebakkkk...
GummyBear24 #5
Chapter 50: Ah so sweet~
Chapter 49: Auwww so sweet...and so romantic too...kissing under the fireworks...just like kissing under the mistletoe...heee
TikiBikko #7
Chapter 48: I am spazzing like the rest of the readers are here.
Aww, thank you for updating even when you are busy with school.
lovedaehyun #8
Chapter 48: They finally date! Yay! Omo! Let's not forget they kissed!
Their togetherr!!
Update soon! Fighting!
Chapter 48: The moment is here...he finally said her name and they KISSED!!! oh my feeling right now...hehe...thank you for updating...

P/s: yeah i noticed they are a few new admins on Daehyun's page....well kinda missed the times when usually only you updating the page...hee
Chapter 48: So sweet.....update soon..fighting!