Chapter 2

The Person Next To You


Krystal’s POV


I woke up with a very bad headache. I opened my eyes and realized that I’m already in my own room. The last thing I remember is that I’m in that street stall drinking with Amber…


… Wait… Amber? Did she carry me all the way here again?


I tried to remember what happened last night and remembered her yelling at me. Ahh… We had a fight but she still carried me all the way here. I also remember her changing my clothes and there’s this warm towel that I felt on my skin. She’s cleaning me up I think?


Ugh! My head really hurts. I stood up and went out of my bedroom to get a glass of water. That’s when I saw her note on the fridge.


Krys, I already put your clothes in your laundry and had it dried up. It’s in your closet now. Also, since you threw up a lot last night, I have a feeling that you’ll have a hangover when you woke up so I made you a soup. It’s still in the pot on the stove… just heat it before you take a sip. Beside the pitcher on the counter, you’ll see some meds, take one after eating, it’s good for hangovers. I already told your father that you’re sick so you can just rest for today. And please… no alcohols today.






She already took care of everything that I was left with nothing to do. Guess I have to obey my unnie… kekeke.


I’ve known Amber for 5 years now. She’s just an assistant photographer in our company until the senior photographer resigned 3 years ago. I was just starting too when we met.




Aish, why do I have to start at the bottom when I’m the daughter of the CEO of this company? And of all businesses under the company, why did Dad put me in the magazine department? Yes, our company also publishes a magazine every three months showing all of our new products in our mall. After studying hard in marketing, expecting that Dad will somehow put me in charge of our mall, he gave me this mag.


It’s been my first week and I somehow managed to get familiar with the employees and the way things are in this place. Today, I’m supposed to check the photoshoot of Kwon Yuri, one of the most sought after models in South Korea. My father and sister told me that we’re lucky that she agreed and signed a contract to us. I wonder what did Jessica unnie do to convince her.


I was so lost in my thoughts when I entered the elevator and it’s already closing when I heard someone shout.


“WAAAAAAAIIIIIIIT!!!” I looked up and saw a guy running as if he’s being chased by a serial killer. He somehow managed to put his hands between the doors of the elevator. He went in panting with beads of sweat forming in his well-defined face.


He’s hot.


I guess I was staring at him for a long time that he noticed me and looked at me. I was expecting him to be crept out or act so arrogant because I was looking at him but instead he flashed me his bright smile.


“I’m a fan of action movies…” He told me. “You know, when the protagonist is running for his life and then there’s this elevator that’s about to close and behind him is the antagonist, who is determined to kill him? Hahaha…”




“Ah, Amber by the way… I’m just new here.” He said as he offered his hand.


“A-Amber? Wow, no offense but sounds girly for you I think? I’m Krystal, pleased to meet you.” I answered as I shook his hand.


“Ahh… I think it’s only right for me to have that kind of name since I’m a girl? Hahaha…”


“W-What?! I-I’m sorry!”


“Aish… No worries. I get that a lot ever since I moved here.”


“Ever since you moved here?”


“Ah… I’m from LA. I just came here for uhh… new environment? And besides, the offer of this company is not bad.”


“Wow… I grew up in San Francisco but my family insisted me to stay here with them so… here I am.”




“Oh, my stop is here.” I told Amber.


“Eh? This is also my stop. Hahaha…”


“Wow, such a coincidence.”




“You told me you’re new here. So what’s your job here? Wait… don’t tell me you’re also going to the studios?” I asked her as we continued walking in the same direction.


“Ah, yeah… I’m the new photographer here. I’m in charge of the photoshoot today and they said that the CEO’s daughter is also coming to check the photoshoot. I’m nervous you know… because my boss will actually be there to watch.”


She’s… the new photographer? This is funny.




She looked at me with perplexed face.


“What’s so funny Krystal-ssi?”


“Ah Ms. Jung Soojung, you’re here… and Amber-ssi? We’ve been waiting for you for a while now. Go straight there and you see that door at the end of the aisle? Go in there, that’s the studio.” One of the employees told her as she noticed us.


“Ah, yeah… Thanks.” Amber said. When the employee left, she faced me while I’m still holding my laughter.


“Y-You’re… Jung Soojung!!! Aish… S-Sorry Ms. Jung…” She said as she kept on bowing in front of me. It’s getting embarrassing so I grabbed her hand and entered one of the dressing rooms.


“Yah, it’s okay. I didn’t tell you my Korean name anyway.”


“B-But all this time… I was talking comfortably with my boss.” She said with her head bowed down. So cute…


“Aish… Don’t worry, I’m not mad at you. It’s our little secret, ‘kay?”


“Really?” She uttered as she looked up to me with that smile again. “Friends then?”


Did this person just asked me to be her friend? Not all people have the courage to ask me that. I guess they’re too afraid of me?


“Okay…” I gave her my smile… the smile that I seldom let people see. I agreed thinking that maybe this person can be someone who’s sane among my set of friends.




Ever since that day, we started meeting in hallways and she’ll always greet me with her smile. We started eating lunches together when she noticed that I always eat alone.


“It’s not good to eat alone. Eating with someone makes a food more delicious!”She once told me. Ever since that day, my lunches, no matter how simple it is, whether it’s just a sandwich, or a complete meal, tasted more delicious.


We became so close to each other that I started telling her my problems. She’s not the type who always gives advices, but instead, she just listened to all my rants about life. She’ll just smile at me at the end and ask me if I’m okay already. She’ll only give advice when I ask her for some, but most of the time, she just listens. When I broke up with my first boyfriend, she lend me her shoulders and wrapped me in a warm embrace, making me feel that it’s not yet the end of the world.


Now that I think of it…


Am I depending too much on you Amber?


I haven’t done anything good to her, but she’s always by my side.


Am I taking her for granted?


Is that the reason why she’s mad last night?


“I have always loved you… But I know I just can’t be the one. I’m sorry… for falling for you.”Wait… I remember hearing that… Is it just a dream? But…




“Hello?” I answered the phone without looking at the caller ID.


“Soojung-ah!” The voice from the other line screamed.


“Yah unnie! I’m not deaf!” But I think if my sister kept one screaming like that on the phone, I’ll be one.


“Ah, mianhe… Yah, Dad told me that Amber told him that you’re sick, is it true? Or you just ended up passing out because of being too drunk again?”


Wow, news travel very fast.


“H-How did you…”


“Hah! So I was right. Aish… Amber’s covering up your stupidity once again. Anyway, what happened last night?”


“Hm? I don’t know. I can’t remember clearly. Why?”


“Hmm… Because Amber asked Dad if she could have a 1-month leave.”




“Yah Soojung! I’m not deaf!”


A-Amber’s… leaving?


“Ahh.. Sorry unnie. Anyway, thanks for the info, I’ll hang-up now.”


Amber? But why all of a sudden?


I dialled her number to ask her directly but to my surprise… her phone is out of reach.


Oh, maybe her battery ran out. I’ll just call again later in the evening.









“Eh? Her phone’s still out of reach?!”


I dialled another number. It’s Luna’s number.


“Yes Soojungie?”


“Luna, did Amber go to work today?”


“Eh? No… Didn’t she tell you that she’s leaving today?”




“Well even I was shocked that it’s so sudden. She already left this afternoon. I thought you knew so I didn’t bother to tell you.”


“O-Okay… Thanks…”


“Soojung-ah… Is everything okay?”


“Yeah… Don’t worry… I’ll hang-up now, okay?”

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Nice story
Chapter 24: AH that was awesome author-nim MORE Kryber Stories PLEASE!!! Nice work kababayan. ^_^
Chapter 24: Amber is totally whipped.
Chapter 22: This is so hot
Chapter 21: Amber not fool Krystal, tell the truth.
Chapter 20: Amber forgive Krystal and begin again.
Chapter 19: Amber remember Krystal because it is monotonous.
Chapter 18: This story is becoming boring
Chapter 17: Good chapter but I like a little drama expected Hyuna and Krystal were fighting for the love of Amber
Chapter 16: LA can be good to start again